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2023 Week#4, Rams @ Colts, Sunday, October 1st, 1:00PM EDT


Rams @ Colts  

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  2. 2. How many sacks will the Colts have?

  3. 3. How many receiving yards will Puka Nacua have for the Rams?

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  • Poll closed on 10/01/2023 at 05:10 PM

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6 minutes ago, compuls1v3 said:

1 over throw?  Stuff happens.   A fumble where is was really down?  And a fumbled snap?  From 2nd string center.  

Thanks for saying he was down because some people don't know the rules. The rule book states if any part of the arm, (it was AR's off arm) is down before the ball comes out, he is down. When he fumbled, his off arm touched before he lost the ball. It is clear as day. Some people need Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Goggles not see that. That is why I was shocked we didn't challenge that. Has AR played good today - No he hasn't but that wasn't a fumble and our defense is sleep walking not even giving us a chance. The 2 penalties killed us early as well, Gay missed a FG too. Just a bad game, we need to flush it and move on, if we do lose. It still isn't over though.

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3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

On offense it starts with him.  He played awful in that half other than running and even then he had a very costly fumble.  The passing game was nonexistent in the first half outside of one throw and that’s him not the WRs.  

Defense has its own issues and it mostly starts with Buckner being very limited.  

Again ugly half but let’s stop the Richardson is struggling because of others around him.  He’s struggling.  Are others playing well?  Not really but they aren’t making Richardson struggle he’s doing that on his own and I am sure Richardson will tell you that himself.  

Again he’s a rookie going up against a good defense not really shocking it’s happening.  It happens but let’s just be honest and admit he’s struggling.

The colts don’t have a vertical passing game regardless of who is playing QB. Why do you think that is?

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Just now, coming on strong said:

shane wants to baby AR  i dont agree with it .   let him go out swinging we are not winning a superbowl this year anyway .   the best way to get AR reps and learn is to throw the ball down field and learn and take his lumps .   the offense is short passes screens and QB runs only

I think we’re going to get to see a bit more passing in the second half. And again, I’m just looking to see progress.

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1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

No one is saying that. The point is the entire team looks bad. It’s not just his fault.

Um yeah the poster I was taking did in fact say the others around him were letting him down and I explained why that’s just an excuse.  Richardson didn’t play well in that half.  Again understandable considering he’s going up against a good defense and he’s a rookie but we can acknowledge it.

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I swear to God if the Minshew apologists are going to be incredibly annoying this week.


The worse thing Richardson did so far this week is the fumble. Everything else has been average with one overthrow. Let's see how the 2nd half goes.

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

No I am not I am being honest and I’ve called the defense out as well.  However I was specifically taking about Richardson in the conversation you jumped into.  I am not saying the season is over.  I am saying Richardson struggled in the first half, he did.  I said it’s understandable he’s a rookie QB going up against a really good defense.  That’s hardly an overreaction that’s rational.  

What did you expect with  a third string center and a rookie QB. Then giving a rookie LT the start.  People don’t understand how important having a experienced center calling protections is. It can effect everything including the quarterback making the right play.

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Two big personal fouls, a fumble, a failure to recover a Rams fumble, a missed FG, a false start on 4th down.  There’s plenty of blame to go around.  Primarily the defense not getting off the field. Lots of self-destruction.  

Bryan is terrible against the run. Leonard no longer has the burst to make up for often being out of position. Moore is getting roasted. 

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1 minute ago, Solid84 said:

Just went back and rewatched the Pittman play. I don't care what you say, Nacua made a high catch like that earlier. Not perfect placement, but our WRs got to step up and make the tough catches...

Plus Pittman footwork was horrible on the route.

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Just now, coming on strong said:

what bothers me is the lack of QB roll outs .  we got a mobile QB roll him out and take deep shots down field

I completely agree. Hopefully we see some more of this in the second half. I’d like to see them mix in a few more screens as well, since we finally seem able to execute on them.

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2 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

Just went back and rewatched the Pittman play. I don't care what you say, Nacua made a high catch like that earlier. Not perfect placement, but our WRs got to step up and make the tough catches...

I didn’t want to say it because I don’t want to start sounding like a Pittman hater, but that ball was definitely catchable 

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1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

What did you expect with  a third string center and a rookie QB. Then giving a rookie LT the start.  People don’t understand how important having an experienced center calling protections is. It can affect everything including the quarterback making the right play.

How many times do I have I say it’s understandable given that they were going up against a good defense?  Also the third string center has been a non factor.  The Rams have one sack and that was Richardson going down (which credit to Richardson was the smart thing to do) after he bobbled a snap that hit him right in the hands.  

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Thanks for saying he was down because some people don't know the rules. The rule book states if any part of the arm, (it was AR's off arm) is down before the ball comes out, he is down. When he fumbled, his off arm touched before he lost the ball. It is clear as day. Some people need Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Goggles not see that. That is why I was shocked we didn't challenge that. Has AR played good today - No he hasn't but that wasn't a fumble and our defense is sleep walking not even giving us a chance. The 2 penalties killed us early as well, Gay missed a FG too. Just a bad game, we need to flush it and move on, if we do lose. It still isn't over though.

The ball was moving around as that arm came down does that matter?  I said the same thing and was told he had to have possession when that arm touches for him to be called down.

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Just now, GoColts8818 said:

How many times do I have I say it’s understandable given that they were going up against a good defense?  Also the third string center has been a non factor.  The Rams have one sack and that was Richardson going down after he bobbled a snap that hit him right in the hands.  

Why don’t you give the defense the hate your giving Richardson right now.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yeah he is great and we stomped him and his team but he is still great lmao 

his team stinks colts are a better team ... that doesnt mean he stinks colts are not in a full rebuild we have a veteran front 7 and the texans had 4 offensive linemen out and are in full rebuild mode .   cj stroud is playing amazing this year

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Thanks for saying he was down because some people don't know the rules. The rule book states if any part of the arm, (it was AR's off arm) is down before the ball comes out, he is down. When he fumbled, his off arm touched before he lost the ball. It is clear as day. Some people need Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Goggles not see that. That is why I was shocked we didn't challenge that. Has AR played good today - No he hasn't but that wasn't a fumble and our defense is sleep walking not even giving us a chance. The 2 penalties killed us early as well, Gay missed a FG too. Just a bad game, we need to flush it and move on, if we do lose. It still isn't over though.

last place in our division here we come

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