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Warren Sapp files for bankruptcy.


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I'm not sure how a man like that - in addition to having an NFL Network contract - could run out of money, but oh well.

I'm most interested in the fact his NFL Network contract runs out this August. With him calling Shockey a "snitch" on Twitter and his rude mannerisms in general, I'm curious if the Network resigns him. I'll be frank, I hate Sapp with a passion. He constantly interrupts his co-workers mid-sentence, always yells with that booming deep voice of his... Ironically, the NFL Network may enjoy him, because it instills animosity and personality to the show, encouraging higher ratings.

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I really used to like Sapp. But as of late, his recent actions (like calling Shockey a snitch with no evidence) has made me less of a fan. Sapp always came across as a no-nonesense kind of guy, but that seems to be changing. His average monthly income was $115 000 and he still went bankrupt. I know people who make less than half of that a year and don't file for bankruptcy.

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I'm not sure how a man like that - in addition to having an NFL Network contract - could run out of money, but oh well.

I'm most interested in the fact his NFL Network contract runs out this August. With him calling Shockey a "snitch" on Twitter and his rude mannerisms in general, I'm curious if the Network resigns him. I'll be frank, I hate Sapp with a passion. He constantly interrupts his co-workers mid-sentence, always yells with that booming deep voice of his... Ironically, the NFL Network may enjoy him, because it instills animosity and personality to the show, encouraging higher ratings.

I happen to agree with alot Sapp says though, and that kind of booming voice and presence provides vocal leadership if used correctly in the locker room, I dont trust everything that yahoo says anyway, maybe its the truth but Im not puttin to much stock into it, Shockey does seem like the bitter guy though in my opinion, he interrupts them alot because what do they do? speculate and as a former player some of that speculation he can lay to rest not all speculation of every kind but some
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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, April 17, 2012 - insulting
Hidden by Peytongirl, April 17, 2012 - insulting

Ha! How many fast food restaurants won't be able to survive the loss of a customer like Warren Sapp?

I truly do fell sorry for him, but NFL players (current and former) need to learn to manage their money and plan for life outside of the NFL. That is why I am a HUGE fan of the rule that players must wait three years after high school (and supposedly attend three years of college) before they can enter the NFL.

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No kidding....

240 pairs of Air Jordan's.... assets of 6.5 million.... and he's behind on child support?

Absolutely ridiculous.

Thats not counting all the money spent in the clubs partying with Uncle Luke and other Miami area rappers.
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No kidding....

240 pairs of Air Jordan's.... assets of 6.5 million.... and he's behind on child support?

Absolutely ridiculous.

Which is probably some ridiculous amount like $20,000 a week. I never understood why having a baby with someone that has money instantly entitles a woman to a lottery winning? The family court system is among the most evil and sexist bureaucracy in this country. Unless she's a prostitute that is currently in jail, the Mom gets full custody and mom and her new live-in boyfriend get to spend dads money freely. I've been through it.....lame.

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"Which is probably some ridiculous amount like $20,000 a week. I never understood why having a baby with someone that has money instantly entitles a woman to a lottery winning? The family court system is among the most evil and sexist bureaucracy in this country. Unless she's a prostitute that is currently in jail, the Mom gets full custody and mom and her new live-in boyfriend get to spend dads money freely. I've been through it.....lame."

How about the man having some responsability..

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He seems like such a funny and nice guy, who says it as it is. I think he's a great person, and it's sad to see him file for bankrupcy. Hopefully, he gets back on his toes quick.

I for one don't think anyone who had that kind of assets should be able to file bankruptcy. That should be the last resort for someone that has tried to get their affairs in order and wasn't able to because of loosing their job or medical reasons.( not someone that just blew their money) JMO of course.

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A shame. It's really sad when you think about how often this occurs not only in the NFL, but in the NBA and MLB as well. Seems to be players coming from backgrounds where they never really had a lot of money rarely learn how to be responsible with money and or get guidance on how to be fiscally responsible. Can't begin to think about how many NBA and NFL players I know that have retired and later on filed for bankruptcy. At this rate I don't think this will ever go away or decrease in numbers. Once they get that first check they can't stop spending and it catches up to them...

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Owes $6,7,000,000: let's examine why: owns 240 pair of Jordan athletic shoes......240!, he "lost" (can you say "Pawn Shop")his Super Bowl ring and "lost" his college championship ring when he was with Miami (go ahead, say "Pawn Shop" again), owes back child support, owes back alimony. Is it me or does this have a very familiar ring to it?

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Unless she's a prostitute that is currently in jail, the Mom gets full custody...

And even if she is, she gets custody back as soon as she gets out of jail.....regardless of how many meth labs she was involved in. Because kids need that maternal bond.....don't get me started.

On the topic of the OP, how is that even possible?

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And even if she is, she gets custody back as soon as she gets out of jail.....regardless of how many meth labs she was involved in. Because kids need that maternal bond.....don't get me started.

Oh please...do go on...



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I have always been a fan of Warren Sapp. His debates with Jamie Dukes on NFL Network are great to watch (mainly because i always agree with Sapp because Dukes' comments are always ridiculous).

How does he run out of money? Ill never know.. but i hope he can recover from this.

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Which is probably some ridiculous amount like $20,000 a week. I never understood why having a baby with someone that has money instantly entitles a woman to a lottery winning?

Never been through it and hopefully never will, but I agree its a joke! Child support should be determined by what it actually cost to support a child and not what the caregiver may currently have to give. Just something else thats broken in our society.

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Never been through it and hopefully never will, but I agree its a joke! Child support should be determined by what it actually cost to support a child and not what the caregiver may currently have to give. Just something else thats broken in our society.

Child support just ends up being support for the mom not the child. It is really disgusting how biased the court system here in Indiana is towards the mom. Like ruksak said unless she is in jail, addicted to meth, and a current prostitute she is going to have custody of that kid. I am sure in Sapp's case his child support is just flat out insane and the mom uses most of it to just buy herself purses and shoes instead of getting the child insurance or other items.

Now onto Sapp's bankruptcy. I am not really surprised by this. Pro players going broke in any sport should not shock anyone. Most of the players probably never grew up being taught how to save and be taught the value of a dollar. I have a friend who is just flat out terrible with money and for years struggled to just get by. You take people who do not know how to save and young and dumb and throw a ton of money at them and this is what you get.

Of course Sapp lived well beyond his means. Who needs 240 pairs of Jordans? Would not a pair of black and a pair of white ones suffice?

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i dont know about the rest of you but i dont feel sorry one bit. he has difficult living making millions of dollars and then his little cushy job at NFLN for thousands while ive been living paycheck to paycheck and going to school supporting my family making a living and he cant get by with all the money hes rack up all of these years

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I wonder how many people could file that might really need to because of the economy taking their legs out from under them. A guy like this being able to file is rediculous. The banks should have a suck it up policy. Pay for your stuff and dont be a bum with your millions.

Just add a few more million to the problem.

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I'm not sure how a man like that - in addition to having an NFL Network contract - could run out of money, but oh well.

I'm most interested in the fact his NFL Network contract runs out this August. With him calling Shockey a "snitch" on Twitter and his rude mannerisms in general, I'm curious if the Network resigns him. I'll be frank, I hate Sapp with a passion. He constantly interrupts his co-workers mid-sentence, always yells with that booming deep voice of his... Ironically, the NFL Network may enjoy him, because it instills animosity and personality to the show, encouraging higher ratings.

I like the guy...

He's got good personaltiy for TV...

But something's wrong here. He went through a LOT of money

..from his playing days..and what?... $450,000 from the NFL Network

..and he cant pay child support?

..sounds like a habit...of some kind

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I like the guy...

He's got good personaltiy for TV...

But something's wrong here. He went through a LOT of money

..from his playing days..and what?... $450,000 from the NFL Network

..and he cant pay child support?

..sounds like a habit...of some kind

I saw an advertisement for a TV show called Celebrity House Hunting where they showed frickin Biz Markie looking at some very expensive homes he wished to buy. I thought.....Biz Markie still has that kind of money, whom I haven't heard from in a few decades, and Warren Sapp, a former 12th round pick, is broke?

I did find this, however...


The three women with whom Sapp has children have gone to court to seek child support, college tuition, medical coverage, life insurance and a healthy slice of the 30-year-old's assets:

- In April, Angela Sanders, 28, an Air Force veteran who filed a paternity suit against Sapp in 1998, reopened her case. She is seeking increased support for Jaelon Austin Sapp, born in a Nebraska Air Force hospital in 1997.

- On July 21, Jamiko R. Sapp, 27, filed papers in Tampa to dissolve her marriage to Sapp. The couple married during Pro Bowl festivities in Honolulu in January 1998, two months after the birth of their first child, Mercedes C. Sapp. Warren C. Sapp II was born two years later.

Mrs. Sapp seeks primary custody of the children, an equitable share of marital assets, child support, alimony and use of the family's 7,596-square-foot home in the Avila community in north Tampa.

- On Aug. 7, former Temple University basketball player Chantel Adkins won a final judgment in a New Jersey courtroom in a paternity case she filed against Sapp last year. Adkins, 30, is the mother of Autumn Jade Adkins Sapp, born in November 2000. Adkins won an award worth $177,992 in this year alone.

- Angela Sanders, now living in Wichita, Kan., receives $2,506 a month for Jaelon, 6.

- Chantel Adkins will get $5,164 a month for Autumn, 2.

- Mrs. Sapp can expect to receive $13,168 a month for each of her two children, under Florida child support guidelines. That would be a total of $316,032 a year for Mercedes, 5, and Warren II, 2.

The projected support for Sapp's four children adds up to $408,893 a year. It's an amount Sapp can afford; he takes home that much every four and a half weeks.

Though the support is obviously a windfall for the women, Mr Sapp seems to have spent his money quite frivolously. According to this 2003 article, Sapp attempted to fool a paternity test by having another man show up for the DNA test. Sapp was ultimately tested a second time and found to be the father. Much of what I hear gives me little ability to feel sorry for him at all.

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Owes $6,7,000,000: let's examine why: owns 240 pair of Jordan athletic shoes......240!, he "lost" (can you say "Pawn Shop")his Super Bowl ring and "lost" his college championship ring when he was with Miami (go ahead, say "Pawn Shop" again), owes back child support, owes back alimony. Is it me or does this have a very familiar ring to it?

About the 240 pairs of Jordans, I'd just like to point something out. Even at $250 a pair (which is way high, they average between $150-200 a pair), that's a total of $60,000. Frivolous spending, sure, but the shoes didn't put him in bankruptcy.

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That doesn't surprise me. If I remember right he was suspended for a while 2 years ago for some type of domestic dispute.

It's a shame. It's never a good time to loose a job, but it seems like now it proves that old adage right: When it rains it pours.

File Warren Sapp's post-playing career under "What could have been".

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I saw an advertisement for a TV show called Celebrity House Hunting where they showed frickin Biz Markie looking at some very expensive homes he wished to buy. I thought.....Biz Markie still has that kind of money, whom I haven't heard from in a few decades, and Warren Sapp, a former 12th round pick, is broke?

I did find this, however...


Though the support is obviously a windfall for the women, Mr Sapp seems to have spent his money quite frivolously. According to this 2003 article, Sapp attempted to fool a paternity test by having another man show up for the DNA test. Sapp was ultimately tested a second time and found to be the father. Much of what I hear gives me little ability to feel sorry for him at all.

So i guess babes (and baby mommas) were his habit...

...once a player..always a player

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Which is probably some ridiculous amount like $20,000 a week. I never understood why having a baby with someone that has money instantly entitles a woman to a lottery winning? The family court system is among the most evil and sexist bureaucracy in this country. Unless she's a prostitute that is currently in jail, the Mom gets full custody and mom and her new live-in boyfriend get to spend dads money freely. I've been through it.....lame.

Not always true,sometimes us men win and she pays child support.I know been single father for 8 years now :)
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Some are destined to spend every penny whether they make 15.00 an hour or 7 figures.

The more you make, the more you spend.

Awhile back me and my daughter took a shortcut through a rather nice upper-middle class neighborhood. Brick homes, 4 car garages etc. She said "I wish we were rich". To which I replied "half these people are probably as broke as me". She seemed confused but I tried to explain how people tend to overextend themselves no matter how much they earn.

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The more you make, the more you spend.

Awhile back me and my daughter took a shortcut through a rather nice upper-middle class neighborhood. Brick homes, 4 car garages etc. She said "I wish we were rich". To which I replied "half these people are probably as broke as me". She seemed confused but I tried to explain how people tend to overextend themselves no matter how much they earn.

A very good life lesson. Hope she's old enough to hang on to it.

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The more you make, the more you spend.

Awhile back me and my daughter took a shortcut through a rather nice upper-middle class neighborhood. Brick homes, 4 car garages etc. She said "I wish we were rich". To which I replied "half these people are probably as broke as me". She seemed confused but I tried to explain how people tend to overextend themselves no matter how much they earn.

and money doesn't always = happiness. I'm very happy and content with my "simple life" As I like to say...... Sometimes money costs too much.
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Sorry, it's a topic that hits home for me.

You and me both, buddy.

When I protested the biweekly visitation arrangement handed down to me by the sneering judge, I was told by her that I was "A typical selfish man that is more concerned with getting back at your ex than what is best for your child".

I just wanted joint custody. I didn't say anything about my Ex-wife's drugs abuse, the alcoholism or the fact that her live-in boyfriend had been convicted of multiple felonies and just got out of state prison for beating his ex-wife and her 14 year old daughter. Nor did I mention the fact that she was on living assistance (free-apartment) while illegally having her boyfriend live with her. You simply don't here-say unless you can back it up when you stand in family court. They won't hear it.

I did, however, bring this up at my second hearing. Backed by a stack of police reports, prison records, documentation that she had been caught committing welfare fraud and documentation of 14 separate incidents in 12 months involving the police at my ex-wife's address.

What did this esteemed family court magistrate do with this information?

"This is irrelevant and has no bearing on your visitation with your daughter". I responded "It is irrelevant that my daughter lives with violent drug addicts that require police mediation every 3 1/2 weeks"?

lol....judge owned? Nope....... "One more word and you're going across the street (to the jail) for contempt".

I wanted to say it so bad, but I knew the consequence wasn't worth it. I wanted to say "If something happens to my little girl I'm holding you accountable, your honor".

As a man, I truly had no voice in that court.

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It absolutely baffles me how all these athletes end up going broke. How incredibly stupid does one have to be to squander away millions of dollars? There is no way I can feel sorry for these i-d-i-o-t-s. Give me a million tax free dollars and I could live the rest of my life comfortably with absolutely no problem financially ever again. This kind of nonsense makes me sick.

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