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If The Colts Get To 0-14 Will They Rest Their Starters?

Blue Horseshoe

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Because quitting on the season cost us the Super Bowl. That is why my dear Mr Ruksak.

That is highly debatable.

One could ponder any number of scenarios that may have unfolded if we had thrown caution to the wind in pursuit of a trophy-less accomplishment. Maybe Manning's neck gets tweaked in week 16 and we play this surgery game a year ago? Maybe the Colts suffer team wide injury through those two games and go 1 and done? Maybe we go 19-0?

After sitting starters for two games, we came out and won 2 playoff games. So how can you, or anyone else, pretend to offer that the Super Bowl loss had anything to do with rest/rust?

Had we popped one and done after that, then I would fully entertain your revisionist history lesson. Fact is, we won the AFC championship game after taking a pass on perfection, ultimately reaching the foothills of our goal.

The SB loss itself was teetering on a bizarre on-sides kick and a poor read by Manning, which led to a pick 6 for our opponent.

Let us not pretend that we struggled to reach the promised land, only to barf out a poor showing and get blown out.

I would argue that what was accomplished after the resting of players fully vouches for the decision to do so.

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I'd like to add; We aren't an 0-14 team. The fact that people are buying into this is scary stupid.

Media hype sells all to easily. Week 1 doesn't reflect a whole season in a nutshell, win or lose, huge game or pathetic game, it doesn't even offer but a glimpse of certain aspects of a team.

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Because quitting on the season cost us the Super Bowl. That is why my dear Mr Ruksak.

I would love to hear that explanation. While we are at it, I'd also like to know how anyone could guarantee we were going to beat the Jets and the Bills anyway, and at what cost? If we suffer a major injury or two, we might not have even made the Super Bowl. Then we would be here complaining about going 16-0 but failing in the playoffs.

There are a lot of people here who pull the "I've been a Colts fan for 132 years," yet they complain about this, the best era in the organization's history, no matter what.

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In my opinion, I was quite pleased with the performance the second half of this past game. If we keep playing like that, we will win many games. We were amateurs the first half, then we pulled it together the second half. How does that make us a 0-14 team?

I am very excited to see what we can put together against the Browns. If you are a true Colts fan, you wouldn't write off their hopes of a winning season so prematurely.

That's just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I am a Colts fan, and I say we can only get better from here.

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Because quitting on the season cost us the Super Bowl. That is why my dear Mr Ruksak.

I will give you a rational explanation based on match ups why letting the Jets into the playoffs, by accident or intent, helped us out. The playoff seeding in the AFC was #1 Colts, #2 Chargers, #3 Patriots, #4 Bengals, #5 Jets, #6 Ravens. The Chargers were the #2 seed that year and they matched up well versus both the Patriots and the Colts but not as well vs the Jets or Ravens based on their propensity to deal with defensive pressure from blitzing teams that were good at it (Ravens, Jets). They dealt better with teams that rushed four, which was us.

In all likelihood, if the Jets had not made the playoffs, it would have been a Colts vs Chargers AFCCG, and based on our difficulties that year with good passing teams (the only one we played was the Pats and thanks to the 4th & 2 benefit, we pulled out a win 35-34, and the other one we played in the SB, we lost to the Saints), we would have lost at home to the Chargers. I have no doubt in my mind that would have happened.

So, I have just given a theory to support that if we went for the undefeated season, in all likelihood, we don't even make the SB, let alone win it. The bottomline, we all can provide several theories on several fronts to make a case for one or the other.

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Since "We don't really care one way or the other about a perfect season. It's just not something we think about." and because "There is no reason to risk getting guys hurt in a game with no bearing on playoff seeding.".

Nice. Here's my take on how it plays out:

I think they will rest their starters for just the last game, then an inspired painter will come in and get his first W as a starter, while also wrecking some poor team's chance of making the playoffs as a wildcard. Caldwell will try to tank it, but stupidly call a timeout that gives curtis time for a hail mary on a 4th down with 8 seconds left; hank basket will catch it for reasons that I can't explain. With a win to our credit, we drop to the 2nd overall pick in the draft as a result--the bengals will get Luck as the first pick, and we will draft a small but fast DE who forever plays small. Quietly, curtis painter will have a framed internet printout of the single win hung in his basement by the pool table, and friends will secretly wonder 15 years later if it is a fake. His wife will later start wearing the "patriots 18-1" T-shirt to mess with him, and a quiet but palpable tension will remain between them due in no small part to the fact that he never cuts his balding blonde hair in some sad effort to hang onto his youth (beer belly notwithstanding).


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I'd like to add; We aren't an 0-14 team. The fact that people are buying into this is scary stupid.

Media hype sells all to easily. Week 1 doesn't reflect a whole season in a nutshell, win or lose, huge game or pathetic game, it doesn't even offer but a glimpse of certain aspects of a team.

Yeah the media takes week one and already decied who is going to the super bowl, playoffs and who will be the wildcard teams...Its ridiculous I have seen it many of times now, The super bowl in INDY will be Patriots Vs Packers...All because those to teams had a stellar game! I guess week 1 now decides a season?

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In my opinion, I was quite pleased with the performance the second half of this past game. If we keep playing like that, we will win many games. We were amateurs the first half, then we pulled it together the second half. How does that make us a 0-14 team?

I am very excited to see what we can put together against the Browns. If you are a true Colts fan, you wouldn't write off their hopes of a winning season so prematurely.

That's just my thoughts, take it or leave it. I am a Colts fan, and I say we can only get better from here.

Let's hope i see know way it could be worse!
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No kidding!

Many people seem more transfixed on that 'perfect season' debacle than the fact that we lost the Super Bowl.

Yea maybe because we disrespected the game, in a stupid attempt to win a Superbowl that we didn't even get. Pride goeth before a fall.. The office thought they were being so smart, but only wound up hurting the fans X2. SB is one game.. 16-0 season would still be a great stat in the legacy of Peyton Manning. Colts inability to sourround Peyton with blue collar winners, sucks.. but when he's still successful despite.. and they take that away from him? I've never had the same respect or admiration for the Irsay/Polian/Caldwell.

Praying that despite snooze fest office he plays for.. That is man will Elway the end of his career.. Seriously.. Lets watch him finish his career like one of his great comeback games.. u think hes out.. hes not gonna win as many championships as brady.. then WHAM!! Comeback. Manning Repeats :D Power of prayer people, mixed with the undeniable talent of Manning..Nothings impossible.

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Yea maybe because we disrespected the game, in a stupid attempt to win a Superbowl that we didn't even get. Pride goeth before a fall.. The office thought they were being so smart, but only wound up hurting the fans X2. SB is one game.. 16-0 season would still be a great stat in the legacy of Peyton Manning. Colts inability to sourround Peyton with blue collar winners, sucks.. but when he's still successful despite.. and they take that away from him? I've never had the same respect or admiration for the Irsay/Polian/Caldwell.

Praying that despite snooze fest office he plays for.. That is man will Elway the end of his career.. Seriously.. Lets watch him finish his career like one of his great comeback games.. u think hes out.. hes not gonna win as many championships as brady.. then WHAM!! Comeback. Manning Repeats :D Power of prayer people, mixed with the undeniable talent of Manning..Nothings impossible.

All I can say to that is, Irsay and Caldwell would rather explain why we didn't go for the perfect season than to explain why they got Manning's neck broke for an inconsequential win.

"We thought it would be cool. Ya know, cause that means we're better than the '72 Phins".

Here is a picture of the Perfect Season Trophy >>>

WAIT WHAT? Where is it? I can't see it?

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Nice. Here's my take on how it plays out:

I think they will rest their starters for just the last game, then an inspired painter will come in and get his first W as a starter, while also wrecking some poor team's chance of making the playoffs as a wildcard. Caldwell will try to tank it, but stupidly call a timeout that gives curtis time for a hail mary on a 4th down with 8 seconds left; hank basket will catch it for reasons that I can't explain. With a win to our credit, we drop to the 2nd overall pick in the draft as a result--the bengals will get Luck as the first pick, and we will draft a small but fast DE who forever plays small. Quietly, curtis painter will have a framed internet printout of the single win hung in his basement by the pool table, and friends will secretly wonder 15 years later if it is a fake. His wife will later start wearing the "patriots 18-1" T-shirt to mess with him, and a quiet but palpable tension will remain between them due in no small part to the fact that he never cuts his balding blonde hair in some sad effort to hang onto his youth (beer belly notwithstanding).


Curtis is my hero, and you are making me like him even more! If we only let him play that last game and he wins it, that just proves that we made the mistake of not playing him throughout the season. Hooray for the balding beer-belly man, I solute you!

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That is highly debatable.

One could ponder any number of scenarios that may have unfolded if we had thrown caution to the wind in pursuit of a trophy-less accomplishment. Maybe Manning's neck gets tweaked in week 16 and we play this surgery game a year ago? Maybe the Colts suffer team wide injury through those two games and go 1 and done? Maybe we go 19-0?

After sitting starters for two games, we came out and won 2 playoff games. So how can you, or anyone else, pretend to offer that the Super Bowl loss had anything to do with rest/rust?

Had we popped one and done after that, then I would fully entertain your revisionist history lesson. Fact is, we won the AFC championship game after taking a pass on perfection, ultimately reaching the foothills of our goal.

The SB loss itself was teetering on a bizarre on-sides kick and a poor read by Manning, which led to a pick 6 for our opponent.

Let us not pretend that we struggled to reach the promised land, only to barf out a poor showing and get blown out.

I would argue that what was accomplished after the resting of players fully vouches for the decision to do so.

Statistically the team that enters into the playoffs with a head of steam usually does better than those that take a break at the end of the season. It's not a guarantee but I'm just saying...

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I'd like to add; We aren't an 0-14 team. The fact that people are buying into this is scary stupid.

Media hype sells all to easily. Week 1 doesn't reflect a whole season in a nutshell, win or lose, huge game or pathetic game, it doesn't even offer but a glimpse of certain aspects of a team.

what are you going to do if they are 0-14 team? I think you should back that statement with an, "i'll do _____." if they are. I suggest having to buy season tickets to the pacers.

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what are you going to do if they are 0-14 team? I think you should back that statement with an, "i'll do _____." if they are. I suggest having to buy season tickets to the pacers.

First off I'll question my knowledge of football. Secondly, after reassessing my knowledge of football I'll root for the Colts to go 2-14.

What will I do if I'm wrong? I'll run out on the field at our last home game, naked save for a kango hat, holding a sign that says "ruksak is a naked *".

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First off I'll question my knowledge of football. Secondly, after reassessing my knowledge of football I'll root for the Colts to go 2-14.

What will I do if I'm wrong? I'll run out on the field at our last home game, naked save for a kango hat, holding a sign that says "ruksak is a naked *".

I like it ;) but you don't have to be naked.

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Because quitting on the season cost us the Super Bowl. That is why my dear Mr Ruksak.

How did that cost Colts SB? In my opinion they just got outplayed and outcoached.Take for example that infamous on side kick. I could see that coming sitting at home and I can't believe the coach did not suspect it. That one play was the beginning of the end.

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First off I'll question my knowledge of football. Secondly, after reassessing my knowledge of football I'll root for the Colts to go 2-14.

What will I do if I'm wrong? I'll run out on the field at our last home game, naked save for a kango hat, holding a sign that says "ruksak is a naked *".

Only if you draw the :*: by hand. If you use a computer print out I will consider it cheating in the same level as Belicheck's cameraman.

How did that cost Colts SB? In my opinion they just got outplayed and outcoached.Take for example that infamous on side kick. I could see that coming sitting at home and I can't believe the coach did not suspect it. That one play was the beginning of the end.

You saw the on-side kick coming? Really? Yeah...no you didn't. That kick could easily go down as one of the gutsiest calls in a SB in the past 15-20 years. No reasonable person could fault the coaches or players for getting caught off-guard by that on-side kick.

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You saw the on-side kick coming? Really? Yeah...no you didn't. That kick could easily go down as one of the gutsiest calls in a SB in the past 15-20 years. No reasonable person could fault the coaches or players for getting caught off-guard by that on-side kick.

What some people call "gutsy" I call stupid. That was stupid. Robbing a bank is stupid, but sometimes they get away with it. Had we recovered that, as we should've, Peyton woulda put 7 more on them and Payton would've been called stupid. Strange how that works, stupid becomes smart when the ball goes in the baskett.

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You saw the on-side kick coming? Really? Yeah...no you didn't. That kick could easily go down as one of the gutsiest calls in a SB in the past 15-20 years. No reasonable person could fault the coaches or players for getting caught off-guard by that on-side kick.

If Hank Baskett holds onto a ball that hits him square in the chest, it goes down as one of the stupidest calls in SB history. That's how fine the line is. The players should be prepared for an onside kick on every kickoff. That is the whole reason that a few players play 10-15 yards off the 30 on every kickoff.....just in case there is an onside kick. Being taken by surprise is not an excuse here.

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If Hank Baskett holds onto a ball that hits him square in the chest, it goes down as one of the stupidest calls in SB history. That's how fine the line is. The players should be prepared for an onside kick on every kickoff. That is the whole reason that a few players play 10-15 yards off the 30 on every kickoff.....just in case there is an onside kick. Being taken by surprise is not an excuse here.

the coaches realise we dont do good on onside kicks and they are going to address that and make some adjustments

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