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And now for the Rest of the Draft....


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One more pick tomorrow and it comes very late...   I think it's 86th....   (if you thought the wait for today was long,  tomorrow will be much worse!)


We've got a 3rd round pick tomorrow....    then a 4/6/7/7 on Saturday....


Tomorrow, I'm hoping for a guard.    Hoping for Winter or Thornton.


If we don't get a guard in the 3rd,  then in the 4th round I'd like Bailey or Baca....


If we get the guard in the 3rd, then I'll take the best DB (corner or safety) in the 4th, or vice versa if we don't take a guard...


Then, in the 6th, I'll take a RB....   and with our two 7th round picks....  BPA and BPA.



(I realize all this is moot considering Grigson says every pick is BPA....  but where's the fun in that if you're a fun trying to figure it all out?!)         :thmup:

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I really wish we had a 2nd, but I don't want us to trade up to get one, if that makes any sense. I think the 2nd round has the overall best talent pool.

with so few skill positions going in the 1st, some good talent will get pushed down in the 3rd, I'm hoping Grigs makes a move to get back in the third... Might just be wishful thinking...

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with so few skill positions going in the 1st, some good talent will get pushed down in the 3rd, I'm hoping Grigs makes a move to get back in the third... Might just be wishful thinking...

I would love to see them trade something to get another pick in the 3rd. maybe a pick or 2 from next year.

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Okay, first question - Does anyone see our next draft picks starting this year? Only spot would be at G IMO. That means the guys on our roster aren't as good as a third round draft pick, right.

Second question - I like our WR, but do we have anyone like Ryan Swope? Very fast, very tough, may be there in the third.

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I really wish we had a 2nd, but I don't want us to trade up to get one, if that makes any sense. I think the 2nd round has the overall best talent pool.

We do have a 2nd Round pick - Vontae Davis.  Already a proven commodity at CB versus a shot in the dark that is the draft!

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I really wish we had a 2nd, but I don't want us to trade up to get one, if that makes any sense. I think the 2nd round has the overall best talent pool.


If we can trade our 3rd, our 4th and maybe a late pick from next year to get ourselves into the bottom of the 2nd round, it might be worth it.  


This will of course depend on who's on the board, Grigs wouldn't trade up without having a player in mind.  


I'm thinking Barrett Jones or Keenan Allen are guys that might be worth trading up for.  Jones you might be able to save a little bit by waiting til the top of the 3rd and trading up.  Allen if he falls to the bottom of the 2nd, I think we should jump all over that.  


He reminds me a lot of Wayne.

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I really hope Grigs can work some magic and land us a late 2nd or early 3rd in addition to our other 3rd. Yes we will probably have to give up next year's 2nd or 3rd, but I really want a good CB and OG brought in. Then our team will be basically complete as far as starters go.

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If we can trade our 3rd, our 4th and maybe a late pick from next year to get ourselves into the bottom of the 2nd round, it might be worth it.  


This will of course depend on who's on the board, Grigs wouldn't trade up without having a player in mind.  


I'm thinking Barrett Jones or Keenan Allen are guys that might be worth trading up for.  Jones you might be able to save a little bit by waiting til the top of the 3rd and trading up.  Allen if he falls to the bottom of the 2nd, I think we should jump all over that.  


He reminds me a lot of Wayne.


Would be okay with this scenario, but replace Allen with Woods.

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Would be okay with this scenario, but replace Allen with Woods.


A little too small for my liking.  


Woods has slightly better college stats his senior year but on freaking USC with Matt Barkley as his QB.


76 rec 846 yards 11 TD's


Allen on a bad Cal team with a bad QB.  


61 rec 747 yards 6 TD's 

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It's going to be a LONG wait tonight... the talent in the 2nd round makes it even worse!  Hopefully Vontae has a great year, I'm actually still up in the air about him.  Doesn't seem like he LOVES football, just my opinion although he did make some great plays last year.

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Exactly. I keep having to remind myself that we basically did use a 2nd round pick and got a legit starting CB.


Especially with how young Vontae is, you have to ask yourself if we could have gotten a better player in the 2nd round this year?  I would agree with others, there isn't a better player available at this point in the draft.


Also worth considering is, do we win nearly as many games as we did last year without Vontae?  

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No trading up or wasting next year's picks.

I agree....I would explore a trade down though, depending on who's on our board in the late 3rd round.


We send our #86 pick to the Niners...who are still bloated with picks....for their 93rd and 157th (5th rd) overall picks.


The Niners have made no secret that they never intended to select 14 prospects....so we could add a 5th rounder.

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It's going to be a LONG wait tonight... the talent in the 2nd round makes it even worse! Hopefully Vontae has a great year, I'm actually still up in the air about him. Doesn't seem like he LOVES football, just my opinion although he did make some great plays last year.

Please tell me you were being sarcastic for that last part. How are you in the air about him? Without Vontae, Vaughn would've been playing #1 CB. I'm gonna give you a few moments to visualize that.... just take your time and get a good look at that picture

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Why are people wanting to draft back-ups when we need a starting guard? No a criticism, I just don't get it....

not sure where the Guards fall on Grigsons board, & there are alot of "skill" position players available so I'm sure the "sexier" pick always sounds good to fans during the off season...

With that said, I hope Grigson goes Guard in the 3rd or 4th just not sure how the cards will fall...

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I agree....I would explore a trade down though, depending on who's on our board in the late 3rd round.


We send our #86 pick to the Niners...who are still bloated with picks....for their 93rd and 157th (5th rd) overall picks.


The Niners have made no secret that they never intended to select 14 prospects....so we could add a 5th rounder.

After last nite's pick, I quit caring. We stop Werner's slide into the 2nd d got nothing but a want.  Was luxury pick and grigson showed that he does not even trust hisself.

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