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This is Disrespect


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They are talking about the DPOY race and the top candidates. Robert Mathis is not mentioned once in the entire article. If they're not going to give it to him, ok, but to not even put him in the discussion is just plain disrespect. Do they not know who is leading the league in sacks? I don't care if you guys think I'm a whining baby, this ticks me off.

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They are talking about the DPOY race and the top canidates. Robert Mathis is not mentioned once in the entire article. If they're not going to give it him, ok, but to not even put him in the discussion is just plain disrespect. Do they not know who is leading the league in sacks? I don't care if you guys think I'm a whining baby, this ticks me off.


Grrr tiger.......very grrrr.......

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Ranking Quinn 2nd and not even mentioning Mathis is completely *ic.  Mathis has more sacks, and he doesn't have help on the other side to take away the double teams like Quinn does with Chris Long.  And this is less than a week removed from Mathis basically winning us the Tennessee game.

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Ranking Quinn 2nd and not even mentioning Mathis is completely *ic.  Mathis has more sacks, and he doesn't have help on the other side to take away the double teams like Quinn does with Chris Long.

I know. I mean, what is so special about Quinn's season or Watt's season to where they can't even mention Mathis? What have they done that is so much better? This writer didn't even put Mathis in the honorable mentions at the bottom of the article. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I know. I mean, what is so special about Quinn's season or Watt's season to where they can't even mention Mathis? What have they done that is so much better than Mathis? This writer didn't even put Mathis in the honorable mentions at the bottom of the article. 

If the title of this piece was "DPOY not named Robert Mathis" then it would make sense. Kind of like how they say "MVP not named Peyton". Otherwise this has got to be one of the biggest garbage articles I've ever seen.

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Lavonte David deserves some votes, 108 tackles, 5 sacks 3 picks and 10 tackles for loss so far. Mathis deserves some votes, If Im being a neutral fan I dont think he has earned the award but he should be in the discussion, There are a few others I would probably vote for before him but his impact on the team is huge, Just wish he was better against the run, thats likely why he is not in the discussion. Both Quinn and Watt have made more plays vs the run this year

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And yet you all still continue to care about what "THEY" think of "US"


When will you guys learn that "THEY" don't matter to "US"?

This isn't about "US", this isn't about the Colts, this is about a player on the Colts clearly putting up an honorable performance this season only to be overlooked. I just want one of my favorite players to get well-deserved credit and a chance for DPOY. 

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This isn't about "US", this isn't about the Colts, this is about a player on the Colts clearly putting up an honorable performance this season only to be overlooked. I just want one of my favorite players to get well-deserved credit and a chance for DPOY.

Let it go man, their perspectives don't matter

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They are talking about the DPOY race and the top candidates. Robert Mathis is not mentioned once in the entire article. If they're not going to give it to him, ok, but to not even put him in the discussion is just plain disrespect. Do they not know who is leading the league in sacks? I don't care if you guys think I'm a whining baby, this ticks me off.

i said the same thing

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They are talking about the DPOY race and the top candidates. Robert Mathis is not mentioned once in the entire article. If they're not going to give it to him, ok, but to not even put him in the discussion is just plain disrespect. Do they not know who is leading the league in sacks? I don't care if you guys think I'm a whining baby, this ticks me off.

I really like Mathis. He's the type of guy who just goes out and achieves despite all his detractors. Not big enough? Not highly recruited out of high school? Not invited to the combine? He uses all these things as fuel for his fire. He's a great role model for any young kid and I'm glad we have him. I bet Robert is thinking that this type of oversight is just par for the course for his entire career.

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yes sir....he said if they draft a qb next year they should win the division....i can't stand that guy...he also said back in training camp that we had no talent and didn't see us doing much this season....

didnt he say they have more talent? Not that they were the best
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idk well maybe he did...but i also thought i heard him say they were the best in the division, too

yeah makes sense a 2 win team is better than an 8 win team. so much sense. god we never get any credit. 


and where is this talent i always hear from the Texans. yes they have some talent but it doesn't amount to wins. surely not this year. cushing is hurt yet again and is very injury prone, Andre is getting older, Foster is always banged up, etc etc. 


Only bright spots are Watt, Jonathon Joseph, maybe O-line, Hopkins and Tate. 


Still, it's not like Matt Schaub is horrible. He's been at least serviceable (actually led the league in passing yards one year) in the league for a very long time. You can't blame the Texans problems on him. It's not like any QB they draft will definitely be better than him. Bridgewater, Manziel, Mccaron, and others all look decent but nothing that blows you away. Bridgewater, the best of them, is not a sure bet like Luck or RG3 (when healthy).


All in all, Texans could be good, but they are NOT the best team in the division next year. Simple as that. 

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Mathis has got to get the sack record!!! I am pulling for him each game, if he gets the record & then gets snubbed it will be a crime...

He needs 7.5 more sacks to break the record. That's about 2 every game from here on out. If he's within 4 sacks from the record going into the last home game against Jacksonville I still wouldn't count him out. He got 3 against Jacksonville in week 4, and that was a road game. 

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