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Ray Lewis on Brees roughing the passer call...


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Says if Ahmad Brooks is fined, he'll pay half and proceeded to flash his credit card on air.

He also said it was the worst call since the tuck rule.

The whole segment was pretty awesome in an insane Ray Lewis type of way.

ill try to upload a video if I find it.

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I didn't know Ray Lewis' opinion was taken seriously after his conspiracy theory of the Super Bowl.



Trent Dilfer never was much of a quarterback, so he's embarrassing himself by running his mouth.




If this was the Broncos, the Patriots, the Colts, or the Packers, no one would be complaining, but it's the Saints. You know...you're supposed to hate them, cause they are the Saints after all.


Love the hypocrisy in the logic.


I cannot wait to see when Luck gets another roughing call and there is no outrage whatsoever about it.

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Trent dilfer says he's embarrassed to be a qb because brees says it was a correct call.

What did anyone expect? Brees was the official denier of bounty-gate. After all his bold faced lying, and how he constantly went out of his way to do it, I don't know how anyone could believe anything Brees says...

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I didn't know Ray Lewis' opinion was taken seriously after his conspiracy theory of the Super Bowl.



Trent Dilfer never was much of a quarterback, so he's embarrassing himself by running his mouth.




If this was the Broncos, the Patriots, the Colts, or the Packers, no one would be complaining, but it's the Saints. You know...you're supposed to hate them, cause they are the Saints after all.


Love the hypocrisy in the logic.


I cannot wait to see when Luck gets another roughing call and there is no outrage whatsoever about it.


What the wild heck are you on about? Who hates the Saints??

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What the wild heck are you on about? Who hates the Saints??



Did you ever see that movie about flying over a cuckoo nest. Really funny , Jack Nicholson was terrific.


As I remember we recovered an onside kick in a SB. An official signaled Colt ball. After the whole Saint team and half the coaching staff took part in a ridiculous scrum , the ref signaled Saint ball. The whole world was thrilled at that screwing and I don't remember anyone crying  about "Colt hate " then. 

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What did anyone expect? Brees was the official denier of bounty-gate. After all his bold faced lying, and how he constantly went out of his way to do it, I don't know how anyone could believe anything Brees says...

what would you expect out of him? Did you want him to say: " oh yeah, our team was definitely pooling in money to hurt other players"

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Foul by the letter of the rule.  But the bottom line is, people who blame the entire game on this one call don't know what the heck they are talking about.  49ers had their chances.  After the grounding called on Brees, I'd say the 3rd and 19 was a gift.  Thought the refs explanation was hilarious, though.  He may have barely been outside the pocket, but Kaepernick was anything but "clearly" outside the pocket.  If Kaep was clearly out of the pocket, so was Brees.  But I digress.  49ers had their chances.

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If this was the Broncos, the Patriots, the Colts, or the Packers, no one would be complaining, but it's the Saints. You know...you're supposed to hate them, cause they are the Saints after all.


Love the hypocrisy in the logic.

It's SO nice to hear a Saints fan offer illogical thoughts about his team's public perception - something some Colts fans often do on here as well. .


I haven't seen the hit or read the story, but I genuinely like Drew Brees - respecting him strongly since his performances against the Colts as a Charger. The guy is a Hall of Famer if he retires tomorrow. But more to the point, considering that QB's are what makes the league go round, my preference would be that they wrap them all in bubble wrap, or use a drone armed with a taser to ward off defensive lineman if that's what it takes to keep them all in the game. And that even goes for Brady, Rothlesberger, and others whom I'm considerably less fond of. I always prefer that the refs er on the side of caution. If they wait until the QB is already crippled, the resulting penalties really don't mean much.

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Foul by the letter of the rule.  But the bottom line is, people who blame the entire game on this one call don't know what the heck they are talking about.  49ers had their chances.  After the grounding called on Brees, I'd say the 3rd and 19 was a gift.  Thought the refs explanation was hilarious, though.  He may have barely been outside the pocket, but Kaepernick was anything but "clearly" outside the pocket.  If Kaep was clearly out of the pocket, so was Brees.  But I digress.  49ers had their chances.

I completely agree, some games come down to one play though, this wasn't one of those plays. Sure it didn't help out the 49ers chances, but they had plenty of chances on that drive alone to atone for it. Is this the same OffensivelyPC from the ESPN comments before they went to complete crap? I think I've had quite a few conversations with you in the past! 

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Says if Ahmad Brooks is fined, he'll pay half and proceeded to flash his credit card on air.

He also said it was the worst call since the tuck rule.

The whole segment was pretty awesome in an insane Ray Lewis type of way.

ill try to upload a video if I find it.

I totally agree with Ray!! I don't care if was Luck, Manning, are who ever it is he hit him clean in my book Refs gave that game to Saints With these guys making so much money they protect these wussys to much.  :spit:  :violin:PS. Go PANTHERS!!!!!!!! Lets go take the Division from them Rats!!! OH, and you would be help the Colts tonight!!! 

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what would you expect out of him? Did you want him to say: " oh yeah, our team was definitely pooling in money to hurt other players"

I expected that as someone who is supposed to be a high-character guy he would have at LEAST said nothing rather than blatantly lie about it AND attack the credibility of anyone who put forth evidence of bounty-gate.

Is it really too much to think that if people blatantly lie about such things that is a problem?

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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this






Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl


Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.

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I completely agree, some games come down to one play though, this wasn't one of those plays. Sure it didn't help out the 49ers chances, but they had plenty of chances on that drive alone to atone for it. Is this the same OffensivelyPC from the ESPN comments before they went to complete crap? I think I've had quite a few conversations with you in the past! 

The one and only good sir.  I remember an Avery on the boards, but I don't remember your exact screen name.  Man I miss those boards though.  Don't know if you remember Rootpeench, but that guy was always good for a laugh.

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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this


Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl

Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.

Did they flag the defender for face masking?

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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this


Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl

Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.

Seems like a legit call to me. I honestly didnt get to see it live, and that picture, as well as the gif Ive seen of the hit, look brutal. Not to mention the shoulder pad knicking the helmet for all those people complaining about that.

Ray Lewis had always been heavy in the tank against any roughing calls. Hes long been convinced the league wants defense erradicated and believes defenseless players should be treated the same as runners.

Media also is in the tank for San Fran. I see nothing worth whining over with this call.

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I expected that as someone who is supposed to be a high-character guy he would have at LEAST said nothing rather than blatantly lie about it AND attack the credibility of anyone who put forth evidence of bounty-gate.

Is it really too much to think that if people blatantly lie about such things that is a problem?

That is true, but he lied to protect his football family. I'm sure you would lie too to protect something you love.

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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this






Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl


Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.


You make it sound like bounty gate never happend. If you don't care, why are you typing so many lines?.

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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this






Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl


Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.


You're trolling. No one is bashing Brees or the Saints.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 20, 2013 - reference to removed comment
Hidden by Nadine, November 20, 2013 - reference to removed comment

It's SO nice to hear a Saints fan offer illogical thoughts about his team's public perception - something some Colts fans often do on here as well. Your friend Jules notably references conspiracy theories on a virtually constant basis. Birds of a feather?



Oh please, I been good lately. I have yet to mention a conspiracy for nearly 48 hours here or so. :dunno:

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That was a ridiculous call. As was the non call in the game tonight. What's worse is that these horrible calls are becoming more frequent all the time. Virtually every game now has a couple of inexplicably horrible game altering calls. Mostly on defensive players making a perfect defensive play.

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The call was fine to me and seeing Brees bloodied up a bit was a bit harsh too......


The media needs to quit it. I think that it's a shame this has to take away from a great hard fought game between two teams. The Saints have had struggles with the 49ers in the past and I think it bugs their fanbase too because they finally get the win and people are trying to take the credit away.


And as much as I like Jim Harbaugh I sometimes wish he would freak out a bit less over calls against his team. It just makes him look like a sore loser......even if he has arguably been hosed in the past before.

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He will calm down. He sometimes gets very passionate and defensive over the Saints.


Lets all have a giant HUG




I understand passion. I don't understand being rabidly defensive when no one is hating on the Saints. Sure, some people don't like a particular team. How is that different than any other team?



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Here is a picture for all of you that are defending this


Bash Brees, bash me, I don't care. That pic clearly shows the hand over the face mask and pulling. This is the angle the refs saw and why the flag was thrown. If it was Manning it would be different, but instead it's the guy that beat you all in the Super Bowl

Hate on, bring up bounty gate, bring up everything you can about how terrible the Saints and the fans are. We love your hate.

Hahaha good lord dude chill out. No ones hating the team. Its the call that theyre debating. There is at least one questionable call every week.

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It's SO nice to hear a Saints fan offer illogical thoughts about his team's public perception - something some Colts fans often do on here as well..




Who's talking about conspiracy theories? If I didn't know any better, I would say you're obsessed with anything I post on here that you disagree with.



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