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Dez Bryant Good or Bad?


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First, I'll start off by saying I dont mind a little bit of 'flare' from my NFL players. 


That being said, Dez has had some pretty interesting moments this year, from the sideline blow up with Witten to the more recent leaving the field with 1:30 left.


Im not a Cowboys fan, just a guy from the outside looking in, and I see a guy like Dez who is fed up with the Cowboys nonsense....This to me is a team that has stayed stagnant for the last 10yrs, being just good enough to be just bad enough. At least Dez wants to win enough that his emotions cant be controlled. I imagine it is pretty frustrating for a guy to watch his team lose over and over while he is performing, and then not getting the ball.


While great players, maybe the Cowboys would be a bit better if guys like Ware/Witten/Romo actually blew up occasionally and started busting some skulls, actually called out bad teammates, bad coaching etc.


Why not? The last 6 years they are 49-45.....Can't hurt to do something different.  

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I love Bryant as a player and don't mind his emotion. I can't say I blame him for leaving on Sunday. That might have been the most brutal Cowboys loss in the Romo era and that is saying something. He needs to grow up a bit I think but I like the fact that he hates losing. That is how one becomes a winner.

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I like him. Better to have lots of emotion about the game than no emotion at all. Plus, everybody has said he's a great teammate and there's never been complaints in that regard, so his "problems" are media driven. 


I'd be mad if Romo was my QB too though. That dude is just not clutch. If Dallas ever wants to go anywhere they'll need to draft a QB or trade for Cousins to step away from mediocrity. I actually like Romo from a talent standpoint but you need your QB to shine when it matters. It's why I love Luck so much. Dude just knows how to win. You have to think the Cowboys would be like 12-2 with Luck, even with a bad defense. Good O-line and great weapons in Dez, Witten, Austin, Murray, Williams, Beasley. 

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The way he hauled his butt to the locker room with 1:27 left to play after GB scored the other day sums up about how awesome he is and just how much I would want him on my team to drop a bunch of passes and quit on my team before the game is over.


This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 

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This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 

True in reality Bryant is the least of the Cowboys problems. They better find a new HC and DC this off-season.

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This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 

But Trav..my thought is.....Dez is not helping


One of the changes they obviously need is to get rid of a malcontent wide receiver....


who's immaturity creates chaos at key moments.


His acting out also suggest other problems. You could get great value for him if you trade him and I think he needs a change of scenery to mature

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Bryant is the true star on the circus team that is the Dallas Cowboys right now to me. He's a great player, and a passionate person. I don't mind his emotion at all, he really loves the game of football.

I think he has serious maturity issues and the Cowboys enable him to mis behave.....on and off the field


he needs to go someplace else where he wont feel compelled to act out the way he does and where he has to interact with different authority figures 

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But Trav..my thought is.....Dez is not helping


One of the changes they obviously need is to get rid of a malcontent wide receiver....


who's immaturity creates chaos at key moments.


His acting out also suggest other problems. You could get great value for him if you trade him and I think he needs a change of scenery to mature


I think this is a 2 way street. If his immaturity creates chaos, then that is an extremely weak team. 


It could be a maturity problem. But I see a guy who just wants to win. And whos team is a complete meltdown, and has been since before he got there. 


The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. I see Dallas as a team, sitting there on the sidelines taking it on the chin, no one speaking up or doing anything about it. 

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sorta surprised Dez is getting so much support... He may be a good receiver, but he continues to draw attention to himself, throwing tantrums on the sidelines, walking back to the locker room in the final minutes of the game, a grown man with a grown mans bank account needing a full time babysitter...


That's not really the kind of guy I want to count on to be on my side when the going gets tough, if I am a veteran player, regardless if he is a playmaker...


i.e. if Dez were a Colt, acting the way he does, would his behavior help Luck in the many comeback wins the Colts have put together, or would Bryant be in the locker room or on the sidelines pouting...

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This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 


I don't see why it matters where he watches the final three kneeldowns from. I understand being a good sport and all, but really, this is blown way out of proportion. Like most of what Dez Bryant does. I think the sideline blow up was much more of an issue than this, and that was blown out of proportion as well. 


Of all the things for the Cowboys to be concerned with, Dez Bryant leaving the field in that situation is the least of them, if it even makes the list. 

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I don't want this lazy loser on my team.

Then plz never be GM of my Colts, seriously the stupidity people gain from watching what the media says blows my friggin mind. People are so quick to jump the gun, who cares the game was over and he put it all on the line to get the win and his QB blew it for him yet again. He's lazy? Looks like one of the most passionate football players in the game to me. He's a top 5 WR and a straight up beast, you would have to be a complete tool to say u don't want that man on your team because he gets a little angry at a loss. Some of the most successful players/coaches of all time had bad anger probs when they lost, Bob Knight comes to mind. Stop reading into so much of what the media tells you.

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First, I'll start off by saying I dont mind a little bit of 'flare' from my NFL players. 


That being said, Dez has had some pretty interesting moments this year, from the sideline blow up with Witten to the more recent leaving the field with 1:30 left.


Im not a Cowboys fan, just a guy from the outside looking in, and I see a guy like Dez who is fed up with the Cowboys nonsense....This to me is a team that has stayed stagnant for the last 10yrs, being just good enough to be just bad enough. At least Dez wants to win enough that his emotions cant be controlled. I imagine it is pretty frustrating for a guy to watch his team lose over and over while he is performing, and then not getting the ball.


While great players, maybe the Cowboys would be a bit better if guys like Ware/Witten/Romo actually blew up occasionally and started busting some skulls, actually called out bad teammates, bad coaching etc.


Why not? The last 6 years they are 49-45.....Can't hurt to do something different.  



Hmm..  I will first come out and say I don't like Dez. He has had a history of throwing fits and creating a storm when there is no need.  He resonates immaturity.


But IN DALLAS I see Dez as the least of the problems.  See it is the job of the Head Coach to make sure that players, who maybe don't have the maturity to deal with the emotions that football creates, have a stable environment for them to thrive in and focus that emotion into helping the team win. Of course in no way am I saying that Dez isn't a grown man and can look after himself, but the lack of accountability, integrity, and stable environment is what fuels these outbursts.  


Take this into consideration.  BB is highly regarded as a respectable coach.  Would BB let Dez throw a fit like that and go unpunished and un-addressed, no matter his talent?  Which he is very very talented.  There are examples for him to follow and in my opinion a grown man does not hold himself in the manner that Dez holds himself, and his team environment does not encourage him to grow out of it.  In other words to answer your question Yes he is a good player, but he is on the wrong team with the wrong HC and QB both of which cannot lead a team.  And that is what Dez needs is a leader.

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This is where I am confused about the enigma that is Dez Bryant. 


I agree that walking off is a pretty bad precedent. But at the same time, what else can the guy do to show his complete disgust for his team which obviously needs changes. 


The Cowboys players/leaders have continually sat on the sideline and taken it on the chin and have nothing to show for it. 



as Warren Moon said, he could be a real great talent if he used his brain.

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I love Bryant as a player and don't mind his emotion. I can't say I blame him for leaving on Sunday. That might have been the most brutal Cowboys loss in the Romo era and that is saying something. He needs to grow up a bit I think but I like the fact that he hates losing. That is how one becomes a winner.

Yep. We know where you stand on the bad loser 'end of game' tantrum types.....


Go figure.

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I think he has serious maturity issues and the Cowboys enable him to mis behave.....on and off the field


he needs to go someplace else where he wont feel compelled to act out the way he does and where he has to interact with different authority figures 


He has improved in his behavior since his rookie year, he's definitely not on T.O. level in terms of it, but I understand how Dez feels at this point after that loss. 

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I see him as a guy who is fed up. He left after it was completely obvious they had lost. If he were at a team like the Colts where they have a precedent of being clutch and not throwing away games but rather coming back I think he wouldnt have these problems.

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What if something weird had happened and they got the football back? Then he's not where he needs to be to help win the game.


I understand his reasoning for wanting to leave lest he does something stupid in the handshake . . . but he could leave after the last knee down when the last 40 or less seconds are being ticked off . . . given the wildness of the game one never knows what would happen in a kneel down . . .  

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Guest TeamLoloJones

You said it. I wouldn't mind the attitude and emotion of Dez. He is a complete football player. I would love to have him on the Colts

We already do, except we call him Da'Rick.

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The way he hauled his butt to the locker room with 1:27 left to play after GB scored the other day sums up about how awesome he is and just how much I would want him on my team to drop a bunch of passes and quit on my team before the game is over.

Yeah and witness the coach excusing it by saying he's a competitor. Great - the other guys aren't. I bet they loved hearing that. What a loser coach.

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He has improved in his behavior since his rookie year, he's definitely not on T.O. level in terms of it, but I understand how Dez feels at this point after that loss. 

I just think a guy who is screaming at his teammates and slamming his helmet down when things don't go his way is having a breakdown and hurting his team . To me, offense is more precision than emotion...Severe emotional freak-outs (and Dez has them almost every week)  get in the way.


I think he's got larger problems.

I hope the team is trying to help him with his issues .......He's not OK

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 18, 2013 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, December 18, 2013 - personal shot

At least I am consistent on the issue. Give me guys with emotion and that hate to lose any day ...

We certainly know you are a bad loser, so at least you are being consistent for sure. I personally prefer 'class' over 'non-class' any day. I just wonder what values you will bring your children up with, now, or if and when you have any.

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Des Bryant is a superb physical talent with the maturity of a junior high school kid. I understand he had a difficult time growing up, but at some point he has to mature and figure it out. I don't know that he has the ability to do that. He doesn't know how to act like an adult and a professional and he repeats the same mistakes over and over. Because of his immaturity, he can not be counted on to perform effectively under pressure. Everything must be going right for him. At the first hint of adversity he implodes.

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I can't say I blame him for leaving on Sunday.

If I was the man with the authority there, he'd be gone after pulling that crap. Especially when other disruptive things have happened in the past. Any player can be replaced, especially on a .500 team which continually underperforms. They underperform because they have an owner/ GM and coaching staff which accepts, excuses and condones stuff like that.

If I was the man with the plan there, he go through his petulant child act one time. I'd let him know his conduct is unacceptable and If he did it again..... Gone. I'd trade him to Buffalo.

There's been zero discipline in Dallas ever since Jimmy Johnson left. Guaranteed, he'd pull that crap only one time with him as his coach, or be gone. And there's a reason Johnson left and it wasn't just because he got burnt out. There's a common denominator there and everyone knows what it is.

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