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RG3 benched; Cousins to start.


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Shanahan will be fired, but I think thats exactly what he wants. He wants no part of the Bob3 love affair in Wash. moving forward. I heard on the radio today(and I don't know where this guy got his info) that Bob3 has lost his teammates because they all realize that he's an incredibly selfish person. So even though Shanny won't be there next yr. don't think that things will get better next yr. just because he's gone. Unless Bobby boy changes his attitude and drops his ego all together(which probably will not happen) I don't see things getting better. Bobby's teammates don't really like him and are sick of his ego. The Skins may be better off trading Bobby and keeping Cousins, but since Bobby and Snyder are in love, that won't happen.

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Shanahan will be fired, but I think thats exactly what he wants. He wants no part of the Bob3 love affair in Wash. moving forward. I heard on the radio today(and I don't know where this guy got his info) that Bob3 has lost his teammates because they all realize that he's an incredibly selfish person. So even though Shanny won't be there next yr. don't think that things will get better next yr. just because he's gone. Unless Bobby boy changes his attitude and drops his ego all together(which probably will not happen) I don't see things getting better. Bobby's teammates don't really like him and are sick of his ego. The Skins may be better off trading Bobby and keeping Cousins, but since Bobby and Snyder are in love, that won't happen.



Remember when Bud Adams stuck with Vince Young even though he was playing terribly? That's what Synder will do with Griffin. They wasted their entire draft for this one guy and there is no way they are going to give up on him so easily.



I called it before he was even drafted. I was one of the crowd that screamed he was going to be a bust and was ridiculed last year. he had one great season kinda like Jeff George did (when he went to Minnesota he put up amazing numbers for one year only) and look at him now. People can blame it on the injury but he had problems last year. Playing a weak schedule really helped them win last season.

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To be honest, Mike Shanahan did not have to stand in front of the media and answer all those questions. It almost felt like he was taking the heat for Dan Snyder for benching RG3, which he said was a joint decision he made by talking with Dan Snyder.


He could have just released a statement stating that these things are being done in the best interest of the team. His hand being forced by the local Washington media is downright sickening to me, to be honest. RG3 did not need to talk about his benching decision, neither did Shanahan.


Just a football move, make the decision and move on. Acknowleding the media pig only feeds and promotes that circus, IMO.

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Remember when Bud Adams stuck with Vince Young even though he was playing terribly? That's what Synder will do with Griffin. They wasted their entire draft for this one guy and there is no way they are going to give up on him so easily.



I called it before he was even drafted. I was one of the crowd that screamed he was going to be a bust and was ridiculed last year. he had one great season kinda like Jeff George did (when he went to Minnesota he put up amazing numbers for one year only) and look at him now. People can blame it on the injury but he had problems last year. Playing a weak schedule really helped them win last season.




I said he wasn't even close to the talent that Luck had and a few here got bent about me saying that and one of those people was a Texans fan who thought Bobby was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He is who he is, an egomaniac that has no clue how to be a real NFL QB. There's no wonder he looks so bad, he's lost unless he gets to run the ball and even that has pretty much been shut down this yr.. I said that offense wouldn't last because we've seen it all before, but some thought Bobby was superhuman and the NFL had never seen a guy of his talent. What a joke, QB's like Bobby have came and went for yrs., they'll never make it in the NFL.

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When will these NFL franchises learn and understand that you should NOT draft spread offense QB's?  In college it looks sexy and flashy but it doesn't translate to the NFL where defenses are better and you run the risk of injury.  Heck, Tim Tebow was a spread offense QB.


Are there any black QB's in college who play a traditional NFL style drop back pass style?


Cam Newton still hasn't proved his style of play can or will win championships.  His first year was pretty good, second year was bad and this 3rd year is pretty good.  The jury is still out on him.

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To be honest, Mike Shanahan did not have to stand in front of the media and answer all those questions. It almost felt like he was taking the heat for Dan Snyder for benching RG3, which he said was a joint decision he made by talking with Dan Snyder.


He could have just released a statement stating that these things are being done in the best interest of the team. His hand being forced by the local Washington media is downright sickening to me, to be honest. RG3 did not need to talk about his benching decision, neither did Shanahan.


Just a football move, make the decision and move on. Acknowleding the media pig only feeds and promotes that circus, IMO.



Dan Synder is the total opposite of Jerry Jones when it comes to the media. He likes having this "I'm a good guy" type face of the franchise while the coaches always take the fall.

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When will these NFL franchises learn and understand that you should NOT draft spread offense QB's? In college it looks sexy and flashy but it doesn't translate to the NFL where defenses are better and you run the risk of injury. Heck, Tim Tebow was a spread offense QB.

Are there any black QB's in college who play a traditional NFL style drop back pass style?

Cam Newton still hasn't proved his style of play can or will win championships. His first year was pretty good, second year was bad and this 3rd year is pretty good. The jury is still out on him.

Winston I think and Bridgewater
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Lucks having a similar year statistically, they are not that far apart

Yep but Luck has carried this team on his back to the playoffs for the second year in a row, this year with 5 starters out, an absolutely deplorable OL and a new offensive system. To me that's pretty miraculous. Fortunately the AFC South is a terrible division this year.

I don't mind RGiii @ all but it just seems like he is working his way to a quick exit, physically.

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I hope Cousins starts the last three games. Then he'll fail, and Shannahan will be fired in the off-season. No matter how much Colts fans want to hate RGIII, for some ludicrous reasons, he is the best quarterback on the team. Shannahan doesn't care about his players well-being. This is what we seen from the end of last year and this year.

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I hope Cousins starts the last three games. Then he'll fail, and Shannahan will be fired in the off-season. No matter how much Colts fans want to hate RGIII, for some ludicrous reasons, he is the best quarterback on the team. Shannahan doesn't care about his players well-being. This is what we seen from the end of last year and this year.

He never once said RG3 isn't the most talented he's doing it for his health they have no reason to risk an injury he wants him health for the offseason
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I hope Cousins starts the last three games. Then he'll fail, and Shannahan will be fired in the off-season. No matter how much Colts fans want to hate RGIII, for some ludicrous reasons, he is the best quarterback on the team. Shannahan doesn't care about his players well-being. This is what we seen from the end of last year and this year.

Griffin is the one who forced his way into starting week one.

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Right but what I mean is for a QB whos been asked to throw a lot more for the first time in his career instead of using his legs 1.6 times less per game average his stats are similar from a pure QB standpoint




Why not admit you were just completely wrong....

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John Madden... just as I said... makes no sense to him either 








The whole thing is strange. I have never heard of sitting a healthy player for "fear" of injury. It is the NFL. Guys play if healthy. I think the Skins are trying to shop Cousins which is why they are doing this. No one will say it but it makes perfect sense. He showed some nice ability last year in the couple of games he played and had a good preseason this year.

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The whole thing is strange. I have never heard of sitting a healthy player for "fear" of injury. It is the NFL. Guys play if healthy. I think the Skins are trying to shop Cousins which is why they are doing this. No one will say it but it makes perfect sense. He showed some nice ability last year in the couple of games he played and had a good preseason this year.



Yeah.. I guess ...but just a bad year to be shopping a QB. Look at last year with your guy and a whole lot less help in the draft. Maybe it's the reason but ehhhh. One , they probably should have a good back up as RG3  is injury prone and he also stunk up the joint in 2013. Two , what are they really going to get for Cousins ? Probably something like a mid 3rd with mid 2nd the ceiling.


That said , it just has to be at least part of the equation as this benching for a healthy and happy off season is  ridiculous.

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Yeah.. I guess ...but just a bad year to be shopping a QB. Look at last year with your guy and a whole lot less help in the draft. Maybe it's the reason but ehhhh. One , they probably should have a good back up as RG3  is injury prone and he also stunk up the joint in 2013. Two , what are they really going to get for Cousins ? Probably something like a mid 3rd with mid 2nd the ceiling.


That said , it just has to be at least part of the equation as this benching for a healthy and happy off season is  ridiculous.

I believe them when they say it is for health as the Skins line is abominable. Imagine if RG goes down with an ACL again? That would be worse then this media storm which will pass at season's end. It is unprecedented but then again so is RG in some ways and the Skins mis-handling of him last year.


But shopping Cousins is part of this for sure. Or perhaps they want to see if he is the guy for them? It is no secret that Shanny likes his skillset especially for how it fits with the offense he wants to run.

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I believe them when they say it is for health as the Skins line is abominable. Imagine if RG goes down with an ACL again? That would be worse then this media storm which will pass at season's end. It is unprecedented but then again so is RG in some ways and the Skins mis-handling of him last year.


But shopping Cousins is part of this for sure. Or perhaps they want to see if he is the guy for them? It is no secret that Shanny likes his skillset especially for how it fits with the offense he wants to run.



This is where you and I stop agreeing on this one. The Skins O line is not that bad and to sit a guy because he might suffer an ACL injury is a brand new one and is ridiculous. It's like not sending your best players to an away game that doesn't matter because the plane might go down. Are they going to make sure RG3 eats with a plastic knife and fork also ?  

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This is where you and I stop agreeing on this one. The Skins O line is not that bad and to sit a guy because he might suffer an ACL injury is a brand new one and is ridiculous. It's like not sending your best players to an away game that doesn't matter because the plane might go down. Are they going to make sure RG3 eats with a plastic knife and fork also ?  

I don't know. The season is over so I get it one level even if the explanation is asinine which I do agree with you. But looking under what has been said publicly as we all know that is spin to a certain extent, I do think they want to see what they have in Cousins either for their own team or as trade bait. I also think given all they have invested in RG in terms of the draft picks and money, they are wise to ensure he has an off-season this year and this Redskins team is awful even if you think the Oline is not train wreck the D is terrible as well as the STs.

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I don't know. The season is over so I get it one level even if the explanation is asinine which I do agree with you. But looking under what has been said publicly as we all know that is spin to a certain extent, I do think they want to see what they have in Cousins either for their own team or as trade bait. I also think given all they have invested in RG in terms of the draft picks and money, they are wise to ensure he has an off-season this year and this Redskins team is awful even if you think the Oline is not train wreck the D is terrible as well as the STs.



Yeah that makes some sense. I guess it's just not how the NFL does things and seems a bit strange (to me anyway) that they are not giving him the reps that it appears that he needs. But I hear you.

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I don't know. The season is over so I get it one level even if the explanation is asinine which I do agree with you. But looking under what has been said publicly as we all know that is spin to a certain extent, I do think they want to see what they have in Cousins either for their own team or as trade bait. I also think given all they have invested in RG in terms of the draft picks and money, they are wise to ensure he has an off-season this year and this Redskins team is awful even if you think the Oline is not train wreck the D is terrible as well as the STs.

Redskins are awful. Their O line is among the the best according to PFF. Shanahan just hates Griffin and Snyder and is doing this to spite them.
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I don't know. The season is over so I get it one level even if the explanation is asinine which I do agree with you. But looking under what has been said publicly as we all know that is spin to a certain extent, I do think they want to see what they have in Cousins either for their own team or as trade bait. I also think given all they have invested in RG in terms of the draft picks and money, they are wise to ensure he has an off-season this year and this Redskins team is awful even if you think the Oline is not train wreck the D is terrible as well as the STs.



This might be the answer ....





ources tell NFL Network's Mike Silver that Redskins coach Mike Shanahan's benching of Robert Griffin III was a "football decision based on poor performance."

According to Silver, Shanny believed he "had to bench RGIII to maintain credibility with the team," but that he "didn't want to throw RGIII under the bus by stating poor performance as the reason." Just another day in paradise. RGIII was certainly playing poorly, but it was Shanahan himself who recently said the only way Griffin would get better was by getting as many reps as possible. Per Silver, Griffin was "extremely angry" to be shut down for health reasons. We'd guess he'll be even more angry now. The Redskins' 2013 season can't end soon enough.
Related: Kirk Cousins
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This might be the answer ....





ources tell NFL Network's Mike Silver that Redskins coach Mike Shanahan's benching of Robert Griffin III was a "football decision based on poor performance."

According to Silver, Shanny believed he "had to bench RGIII to maintain credibility with the team," but that he "didn't want to throw RGIII under the bus by stating poor performance as the reason." Just another day in paradise. RGIII was certainly playing poorly, but it was Shanahan himself who recently said the only way Griffin would get better was by getting as many reps as possible. Per Silver, Griffin was "extremely angry" to be shut down for health reasons. We'd guess he'll be even more angry now. The Redskins' 2013 season can't end soon enough.
Related: Kirk Cousins


Now that really makes no sense. Pretty sure Shanny lost control of the team long ago. And sitting a healthy player would make the team more mad I would think. I mean second year guys tend to have poor years. To bench him and not let him get more experience like the Panthers did with Newton last year is counter productive unless he wants Cousins to be his guy going forward. I can't believe Snyder signed off on this.

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