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If you we're front office, who would you have hired as coaches last offseason?


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I've been happy with the decision to hire Pagano. I wasn't sold on Manusky or Arians, but both have proved me wrong. I would have liked if we could have gotten Brian Billick, but I'm not sure if he is even interested in coaching anymore at the age of 58. But I'm more than happy with Pagano at the helm.

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I was going crazy when we got Pagano. I couldn't have been happier. I know he will turn us into a more phisical team and Arians is a great compliment. Still not sure how i feel about Manusky. Im holding out on him to until i see next years draft. Hopefully we can get Te'o!

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Bill Cower

It would depend on what route I was ordered to take from the big man.

I've been happy with the decision to hire Pagano.

All solid points gentlemen. Just like jvan1973, I wanted the former Steelers "cowering" jawline on the INDY sidelines, but I knew that Bill wasn't gonna leave the CBS broadcast booth. Therefore, as an HC backup, I wanted NY Giants DC Perry Fewell. Rip away as many coaching/front office personnel from GM Jerry Reese and ownership John Mara as you possibly can.

I will be honest here. Originally, I wanted Steve Spagnuolo as our DC. This would have been a complete disaster, but I can admit when I am wrong or was clearly way off base in a prediction. Brian Billick as OC. He worked wonders for Minnesota they year that they almost made it to the SB. DC=Rob Ryan. I always like how both Rob and Rex Ryan attack opposing QBs and mess with their head down after down. Special Teams...Get a recommendation from Jim Harbaugh. O-line Coach...Get a recommendation from Russ Grimm.

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All solid points gentlemen. Just like jvan1973, I wanted the former Steelers "cowering" jawline on the INDY sidelines, but I knew that Bill wasn't gonna leave the CBS broadcast booth. Therefore, as an HC backup, I wanted NY Giants DC Perry Fewell. Rip away as many coaching/front office personnel from GM Jerry Reese and ownership John Mara as you possibly can.

I will be honest here. Originally, I wanted Steve Spagnuolo as our DC. This would have been a complete disaster, but I can admit when I am wrong or was clearly way off base in a prediction. Brian Billick as OC. He worked wonders for Minnesota they year that they almost made it to the SB. DC=Rob Ryan. I always like how both Rob and Rex Ryan attack opposing QBs and mess with their head down after down. Special Teams...Get a recommendation from Jim Harbaugh. O-line Coach...Get a recommendation from Russ Grimm.

I think Spagnola would have fit better here than in New Orleans so I don't think you were exactly wrong.

Grimm was on my short list for HC.

I'm also fond of each of the Ryan brothers and wish Rex would have been hired instead of Caldwell after Dungy retired.

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I think Spagnola would have fit better here than in New Orleans so I don't think you were exactly wrong.

Grimm was on my short list for HC.

I'm also fond of each of the Ryan brothers and wish Rex would have been hired instead of Caldwell after Dungy retired.

You know what FJC. You are exactly right. Why isn't Grimm at the top of more NFL franchises lists for HC vacancies? One in Philadelphia will be wide open next year IMO. Yup, swooping Rex for Jim Caldwell would have been a much better move. Good point FJC. :thmup:

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The only other head coaching candidates I was intrigued by were Mike Zimmer and Pete Carmichael. I don't think Zimmer has the mentality that a head coach needs to have, personally, and I think he's going to wind up being more off a Todd Haley type coach who alienates his players. I'm not suggesting anyone put money on that; it's just something I think.

As for Carmichael, it's questionable how much credit he deserves for the Saints offense, but he did a pretty good job calling plays down the stretch last season when Payton was hurt.

At the end of the day, I'm glad we went with Pagano. He was my first choice out of the guys that were actually interviewed. I'm super glad we didn't go with a retread like Jeff Fisher or Jon Gruden.

At offensive coordinator, I don't think I had any preferences there. Pagano didn't interview anyone but Arians, I don't think. One idea that I thought might have been a good one was Marc Trestman from the CFL, who was rumored to be in the mix for the head coaching job. I doubt that he ever was seriously under consideration, but I think he'd be a better fit at offensive coordinator than head coach, at least for a couple years. He knows the NFL, having been a coordinator years ago, and he's worked with a lot of young quarterbacks in preparation for the NFL. I've heard that he's more WCO-oriented than Arians, which would have been a good fit for Luck.

At defensive coordinator, I'm still bummed that we couldn't get Keith Butler to leave Pittsburgh. Would have much preferred him to Manusky. There were a couple of instances in the Browns game of why I have a problem with Manusky's play calling. I don't know that Butler would be better, but I really liked the idea of him and Pagano running the defense together. Another guy I would have liked would be Steve Spagnuolo. I think his defensive line principles coupled with Pagano's hybrid defense would have been a good fit for our still transforming defensive personnel.

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I wouldn't have thought of Pagano, but I like that decision. I, like many, wish we could have gotten Keith Butler, but the Jury is still out on Manusky. He might be good.

Arians, I wasn't too happy with. He's been okay this year, but I think he's throwing too much at the young offense right now.

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