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Mike McGlynn Won't Play Saturday


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@KBowenColts: Pagano said Jeff Linkenbach will start for McGlynn. Said Thornton will see some action in the 1st half as well.

@KBowenColts: Pagano said Mike McGlynn got hit on the knee yesterday in practice. MRI was negative. Has a bone bruise and won't play this weekend.

Here is the other players oppurtunity to make a case for his spot Saturday

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Edit: you changed tge info, I dont wish injury on anyone, not even bad players that shouldnt be playing. But maybe Satele can help him rehab.

Yea I had to because I seen that first tweet and made this thread then went back and seen that he got hurt so I had to reword the title
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Link is def a better guard than tackle, IMO.  Hopefully Holmes can come in and make his case for starter... not likely since he hasnt practiced all year... but one can hope.


I am not as down in Link as everyone else.  He is a utility player that though he may not go to any pro bowls he usually gets the job done... usually... mostly... sometimes... every now and then...

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Link is def a better guard than tackle, IMO.  Hopefully Holmes can come in and make his case for starter... not likely since he hasnt practiced all year... but one can hope.


I am not as down in Link as everyone else.  He is a utility player that though he may not go to any pro bowls he usually gets the job done... usually... mostly... sometimes... every now and then...


He's definitely improved in the last three seasons, but I can't get that Monday nighter in San Diego out of my mind. I blame the coaches more than I blame him, by the way. He was getting abused, and the coaching staff didn't do anything about it. I shudder at the thought of him playing guard, even though he was somewhat decent there last season.

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You think they'd rather make up an injury than just bench or release him?

There is something about him they love. Maybe they know they can't start him anymore, but keep him for depth in case of injury.

And it's not made up, I know I put it quotes, but if he was a pro bowler he would be out there.

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There is something about him they love. Maybe they know they can't start him anymore, but keep him for depth in case of injury.

And it's not made up, I know I put it quotes, but if he was a pro bowler he would be out there.


No one has ever suggested that he's Pro Bowl material. I don't mean to defend him; I don't think he's any good either. I'm just saying that I don't think the coaching staff and management would keep a player in the name of saving face. 

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This "bone bruise" will keep him from starting the rest of the year.

Best way for the front office to save face for keeping this buffoon on the roster.

You act as though McGlynn were a high draft pick or a free agent making a lot of coin. He is a low rent free agent for a team that needs bodies.

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I wouldn't hold my breath if I were some of you so you guys shouldn't cheer about the injury. All last year we thought Shipley was better than Satele but look who's here and who's gone. Coaches are gonna play who they want so just sit back & enjoy the ride people


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You act as though McGlynn were a high draft pick or a free agent making a lot of coin. He is a low rent free agent for a team that needs bodies.

Not at all, I'm suggesting the coaches have been praising him for a while, why do that? I know they get paid for making those calls and are infinitely more qualified than us, but what do they see that we don't?

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If Thornton is healthy and plays well and we see a huge difference in the run game i think he'll start. He was our 2nd pick in the draft he was expected to come in and contribute right away. Doesn't matter if he's a rookie he's just a bigger,stronger,quicker more talented player then McGlynn.

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Not at all, I'm suggesting the coaches have been praising him for a while, why do that? I know they get paid for making those calls and are infinitely more qualified than us, but what do they see that we don't?

I guess I missed all this praise. I highly doubt they think that much of McGlynn, but from what I saw last year the potential replacements stunk too. And there is a reason they drafted Thornton......

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I'm not saying I'm happy about McGlynn being injured but I'm not upset either ...

Clearly he's not the best guard in the league and his injury gives us a chance to see what our options are capable of

So nm maybe I am happy idk ill wait and see

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Ya know through all the hate Mcglynn gets hurled at him I have to say he does inspire me.......You see, as I have said on these boards before...I am in a wheelchair....everytime I see Mcglynn play and get thrown down I think to myself......I shoulda tried out! how hard can it be, stand there like I know what Im doing and when the snap happens just fall down!...seriously how hard can that be?! ;)  :thmup:  :funny:

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No one has ever suggested that he's Pro Bowl material. I don't mean to defend him; I don't think he's any good either. I'm just saying that I don't think the coaching staff and management would keep a player in the name of saving face. 

Agree especially Grigs being an EX O lineman himself

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I wouldn't hold my breath if I were some of you so you guys shouldn't cheer about the injury. All last year we thought Shipley was better than Satele but look who's here and who's gone. Coaches are gonna play who they want so just sit back & enjoy the ride people



We all know Shipley was better than Satele TK, you know it. It was just a fact that Satele was paid the big bucks to be the starting center. The FO stuck with the guy they paid to be the starter.

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We all know Shipley was better than Satele TK, you know it. It was just a fact that Satele was paid the big bucks to be the starting center. The FO stuck with the guy they paid to be the starter.

Then I guess our front office thinks money is more important than success. Guess we won't be winning a super bowl with that attitude

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Then I guess our front office thinks money is more important than success. Guess we won't be winning a super bowl with that attitude


I didn't mean it in that way. What I meant is Satele is paid to be the starter so they will treat him as so. Satele is not the better player of the two. We have all seen this. We all know the line worked better with him in, but that isn't the only factor into making a team. Satele has factors we don't see on the field. How he works in practice, in the locker room, his leadership, ect...


What I am trying to say is Satele may have been the lesser talented, but his overall value is better. Or that is what I would like to think the Front Office believes, and not just playing because of pay.

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I didn't mean it in that way. What I meant is Satele is paid to be the starter so they will treat him as so. Satele is not the better player of the two. We have all seen this. We all know the line worked better with him in, but that isn't the only factor into making a team. Satele has factors we don't see on the field. How he works in practice, in the locker room, his leadership, ect...


What I am trying to say is Satele may have been the lesser talented, but his overall value is better. Or that is what I would like to think the Front Office believes, and not just playing because of pay.

And the sample size on Shipley is tiny

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