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If the texans win the division and possibly make the SB will this change how the Colts will draft in future years


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I personally don't like the idea of drafting to beat a particular team. I think you should draft for your system and then let coaching take care of the execution. There are 14 other teams in the AFC that we could meet in the playoffs that aren't the Texans. That said, they are a great team and this could be the beginning of a great rivalry. I think with the right players in our system and good coaching, we won't have to draft to beat them. We will do it our own way with execution and solid team play.

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Draft for your system not to counter a particular team, with that said if you absolutely have to draft a player (1) that could very well help out vs a team you play twice a year then if he is there and you dont have any glaring needs and assuming he is one of the best players available at that spot then go get him

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Give the Texans a couple of years off? What?

I can see the Colts competing for the division title next year, and I'm not being bias.

Also, with the Texans looking like a powerhouse for the next little while, I doubt the Colts are the dominant team in AFC South for awhile.

Last thing, Schaub vs overtime? When did overtime become an opponent?

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Give the Texans a couple of years off? What?

I can see the Colts competing for the division title next year, and I'm not being bias.

Also, with the Texans looking like a powerhouse for the next little while, I doubt the Colts are the dominant team in AFC South for awhile.

Last thing, Schaub vs overtime? When did overtime become an opponent?

I agree. The Colts have a winning record already and a lot of people didn't expect that to happen this season. 12 will have an offseason and so will the defense, factor that in with the draft and F/A and they could be formidable next year. I'm looking forward to the AFC South being the competitive division that it once was. We had arguably the best QB, RBs, WR in the NFL in Manning, Chris Johnson, Jones-Drew, and Andre Johnson at one point. I want it to look like that again...except this time with 12, Locker, both Johnsons, Foster, Jones-Drew, a career-high-seeking Reggie Wayne...I can see it in my dreams! We'll finally get some respect for the AFC again!

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If you're legitimately drafting to help win football games, your scheme and players should be able to beat any team, not just one.

I don't think so. For years they drafted specifically to beat the Colts, and it didn't do them much good. Only in the past few years did they start drafting for areas of concern, and now it's starting to pay off.

Yes, They drafted specifically to beat Peyton Manning, and even though it didn't work immediately, the rest of the league has been modeling their offenses to be more "manning-like", so the Texans have/will be benefitting from that.

How would we draft to counter that? Draft another Peyton Manning, which we (supposedly) did, wait for the Texans to get old or wait for Peyton Manning and Tom Brady to retire.

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It's funny how everyone thinks the Texans are Super Bowl contenders. They're just a regular season contender at this point. Much like the Colts were for years then we finally pulled one out with a lot of luck involved. With all the changes made this year we're finally starting to see drafting much like what the Patriots are doing. Which BTW, my kids only know them as that and they'll correct you if you try to call them that other name. We'll soon start dominating on a regular basis. Folks, that's any team that plays the Colts. I guarantee it!

Edited by shecolt
insulting nickname/skirting filter
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honestly, i dont think beating the Texans is that hard of a grasp for the mere fact that the jags and lions went into overtime with them they found a weakness and the other teams are using it against them quite well, so unless if the texans start improving it in that area they wont seem as solid as they did in the first half of this season, as for draft i have to agree if the others here simply just draft what we need to put improvements on are team, and have are coaches make it work and well be fine, plus we alrdy have one of the youngest team and i see it getting younger by avg next year by adding at least 3 more rookies in the starting position so we are doing are thing and id say within 2 years we will be up there with the texans or will be a team to reckon with from teams around the league for the mere fact i think we alrdy are and we got some major improvement in key areas and are alrdy getting it done with a winning record.

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Draft for your system not to counter a particular team, with that said if you absolutely have to draft a player (1) that could very well help out vs a team you play twice a year then if he is there and you dont have any glaring needs and assuming he is one of the best players available at that spot then go get him

Ding Ding Ding.

That's why The Texans had 0 success while Peyton was here.

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Pagano expressed the same simple desire expressed by all coaches in my lifetime. Duh!

Stop the run, make them one dimensional. Put pressure on the QB with the pass rush.

Run the ball effectively so WE are not one dimensional.

Draft the best player available is the plan.

The Colts have Zero Very Good to Excellent players on D and they need 3,4,5 of those I would say.

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Pagano expressed the same simple desire expressed by all coaches in my lifetime. Duh!

Stop the run, make them one dimensional. Put pressure on the QB with the pass rush.

Run the ball effectively so WE are not one dimensional.

Draft the best player available is the plan.

The Colts have Zero Very Good to Excellent players on D and they need 3,4,5 of those I would say.

e have some players we can keep or i hope we can keep, like Jarrell Freeman, Pat Angerer, Robert Mathis, Josh Chapman, not saying they are great but that they can become great...you have to realize this is their first year with this scheme and have to work it out, i think they are making a lot of mental areas especially Robert since he was a DE last year and got switch to linebacker that a huge difference.....and im sure there are others that can be kept im just saying not all positions on are defense and horrible though most of them do need a lot of work to make the scheme run better

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honestly, i dont think beating the Texans is that hard of a grasp for the mere fact that the jags and lions went into overtime with them they found a weakness and the other teams are using it against them quite well, so unless if the texans start improving it in that area they wont seem as solid as they did in the first half of this season,

To add to this, I would say that the Texans have not looked good against excellent QBs... they haven't really played any this season except Manning, Rodgers, and Stafford. They beat Manning by 6 in his third game as a Bronco, Green Bay beat them, and Stafford carved them up, then watched his coach give the game away.... The key to beating the Texans is to get a good game from our QB and finding a way to keep A. Johnson under 100 yds receiving, easier said than done, but Houston isn't capable of doing what NE did to us last week, IMO. They look good, but they are overrated every season, I don't think Houston would be leading any other division in the NFL except maybe the NFC East... just my (biased) opinion

No way we should draft to beat any one team..... makes sense for us to focus on stopping the run in the same div. as Foster, CJ, and MJD, but the rest of the league is very different than our old fashioned, underachieving division...

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To add to this, I would say that the Texans have not looked good against excellent QBs... they haven't really played any this season except Manning, Rodgers, and Stafford. They beat Manning by 6 in his third game as a Bronco, Green Bay beat them, and Stafford carved them up, then watched his coach give the game away.... The key to beating the Texans is to get a good game from our QB and finding a way to keep A. Johnson under 100 yds receiving, easier said than done, but Houston isn't capable of doing what NE did to us last week, IMO. They look good, but they are overrated every season, I don't think Houston would be leading any other division in the NFL except maybe the NFC East... just my (biased) opinion

No way we should draft to beat any one team..... makes sense for us to focus on stopping the run in the same div. as Foster, CJ, and MJD, but the rest of the league is very different than our old fashioned, underachieving division...

The Texans played a great game against Manning until there were about 7 minutes left in the fourth quarter. Peyton Manning is Peyton Manning and Rodgers is Rodgers...they are going to get yards. Stafford and Johnson were handled despite us having our best cornerback and one of our starting linebackers out, and I'm not even talking about Cushing. Even with injuries they are proving that they can win...I would take us in every division in the AFC except maybe AFC East at this point, considering that we beat the best teams in the North and West already. Johnson is not the only guy on offense that teams have to account for either. Make that mistake and people tend to get burned by Walter, Daniels, or Casey. We have some good TEs and our runningbacks are very capable of making plays in the receiving game. That said, we are not perfect, but 10-1? I'll take it. :D

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To add to this, I would say that the Texans have not looked good against excellent QBs... they haven't really played any this season except Manning, Rodgers, and Stafford. They beat Manning by 6 in his third game as a Bronco, Green Bay beat them, and Stafford carved them up, then watched his coach give the game away.... The key to beating the Texans is to get a good game from our QB and finding a way to keep A. Johnson under 100 yds receiving, easier said than done, but Houston isn't capable of doing what NE did to us last week, IMO. They look good, but they are overrated every season, I don't think Houston would be leading any other division in the NFL except maybe the NFC East... just my (biased) opinion

No way we should draft to beat any one team..... makes sense for us to focus on stopping the run in the same div. as Foster, CJ, and MJD, but the rest of the league is very different than our old fashioned, underachieving division...

i agree with you one on this one, and stafford carved them up and as not been the threat he was last year imo, and are division is a run well to get the pass working, as for other teams are based off of good defenses or superior passing, which is why i also say we dont draft to beat the texans we draft to complete the colts

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The Texans and Patriots are the only two teams I fear. The Texans to me are our immediate (<---no spell check) threat to division dominance and they are kicking you know what right now! Yeah, they may be scraping by in overtime getting wins, but a win is a win regardless.

I'm new to this division so I have to read up on how we match up against the Texans and which teams usually have our number, but as of this season, as far as what I've observed I am going to make an educated guess and say that this division title goes through Texas. Plus we play them twice almost back to back.

I'm so curious to see how we do against them because we have not played them yet. I've watched three of their games this year and I give them all the respect in the world. But at the end of the day, it's GO COLTS, SUPERBOWL CHAMPS!

I admit, being a new Colts fan, I got a lot of homework to do to read up on the stats of my team and I have to learn more about the players on my team so I can add more to the conversation when talking to football fans, right now I kind of suck.

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The jags spent years building a team to beat the colts where did that get them?

I could be wrong but I would wager out of our divisional opponents they probably have the best record against us. Sadly though you play 14 other games and it does you little good to build a team that is basically 12% of your schedule. Now...if you are an established team like New England that has one weakness...then you key in on that and draft or trade...like getting Tariq from Tampa. Brilliant move on their part. Sometimes I wonder why teams even trade with New England....they ALWAYS get the best of every deal.
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I dont see how it changes our build strategy at all. Building to beat one team is a good way never sniff the playoffs. The things we need to beat the Texans are needed to beat just about every other good team in the league.

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I dont see how it changes our build strategy at all. Building to beat one team is a good way never sniff the playoffs. The things we need to beat the Texans are needed to beat just about every other good team in the league.

^ Was pretty much what i was thinking

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The worst thing to happen to the Texans was when they were put in our division, sure they are having some success in which they are due one good season or two, but the truth is after this year we will be back to the powerhouse we were a few years back so if the Texans want to win a SB they better get it this year because the colt will be a very dangerous team after this year. No we will not draft based off what the Texans can do, we will draft off need and best available player. One thing about the Colts we worry about us. We will follow the same method in the offseason that we do in the season,One game at a time, the offseason one step at a time and the goals is not to be one step ahead of the Texans, but one step ahead of 31 other teams and we will be there in a very short time.

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