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Article - Colts will regret Richardson trade


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I sure hope the universe keeps lobbing up articles that provide an opportunity for fans who dislike the Trent trade to remind us ONCE AGAIN of their disappointment. It just raises the quality of our Colt fan environment. I mean, if you have only posted you're disappointment in the Trent trade 30 times.....you need to really step up your game. At least 80 repeat posts of your same opinion will be needed before we get it. 


We're a little slow on the uptake.

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I hear everyone on the Trent R  trade,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have skepitical feelings on it myself.But I am willing to give TR about 5 more games b4 I make a decision on was it worth it or not,, a LOT  of the blame can go to the no holes created but the O-line,,,,,,,,,,Or the game situations that needed throws rather than runs,,,,,,,,,,And a lot has to do w/ the predictable play calling ,,,,,,,,,,Seems most teams know when the Colts are going to run the ball...............I like the power I've seen hi run w/ and the determination he shows while running,,,,,,,,,,Who knows would we have made the trade had Ballard gone down? And was Bradshaw out for the season when we traded 4 Trent?.........Give the guy more games and better situations b4 we completely judge him Hell look at D. Brown a lot of people were ready to write him off this season but he has shown some good running flashes,,,,,,,,,and runs had and determined..........

 Hold on the Trent R. jury for awhile,,There are no magic pills in life or pro-football,,,,,,,Watch if he makes huge plays in the playoffs everyone will ease up on him and he'll be a hero!!!!

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I'm refusing to pass judgement until he has a training camp under his belt. Also, the sets we run Trent out of have the box so freaking packed it is ridiculous. It is like playing the older Madden games and running goal line every time.

imo we will start passing more from the power run formation, watch what happens then.

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So now he's gone from an "average back" , which are what the talking heads you mimic are saying to a waiver wire back which is what you get for "free." Please... 


Oh and yes Reggie Wayne was drafted in the late first as was  , Devin MCcourtny , Jahvid Best and Jerry Hughes


I complained about the trade before the talking heads got going, so I am not "mimicking" anyone.  Yes, I think could have gotten a running back to give us average production that was unsigned or on another teams practice squad.  Worst case scenario we give a much lower pick for someones back up ... we probably could have gotten TRICH's fellow overrated alum Melvin Ingram for much less.


Oh I can play this game too ... as was Roddy White, Joe Staley, and Chris Johnson... this is an endless game ... my point was that there is a lot of talent still to be had at the end of the first round ... no its not a sure thing, but no draft pick is and I would rather take my chances in the 1st round of the draft than try to fix some other team's broken cast off.

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Tackling Trent Richardson numerous times will do that to you. Wears down the defense, Brown comes in and benefits.

You guys don't know that formula yet? That's basic football science & math

E + X × Power of E = Big gains in running yards

E is Trent Richardson.

X is Donald Brown

So add Trent Richardson to Donald Brown then times the power of Trent Richardson that wears down the defense and it equals big gains for Donald Brown

DBrown comes in like a change of pace running back after TR has had many carries,,,,He takes the ball kinda like a draw play catching the opposing team off guard and sprints up the middle -its been very effective

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Look, I am not sold on the trade one way or the other. Not enough of a sample size as a Colt to truly make a determination. Having said that, how is it dumb that someone questions his explosiveness? Where have you seen that from his to this point?

His explosiveness? Where is it?

Did you not watch the Chargers game when he caught that pass and went bananas? If you don't call that explosive, I'll be willing to hire a therapist for you :D

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Oh Golly we game up the 20+ pick and will miss out on the next ................


Donald Brown?  .   and I am a LONG time Brown supporter.




Seriously people .. first round picks are 50/50 at best ..   esp at the END of the 1rst.


Great GM's make their "bones" in the LATE rounds and FA..     Oh and by swiping players like T Rich for NOTHING>


Bad teams "sweat" picks...   Indy is not a bad team...

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More like the guy who wrote that will regret it when Trent proves him and our lovely fans wrong. Yeah, he's an average back...clearly. Comparing guys who know the playbook. Who have went threw the classrooms and training camp. To the guy who joined the team what, 4 games ago? Give me a fricken break, wow. Trust me, I'm also glad Brown, in his 5th year, contract year at that is FINALLY showing something.

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Yeah but at the same time it varies, for instance the development time for an OL, ect.  Who knows what the Colts would've used their first on in 2014, I've seen many of low first rounders become trash but yes there have been many have became solid. 


Colts 22 and on first rounders since 2000

Rob Morris

Reggie Wayne

Marlin Jackson

Joseph Addai

Anthony Gonzales

Donald Brown

Jerry Huges

Anthony Castonzo

Bjorne Werner


None really a major contributing factor their first year with the exception of Joseph Addai.  Hence why I'm willing to give Trent the benefit of the doubt for a year. 

That wasn't with Grigs though... different talent evaluator, (Besides Bjoern who might be rolling in sacks once he comes back)

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I get what you are saying..   BUT I do see explosiveness.    Problem is he is always in a lose situation. 



If I don't see Indy get "creative" with T R this week then I will start saying Bust as well..  because...     The time is now.


He has been here long enough, and the STAFF should have faith in him to see some of the juicy DB snaps.




His explosiveness? Where is it?

Did you not watch the Chargers game when he caught that pass and went bananas? If you don't call that explosive, I'll be willing to hire a therapist for you :D

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I complained about the trade before the talking heads got going, so I am not "mimicking" anyone.  Yes, I think could have gotten a running back to give us average production that was unsigned or on another teams practice squad.  Worst case scenario we give a much lower pick for someones back up ... we probably could have gotten TRICH's fellow overrated alum Melvin Ingram for much less.


Oh I can play this game too ... as was Roddy White, Joe Staley, and Chris Johnson... this is an endless game ... my point was that there is a lot of talent still to be had at the end of the first round ... no its not a sure thing, but no draft pick is and I would rather take my chances in the 1st round of the draft than try to fix some other team's broken cast off.




Sorry but what you are saying is there are "average" NFL running backs on the street and on practice squads. Pretty lame as a total # could figure out that the"average" NFL RB is for sure on a roster and would be a starter.

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The ones bashing him apparently doesn't know how our offensive coordinator is calling the game. They are trying to beat you up throughout the game so they can hit the home run later. Same as the pass can open up the run, the run can open up the pass. PEP is the one calling the game.

It's like boxing or mma. You can't always knock a guy out with the first punch, especially one with equal talent. So you have to game plan, soften him up with body blows, ground and pound, leg kicks and such. Then once he starts trying to protect the lower areas, POW. He gone!! And that is what Brown has been doing. Coming in with that pop and fresh legs and hitting big runs. If those of you can't figure that out or see it for yourself I don't know what to tell you.

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The ones bashing him apparently doesn't know how our offensive coordinator is calling the game. They are trying to beat you up throughout the game so they can hit the home run later. Same as the pass can open up the run, the run can open up the pass. PEP is the one calling the game.

It's like boxing or mma. You can't always knock a guy out with the first punch, especially one with equal talent. So you have to game plan, soften him up with body blows, ground and pound, leg kicks and such. Then once he starts trying to protect the lower areas, POW. He gone!! And that is what Brown has been doing. Coming in with that pop and fresh legs and hitting big runs. If those of you can't figure that out or see it for yourself I don't know what to tell you.

looking forward to see what we have NEW with our power run formation, I for one like it and the other things that I expect to be added to it

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I'm not expert but come on. Tackles are constantly flying at him behind the LOS and he is still managing to break through them and pick 1 or 2 yard gains. Not saying that he is playing well.

I think the problem is with his vision and his apparent inability to find a hole, coupled with some inconsistent line play. He clearly has the physical gifts.

Just to clarify, I have soured on the idea that we gave up our first for Trent, and believe we could have got more value with a lesser running back for a lower pick.

I know you are not an expert.

But you call someone saying he lacks explosiveness dumb when the fact is that has not been seen at all to this point. Tell me an explosive play he has made? I know you at the world through Colts colored glasses, but where has the explosiveness been?

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"I have to do a better job of finding ways to get Trent out in space," Hamilton said. "I have to do a better job coming up with schemes that not only give our offensive line a chance to be successful, but of course create holes for Trent and create schemes that compliment his wealth of talent. That's one of the things that we spent time as an offensive staff looking at during the bye week." - Pep Hamilton on ESPN.com

Hopefully Pep really does all of this and shuts everyone up about how bad Trent is doing.


Straight from Peps mouth. Thanks for posting!

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I know you are not an expert.

But you call someone saying he lacks explosiveness dumb when the fact is that has not been seen at all to this point. Tell me an explosive play he has made? I know you at the world through Colts colored glasses, but where has the explosiveness been?

Depends on what your definition of explosive is? Fast burst or first step? Fast top end? Being able to power through multiple defenders? Being able to shake, break and run over 5-6 players in a play? Cause I know I've seen him do the last 2 for us and for the Browns. He may not have a burst or high top end but he had plenty of explosiveness. IMO of course...

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I hope Ballard is completely healthy next year because he is better than Richardson. So are Donald brown and Bradshaw, a lot of people blame his problems on our O-line but the other runners didn't have any problems with our O-line! They were all  hitting the holes faster than Richardson and had far better ypc average than him. I totally agree with that writer!

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Sorry but what you are saying is there are "average" NFL running backs on the street and on practice squads. Pretty lame as a total # could figure out that the"average" NFL RB is for sure on a roster and would be a starter.


There are definitely RBs that can come and give us average RB play and definitely give us TRICH's pathetic 3 ypc ... I dont think these guys are going to set the world on fire, but at least a couple would have given us numbers as good as TRICH's ... Cedric Benson, M. Turner, B Wells, P Hillis, K. Smith, etc ... thats not including practice squads or trading for someone who carried a much lower price tag.

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I willing to bet there will be a lot of crow served up soon.


I will gladly eat crow if he turns out to be a top 5 RB for the rest of this season and next season.  Him becoming a serviceable or decent RB is not feat deserving of crow ... We traded a 1st for an elite RB, I expect to see an "elite" RB not the same thing a bunch of  RBs from rounds 2-7 are doing.

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The ones bashing him apparently doesn't know how our offensive coordinator is calling the game. They are trying to beat you up throughout the game so they can hit the home run later. Same as the pass can open up the run, the run can open up the pass. PEP is the one calling the game.

It's like boxing or mma. You can't always knock a guy out with the first punch, especially one with equal talent. So you have to game plan, soften him up with body blows, ground and pound, leg kicks and such. Then once he starts trying to protect the lower areas, POW. He gone!! And that is what Brown has been doing. Coming in with that pop and fresh legs and hitting big runs. If those of you can't figure that out or see it for yourself I don't know what to tell you.


Excuse # 154

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It was simply a foolish trade, forget the ypc and the film proof, you dont even need that to make the point. You dont trade your 1st round pick no matter where it will be for a running back whos "life span" in the NFL rarely goes beyond 30-31 especially when we are still rebuilding, Does Richardson have talent? of course but not enough to part with a 1st round pick. He is lacking patience for the hole to open and jump cutting into O Linemen (his fumble vs the Broncos is a great example...he also missed 2 holes on the play even directly looking at 1 of them before heading right and jump cutting and turning his back to the LOS to try to churn out yards when he did not need to do that). I think he gets better and his ypc goes up but I dont expect him ever to live up to where he was drafted

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I know you are not an expert.But you call someone saying he lacks explosiveness dumb when the fact is that has not been seen at all to this point. Tell me an explosive play he has made? I know you at the world through Colts colored glasses, but where has the explosiveness been?

Firstly, I would like to state that I did not call the person who said he lacks explosiveness dumb. I was simply expressing my opinion that the statement is dumb.

I think something is being lost in translation here. Could you please tell me what you would describe as explosive just so we are on the same wavelength? To clarify, when I say explosive I am talking about being able to apply a large force over a very short period of time.

And please forgive me, I am snowed under with college work so I do not really have the time to go back and review plays to give you specific examples but I have seen several plays where he has 'exploded' over tacklers at the line of scrimge to gain yards he has no business getting.

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There are definitely RBs that can come and give us average RB play and definitely give us TRICH's pathetic 3 ypc ... I dont think these guys are going to set the world on fire, but at least a couple would have given us numbers as good as TRICH's ... Cedric Benson, M. Turner, B Wells, P Hillis, K. Smith, etc ... thats not including practice squads or trading for someone who carried a much lower price tag.


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As long as Satele and Mcglynn are starting ill give Trent the benefit of the doubt. Those two are one of the worst at their position and seems to always get pushed back. Pep has to call better plays, more stretch plays, hb tosses and draws and not just inside runs. Castonzo is one of the better run blocking tackles and Thornton has played good there should be more runs going to his side instead of the right side and the run game will improve a lot.

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I always blame the offensive line when a RB isn't doing well. Cause it's not about the RB, it's about the offensive line. Why? Cause EVERYTHING starts up front!!!

Take for example the 49ers. How is it that Kendall Hunter, LaMicheal James, & Dixon can get positive yards just like Frank Gore to keep their running game going? Because they have a DOMINATE offensive line!

When you get a line, we could pick ANYONE to run behind it & they'll produce. We could even pick some of you guys of this forum to run behind a good offensive line & you'll do good! Stop bashing Trent Richardson for what's really Satele & McGlynn's fault!!!!


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The ones bashing him apparently doesn't know how our offensive coordinator is calling the game. They are trying to beat you up throughout the game so they can hit the home run later. Same as the pass can open up the run, the run can open up the pass. PEP is the one calling the game.

It's like boxing or mma. You can't always knock a guy out with the first punch, especially one with equal talent. So you have to game plan, soften him up with body blows, ground and pound, leg kicks and such. Then once he starts trying to protect the lower areas, POW. He gone!! And that is what Brown has been doing. Coming in with that pop and fresh legs and hitting big runs. If those of you can't figure that out or see it for yourself I don't know what to tell you.


But why would you need Trent Richardson to just deliver body blows.  Couldn't somebody like Delone Carter provide that just as well (plowing 230 lbs. into defenders and picking up a couple of yards)?   I'm sure they expect much more out of Trent.  I wonder how frustrating it is for Donald to hear that he owes is success this year to Trent  :???:  

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It was simply a foolish trade, forget the ypc and the film proof, you dont even need that to make the point. You dont trade your 1st round pick no matter where it will be for a running back whos "life span" in the NFL rarely goes beyond 30-31 especially when we are still rebuilding, Does Richardson have talent? of course but not enough to part with a 1st round pick. He is lacking patience for the hole to open and jump cutting into O Linemen (his fumble vs the Broncos is a great example...he also missed 2 holes on the play even directly looking at 1 of them before heading right and jump cutting and turning his back to the LOS to try to churn out yards when he did not need to do that). I think he gets better and his ypc goes up but I dont expect him ever to live up to where he was drafted


Pretty much this. Basically using him in a Sproles-type fashion would be the way to go. What he lacks in quickness he makes up for in sheer power. Swearinger vs. Richardson should be a fun shodown.

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I always blame the offensive line when a RB isn't doing well. Cause it's not about the RB, it's about the offensive line. Why? Cause EVERYTHING starts up front!!!

Take for example the 49ers. How is it that Kendall Hunter, LaMicheal James, & Dixon can get positive yards just like Frank Gore to keep their running game going? Because they have a DOMINATE offensive line!

When you get a line, we could pick ANYONE to run behind it & they'll produce. We could even pick some of you guys of this forum to run behind a good offensive line & you'll do good! Stop bashing Trent Richardson for what's really Satele & McGlynn's fault!!!!


You just explained why it was a poor trade

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The Browns spokesman says Trent has no explosiveness and here I thought he just has terrible vision. Grigson has done a lot right but this major screw up will be painful for the future.

I didn't like the trade, but it can easily be overcome.

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I obviously understand why people are defending him but honestly, after playing 22 games in the NFL his biggest break was once for a 32 yard touchdown with Cleveland :S Luck has probably ran further for a T.D, Trent's biggest break on the year is a 16 yard break! The same thing happened in cleveland he hits the line and slowes down, loses all momentum, trying to follow blocks... :S He needs to learn just to pick a damn hole and run through full of momentum, and follow blocks in the backfield.

He's alright for short yarded gains I guess, other than that this guy needs to change something because in 22 NFL games, his gameplan obviously ain't working.

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You just explained why it was a poor trade

If that's how you took it then okay. My personal perspective is I could care less about the trade. 1st round pick, okay so what?

I don't care who's in the backfield, I want a better offensive line then it won't matter who's in the backfield. But Trent Richardson is good, he's made positive plays out of plays that your average RB would've been tackled in the backfield. If Grigson felt he wanted him/we needed him then so be it. I'm a Nick Saban mentality. Have a dominate offensive line and everything else will fall into place

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I think Richardson has been underutilized.  He is clearly very explosive and nearly impossible to tackle; I want to see him in space.  Give him the ball on screens.  Get the ball in his hands while he is in the open field and watch him do his thing


I remember them doing a screen with him once, and he preceded to drop the pass. Just saying :D.

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