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So about this trade deadline.... What do you think we'll do?


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We will do nothing, promote from within.....we have traded away enough draft picks, to trade more could be detrimental to our future (some may argue it already detrimental) we don't have any extra player of significant talent that we can part with that would be meaningful in a trade. We don't have enough cap room at 1 mil and change.....3 strikes, you're out....promote from within and hope for the best.

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What do you think the percentage is for "proven players" who have been obtained as FAs or through trades that were just average or underperformed after they moved to the new team .... I can think of quite a few without even looking it up.

Much of that is scheme fit and sone coaches trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, Case in point on our own team-Trying to put Mathis in as an every down Linebacker....He is a pass rushing 3rd down specialist, A great one at that but still a 3rd down pass rusher or even last year with Freeney, Same thing. Or trying to turn Fleener into a run blocking TE last year, he has gotten a little better at it this year I'd say but thats just not nor ever will be playing to his strength, so we have started using him to do what he does best and thats catch passes(yes I know thats been and adventure to say the least).  Another example is the Bears using Devin Hester as a wr.....did not work.....It took Mark Trestman to pull him aside and talk to him before they both decided that he was going to return punts and kicks only

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We will do nothing, promote from within.....we have traded away enough draft picks, to trade more could be detrimental to our future (some may argue it already detrimental) we don't have any extra player of significant talent that we can part with that would be meaningful in a trade. We don't have enough cap room at 1 mil and change.....3 strikes, you're out....promote from within and hope for the best.



Though from a personal perspective, I wouldn't mind trading a 2nd for Josh Gordon to anchor the future, when Reggie retires some day.


Guy can ball.


But for now, we must see what LaVon Brazill can bring to the table. Have heard people speak of poor route running, but he sure has good hands and great (yes great) ability to jump-catch.

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Much of that is scheme fit and sone coaches trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, Case in point on our own team-Trying to put Mathis in as an every down Linebacker....He is a pass rushing 3rd down specialist, A great one at that but still a 3rd down pass rusher or even last year with Freeney, Same thing. Or trying to turn Fleener into a run blocking TE last year, he has gotten a little better at it this year I'd say but thats just not nor ever will be playing to his strength, so we have started using him to do what he does best and thats catch passes(yes I know thats been and adventure to say the least).  Another example is the Bears using Devin Hester as a wr.....did not work.....It took Mark Trestman to pull him aside and talk to him before they both decided that he was going to return punts and kicks only


I won't disagree with that.  You mention just a couple of the risks associated with acquiring a "proven player".  The point I was making is that even though I agree with the premise that when you draft a player there is no guarantee he will pan out; I also believe acquiring a player via other methods whether it be a trade or FA is a gamble as well, and comes with its own set of risks.

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Reggie was producing really well statistically as well as Luck's bail to guy and he did all of this while drawing number one corners allowing for other receivers to have better opportunities to make plays. You need that type of person to open your offense and make everything go on offense.

We all know what Reggie provided...that said Andrew has enough players to get it done. If Tom Brady can win 5 games with those chumps he was throwing to then no reason we can't remain competitive with Andrew throwing to TY, DHB, Brazill, and Fleener. These are ALL Grigson's guys....he brought them all in. Grigson's moving and shaking is time to step into the limelight. These guys have had the benefit of a year and half learning from a great one and now its time to let the baby birds fly on their own. It was going to happen one way or another. Brown is the only left over as far as skilled players go from Polians regime. Time for TY to be that #1...be the Harvin, Deshaun Jackson and carry the load. Time for Bey to start utilizing his athleticism and make plays and Fleener to live up to his draft status. Luck has been a great leader and played outstanding...but he has to take on more responsibility then ever in making this offense go. Fewer mental lapses...pick up the blitzs get us into plays that can work. We know he doesn't call the plays....Pep does but he has to read what the defense is giving him and make those adjustments. I know he is young...second year guy..but there are qbs doing it with less. Young guys too....he is going to have some struggles but it just means he will have to raise his game as well. The big factor is T Rich is going to have to really man up. He has had some flashes....but with this bye week and now been here a month...no more excuses...he is either an elite back or he is not....Grigson gambled big on him....time to start giving back.


Overall we have plenty of talent on offense....more than most teams not named Denver, NO, and GB. Time every man hold himself accountable and make it happen. I think we will see the cream rise...and the leftovers fall. All that said...our defense is definately strong enough to carry us while these guys learn their new roles. No excuses....injuries happen in the NFL every day...next man up. We either move forward or we flounder. You can't always just bring someone else in....regardless no one would fit what Wayne was to us. Time for TY to take that next step and be a Reggie...time for everyone to make a difference. The great ones find a way....the rest make excuses. We aren't an excuse kinda team in my mind.

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The fact that we haven't signed a FA WR or TE yet tells me that we might be leaning towards bringing up Whalen, Rogers, and/or Cunningham from the PS.  There would be more of a hurry to get someone outside the organization, since they'd be in a mad rush to bring him up to speed...  Just my humble opinion, though Grigson has repeatedly pulled surprise moves.


Agree that it makes sense to get someone in quick. But you have to get the right guy at the right price and waiting till the last hour is when the real price comes to the table. Ya gotta have a dance partner as they say.

 I wasn`t that impressed with Cunninghams blocking, but that was then. Hope he can do it if needed.

Reitz isn`t really standing out in the run game like we need, and is maybe a detriment because there is no need to defend the position as a pass catching possibility. We sure miss Allen.

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Agree that it makes sense to get someone in quick. But you have to get the right guy at the right price and waiting till the last hour is when the real price comes to the table. Ya gotta have a dance partner as they say.

 I wasn`t that impressed with Cunninghams blocking, but that was then. Hope he can do it if needed.

Reitz isn`t really standing out in the run game like we need, and is maybe a detriment because there is no need to defend the position as a pass catching possibility. We sure miss Allen.


Good points.  It could be that Grigs is trying to work something out, but they just have a few sticking points.  Also, another week could make a world of difference.  For example, the Redskins probably will get their butts kicked, which could put their GM in a mindset to trade Fred Davis...

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I won't disagree with that.  You mention just a couple of the risks associated with acquiring a "proven player".  The point I was making is that even though I agree with the premise that when you draft a player there is no guarantee he will pan out; I also believe acquiring a player via other methods whether it be a trade or FA is a gamble as well, and comes with its own set of risks.

Oh anytime you give money to a player no matter the amount it is its a risk, Football is a risk, everything about it, Some risks are just smarter then others

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With respects to a trade for a tightend I think you have to ask yourself how that works going forward.  Allen will be back next year and Fleener has made improvements this season.  The Colts aren't going to give up on either of those guys so I don't see the point of adding a guy who is going to be around past this year.  We would have too many tightends at that point.


So a guy like Gonzo would make sense because he would pretty much be a rent a tightend for the season but he's more of the Fleener mold than Allen and I would question trading another pick in the coming draft for a guy we are getting for a year.  Again, you have to be careful with trading picks if you trade too many of them sooner or later it comes back to bight you as much as poor drafting. 

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They are going to pick up somebody off the radar a bit , and maybe use a late round pick to do it. The Browns don't really want to trade Gordon, the Giants seem like they want to resign Nicks after this season. If you are going to trade another high pick it better be for Reggie's replacement . But I think there is a high probability a trade will be made with someone.

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Well since we heard a few supposed insiders saying Browns are looking for a second, I dont think it's too far outside the realms of possibility.

It is when you consider the browns have no intention of helping us get better. They already have our #1 next year.

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That's a fair point. How about this for a question. Grigson trades our 2015 1st for Josh Gordon. How do you all react? Purely hypothetical guys.

I wouldn't mind it.


We really only need interior O-line (might even have been drafted, future will tell) and a future WR1. That's it. Our defense is stout. We have weapons on offense, but lack a WR1 with Reggie out and better interior O-line protecting Luck and opening holes in general.

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I think as of this point, there is about a 30% percent chance that Grigson brings somone in. And If he does, it will be someone that will be like a good number two, i doubt he goes after like nicks (people are saying tht giants want a 3rd for nicks.... giants are CRAZY!!!) and gordon will be extremely hard (his value jsut went up after a good showing) and I don't see grigson shellin out a second (already w/o a 1 and 4) and a player like conner or a lower draft pick. And our team philosophy is not that of bringing in older guys (like fitz, etc) so it would be for like one of the two baldwins, maybe little (he is expensive so i doubt it), etc so i don't think trade is whats gonna happen. 


Ok so my predictions. They bring up Whalen definitely (idk if they bring in a veteran Free agent, we only have like 1.7 mill cap space or somethign). So that gives us 53 with our WRs in order being DHB, TY, Brazil, Whalen, Reed (UGHHHH)... I don't see wha tthey see in reed cause he is %TTT compared to like rodgers lololol. So IM HOPING tht they release reed (vaughn did good 30 yard kickin average) and bring up the man rodgers and put some big man, vet pressure on him and see how he does in limited time but I don't know if grigson will do tht, i doubt it haha.


So our depth chart will look like this:

Outside One: DHB, Reed (I WANT RODGERS)

Outside Two: Brazil, Reed ( I WANT RODGERS)

Slot: TY, Whalen


And I think more passes will go to DHB and TY and brazil will get his licks too. I think they do well even though in the beginning DHB and TY will not catch as dependable as wayne but they will for sure show up. Thank god we had the bye week and we have a better stretch of games coming up where more pressure needs to be put on the defense to SHUT THEM DOWN (texans w/o schaub, stl comin up). 

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