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Vontaes' Interview At The End Of The Game. Funny!


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Forgive me if someone already commented on this, but I thought it was hilarious

when I heard him say it.  I think it was Bob Costas who had asked Vontae about 

the game and playing Peyton Manning.   I wish I had a link


Vontae responded by saying "Yeah we worked real hard all week preparing for Tom Brady and we came together as a team and beat him today".  They finished the interview and Bob Costas looked at the camera and started laughing.  He said something like "Did you hear him? He said they prepared for Tom Brady all week!"  It was too funny when I watched it live.

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Costas didn't interview him, it was the field reporter. Costas clearly thought it funny, but I'm not sure if he was laughing with Davis or at him.


I've seen a couple of articles from "reporters" jumped on it as if it was a stupid error as well.


I assume that it was sarcasm, and a hint (along with comments made by the others guys) about what the Colts locker room was like this week. The owner may have wanted to honor Peyton, but some of the players seem to have resented the attention.


While I understand it, and understand why some might think it funny, I thought it probably should have stayed in the locker room.

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In Redding's locker room interview you can hear a teammate in the background say "Vonte. Hey Vonte. You gon be ready for Tom Brady next week?" Too funny haha even the team is ribbin him. Here the link to the vid, it's about 3/4ths of the way through:



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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...

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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...

Listening to Darius Butler and Pat MacAfee on the radio today they were adamant that it wasn't a dig at Manning and was totally accidental. They both laughed and said that was Vontae just being Vontae....evidently he can be kinda silly/airheadish.

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Listening to Darius Butler and Pat MacAfee on the radio today they were adamant that it wasn't a dig at Manning and was totally accidental. They both laughed and said that was Vontae just being Vontae....evidently he can be kinda silly/airheadish.

Boy he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he is looking like a very good CB to have on the team.

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Listening to Darius Butler and Pat MacAfee on the radio today they were adamant that it wasn't a dig at Manning and was totally accidental. They both laughed and said that was Vontae just being Vontae....evidently he can be kinda silly/airheadish.

Yeah, Darius Butler said Davis lives in is own world... or something to that effect. It was a slip of the tongue, and nothing more.

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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...

If you didn't see Hard Knocks when he got traded I can see how someone might have this stance (As silly as it is), but if you saw him in the episode he got traded you could see something like this coming miles away.


Vontae is hardly someone I'd take seriously at all in any conversation. 

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If you didn't see Hard Knocks when he got traded I can see how someone might have this stance (As silly as it is), but if you saw him in the episode he got traded you could see something like this coming miles away.


Vontae is hardly someone I'd take seriously at all in any conversation.

Nothing wrong with caring about your grandma

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Boy he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he is looking like a very good CB to have on the team.


That's what so funny about this kid... he's actually not dumb at all. Scored a 33 on the wonderlic, same score as Brady and higher than Peyton, Ryan, Brees, Culter, Griffin, Wilson, Rivers, Schaub. He's just kind of... haha.

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That's what so funny about this kid... he's actually not dumb at all. Scored a 33 on the wonderlic, same score as Brady and higher than Peyton, Ryan, Brees, Culter, Griffin, Wilson, Rivers, Schaub. He's just kind of... haha.

Yeah I bet he is a smart guy just has his head in the clouds. I know several smart people but they are just highly spacey.

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I don't understand why this is a big deal. A mere slip of the tongue and everyone is in uproar. I've been looking someone dead in the face used the wrong name. My mom mixed up our names all the time, especially when she was agitated.

Peyton Manning, Tom Brady...both are in that club of elite QBs that one needs to be on top of their game to face. It's not really funny or offensive, but that's just my own point of view.

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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...

Im sorry but quit this now.  It was hilarious.  He knew exactly what he was saying.  They got sick of all the manning this manning that.  And they said this is about us now.  Hes not a colt anymore.  Move on.  They fans honored him before the game.  Not everyone has to bow down to peyton.  Just cause he use to be a colt.  Thank you for your time.

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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...


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Personally, I didn't find it that funny. INDY won the game, honored 18, & you can't remember who you faced for 180 minutes? Do other teams do that when they defeat us? Publicly thank Matt Ryan or a QB they never faced? No, show some respect Mr. Davis. You don't dismiss a 4 time MVP & SB Champion like that. I'm sorry. Accident or not, that is totally unacceptable to me. Yes, I am serious. 


Are you on some strong medication or simply exhausted sir? Sigh...

I had to log in just to express how I feel that this post made us all just a little dumber.

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Listening to Darius Butler and Pat MacAfee on the radio today they were adamant that it wasn't a dig at Manning and was totally accidental. They both laughed and said that was Vontae just being Vontae....evidently he can be kinda silly/airheadish.

Okay, perhaps Mr. Davis does have a hard time maintaining focus, ADD, or short term memory loss or something. I won't condemn the guy, but I am just baffled that he can't recall the QB he actually went up against. Did he sleep through every secondary meeting? LOL! 


If you didn't see Hard Knocks when he got traded I can see how someone might have this stance (As silly as it is), but if you saw him in the episode he got traded you could see something like this coming miles away.


Vontae is hardly someone I'd take seriously at all in any conversation. 

I didn't see the Hard Knocks episode you are referring to, but I appreciate the heads up about Mr. Davis's peculiar behavior on average BH4. Thank you. 


Was he trying to be funny? Because to me, it came off looking like he wouldn't know his own name or who the President of the United States is if you asked Davis that question point blank right on the air personally. 

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I had to log in just to express how I feel that this post made us all just a little dumber.

Is that supposed to be a sarcastic insult at my expense? Thank you for playing. It's good to know that Jeff Daniels & Jim Carrey of "Dumb & Dumber" blockbuster film fame are now quaking in their boots at the prospect of being replaced as household comedians courtesy of you. How nice... :P

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You can disagree with my position on this incident if you want to Buck. You can even think that I'm going overboard if you want to. That is your right.


SW1's stance on this episode is simple: Peyton Manning & Tom Brady are not the same QB, Peyton Manning has been around INDY since 1998 you should know the name/legend by now, & a QB of 18's stature & resume in this league is entitled & deserves more respect than a complete & total dismissal via amnesia.


That's my story & I'm sticking to it steadfast & strong thank you. 

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You can disagree with my position on this incident if you want to Buck. You can even think that I'm going overboard if you want to. That is your right.


SW1's stance on this episode is simple: Peyton Manning & Tom Brady are not the same QB, Peyton Manning has been around INDY since 1998 you should know the name/legend by now, & a QB of 18's stature & resume in this league is entitled & deserves more respect than a complete & total dismissal via amnesia.


That's my story & I'm sticking to it steadfast & strong thank you.

That's cool man, the wow, was just more about seeing some fire come out in you, you're normally one of the more reserved & respectful posters, not to insinuate that ranting a bit about Vontaes flub is completely unreasonable, jut seemed a bit out of character... But it's all good bud...
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Knowing Peyton's penchant for the "funny" ( have heard he makes his younger team mates go back and watch his favorite comedies, so that they will "get" it when he quotes the movies) I am sure that 18 himself got a good laugh at Vontae's flub, because whether it was a purposeful joke, or unintentional mind- slip, the comedic timing was classic...

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That's cool man, the wow, was just more about seeing some fire come out in you, you're normally one of the more reserved & respectful posters, not to insinuate that ranting a bit about Vontaes flub is completely unreasonable, jut seemed a bit out of character... But it's all good bud...

Thanks Buck. I appreciate that. To tell you the truth, I realize that Andrew Luck is our future, which looks quite bright & shimmering in scope. I am just very protective of Peyton Manning. I just wanted 18 to have a respectable homecoming & he did for all intensive purposes. Now, the smoke can clear & the 2 cities and fanbases can drop the media frenzy & resume normal football activities & game preparation duties without further distraction. 


I don't usually volunteer for the firing squad onslaught unless I believe that a person I admire has been slighted in some way. Then, I step up front & center for whatever heat & friction awaits me.


Silence is a form of acceptance & occasionally it is mandatory that defiance gets displayed in order to avoid a blind endorsement of the status quo. JMO.  

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So, basically Vontae and Dariius were castoffs from 2 of our rivals because they weren't living up to expectations? Who gets credit for their miraculous turnarounds? Pagano the motivator? If so, that's pretty impressive. That is as valuable a skill as Bellichicks X and Os.

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