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Pagano not ready to give Holmes a shot yet


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At this point in the season, I just couldn't disagree with Pagano more.  Admittedly, Pagano knows more about the game, and I trust in what he's doing.  But given the gap between what he knows and what I know, I just can't see the reasoning for not giving Khaled a chance.  I mean, there are several reasons (i.e. not ready yet), but Pagano shot all that down and instead said that "there just hasn't been an opporunity."  That just isn't good enough.  If that's the only reason he keeps Satele in, then I'm disappointed in Chuck.  If it's because he's worse than Satele, fine.  But at this point, I don't see how you get any worse than Satele, so why not put him in.

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FOR THE LAST TIME...... The offensive line will NOT change unless there's an injury. You guys don't have to like it, but it's facts. Pagano & co. are obviously stubborn cause they won't even at least change the lineup a tad bit. So if we have to watch Andrew Luck continue to get abused, then so be it

I've learned to just accept it. I don't like it, but McGlynn & Satele are here to stay..... at least for the rest of the season


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FOR THE LAST TIME...... The offensive line will NOT change unless there's an injury. You guys don't have to like it, but it's facts. Pagano & co. are obviously stubborn cause they won't even at least change the lineup a tad bit. So if we have to watch Andrew Luck continue to get abused, then so be it

I've learned to just accept it. I don't like it, but McGlynn & Satele are here to stay..... at least for the rest of the season


Yep it's sad but the line is set till next year lets all just hope Grigs looks at Mack and asamoah in FA for Andrews sake
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I don't know all the answers either, of course, but the head coach has to be a politician to a certain extent. Let's say Holmes wasn't catching on just yet, should he say that? I don't think so.


As for throwing Holmes in, I'm not sure that's the best bet. If I had my way, I'd bench Satele and play McGlynn at center, putting either Reitz or Linkenbach at guard, opposite of Thornton. Holmes isn't even on the radar just yet.

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At this point in the season, I just couldn't disagree with Pagano more.  Admittedly, Pagano knows more about the game, and I trust in what he's doing.  But given the gap between what he knows and what I know, I just can't see the reasoning for not giving Khaled a chance.  I mean, there are several reasons (i.e. not ready yet), but Pagano shot all that down and instead said that "there just hasn't been an opporunity."  That just isn't good enough.  If that's the only reason he keeps Satele in, then I'm disappointed in Chuck.  If it's because he's worse than Satele, fine.  But at this point, I don't see how you get any worse than Satele, so why not put him in.

And you have belittled my posts about a crappy wr getting replaced. Hello kettle
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FOR THE LAST TIME...... The offensive line will NOT change unless there's an injury. You guys don't have to like it, but it's facts. Pagano & co. are obviously stubborn cause they won't even at least change the lineup a tad bit. So if we have to watch Andrew Luck continue to get abused, then so be it

I've learned to just accept it. I don't like it, but McGlynn & Satele are here to stay..... at least for the rest of the season


I take it you're disappointed too lol.  I sure wish you'd flip the rant switch on a bit more often, though.  I'm a fan. :thmsup:

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FOR THE LAST TIME...... The offensive line will NOT change unless there's an injury. You guys don't have to like it, but it's facts. Pagano & co. are obviously stubborn cause they won't even at least change the lineup a tad bit. So if we have to watch Andrew Luck continue to get abused, then so be it

I've learned to just accept it. I don't like it, but McGlynn & Satele are here to stay..... at least for the rest of the season



Yeah you're right and that quote just confirms it.


“There really just hasn’t been an opportunity,” Pagano said. “It’s nothing against Khaled, that he’s not ready and set back, anything like that. We just really haven’t had a need at this point. He’s more than capable if we do have an injury and we need to bring him up. He’s more than capable and smart enough and understands the offense and knows the calls and those types of things to where if called to duty or called to action, he’s more than capable of going in and being productive.”
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I don't know all the answers either, of course, but the head coach has to be a politician to a certain extent. Let's say Holmes wasn't catching on just yet, should he say that? I don't think so.


As for throwing Holmes in, I'm not sure that's the best bet. If I had my way, I'd bench Satele and play McGlynn at center, putting either Reitz or Linkenbach at guard, opposite of Thornton. Holmes isn't even on the radar just yet.

Well, I get the politics in the statement.  That was kinda the purpose of the caveat that he knows more than we do.  Maybe he's not ready or whatever.  And I'm good with that. But at the same token, while there may be more behind the statement, I can't make up what's between the lines.  All I have is the words on the paper to go off of.  To me, it the reasoning for not putting Holmes in is just weak. 


But okay, I'll live with the answer, even if I don't like it.  To insist on the same offensive lineup, when we have had more success with others is mindboggling.  As you suggested with a new lineup, go back to the line we used against the 49ers - Castonzo, Thorton, McGlynn, Link, Cherilus.  It worked against the 49ers and against the Jags.  But I digress...


It's really just frustrating that we have options we know has worked in the past, and we don't use them despite the fact that it has hurt us more than its helped us.

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I take it you're disappointed too lol. I sure wish you'd flip the rant switch on a bit more often, though. I'm a fan. :thmsup:

Disappointed is an understatement. It's getting to the point where I'm starting to hate watching our offense play. Gonna start turning the TV off or to another channel when our offense takes the field until I think we're on defense which shouldn't be long considering all the 3 & outs we've been having lately

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Disappointed is an understatement. It's getting to the point where I'm starting to hate watching our offense play. Gonna start turning the TV off or to another channel when our offense takes the field until I think we're on defense which shouldn't be long considering all the 3 & outs we've been having lately

Yeah, i'ts been getting pretty ugly lately. The injuries haven't helped either.

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Well, I get the politics in the statement.  That was kinda the purpose of the caveat that he knows more than we do.  Maybe he's not ready or whatever.  And I'm good with that. But at the same token, while there may be more behind the statement, I can't make up what's between the lines.  All I have is the words on the paper to go off of.  To me, it the reasoning for not putting Holmes in is just weak. 


But okay, I'll live with the answer, even if I don't like it.  To insist on the same offensive lineup, when we have had more success with others is mindboggling.  As you suggested with a new lineup, go back to the line we used against the 49ers - Castonzo, Thorton, McGlynn, Link, Cherilus.  It worked against the 49ers and against the Jags.  But I digress...


It's really just frustrating that we have options we know has worked in the past, and we don't use them despite the fact that it has hurt us more than its helped us.


Well I think these comments from Pagano are specific to Holmes. And if that's the case, then I'm taking them at face value. Before we put Holmes in the game, we'll move McGlynn over to center and put Link and/or Reitz in at guard.


I'm not applying these comments to the line in general. Maybe I should be; to this point, they hold true. I don't know what tomorrow's lineup will be, but if McGlynn and Satele are healthy, they start, based on history. That's frustrating, because they don't do well at RG and C, respectively. 

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I don't know all the answers either, of course, but the head coach has to be a politician to a certain extent. Let's say Holmes wasn't catching on just yet, should he say that? I don't think so.

As for throwing Holmes in, I'm not sure that's the best bet. If I had my way, I'd bench Satele and play McGlynn at center, putting either Reitz or Linkenbach at guard, opposite of Thornton. Holmes isn't even on the radar just yet.

Was just going to post the same thing. I would start McGlynn over Satele. Especially since they want to continue to make the run game a staple if the offense. I wonder how Thorton would do at rg with link or Reitz at lg? That sounds like it would be pretty decent.

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Was just going to post the same thing. I would start McGlynn over Satele. Especially since they want to continue to make the run game a staple if the offense. I wonder how Thorton would do at rg with link or Reitz at lg? That sounds like it would be pretty decent.

McGlynn has a cast on his thumb. Makes putting him at center a hard sell at this point.
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It's all coach speak.  There is a reason and it's not for us to know.


Most likely I would put it as.


1. Holmes isn't ready

2. As bad as Satele has been, they think based on practice that he's better then Holmes.

3. They feel like benching Satele would disrupt something on the O-Line or the offense.

4. Andrew Luck hates USC and it's players from his college days and refuses to take a snap from a former USC player.  


Ok the last one was a joke.  

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Satele doesn`t play well enough to remain on the roster as a backup.

We saw a Nobody (Shipley) come off the bench and Immediately play better than Satele. And they dumped him.

The much Maligned McGlynn stepped in and was better than him.

 Chuck is killing the Offense with his .... whatever. Andrew AND the TEAM deserve better.

Thank Goodness we have Cherilus and Pagano`s 4 Position fave the Linkster. Sorry, but Thumbs DOWN!


 We did beat Peyton tho didn`t we. haha! Go Team!

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I don't know all the answers either, of course, but the head coach has to be a politician to a certain extent. Let's say Holmes wasn't catching on just yet, should he say that? I don't think so.


As for throwing Holmes in, I'm not sure that's the best bet. If I had my way, I'd bench Satele and play McGlynn at center, putting either Reitz or Linkenbach at guard, opposite of Thornton. Holmes isn't even on the radar just yet.

Yep...what I have said for about a month.... :thmup:   

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It's all coach speak.  There is a reason and it's not for us to know.


Most likely I would put it as.


1. Holmes isn't ready

2. As bad as Satele has been, they think based on practice that he's better then Holmes.

3. They feel like benching Satele would disrupt something on the O-Line or the offense.

4. Andrew Luck hates USC and it's players from his college days and refuses to take a snap from a former USC player.  


Ok the last one was a joke.  

I have issue if #2 is what the coaches really think.  Game film has to be taken as a higher rating than what

happens in practice.  You can be a practice guru, but if you're a deer in the headlights (on a consistent

basis - say 3 games) come opening whistle then you'll be riding the pine until someone gets injured.

I, obviously, don't coach a pro team, but to think that practice rates higher than a game is just insane.  I really hope

this is not what Chuck and Pep think.

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I have issue if #2 is what the coaches really think.  Game film has to be taken as a higher rating than what

happens in practice.  You can be a practice guru, but if you're a deer in the headlights (on a consistent

basis - say 3 games) come opening whistle then you'll be riding the pine until someone gets injured.

I, obviously, don't coach a pro team, but to think that practice rates higher than a game is just insane.  I really hope

this is not what Chuck and Pep think.

Agreed. They're not going off of what has happened in the games. Some people are gamers.

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Solution to our Oline in the offseason:

Hire Tom Cable (Oline coach from Seattle)

Cut Satele

Let Mcglynn walk

Sign Alex Mack and Selvish Capers(depth)

Trade for Larry Warford ( 3rd rounder in 2015)


1) Why would Tom Cable leave the Seahawks and come here to do the same job? Lateral moves can be blocked by the Seahawks anyways. Not gonna happen.


2) I hope so.


3) I hope so.


4) Alex Mack probably doesn't leave the Browns, even if they have to tag him. He's one of their foundational players, and they'll have plenty of cap space. Only other noteworthy free agent they have is TJ Ward, and if they have to choose, they'll keep Mack over Ward. Not sure why we'd want Selvish Ward.


5) Why would the Lions trade Warford?

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None of us know the reasoning but for some reason they are hard headed when it comes to the Oline.  

Well maybe they won't be so hard headed when Andrew gets hurt and Irsay chews some behind. :mindblow: Hope it doesn't come to that but the body even though young can only take so much and he has taken way too many hits. It was 61 before the Rams game and I don't know how many he took last week.

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Well maybe they won't be so hard headed when Andrew gets hurt and Irsay chews some behind. :mindblow: Hope it doesn't come to that but the body even though young can only take so much and he has taken way too many hits. It was 61 before the Rams game and I don't know how many he took last week.

Up to 71 now, Not all of that is on the O Line though

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I take Coach at his word...


“There really just hasn’t been an opportunity,” Pagano said. “It’s nothing against Khaled, that he’s not ready and set back, anything like that. We just really haven’t had a need at this point. He’s more than capable if we do have an injury and we need to bring him up. He’s more than capable and smart enough and understands the offense and knows the calls and those types of things to where if called to duty or called to action, he’s more than capable of going in and being productive.”
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This has to do  more about Grigson then Pagano. Being a former o-lineman i think Grigson gives input to Pagano on who should start. Benching Satele will make him look wrong on signing him. It's been 8 weeks Holmes should know the playbook and should  be ready to play by now. Everyone knows that Satele shouldn't start, hes not big or strong enough at the point of attack and the pocket collapses fast forcing Luck into overthrows.


Satele and Mcglynn are the one of the main reasons we can't run the ball and has also caused Luck to be the 2nd most hit QB in the league. Both Holmes and Link should be starting and Thornton should move over to RG where he'll have more help because Cherilus is our best offensive lineman.

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fixing the O line THIS season is basically impossible. However, there are ways we can make it look less bad, such as:


1: draws, counters, and sweeps ( sweeps only to donald brown). 

2: quick slants, and more HB screens.

3:stop trying to run the ball up the middle... especially middle right.

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FOR THE LAST TIME...... The offensive line will NOT change unless there's an injury. You guys don't have to like it, but it's facts. Pagano & co. are obviously stubborn cause they won't even at least change the lineup a tad bit. So if we have to watch Andrew Luck continue to get abused, then so be it

I've learned to just accept it. I don't like it, but McGlynn & Satele are here to stay..... at least for the rest of the season


the telling thing thst I got from what he said was , there wasnt a need lol
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