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I feel Browns want to recoup a No.1 pick and could be just waiting for a desperate team.   Remember Watson's contract only has 10 M cap this year and Browns can definitely keep Baker as long as they want.  I really think we should have a plan B.


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Jordon Love would not be a bad choice


He would be safer than a rookie


He MIGHT be the long term answer


If he could be had for a 2nd......  I would do it immediately


At some point, we are going to HAVE to get a young QB


I like a few of the QBs, but Jordon Love would go ahead of anyone in this years draft







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2 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

Jordon Love would not be a bad choice


He would be safer than a rookie


He MIGHT be the long term answer


If he could be had for a 2nd......  I would do it immediately





A 2nd would easily get Baker who has proven way more than love,  who by all accounts isn't ready still and hasn't shown anything

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So these four seem to be the most likely options at this point:




Jimmy G



Baker Mayfield is the one out of the four here that could actually develop into something that is more than a stopgap QB imho.  However, he is the going to be the one to cost the most (Seattle reportedly wants him as well and they have a ton of draft picks to get him). If we do get him, I'd assume he would get a contract extension as well since he is on his last year and it'd be kind of silly to give up the assets to get him without committing more than a year. He does seem to be a bit immature and has gotten involved in more drama then I care to see, but he is young and if he can improve upon his 2020 year with the Colts going forward, he could become a top 10 QB in the league. However, combining the drama and the average performance he has put up in his career so far, I can also very easily see him staying in the same tier of QB that Wentz is at and having a bunch of Colts fans wanting to run him out of the team in a year or so.


Matt Ryan most likely isn't going to be on the market now that Atlanta lost the Deshaun sweepstakes, unless he forces his way out of spite for considering replacing him with Watson. I don't think Matt Ryan is that type of guy though, but we'll know more about that by Tuesday when his signing bonus is due this year. He might also be allowed out of Atlanta considering his contract is ridiculously large for the Falcons atm, but if he is traded it wouldn't be too much of a cap hit on us since most of his cap hit comes from signing bonuses that the Falcons would be responsible for. Out of the 4, I bet he is the QB that would have the most success with this team his first year, but his age obviously indicates he isn't a long term solution. I would note that even though he is old, he isn't an absolute statue in the pocket like PR was. Not to say to expect a ton of QB draws, but he can and does navigate around a pocket pretty well from what I seen. Most Falcon fans would be very sad to see him go, which frankly wants me to get him more since they would know more if he has been at fault for a lot of his team's deficiencies lately or not.


Jimmy G probably is the plan c at this point and he has been the QB the Colts have mostly been tied to the earliest on. I'm willing to bet the 49ers are wanting a decent amount more than what Ballard most likely offered them. He'd be decent with this team and is the prototypical game manager that can keep you in most games but won't be able to carry the whole team at times like some of the elite AFC QBs are able to do.


Mariota is probably the guy that we go to if all other options above fail. If we pick him, then that's also the highest chance of picking a QB early in the draft this year. I frankly think he is pretty meh based on what I've seen from him throughout his career, but we could get a pretty high draft pick next year if he's the starter lol.


I'd also add that I don't think any of the 4 QB's are any tiers better than Wentz was/is. They have their own strengths and some are better at things Wentz was really bad at (checkdowns, vocal leadership, etc) , but they all have significant weaknesses as well. My preference would be getting Matt Ryan and then drafting the QB of the future this year or next, but if the Colts are confident they can help Mayfield take the next step and make sure he doesn't get into drama (Wentz had drama too but I'll die o n the hill that it was mostly the media manufacturing garbage), then Mayfield might be worth it.


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Just now, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Is Ballard trying to make this team so bad so he can fire Reich. It’s getting ridiculous.

There is still plenty of time


IMHO, they addressed the biggest need, which was DE


I think the Colts are looking very hard at choices for QB


1) Winston

2) Baker

3) Rookie (Plus Mariota or trade for Minchew)

4) Trade for Love


I think we will see one of these options come to pass in next 2 weeks.... Option 3 would be finished on draft weekend


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6 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

Jordon Love would not be a bad choice


He would be safer than a rookie


He MIGHT be the long term answer


If he could be had for a 2nd......  I would do it immediately


At some point, we are going to HAVE to get a young QB


I like a few of the QBs, but Jordon Love would go ahead of anyone in this years draft







Love is a turd.  What he looked like against KC makes Baker look like Tom Brady.  Please stop.  

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17 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

A 2nd would easily get Baker who has proven way more than love,  who by all accounts isn't ready still and hasn't shown anything



Love had one game against a strong playoff team, but has looked decent in preseason


I havent seen a single report saying he isnt ready, do you have a link?


I may have missed it


Rodgers didnt show anything for his first THREE years.....  I mean nothing.....


Because he backed up Farve


Ultimately I dont know the guy...... his college tape shows a great fastball and mobility


His tape shows a strong QBs in comparison for this years draft...... which means a QB hungry team should look under ALL rocks


He might be worth a shot



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Just now, JediXMan said:


Not saying he's good but that was his first start of his career very tiny sample size.

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous to judge the dude from his first start vs one of the most talented teams in the NFL where he hasn't been getting any starting reps beforehand. I can't see the Packers front office wanting to move on from him for a reasonable price just yet considering how much capital they did invest in him in the draft.

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2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

The all in comment was about mind set not a strategy.  It’s looks more and more like it was passive shot at Wentz as I don’t think Irsay felt he was all in last year mentally and is most likely why he’s in Washington right now.


What about Ballard's "mind set".....is he ALL IN to making the Colts a Championship contender???

  Because NOT using a available resource like Free Agency  to acquire impact players(like other teams) to supplement & build this roster suggest that he's Not All In.....maybe Irsay shipped the wrong guy out? :funny:

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15 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Is Ballard trying to make this team so bad so he can fire Reich. It’s getting ridiculous.

I sincerely want to know how you come up with takes like this. For some reason, you like to make the assumption that something nefarious is going on and that someone is trying to screw over someone else. This isn't the first time either.

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6 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


What about Ballard's "mind set".....is he ALL IN to making the Colts a Championship contender???

  Because NOT using a available resource like Free Agency  to acquire impact players(like other teams) to supplement & build this roster suggest that he's Not All In.....maybe Irsay shipped the wrong guy out? :funny:

I keep telling myself ‘have patience!’.  But I’m with you. 

If we end up with a C minus LT and WR, then it’s clear to me he didn’t hear Irsay.   “Everyone in that building…”.  All chips pushed in.   

Ballard has barely ante’d.  

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14 minutes ago, Rhodelesstraveled said:

Love is a turd.  What he looked like against KC makes Baker look like Tom Brady.  Please stop.  

I thought this was the workings of a poem:


Roses are red,

"Love is a turd",

Your opinion is worthless,

Like Colin Cow-herd...

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15 minutes ago, Shive said:

I sincerely want to know how you come up with takes like this. For some reason, you like to make the assumption that something nefarious is going on and that someone is trying to screw over someone else. This isn't the first time either.

Tripping Losing My Mind GIF by Four Rest Films

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13 minutes ago, IrsaysArmy said:

Yea it’s all good. We’ll just give TY 12 million and hope he can play 5 games 

He made less than that last year, so not sure why you think the Colts would give him a raise.  Seemed pretty apparent Irsay strong armed us paying that to him as Ballard seemed fine with letting him walk.  

Woods with a late season ACL plus being older.  That’s shaky to me. The Amari trade I do think the Colts should’ve been all over.  Woods, not so much.  Even prior to the ACL, woods was not having a great year last year.

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Hey Doug, it was J Geils Band that did Love Stinks. Nazereth did Love Hurts, which by the way is one of the greatest songs in the history of music! OK, let's get back to discussing how awful a job Ballard has done thus far(hahahaha) I think Ballard is doing great, he doesn't over pay for over the hill veterans. And he doesn't make completely assinine moves like the Brownies.

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