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Like NCF and warhorse posted. It's ok to voice displeasure. But it has been flat out ridiculous here last couple days. No wonder they were burning women at the stake years ago. Doesn't take much for the mob to go on a crazy over reaction tangent!

Good comedy though!

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I agree with most of what the OP says. I've been reading threads all day and it seems like any time someone expresses disagreement with one of our signings they're met with a bunch of "LOL ya right where are you a GM again" or "I'm gonna trust the executive of the year over some know nothing poster" type of responses. We all like the Colts on here but that doesn't mean we have to agree with every move Grigson makes.

I don't hate what we've done in free agency so far, but I don't love it either. We have enough money to get some real impact players an we haven't really done that yet IMO. Not overspending is nice but some people have this ridiculous aversion to signing anybody we've heard of before. I know our FO is top notch but its not every player is a diamond in the rough, it's more likely that they're on there 3rd or 4th team because other teams didn't think they were all that great.

And I keep seeing people say if we sign players like Avril, Kruger, Goldoson or whoever, then we'd be like the Redskins or Browns. Those teams lacked something we have; a franchise QB. When we have someone like Andrew Luck I'd like to surround him with as much talent as possible



I don't think there is anyone with an aversion to signing big name players; IF they are the right players for the right price.  I think the posts of disagreement you are referencing are in response to posts criticizing the signings by fans who seem to think like you do in the underlined statement above ... which basically says "we have not signed any impact players; we need some name players". 


Just because the casual or uninformed fan has not heard of them does not make them "non-impact" players.


Free agency is barely started and the majority of names are still on the board.


Look at the majority of teams who are and are not making the big headlines for their FA signings and ask yourself which group most of the perennially successful franchises are in.


Prices are going to drop on a lot of FAs after the initial frenzy (including many big names) and the Colts are still going to be in the game with plenty of money.


Relax and let the people who do this for a living and have done well for us so far do what they do.


edit for Landry signing:  There is your big name "impact player", you should be happy now!

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I don't want to make it sound like I'm lambasting our front office. I'm very confident in their abilities and know that there's plenty of time left in free agency. I'm mostly just venting about people complaining about posters with dissenting opinions.

Good to hear about Landry, our secondary looks legit now.

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The only real criticism I have is that I believe Grigs freaked when he missed Kruger, which he probably wasn't expecting, and that's when we overpaid Walden. He didn't want to go 0-2, so he did what he thought it took to make sure that didn't happen. Could Walden play up to the contract? It's possible, it just requires you to project him to be twice the player he was in GB. Practically every other FA signing has been for reasonable prices, showing it's a buyer's market. There's no need to overpay for Walden.


That said, Grigson's a very promising GM and he's got my full support. There will still be some growing pains just like every other guy on our team that's new to their NFL role. Acknowledging that mistake doesn't equal bashing, because no GM hits on 100% of his moves. Overall, he's handled FA very well and I feel like we're a markedly better team by how he's handled it.

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I think people on the forum expected certain guys because of the media. 


The media likes to fuel a lot of the fire saying we will go after this guy or this guy wants to go here.


I support the Colts no matter what, whether we get a guy that I like, don't like. Or didn't get a guy that I liked. 


I trust that Grigson knows what he is doing, and in a few years time, some guys will be busts, and some guys booms. That is just the nature of the business.


I think we all need to take a deep breath and just be happy for the new faces coming in.

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The Colts' signing tonight of LaRon Landry is a good example of a difference in approach.


I've been a vocal opponent of signing Landry for months.   I'm not a fan of his.


But, because I'm a huge fan of Grigson/Pagano/Irsay,  then my view is.....   I'm wrong and they're right.


What I think I know is likely not the case.    They seem thrilled to have signed him.   So, if they are,  that's good enough for me.


I'm not going to post here and say.....   "What are these guys smoking?   This guy is terrible!   The Jets didn't make any effort to keep him!"    I'm confident they know a lot more about football than I do,  and I'm confident that Pagano, who has made a living out of coaching defensive backs,  knows a good one from an over-rated one.  


Pagano has signed off on this deal.   That's good enough for me.


So,  they're right and I'm wrong.    It's as simple as that.


I hope the difference in approach here is clear and obvious for all to see.........

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Beyond whether I like the players (I do, I'm excited), or the contracts (a couple seem a little high, but within reason)...

I'm just ecstatic with what I'm seeing as Grigson's vision. He did a fantastic job last year, but he was essentially having to be a coupon clipper. I wasn't sure how he'd transition into this new role with fat wallet. He is playing it smart, and giving the Colts the best chance of being very successful now AND avoiding potential CAP trouble a few years down the road.

It's still just on paper, but this team is starting to look really solid!

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Until Grigson gives us reason to nobody has a right to disagree with personnel decisions. He has done everything to prove we should have faith until proven otherwise.

Mcglynn, Satele, Justice were not enough? Also decreeing such as you just did that no one has a right in (in america no less) to disagree on a personnel decision is pretty pointless, not all Grigsons signings he is going to hit on, thats just part of the game, Its more on what he passed up thats got me slightly miffed

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Mcglynn, Satele, Justice were not enough? Also decreeing such as you just did that no one has a right in (in america no less) to disagree on a personnel decision is pretty pointless, not all Grigsons signings he is going to hit on, thats just part of the game, Its more on what he passed up thats got me slightly miffed

Gavin, certainly you aren't seriously suggesting last years FA pickups, under the cap constraints the team was under, should be used as a measuring stick now... right?

And just because many of us like to play GM and attempt to project who the team might pursue, does not mean Grigs had any interest in any of the same players. It isn't reasonable to assume that he "passed" on anyone.

I'm not saying anyone is beyond reproach, but lets at least be reasonable in choosing and applying our measuring sticks.

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Mcglynn, Satele, Justice were not enough? Also decreeing such as you just did that no one has a right in (in america no less) to disagree on a personnel decision is pretty pointless, not all Grigsons signings he is going to hit on, thats just part of the game, Its more on what he passed up thats got me slightly miffed

Everyone is going to make mistakes and the guys you mentioned were cheap, he didn't have much to word wit. You aren't a talent evaluator and passing up on your wants means nothing. The end product is what matters.

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McGlynn, Satele, & Justice were role players brought in on the cheap that helped turn a 2-14 club into a 11-5 playoff team...

Yeah it sucked seeing Luck get hit all of last season, but the only serious lineman I think Grigson may have missed on this FA is maybe Vasquez, and he got whooed by John Elway to protect & make a SB run with a certain number 18...

So cant really blame grigs on that one...

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Gavin, certainly you aren't seriously suggesting last years FA pickups, under the cap constraints the team was under, should be used as a measuring stick now... right?

And just because many of us like to play GM and attempt to project who the team might pursue, does not mean Grigs had any interest in any of the same players. It isn't reasonable to assume that he "passed" on anyone.

I'm not saying anyone is beyond reproach, but lets at least be reasonable in choosing and applying our measuring sticks.

Agree strongly with the highlighted part. Regarding judging using last year as a measuring stick.............


Maybe they should, maybe they shouldn't - don't know - but what is notable to me is that last year when those linemen were signed there was considerable support and admiration expressed on this board. Essentially "Grigson is an amazing judge of talent, and he used to be a lineman, so therefore he knows lineman better than anyone. He just massively upgraded our line - he's a GENIUS!". The fact that the line turned out to be arguably worse than the horrific line from the previous year should certainly be expected to put a damper on some of those who opened their mouths in the past. "Fool me once, etc".


However, all of that has more to do with peoples expectations than it does with reality. Similarly now, the people that are disappointed are probably the same people who detested Polian because he never jumped into free agency the way that they would have liked. They jumped to the conclusion that Grigson was different, ignoring a couple of things. 1) They both worked for the same guy. 2) There was no rational reason to believe that Polian was wrong in the first place. Perhaps they should stop jumping to conclusions, and just enjoy the show. But instead now they've assumed that the Colts were going to go sign every FA who they had on their fantasy team, and they forgot the part about this being a reality - one in which they can't bend GM's to their will (much less fellow posters).


For myself, I'm enjoying learning what kind of GM we have without bothering to be too judgmental since - like everyone else on here - comparing my scouting ability to any GM is akin to comparing my math ability  to Einsteins (with the possible exception of Matt Millen :P )

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Agree strongly with the highlighted part. Regarding judging using last year as a measuring stick.............


Maybe they should, maybe they shouldn't - don't know - but what is notable to me is that last year when those linemen were signed there was considerable support and admiration expressed on this board. Essentially "Grigson is an amazing judge of talent, and he used to be a lineman, so therefore he knows lineman better than anyone. He just massively upgraded our line - he's a GENIUS!". The fact that the line turned out to be arguably worse than the horrific line from the previous year should certainly be expected to put a damper on some of those who opened their mouths in the past. "Fool me once, etc".


However, all of that has more to do with peoples expectations than it does with reality. Similarly now, the people that are disappointed are probably the same people who detested Polian because he never jumped into free agency the way that they would have liked. They jumped to the conclusion that Grigson was different, ignoring a couple of things. 1) They both worked for the same guy. 2) There was no rational reason to believe that Polian was wrong in the first place. Perhaps they should stop jumping to conclusions, and just enjoy the show. But instead now they've assumed that the Colts were going to go sign every FA who they had on their fantasy team, and they forgot the part about this being a reality - one in which they can't bend GM's to their will (much less fellow posters).


For myself, I'm enjoying learning what kind of GM we have without bothering to be too judgmental since - like everyone else on here - comparing my scouting ability to any GM is akin to comparing my math ability  to Einsteins (with the possible exception of Matt Millen :P )


Don't think I could've said that any better.


Well done!      :thmup:

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The only real criticism I have is that I believe Grigs freaked when he missed Kruger, which he probably wasn't expecting, and that's when we overpaid Walden. He didn't want to go 0-2, so he did what he thought it took to make sure that didn't happen. Could Walden play up to the contract? It's possible, it just requires you to project him to be twice the player he was in GB. Practically every other FA signing has been for reasonable prices, showing it's a buyer's market. There's no need to overpay for Walden.


That said, Grigson's a very promising GM and he's got my full support. There will still be some growing pains just like every other guy on our team that's new to their NFL role. Acknowledging that mistake doesn't equal bashing, because no GM hits on 100% of his moves. Overall, he's handled FA very well and I feel like we're a markedly better team by how he's handled it.


What makes you think he "missed Kruger" ? We had the money, the connections (Pagano), and the better situation(not being Cleveland). Kruger was ours if we wanted him. I am more inclined to believe that he and Pagano (who knew Kruger from first hand knowledge) did not believe Kruger was worth near what he was asking.  I would also not be surprised to find out that in reality we never had much real interest in Kruger, and that our reported interest was all media hype.

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Mcglynn, Satele, Justice were not enough? Also decreeing such as you just did that no one has a right in (in america no less) to disagree on a personnel decision is pretty pointless, not all Grigsons signings he is going to hit on, thats just part of the game, Its more on what he passed up thats got me slightly miffed


Justice was not bad when not injured, I actually would not mind bringing him back for depth if no one picks him up.


What do you believe he passed up?

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I don't think there is anyone with an aversion to signing big name players; IF they are the right players for the right price.  I think the posts of disagreement you are referencing are in response to posts criticizing the signings by fans who seem to think like you do in the underlined statement above ... which basically says "we have not signed any impact players; we need some name players". 


Just because the casual or uninformed fan has not heard of them does not make them "non-impact" players.


Free agency is barely started and the majority of names are still on the board.


Look at the majority of teams who are and are not making the big headlines for their FA signings and ask yourself which group most of the perennially successful franchises are in.


Prices are going to drop on a lot of FAs after the initial frenzy (including many big names) and the Colts are still going to be in the game with plenty of money.


Relax and let the people who do this for a living and have done well for us so far do what they do.


edit for Landry signing:  There is your big name "impact player", you should be happy now!



Great post!...Let me add to this a bit if I may..


Think about this..Grigson went out for guys that aren't big names, he went after talented, young, and hungry players that might not have gotten a chance, or are in the wrong type of system with their former team(s).. With the Landry signing, the Colts have significantly upgraded a lot of needs, without breaking the bank. Just because someone has a "name" doesn't mean that once they get the money, they will continue to play at that level. For instance, in Baseball, as well as other sports, you see a guy busting his tail, seem like he's on the way to becoming a superstar, only when they get the money, they figure that they don't have to play as hard as they used to...I'm not saying all are like that, but it happens more often than not.


A lot of our signings have players that really want to play for us..That too makes a difference in the signings..I'd rather have 5-6 good players, that have the upside, while still being better thatn the players they are replacing, than to have two "names" that eat up most, if not all, of our cap space, and leave holes still left to be filled. I remember just last year, very many on the Forum were crying and complaining about the Colts trading up to get TY Hilton...by the end of the year, these same people have changed their tune completely. Just because a player isn't a "name", doesn't come from a great school, or no one ever heard of him (aka) Jerrell Freeman, doesn't mean he can't play at a high level and produce..


You say you have trust in Grigson, Coach P, and the rest of the Colts leadership...Then prove your trust by not nit picking and criticizing every little thing they do..and also realize that every move they make may not turn out...but then, who's to say that these "names" may not produce for the teams they went to..(A perfect example is Nnamdi Asomugha) He looked like the best cornerback ever for a year or two, now look at him)


Just sit back, relax, and watch the Colts build a strong, cohesive football machine...one that we, as fans, will enjoy for many years to come...

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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D

The boards exist for fans to express their opinions and differences are expected

Problems, when they arise, are often due to how posters choose to deal with their differences

Also they arise from a 'perceived' insult when someone expresses a dissenting opinion

Some feel their 'fanhood' is questioned ... when in fact it is not

Some question fanhood.........and they should not

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What makes you think he "missed Kruger" ? We had the money, the connections (Pagano), and the better situation(not being Cleveland). Kruger was ours if we wanted him. I am more inclined to believe that he and Pagano (who knew Kruger from first hand knowledge) did not believe Kruger was worth near what he was asking.  I would also not be surprised to find out that in reality we never had much real interest in Kruger, and that our reported interest was all media hype.


Why do I think we "missed Kruger"? Because we had interest and, regardless of the ultimate reason for us not escalating the bidding war, he wound up in Cleveland instead. 


Then, we promptly overpay a player at the same position who, at no point in his career, has shown he can play to the level of a $4 million annual salary. Going into FA, Kruger was a 1 year wonder; Walden was a no year wonder. 


As I said before, I'm very satisfied with the job Grigson's done and he's got my support 100%. That doesn't mean every move is a home run or that he doesn't strike out, because that just comes with the position. Walden will have to be significantly- and I mean significantly- better than he ever was in Green Bay to live up to the contract. Hey, there's a chance he could- it's just a poor risk/reward move.

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We picked up 4 starters..(maybe 5) all in their late 20s...

none for over $6 mil...

Its hard to judge the linemen until they play....

I know Landry and Toler can play...and we had to fill Freeney's spot with a real linebacker...

Gentlemen....we did well..its just a question of how well..

I dont care if we overpaid....if the player plays well.. and we're not in salary cap trouble.

I think the same guys who drafted 5 starters last year..just signed 5 more starters...

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The only real criticism I have is that I believe Grigs freaked when he missed Kruger, which he probably wasn't expecting, and that's when we overpaid Walden. He didn't want to go 0-2, so he did what he thought it took to make sure that didn't happen. Could Walden play up to the contract? It's possible, it just requires you to project him to be twice the player he was in GB. Practically every other FA signing has been for reasonable prices, showing it's a buyer's market. There's no need to overpay for Walden.


That said, Grigson's a very promising GM and he's got my full support. There will still be some growing pains just like every other guy on our team that's new to their NFL role. Acknowledging that mistake doesn't equal bashing, because no GM hits on 100% of his moves. Overall, he's handled FA very well and I feel like we're a markedly better team by how he's handled it.


I think its funny that you think Grigs freaked out. Does Grigs appear to be a man that "freaks out" to you? 

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Everyone is going to make mistakes and the guys you mentioned were cheap, he didn't have much to word wit. You aren't a talent evaluator and passing up on your wants means nothing. The end product is what matters.

Stating all the obvious you think, i seriously dont get the love for Toler, some are speaking about him as if he was a proven vet

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I don't understand what isn't to like about our FA signings:


Landry - 4/24 - A heckuva a player who just needs to stay healthy, and did last year.  The contract sounds like most of the butter is in the 1st year, so it'll be easy to step away from starting in year 2.

Cherilus - 5/35 - A solid, stout run blocker with better than average pass protection.  Contract is on par with RT of his pedigree.

Toler - 3/15 - Small money in comparison to most of today's starting corners.  Can't be that much guaranteed money, so it should be easy to walk away from next year if need be.

Walden - 4/14 - The most iffy one of the bunch, but as of late, Packer's brass was high on the kid.  He could be one heckuva starter, and he's not making 10mil/season like the premiere talents of this league.  Should also be easy to walk away from in year 2 and beyond as there isn't that much guaranteed.

Thomas - 4/14 - Should be an upgrade for us at G.  Fair price for a starting G.  Also, not difficult to walk away from after year 2 as there isn't much guaranteed there.

Sidburry - ?/? - Depth signing IMO.


All in all, Grigs brought in two legitimate starters in Landry and Cherilus, and a 2 guys that will most likely start in Toler and Thomas, and then a guy that could blow it up (or not) in Walden if he finally puts it all together.  All in all, none of these signing should hurt us, and they should all improve major deficiencies on this team.  It's a win/win, and we're not cap-strapped.

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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


mod edit


IGNORANT SPECULATION- this was awful Free Agency 






FACT- the statement above alone make this FA period MORE OF A SUCCESS THAN A TRAVESTY!

Edited by shecolt
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Dustin, I respect you and what you have to say, but Mathis will never even be in the conversation for the HOF.

question why wouldn't he be in conversation to be in the HOF? he's not far off from freeney at all and has played one year less

Freeney- 260 tackles 107.5 sacks 44 forced fumbles

Mathis- 334 tackles 91.5 sacks 40 forced fumbles 1 interception

over a one year span Mathis has 74 more tackles 15 less sacks 4 less fumbles forced fumbles and 1 interception

I believe he could be a HOF I mean mathis hasn't put up all the sack numbers like Freeney but he's an all around player when mathis wasn't playing this year did Freeney get any sacks? I'm pretty sure mathis got his when Freeney was gone and when he returned he deserves it just as much

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I don't understand what isn't to like about our FA signings:


Landry - 4/24 - A heckuva a player who just needs to stay healthy, and did last year.  The contract sounds like most of the butter is in the 1st year, so it'll be easy to step away from starting in year 2.

Cherilus - 5/35 - A solid, stout run blocker with better than average pass protection.  Contract is on par with RT of his pedigree.

Toler - 3/15 - Small money in comparison to most of today's starting corners.  Can't be that much guaranteed money, so it should be easy to walk away from next year if need be.

Walden - 4/14 - The most iffy one of the bunch, but as of late, Packer's brass was high on the kid.  He could be one heckuva starter, and he's not making 10mil/season like the premiere talents of this league.  Should also be easy to walk away from in year 2 and beyond as there isn't that much guaranteed.

Thomas - 4/14 - Should be an upgrade for us at G.  Fair price for a starting G.  Also, not difficult to walk away from after year 2 as there isn't much guaranteed there.

Sidburry - ?/? - Depth signing IMO.


All in all, Grigs brought in two legitimate starters in Landry and Cherilus, and a 2 guys that will most likely start in Toler and Thomas, and then a guy that could blow it up (or not) in Walden if he finally puts it all together.  All in all, none of these signing should hurt us, and they should all improve major deficiencies on this team.  It's a win/win, and we're not cap-strapped.

 Exactly this...

all major deficiencies addressed in someway shape or form, and get to cruise into the draft without major needs...


Anyone still complaining about FA is either upset about not getting the names they were reading all over this board (Vasquez, Levitre, Kruger) or simply complaining to complain...

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question why wouldn't he be in conversation to be in the HOF? he's not far off from freeney at all and has played one year less

Freeney- 260 tackles 107.5 sacks 44 forced fumbles

Mathis- 334 tackles 91.5 sacks 40 forced fumbles 1 interception

over a one year span Mathis has 74 more tackles 15 less sacks 4 less fumbles forced fumbles and 1 interception

I believe he could be a HOF I mean mathis hasn't put up all the sack numbers like Freeney but he's an all around player when mathis wasn't playing this year did Freeney get any sacks? I'm pretty sure mathis got his when Freeney was gone and when he returned he deserves it just as much


I don't remember ever questioning how good a player Mathis is, so no need to throw stats at me that I already know.


Mathis never received double-teams like Freeney, plenty of his numbers are a product of Freeney's success.


Not every good player gets into the HOF, it is the absolute elite in league history, as someone else pointed out, it's not the 'Hall of Very Good'.

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I agree with most everything .



Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.   :D


But not with this .  I'll wait to judge Ryan Grigsons moves in FA till next off season . Some folks take there selves & there opinions to seriously all I can say is thanks for the laughs . Thank goodness Ryan Grigson is the GM & not the wanna be sports guru's who can't even build a dog house let alone a monster .

I think I get the plan now.  It was a little unclear to me at first so I was frustrated.  The run D has been greatly improved IMO while the pass rush hasn't...BUT...the secondary is now stout so you can try to pass if you dare.  I would like to see a beefcake D lineman and a prototypical wide receiver drafted.  Ballard is a good enough RB I think unless someone falls.  How is the draft setting up for us?



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The boards exist for fans to express their opinions and differences are expected

Problems, when they arise, are often due to how posters choose to deal with their differences

Also they arise from a 'perceived' insult when someone expresses a dissenting opinion

Some feel their 'fanhood' is questioned ... when in fact it is not

Some question fanhood.........and they should not


If more people would click on the link in your sig line, there might not be so much bickering like there has been on here the past few days. I won't hold my breath though :D


Dustin, I respect you and what you have to say, but Mathis will never even be in the conversation for the HOF.


This is a fine example of of being able to disagree while still showing respect to your fellow forum members. I salute you! Rock on :rock:

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you have to love every move it makes or every player on it.  People spend a lot of time on this forum knocking down anyone with a dissenting opinion.  Differing opinions are what make the market for a conversation.  Don't hate it.  If everyone thought the same way how much fun would that be.  Love thy neighbor.  Love thy team...


Hate thy FA signings...good gravy what a mess!


Colts will be fine in the long run.  We will just be running a little longer to get there after this train wreck of a FA signing period.  :D


I need you to vote in my thread, don't sugar coat it

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I need you to vote in my thread, don't sugar coat it

I actually voted earlier but I voted average/slightly above.  Had I voted yesterday I would have gone with bring back Polian's son.  I really like Landry but unsure that he'll play as hard with a 4 year deal but sure hoping so.  I like Ricky a lot too.  

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So they're wrong and I should expect him to be great?

No idea. All I know is using fans opinion of the quality of a player is not the best barometer of what a guy can do. They mostly don't have a clue. You don't agree - spend five minutes reading some of the nonsense on this board.
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