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Brad Wells Apologizes.... Admits Mistake....


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So last week, many Colts fans were in an uproar over Wells' assertion that Pep Hamilton was defying Pagano and Irsay talking about running some read-option and pistol and such....


Wells wrote that Pagano and Hamilton must not be on the same page.  He hinted at rebellion....


Turns out,  Brad got himself completely turned around.    There was a story about the Colts offense, and embedded in the story was an interview Hamilton did back in his early days as a Colt.


But Wells mistook it for a new interview and thought Pep and Pags weren't on the same page.


Here's Brad's public apology and explanation...




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So last week, many Colts fans were in an uproar over Wells' assertion that Pep Hamilton was defying Pagano and Irsay talking about running some read-option and pistol and such....


Wells wrote that Pagano and Hamilton must not be on the same page.  He hinted at rebellion....


Turns out,  Brad got himself completely turned around.    There was a story about the Colts offense, and embedded in the story was an interview Hamilton did back in his early days as a Colt.


But Wells mistook it for a new interview and thought Pep and Pags weren't on the same page.


Here's Brad's public apology and explanation...




Brad Wells is amateurish at best as is Kravitz, the writers in this city are TERRIBLE...

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Brad Wells is amateurish at best as is Kravitz, the writers in this city are TERRIBLE...


Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.    Lots of very good stuff,  even if it's only a tweet.   They do a very nice job....   I think the papers biggest problem is the ridiculous pay-wall they've installed.    But that's a separate issue to the quality of the writers.


Just my view of things.....

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Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.    Lots of very good stuff,  even if it's only a tweet.   They do a very nice job....   I think the papers biggest problem is the ridiculous pay-wall they've installed.    But that's a separate issue to the quality of the writers.


Just my view of things..

I like Chappell and Wilson...I miss the Robin Miller days, he wasn't afraid to mix it up, unpopular or not and Kravitz tries to be like him, but fails miserably at it...

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Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.    Lots of very good stuff,  even if it's only a tweet.   They do a very nice job....   I think the papers biggest problem is the ridiculous pay-wall they've installed.    But that's a separate issue to the quality of the writers.


Just my view of things.....

The Indy Star use to have a forum..  and it was THE COLT forum.   But, I forget how it went down but things changed for the worse and here we all are...    Well some of us.. 

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I like Chappell and Wilson...I miss the Robin Miller days, he wasn't afraid to mix it up, unpopular or not and Kravitz tries to be like him, but fails miserably at it...


I don't know Miller.    At least,  I don't think I do,  so can't comment.


I'm pretty sure I've ready Kravitz and I don't recall disliking him....  so, I suspect that I do like him.    I can't remember not liking an Indy-Star writer....    I think they try hard to cover the Colts thoroughly.....


Of course,  Los Angeles hasn't had an NFL team here for roughly 20 years,  so when it comes to covering an NFL team properly, my memory may be playing tricks on me!!      :slaphead:

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I don't know Miller.    At least,  I don't think I do,  so can't comment.


I'm pretty sure I've ready Kravitz and I don't recall disliking him....  so, I suspect that I do like him.    I can't remember not liking an Indy-Star writer....    I think they try hard to cover the Colts thoroughly.....


Of course,  Los Angeles hasn't had an NFL team here for roughly 20 years,  so when it comes to covering an NFL team properly, my memory may be playing tricks on me!!      :slaphead:

You have the Trojans though...lmao

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The Indy Star use to have a forum.. and it was THE COLT forum. But, I forget how it went down but things changed for the worse and here we all are... Well some of us..

The Star forum was invaded by Pats trolls and it turned into a constant Brady v. Manning peeing contest.

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The mistake is Wells thinks he's a good reporter. Not!

Exactly, krunk! Even Middle School & High School newspapers have better writers & journalists than this childish dribble.

"So, a few days ago - back before SB Nation's entire network went to s**t because of some sort of technical issue - we posted an article with a link to what seemed like a new video interview with Colts offensive coordinator Pep Hamilton where he, seemingly once again, advocated the use of the pistol, read-option in the Colts offense."

Who files reports like this & expects to be seen as a reputable journalist among his peers in the industry? Sigh...

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive
Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive

Brad Wells gets more write ups just because he is a gay writer talking about the Colts.  But most of the time he is completely wrong.  He admits to having only covered the Colts since 2006.  He loves to hate on Polian and now Grigson.  

Bet it's awkward when he goes into the locker room...probably gonna be in trouble for this 1, but couldn't help it.....

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I thought this was going to be a retirement thread. :dunno:

I wish corgi. I will win the Publishers Clearinghouse jackpot sweepstakes 1st before that ever happens my friend. Brad Wells does serve a purpose though. He shows all aspiring, hard hitting, investigative journalists what not to become, let alone follow in the footsteps of. There is value in knowing what exactly to avoid at all costs I suppose. 

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"Order is restored to the universe. Cats and dogs are not sleeping together. Mass hysteria avoided."


Wait, what in the world does that even mean? "Cats and dogs are not sleeping together." Forget it, I don't wanna know. Sometimes, ignorance is truly bliss. SMH. What Mr. Wells does in his spare time is none of my business right? No comment...

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I wish corgi. I will win the Publishers Clearinghouse jackpot sweepstakes 1st before that ever happens my friend. Brad Wells does serve a purpose though. He shows all aspiring, hard hitting, investigative journalists what not to become, let alone follow in the footsteps of. There is value in knowing what exactly to avoid at all costs I suppose.

The dude and his associates went way out of their way to pull that story out of their butts. There was nothing there in the first place. Everybody and their momma knows Luck is not going to be running full blown read option plays on a regular basis in the first place. Irsay would never allow that to happen. The Colts fan base would never let him live it down if Andrew got hurt running the football 5 to 12 times a game.

With that being said in my own opinion I don't see anything wrong with us using the pistolin and of itself because it's just a formation. To me we can use it as long as we end up passing out of the formation, or handing the ball off. I just don't want Luck running the ball himself out of the formation unless we are on the goaline in a really big game and we need a score. I just don't want to do it like they did with RG3.

I wouldn't have any problems with Luck in the pistol if we do it like this:

I could see Luck doing something like this with Kerwynn Williams this year.

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The Indy Star use to have a forum..  and it was THE COLT forum.   But, I forget how it went down but things changed for the worse and here we all are...    Well some of us..

I started my forum life on there. The main troll on there was Manning's Army I think. I then switched over here.

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Even his mea kulpa was snide and amateurish.

I agree 100% Brian. Well said! I like your use of the phrase mea culpa vs just admitting he made a self inflicted mistake. Way to pull out the thesaurus on that one! It's a sincere compliment Brian not a joke or put down in any way, shape, or form at all. Nicely done! 

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I started my forum life on there. The main troll on there was Manning's Army I think. I then switched over here.

I hear ya BHC. The only time I prefer to see trolls is when I take my nephews out for Trick or Treating from their neighborhood located in Mount Horeb, WI, the Troll Capital of the World. Ha! Ha! Just Kidding! 








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Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.    Lots of very good stuff,  even if it's only a tweet.   They do a very nice job....   I think the papers biggest problem is the ridiculous pay-wall they've installed.    But that's a separate issue to the quality of the writers.


Just my view of things.....

If  you just flip the private browsing switch on your browser, you can run through that pay wall all day long.

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 snide and amateurish.

When I 1st read your response here Brian, I skimmed it too fast & I read it as: "Snide & Amish." It made me LOL! "Snide & Amish" makes it sound like a pimped out horse & buggy with kids listening to iPods & being corrupted by the dangers of electricity doesn't it? Sorry, my dark, sarcastic humor is rearing it's comical head again. My apologies everyone. Thanks for putting up with my foolishness. 

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Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.    Lots of very good stuff,  even if it's only a tweet.   They do a very nice job....   I think the papers biggest problem is the ridiculous pay-wall they've installed.    But that's a separate issue to the quality of the writers.


Just my view of things.....



Well....  we agree that Wells is an amateur....   though I do put him in the category of a broken clock...   he can still be right twice a day,  if you follow?!


But, I think the Indy-Star has terrific writers following the Colts!    Chappell,  Rodgers,  and I think Wilson is the 3rd writer.  

I always encourage Colts fans here to read the Indy-Star.   


Well, what happened to Krapitz on this list????....

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That is what happens when you quote your own article as a linked source in an article and end up in vicious merry-go-round loops, you eventually get lost in a maze that is Brad Wells' head :).

If plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own, what would be the appropriate definition for someone who constantly quotes their own material that spreads like wildfire? Alter ego scorched earth syndrome? I don't know I'm just asking. Either that or Lazy writer syndrome perhaps...
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Sometimes apologies are either too late, or they are masked in intent.


I doubt his apology is because he is trying to become a better writer. In all, a very small blip on my own radar.

Yes, but the problem is if I reporter gets their facts wrong, never really apologizes, & is not disciplined about his gross errors in judgment as a writer, it sets a horrible precedent & damages the journalism profession & makes good reporters indistinguishable from pathetic ones IMO. Just like reporter Zachery Kouwe damaged the New York Times IMO. A stellar reputation takes years even decades to create & it can destroyed in months if editors overseeing their staffs are not careful & exercise due diligence & oversight once in awhile.




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You guys are merciless. He's just a guy trying to make a living. Such a hard crowd.

Okay, I will grant you that not every journalism organization, press corp, or online blog is equal in scope, magnitude, or prestige, but accuracy in reporting a story matters & so do retractions in an attempt to maintain objectivity & trustworthiness as a reporter & news agency.


I am very strict on this point because the slightest crack in this ethical glass leads to a green light to play loose & fast with facts & sources that can be independently verified. Refusing to actually admit a mistake was made by the reporter damages the company Brad Wells works for & all his peers that file stories every single day & that is not something that should be ignored or brushed under the rug either IMHO. 

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