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Ballard clock ticking: Opportunity or Failure


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1 hour ago, chad72 said:


Selective continuity is important but yes, it is not necessary everywhere.


QB having the same OC schemes, continuity is important. The OL having most of the same personnel year after year, continuity is important - helps the QB and skill positions as a whole.


The D - to me, in the current NFL, the secondary more than DL needs more continuity due to the area they have to cover to be on the same page. 


The rest, you can have a little delta across years, IMO. This is by no means an indictment on the positional importance but just focusing on the continuity of schemes and tutelage of young players.


This is one of the striking differences between Ballard and Grigson's philosophies, to me. Ballard pinpointed creative offensive minds from day 1 as the HC. It was the KC way when he was there too, so it's not something that he changed when he came here. Grigson gets to draft Andrew Luck and he chooses a defensive coach and shuffles OC after OC? It's interesting to watch. One can't help but wonder what might have been had Andrew had consistency with his coaches.


I agree on the secondary, but doesn't that go along with allowing young players to develop together? I think that's a huge part of the ultimate plan... It just happened to be some of our better players on the d-line that were retained. Ballard puts a lot of weight there, and has brought in plenty of free agents on the d-line during his time here, so I don't think he would disagree with what you are saying.  

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4 hours ago, shasta519 said:

The choke job was a collective effort, including Ballard's roster.

Disagree on that being on Ballard’s roster. That same roster was good enough to win 9 games that year. Losing two back to back games where either win would’ve locked in a playoff spot comes down to coaching at that point. Roster was not the reason they lost by 3 to a very beatable Raiders team but then got smoked by a Jags team with nothing to play for.

4 hours ago, stitches said:

I also think Ballard's obsession with rewarding your own players and trying to bring back every player from a mediocre team, does not pass the sniff test. You cannot preach that free agency is overrated and teams overpay for players non-stop in FA and then turn back and give contracts to pretty much every single player on your own team.

The thing is though, all of the guys he has brought back are some of the best at their position and would have been top FAs at the position had they hit the market. So there’s a method to the madness. Grover would have been the top NT in FA. Pittman would have been the 2nd best WR behind only Calvin Ridley. Depending on how important workload is to you, JT would have been number 1 or 2 at RB with Derrick Henry. Kenny Moore is arguably the best slot corner in the league, and the best DB on the team regardless of position.

If you want to pick a weak link in the group that got resigned I mean maybe Zaire Franklin, but it’s not like he’s breaking the bank or was coming off a mediocre season. If there was anyone who maybe didn’t need to be resigned it was Leonard , but he was legitimately the best LB in the league at that time. He also really didn’t need to re-sign Hines, but he remedied that by trading him which I thought was warranted. You never resign scat backs who are ineffective at rushing.


Also notice that he didn’t give Blackmon a big long term deal, even though he had a career year. He also let Okereke walk. So to me there’s clear examples of him knowing who should be resigned and who shouldn’t. He’s not really resigning mediocre players or people who can be easily replaced.


My issue with him and FA is not pulling the trigger on the low risk signings that just seem to make sense. Justin Simmons recently and Charles Leno back In 2021 are two examples that stick out.  Also it’s not like he hasn’t tried. He tried to get Hunter but he took less money to go play for the Texans. He tried with Lajarius Sneed and was really close, but I think the numbers were a bit off. I don’t need him to go out and sign the top guy at the position day 1 of FA, but he can definitely roll the dice on some 2nd tier guys while he lets a draft pick develop a little more often.

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On 8/17/2024 at 10:29 PM, GoColts8818 said:

The later is why,  Polian admitted to not using free agency because he preferred building through the draft and if you look at the Colts cap situation during the Manning era they didn’t have the money to go get big time free agents because all the cap was being spent on the guys you just listed.  

Before they got those guys and during the Grigson era they had no problem signing big free agents.  It’s more the NBA where you see players really control where they go because they have way more power than NFL players and because they have guaranteed contracts that are more or less slotted.  So a team like the Pacers can’t come in offer way more money to get someone like LeBron James to come to Indy.


The NFL model is different.  Players don’t have guaranteed contracts and they definitely aren’t set up like the NBA where you have max deals teams can offer so they generally go where they can get the most money up front regardless of market size.  Even Polian used to say the team the pays the most gets the player.  

Ballard has made the choice to build through the draft because like you said that’s what good teams do.  It’s the tried and proven method.  That’s why the Colts don’t sign free agents.  

As for your point about QBs that is almost perfectly correct.  Except they did choose Rivers over Brady.  There has been a lot of smoke to suggest Brady was interested in coming here when Rivers did and the Colts at least looked at him.  With that said, I’d agree that an exception to the rule and at that point we are talking about the one band aide QB the Colts used that worked so it’s not like Rivers was Ryan or Wentz.  Overall I agree with that part of your point though.  Wentz was the best match for Reich the year they got him and everyone and their mother thought Ryan was going to work up until it didn’t.  You could argue Stafford but look at the cost of that trade for what is looking like a short term investment for the Rams.  Plus the Rams had something to give the Lions no one else did, Goff, and he’s turned out to be their franchise QB.  


The first realistic chance to get a new franchise QB in the draft Ballard did.  The Packers traded up to block the Colts from taking Love and despite what some say there was no way on earth the Colts were taking Josh Allen the year they took Nelson with a healthy Luck on the roster for what they thought at the time was another decade to come at least.  I guess you could argue Hurts but I think the jury is still out on that.  

Finally an intelligent response to this line of reasoning! 

I’ve never really believed that Brady was interested in the Colts either.


If you can’t beat them you join them is common in baseball rivalries BUT going to the Colts that he more or less owned in his career seems unrealistic.

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Ballard will lose his job one day. All GM's do....This NFL job is not long term for any GM....We can argue strategies and right way and wrong way forever but GM's will be judged on wins and losses and how far they take a team. Doesn't matter how they did or didn't do it. Even the most optimistic Colts fans shouldn't be surprised  by fans who are very skeptical about what Ballard is doing after 8 years when he has never won anything or built any great teams in the past. It's not like some of us fans can point to him building a winner in the past that we can lean on in terms of confidence. The only way he changes peoples perception that are skeptical is by building a winner and getting results. So for everybody that argues why he is great and why he should be here and making excuses for his shortcomings, there is no excuse for continuing to not build a winner after 8 years.......For the fans that have lost their pateince, I dont blame them because as I said, GM's will always be judged on wins and championships as they should be. Remember, this is about building a Colts winner for all Colts fans, not Chris ballard and his job. Guys like him come and go.....The Colts will always be here for us fans because we wont change allegience. Our loyalty is always to the Colts. Ballard's loyalty is to whoever is paying him at that time and he wont think twice about wasting 8 years in Indy. That's reality!

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I am seriously on the fence regarding Ballard and weather he should stay or go.  I assume that the nature of the NFL will eventually push him out if we don't become a regular playoff team and make an AFC championship in the next 3-5 years.  That is Ballard's window in a best case scenario. 

He is a fantastic drafter and that is a huge aspect of keeping a solid baseline as a GM.  Sure he may be frugal, and not the most aggressive in some areas and also stubborn in others- but I do see him try to learn and grow a bit without deviating too far from his core philosophies. That is acceptable. Don't be somebody he is not. 

It will all boil down to Richardson.  If AR makes it to a second contract, I would say Ballard has succeeded and he will be around for another 5 years. The jury is completely still out on that one, I would say. Steichen will do his best to make Ballard look good for as long as he can develop AR, but at some point we need to see a serious refinery in AR's passing effectiveness.  You can only be a superior athlete with measurables for so long.  You can only be a freak of nature, an alien, blah blah blah for so long until you have to prove it for an extended period of time in the show. 


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11 hours ago, DavePSL said:

Ballard will lose his job one day. All GM's do....This NFL job is not long term for any GM....We can argue strategies and right way and wrong way forever but GM's will be judged on wins and losses and how far they take a team. Doesn't matter how they did or didn't do it. Even the most optimistic Colts fans shouldn't be surprised  by fans who are very skeptical about what Ballard is doing after 8 years when he has never won anything or built any great teams in the past. It's not like some of us fans can point to him building a winner in the past that we can lean on in terms of confidence. The only way he changes peoples perception that are skeptical is by building a winner and getting results. So for everybody that argues why he is great and why he should be here and making excuses for his shortcomings, there is no excuse for continuing to not build a winner after 8 years.......For the fans that have lost their pateince, I dont blame them because as I said, GM's will always be judged on wins and championships as they should be. Remember, this is about building a Colts winner for all Colts fans, not Chris ballard and his job. Guys like him come and go.....The Colts will always be here for us fans because we wont change allegience. Our loyalty is always to the Colts. Ballard's loyalty is to whoever is paying him at that time and he wont think twice about wasting 8 years in Indy. That's reality!


I disagree that it doesn't matter how they did or didn't do it. There are right and wrong ways to doing it. Ryan Grigson being a butthead to players on day 1 is not the right way to do it. Kicking players to the curb for supplemental draft picks like Belichick did time and time again and while cheating throughout his entire career is also not a right way to do it, regardless of how much he won and if his face is now on espn daily...  I think Ballard does a lot of things the right way. We just haven't won the inches that have made the difference to get to the playoffs/win division titles.


I don't blame anyone for their frustrations, because I've been frustrated too. 


And when you talk about allegiance, and how Colts fans won't change, I'm not sure you have followed some of the comments on this forum recently. Plenty of talk of jumping ship and being done with this franchise. You speak a lot of Ballard's mentality as if you know personally this as a fact. "Won't think twice about wasting 8 years in Indy." LOL. Wow. Yeah, I'm sure he won't kick himself replaying the last 8 years, and the things he did/didn't do/said/didn't say, over and over throughout the rest of his life like the rest of us humans would. What a weird statement. 

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5 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

I agree that if the Colts don't win the AFC South or make the playoffs Chris Ballard needs to be fired.

I don't think Ballard is at risk of being fired after this season. I think 2025 is the make or break year for the Colts. AR needs to prove he can play this season, and the defense need to improve in general passrush and coverage. 


I think it hinges on AR. He's by far and away the most important piece to this team. If he doesn't turn out the way we hope we're not really any closer to competing. That's when the seat gets REALLY hot under Ballard.

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28 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

I don't think Ballard is at risk of being fired after this season. I think 2025 is the make or break year for the Colts. AR needs to prove he can play this season, and the defense need to improve in general passrush and coverage. 


I think it hinges on AR. He's by far and away the most important piece to this team. If he doesn't turn out the way we hope we're not really any closer to competing. That's when the seat gets REALLY hot under Ballard.

I agree 100%. This is another growing / developmental year. Yes the goal is to try for the division and playoffs. That's everyone's goal. 


But listening to Chris, actually listening to him, you can tell he's very cautious with Richardson. He's not wanting for anyone to crown him yet. He talks how he needs to continue to get experience. 

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1 hour ago, Solid84 said:

I don't think Ballard is at risk of being fired after this season. I think 2025 is the make or break year for the Colts. AR needs to prove he can play this season, and the defense need to improve in general passrush and coverage. 


I think it hinges on AR. He's by far and away the most important piece to this team. If he doesn't turn out the way we hope we're not really any closer to competing. That's when the seat gets REALLY hot under Ballard.

Yeah, I can't disagree with this post. 2025 is the final straw for Chris Ballard though if this season doesn't turn out in a positive way.

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I do not agree that Ballard is guaranteed to be here in 2025.  Based on what I've seen from Richardson to date, the odds are not good that Ballard will be here a year or two from now.  You have two choices with Richardson.  You can play him more as a pocket passer and lose or you can utilize his legs, win some games, but possibly have him once again knocked out for the season. To me, it looks like a no win situation for Ballard, all of which is made worse by having Stroud in the division - Stroud, who Richardson will always be compared to.

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On 8/21/2024 at 11:11 AM, #12. said:

I do not agree that Ballard is guaranteed to be here in 2025.  Based on what I've seen from Richardson to date, the odds are not good that Ballard will be here a year or two from now.  You have two choices with Richardson.  You can play him more as a pocket passer and lose or you can utilize his legs, win some games, but possibly have him once again knocked out for the season. To me, it looks like a no win situation for Ballard, all of which is made worse by having Stroud in the division - Stroud, who Richardson will always be compared to.


Levis too...in the same division. If Levis takes a step, then AR will also be compared to both for the immediate and foreseeable future.


I tend to agree about Richardson. I had major reservations about AR as a passer coming out of UF, as many did. But he was definitely a dynamic player and he's probably the best pound-for-pound athlete at QB. Not to mention his age.


But now you have the injury history since HS that puts that dynamic ability at risk. One more big injury and that choice will likely be made as to how he gets used going forward. As for how long he gets to develop as a passer, who knows.


I still think 2025 is a lock for Ballard regardless of what happens though. Even if this year isn't a great one, there will be some things to build off hopefully.


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On 8/21/2024 at 11:11 AM, #12. said:

I do not agree that Ballard is guaranteed to be here in 2025.  Based on what I've seen from Richardson to date, the odds are not good that Ballard will be here a year or two from now.  You have two choices with Richardson.  You can play him more as a pocket passer and lose or you can utilize his legs, win some games, but possibly have him once again knocked out for the season. To me, it looks like a no win situation for Ballard, all of which is made worse by having Stroud in the division - Stroud, who Richardson will always be compared to.

You obviously dont have a clue,so I'll give ya a heads up. AR is a much better pocket passer and is way more accurate than the media heads realize.

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26 minutes ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

You obviously dont have a clue,so I'll give ya a heads up. AR is a much better pocket passer and is way more accurate than the media heads realize.

Yes sir!


For those who need a refresher, take a look at some of the analysis of Anthony on the QB School’s YouTube page. You’ll find more than initially meets the eye. 

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On 8/21/2024 at 11:11 AM, #12. said:

I do not agree that Ballard is guaranteed to be here in 2025.  Based on what I've seen from Richardson to date, the odds are not good that Ballard will be here a year or two from now.  You have two choices with Richardson.  You can play him more as a pocket passer and lose or you can utilize his legs, win some games, but possibly have him once again knocked out for the season. To me, it looks like a no win situation for Ballard, all of which is made worse by having Stroud in the division - Stroud, who Richardson will always be compared to.

I disagree. I don’t think there’s any grounds to fire him right now. Only mark against him currently is the secondary. Everything else jury is still out on. AR is only in year two, and Latu is a rookie. So QB and pass rush are still TBD.

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On 8/21/2024 at 1:15 PM, ColtStrong2013 said:


And when you talk about allegiance, and how Colts fans won't change, I'm not sure you have followed some of the comments on this forum recently. Plenty of talk of jumping ship and being done with this franchise. You speak a lot of Ballard's mentality as if you know personally this as a fact. "Won't think twice about wasting 8 years in Indy." LOL. Wow. Yeah, I'm sure he won't kick himself replaying the last 8 years, and the things he did/didn't do/said/didn't say, over and over throughout the rest of his life like the rest of us humans would. What a weird statement. 

Genuine question, is it a regular occurrence people will change allegiance? 

I am from the UK, and no matter how bad it gets supporting the colts, you choose your team and stick with them right?

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1 hour ago, lukec1995 said:

Genuine question, is it a regular occurrence people will change allegiance? 

I am from the UK, and no matter how bad it gets supporting the colts, you choose your team and stick with them right?

one would think. I’ll be a Colts fan until they bury me in a Colts sweatshirt, unless they go defunct or move, and even then, it’s pretty nailed down who I support. 

I think the modern sport era is very ticky-tack. It’s not uncommon for you to find a fan of any combination of Cowboys/Patriots, Lakers/Celtics/Warriors, and Yankees for nfl, nba, mlb. People are all over the board and flock to the teams that are large market/winning (cowboys being the exception on the winning front-lol). 

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2 hours ago, lukec1995 said:

Genuine question, is it a regular occurrence people will change allegiance? 

I am from the UK, and no matter how bad it gets supporting the colts, you choose your team and stick with them right?

Welcome to the message boards!  Back in 2011, I went on holiday to the UK, and by complete luck I happened to be in London for the Wedding!


I know a lot of people who continually support Their Team no matter how well they play or if they even live in the area anymore.  During my adult life, I have found it easy to be a fan of the local team, since those are the games you are going to see on local television anyway.  When I went to college in southwestern Michigan, I was only a couple of hours away from Chicago.  So I became a Bears fan.  After college, I came back home to Indianapolis, so I supported the Colts.  When I moved to the Tampa area, I became a Bucs fan.  Have been back in Indianapolis for the past 20 years, so I'm a Colts fan again.  All because I was going to be watching the local team's games anyway, so might as well be a fan.

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I was born and raised in MT and became a Colt fan in 1957.  I lived in SF from 1967-1973 and in Seattle from 1995-2006 and never became a fan of the 49ers, Raiders or the Seahawks.  I have suffered thru a lot of tough years as a diehard Colts fan.

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1 hour ago, Dingus McGirt said:

A Colts fan since 1967.  From NC.  Never lived in Maryland or Indiana.  Traveled the world over 27+ years in the Army.  Never a fan of another team.  Well, except for the Giants during a couple of four-hour stretches.  :lecture:

the majority were Giants fans for a few hours a couple times… 😂 

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26 minutes ago, bellevuecolt said:

I was born and raised in MT and became a Colt fan in 1957.  I lived in SF from 1967-1973 and in Seattle from 1995-2006 and never became a fan of the 49ers, Raiders or the Seahawks.  I have suffered thru a lot of tough years as a diehard Colts fan.

Bless you my friend. I wish nothing more than the Colts success just for people like you. 

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28 minutes ago, bellevuecolt said:

I was born and raised in MT and became a Colt fan in 1957.  I lived in SF from 1967-1973 and in Seattle from 1995-2006 and never became a fan of the 49ers, Raiders or the Seahawks.  I have suffered thru a lot of tough years as a diehard Colts fan.


"Suffering" is relative. The Colts  have won a lot too. Think about Bills, Lions and Vikings fans who have never won a Super Bowl.

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53 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


"Suffering" is relative. The Colts  have won a lot too. Think about Bills, Lions and Vikings fans who have never won a Super Bowl.

so tired of people saying this, everything is relative. life is perspective. hey, did you know, your opinion is relative? Oh really? Thanks! 

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4 hours ago, NFLfan said:


"Suffering" is relative. The Colts  have won a lot too. Think about Bills, Lions and Vikings fans who have never won a Super



You aren't wrong. At the end of the day, it's a game. I don't stress too much about anything, but I sure count my blessings that I'm not raising my children in a poverty and famished country with bombs raining down (or worse). Life of luxury with food/water on the table, A/C on these hot summer days, and heat in the winter. Everything else is icing on the cake... Especially when the Colts win.

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I'd fire him for this interview alone.  


Colts GM Chris Ballard defends approach amid mixed results

Stephen Holder, ESPNAug 28, 2024, 04:50 PM ET

INDIANAPOLIS -- As Colts general manager Chris Ballard gears up for his eighth season in Indianapolis, he took a little time Wednesday to look backward and -- in the process -- defend his record.

The Colts haven't won a playoff game since 2018, are 1-2 in the postseason and have an overall record of 54-60-1 during Ballard's tenure. But Ballard said he believes the Colts are on the right path, and he does not plan to deviate from his roster-building approach.

Asked whether he felt he was on the hot seat in 2024, Ballard responded: "No different than any other year."

"The last three years not making the playoffs, it's a disappointment," Ballard added later. "I'm not going to sit here and say it wasn't. But I still have a very strong belief in what we're doing, how we're doing it and how we're going to get there. ... Either you believe in something or you believe nothing. It's easy to vacillate and go with what the world wants you to do. You either believe in something or you don't. This is what we believe.

"It gets me fired, so be it."


Not a good look at all.

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12 minutes ago, Rhodelesstraveled said:

I'd fire him for this interview alone.  


Colts GM Chris Ballard defends approach amid mixed results

Stephen Holder, ESPNAug 28, 2024, 04:50 PM ET

INDIANAPOLIS -- As Colts general manager Chris Ballard gears up for his eighth season in Indianapolis, he took a little time Wednesday to look backward and -- in the process -- defend his record.

The Colts haven't won a playoff game since 2018, are 1-2 in the postseason and have an overall record of 54-60-1 during Ballard's tenure. But Ballard said he believes the Colts are on the right path, and he does not plan to deviate from his roster-building approach.

Asked whether he felt he was on the hot seat in 2024, Ballard responded: "No different than any other year."

"The last three years not making the playoffs, it's a disappointment," Ballard added later. "I'm not going to sit here and say it wasn't. But I still have a very strong belief in what we're doing, how we're doing it and how we're going to get there. ... Either you believe in something or you believe nothing. It's easy to vacillate and go with what the world wants you to do. You either believe in something or you don't. This is what we believe.

"It gets me fired, so be it."


Not a good look at all.

He believes in himself and what his approach is to building a championship team.  Nothing wrong with that.  Very honest and forthright.

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On 8/18/2024 at 7:18 PM, jvan1973 said:

That's obviously nonsense.    It may not be the way you would want it done,   but suggesting winning isn't a priority to Irsay is nonsense.       Plus you think the league is rigged.  In your world how could Ballard do anything,  the league determines the outcome 


If winning was a "high priority" for the colts then retaining AND extending a GM who's team has picked in the Top 4 twice and failed to win the division and has won only 1 playoff game in  9 seasons wouldn't have happened. The teams lack of winning would have or at least could have had a change of GM years ago. Not to mention the stubbornness of not adding weapons for years,QB issues, and now recently having a young unproven secondary with a DC that everyone wants fired. You can also add being consistently one of the leagues top teams in cap space and having Saturday as a interim and a contender in the HC hiring process.


Regardless of anyone doubting the legitimacy or not of the nfl , Ballard is fortunate to have kept his job by many. So like you said, maybe Ballard is only doing his job of not making the colts winners?

.....which also could explain why he's not or ever has been on the hot seat. :thinking:   


Maybe '24 will be the colts turn, I hope so, especially for the fans here.....we'll  soon see as the season is approaching!!! :thmup:

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I'm still on team Ballard, my issues aren't with the secondary. Once Cross figures it out he'll be at least an A- player. He's shown flashes of greatness but hasn't sustained it. My issues with a couple of positions is not necessarily the same as anyone else even Ballard. I think we can improve at RG, MLB and TE. With RG it just seems like the other 4 spots cover it up real good. Was hoping Freeland would ball out this training camp but he didn't. Maybe Goncalves can. Fries to me is a C player, playing higher than he should. I feel the same about Zaire, I think the system makes him look better than he actually is. More athletic LBr with half his smarts could develop alot better. He's a B- player, playing higher than he should. With the TE room I think it'll be better by subtraction. Right now I'm riding on Ogletree and Mallory. I don't think either is starting caliber, but Mallory has a chance to be a real good compliment. At CB I'm not concerned with JJ, he was always be a B player. I don't think Juju will give us the consistency. 

All in all I think Ballard has brought the team up as a whole. We need AR to be just at least a B player for us to make noise. Only difference I see now is when it comes to the draft for the next 4 years we need more quality than picks. More 1s and 2s and 7s, less 3-6.


Only my opinion, which I don't think matches alot of us fans.

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On 8/20/2024 at 4:19 PM, ColtStrong2013 said:


This is one of the striking differences between Ballard and Grigson's philosophies, to me. Ballard pinpointed creative offensive minds from day 1 as the HC. It was the KC way when he was there too, so it's not something that he changed when he came here. Grigson gets to draft Andrew Luck and he chooses a defensive coach and shuffles OC after OC? It's interesting to watch. One can't help but wonder what might have been had Andrew had consistency with his coaches.


I agree on the secondary, but doesn't that go along with allowing young players to develop together? I think that's a huge part of the ultimate plan... It just happened to be some of our better players on the d-line that were retained. Ballard puts a lot of weight there, and has brought in plenty of free agents on the d-line during his time here, so I don't think he would disagree with what you are saying.  

Different time too. The next wave of offensive minds were probably interns. And fortunately the mindset toward offensive coaches has evolved since then. I think the game has been better for it. 

But the downside of hiring a DC to be your OC has always been there. The OCs just leave if they are great. Which is why I didn’t want to hire Morris last year.

I think Luck would have done wonders with BA staying though. But any successful OC with Luck was likely on a similar course.

Pep was supposed to be that young creative mind who provided some form to of continuity (from their time at Stanford) and might stick around. That didn’t happen, but not for the good reasons. 


At least it wasn’t Tressel back in 2012 I guess. But going DC for HC seemed counter-intuitive with a generational QB prospect. Couldn’t even imagine having a HC like Reid with Luck. 


But I also think after firing Caldwell and only winning one ring with Manning and what Irsay called “Star Wars numbers,” I think Irsay was out to prove something and it was an organizational decision to go for what they considered to be a tougher, more-balanced team. 

They just weren’t able to succeed at building it…the “monster” lol



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26 minutes ago, shasta519 said:

Different time too. The next wave of offensive minds were probably interns. And fortunately the mindset toward offensive coaches has evolved since then. I think the game has been better for it. 

But the downside of hiring a DC to be your OC has always been there. The OCs just leave if they are great. Which is why I didn’t want to hire Morris last year.

I think Luck would have done wonders with BA staying though. But any successful OC with Luck was likely on a similar course.

Pep was supposed to be that young creative mind who provided some form to of continuity (from their time at Stanford) and might stick around. That didn’t happen, but not for the good reasons. 


At least it wasn’t Tressel back in 2012 I guess. But going DC for HC seemed counter-intuitive with a generational QB prospect. Couldn’t even imagine having a HC like Reid with Luck. 


But I also think after firing Caldwell and only winning one ring with Manning and what Irsay called “Star Wars numbers,” I think Irsay was out to prove something and it was an organizational decision to go for what they considered to be a tougher, more-balanced team. 

They just weren’t able to succeed at building it…the “monster” lol




I'll always wonder what might have been had Pagano not been able to return and Bruce Arians led this team for the next several years...

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1 hour ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


I'll always wonder what might have been had Pagano not been able to return and Bruce Arians led this team for the next several years...

Was a delicate situation, but at the time, there were fans that thought Pagano stepping aside and BA taking the HC role was the best move forward. 

And they were right imo. Just don’t know how a team navigates that unless Pagano was willing to step aside. You can’t fire the Chuck in Chuckstrong after 2012 without considerable backlash. 

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1 hour ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


I'll always wonder what might have been had Pagano not been able to return and Bruce Arians led this team for the next several years...

Andrew would probably retire earlier.    Those 7 step drops got him hit a lot

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21 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Andrew would probably retire earlier.    Those 7 step drops got him hit a lot

Our coaches didn't run the right offenses to fit Andrew until Reich came in. By then it was too late eventhough Luck had a great season in 2018, he was still beat up. 7 step drops are just plain dumb when you have a QB that can use his legs to get big yards too. Luck is a lot like Josh Allen, Bills use Josh the right way. 

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4 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Andrew would probably retire earlier.    Those 7 step drops got him hit a lot

that’s why I wonder and don’t make assumptions or proclamations about what would have happened. 2012 was a wild ride, to be sure. Probably the best of his career in terms of magical moments. I just wonder what it would have been like with offensive stability with Luck, in say years 3-5. Could have used some offense against NE in 2014… 

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4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Our coaches didn't run the right offenses to fit Andrew until Reich came in. By then it was too late eventhough Luck had a great season in 2018, he was still beat up. 7 step drops are just plain dumb when you have a QB that can use his legs to get big yards too. Luck is a lot like Josh Allen, Bills use Josh the right way. 

I think the biggest reason they ran the Ernie Zampese offense was that their best receiver (TY Hilton) required longer routes to create separation, and also resulted in more big plays.  At the same time, the offensive line wasn't all that great, regardless of what they tried in staffing it, and Andrew had a thing for wearing the Red Cape being Superman, which put his body at risk.  Yes, running a lower risk West Coast offense later was more helpful in keeping him healthy.  But I think it also reduced the number of big plays as well.  (Somebody check me on the stats.  I could be wrong.)

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On 8/20/2024 at 6:01 PM, Scott Pennock said:

Finally an intelligent response to this line of reasoning! 

I’ve never really believed that Brady was interested in the Colts either.


If you can’t beat them you join them is common in baseball rivalries BUT going to the Colts that he more or less owned in his career seems unrealistic.

The other thing about Ryan is he just happened to be there when Ballard had no plan B after Wentz.  He wasn't planning on him.

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