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I Slept On It Last Night And I Woke Up Still Very Upset


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Irsay is very fortunate that his good friend Peyton is such a good guy. How many of us would stand up in front of the world and do a presser with the person who just fired you?

Sources close to the situation say that Peyton wanted to remain with the Colts but Irsay told him that he's rebuilding and that means the QB position too. Apparantly, there were no negotiations or even a desire to negotiate on Irsay's part. In essence, Peyton was force out. Peyton has pride and is not going to beg Irsay to keep him so he accepted it.

How many future HOF QBs have been released by their organization and then have so many other teams clamoring to sign them? It also sucks that Peyton couldn't get one more TD to make it 400 with the Colts.

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Just curious.... do you see even one iota of the business element to Irsay's decision?

We all wanted a different ending, but in a sport where 200-350 lb people are basically committing assault and battery on each other for 60 minutes every week.... it sometimes doesn't work out to our liking.

And let's try to remember.... Irsay's initial contract offer to Manning last year was a straight-up 5 year 100M deal that would have given us no escape had Peyton not fully recovered.... which by the way, he said yesterday hasn't happened yet.

Circumstances and timing did us in.... not somebody's wicked agenda.

Cmon man.... let's move it forward.

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I think they parted ways based on their common decision, so Manning isn't fired anyway.

Still I woke up upset too, it is hard to accept that this is really the best for Manning and the organization. Staying as a Colt Manning would be stacked in a rebuilding team, that is struggling. Now he has a chance for playoffs again with a relevant team.

This team us definitely not the 2006 team, that won SB...it wouldn't be playoff contender neither with Manning. We really need to rebuild. I would be happier if Manning would be the part of this process, but that's what won't happen. :(

We have to trust the new team and support them, they need our rooting the most in this situation!

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To be honest with you, it would be pretty hard to be mad at someone who just paid you $26,000,000 for one year of doing nothing.

Irsay was VERY good to Peyton and Peyton VERY good to Irsay.

Given everything that happened over the last 12 months or so and taking all of the cap stuff into considerations, its pretty hard to argue that both parties are not better off parting ways. Manning will certainly be in a better spot to win and the Colts can go ahead with what needs to be done anyway.

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Sources close to the situation say that Peyton wanted to remain with the Colts but Irsay told him that he's rebuilding and that means the QB position too. Apparantly, there were no negotiations or even a desire to negotiate on Irsay's part. In essence, Peyton was force out. Peyton has pride and is not going to beg Irsay to keep him so he accepted it.

Please find confirmation or a link somewhere to support this statement

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Just curious.... do you see even one iota of the business element to Irsay's decision?

We all wanted a different ending, but in a sport where 200-350 lb people are basically committing assault and battery on each other for 60 minutes every week.... it sometimes doesn't work out to our liking.

And let's try to remember.... Irsay's initial contract offer to Manning last year was a straight-up 5 year 100M deal that would have given us no escape had Peyton not fully recovered.... which by the way, he said yesterday hasn't happened yet.

Circumstances and timing did us in.... not somebody's wicked agenda.

Cmon man.... let's move it forward.

I agree with the above sentiment.

This is sad, but it is a business. Jim and Peyton are parting on good terms. This is NOT how I would have liked it. But time and circumstances made it this way.

I feel fortunate that we have the #1 pick. I was, for years, dreaming of the mediocrity that would be the Colts QB position for a long while after Peyton. Now we have a really good chance of having a special QB again.

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Not upset at all. I think the team has prepared most rationale people to the fact of Manning moving on and a new era of football coming in. I honestly believe if Manning were at his normal 100% self and had been able to show this off, Irsay would have held on to him but just the fact that a top flight prospect is avail with our pick and the fact that Manning himself says he still has work to get back to his old self. There is a slight risk that Manning can't reach that point and then what? Your stuck in a bad contract with a QB who can't live up to his old self.

It sucks, it is part of life and everyone will have to get over the fact that Manning is no longer here and may very well perform well for some other team but it is also possible he will struggle too. Luck is coming in and they will have to make certain they give him the protection and tools to succeed and allow people to realize that while Peyton was a great player for this team and league, but there are other people in the world who can play the game pretty well too. Either way, I accept the decision and am going to lose no sleep what so ever over it even if Luck fails to live up to his hype.

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I woke up still very ticked off. Some of us are just not 'it just business' thinking people. Everything i do, i do based on analyzation, emotion, and loyalty. The way Irsay handled this was wrong. I lost respect for him and my loyalty went to the man who stayed honest through it all, and thats Peyton. Thats just me. Say what you want. After Peyton had the courage to stand up there and take that and thank the fans while being very upset, if you like Manning the way some of us do, how could you expect us not to be upset and support Manning instead of Irsay. oooh.. still mad, better quit.

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Sugarcoat it all you want but Peyton was indeed fired by Irsay. Irsay held the option, not Peyton. If it were a player option, Peyton would still be with the Colts right now. Peyton wanted to stay and Irsay wanted a chance to rebuild with a new #1 draft pick. Peyton is such a professional and he and Irsay are good friends so it works out great for Irsay. Peyton did Irsay a huge favor by doing that presser with him.

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Irsay is very fortunate that his good friend Peyton is such a good guy. How many of us would stand up in front of the world and do a presser with the person who just fired you?

Sources close to the situation say that Peyton wanted to remain with the Colts but Irsay told him that he's rebuilding and that means the QB position too. Apparantly, there were no negotiations or even a desire to negotiate on Irsay's part. In essence, Peyton was force out. Peyton has pride and is not going to beg Irsay to keep him so he accepted it.

How many future HOF QBs have been released by their organization and then have so many other teams clamoring to sign them? It also sucks that Peyton couldn't get one more TD to make it 400 with the Colts.

Wow. What a lot of baloney.

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Please find confirmation or a link somewhere to support this statement


"Manning preferred to remain with the Colts, one source said, but a source close to Irsay said the owner concluded that the major restructuring of the organization would include a change at quarterback, likely either former Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck or former Baylor quarterback Robert Griffin III."

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First of all, if this is waking you up in the middle of the night, it might be time to get a little perspective on things. I watched Manning lead us to a super bowl while taking care of a dying parent. I watched us lose a super bowl whilst another family member was critically ill and died one month to the day later. It's football and we love it, but it's not that important. In fact, if you saw the interview with Peyton in Miami a couple of hours after the press conference, he was anything but sullen - appeared chipper and in good spirits. I suspect he slept better last night than you did. Think about that.

Secondly, this was a unique situation that likely has never and will never happen again: One of, if not the greatest player in game, signing the final contract of his career while trying to overcome a spinal issue (read: serious injury). His team proceeds to end up with the worst record in the NFL and the most highly touted QB available as a result. Add in the contract situation and it was a no-win for everybody involved. In fact, you could easily argue that Peyton got the best case scenario.

I'm not a Jim Irsay apologist by any means. But I believe he is loyal to a fault. Remember this is the owner that gave a super bowl ring to a former player (Edge) out of friendship and loyalty. Also, do you really think PM saw Irsay as "the guy who just fired him"? My guess is that the two men have genuine respect and friendship between them.

All just my opinion, and in the words of Dennis Miller: I could be wrong.

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I woke up still very ticked off. Some of us are just not 'it just business' thinking people. Everything i do, i do based on analyzation, emotion, and loyalty. The way Irsay handled this was wrong. I lost respect for him and my loyalty went to the man who stayed honest through it all, and thats Peyton. Thats just me. Say what you want. After Peyton had the courage to stand up there and take that and thank the fans while being very upset, if you like Manning the way some of us do, how could you expect us not to be upset and support Manning instead of Irsay. oooh.. still mad, better quit.

You are wrong about yourself as you may be thinking with your emotions and loyalty but you are not thinking analytically about the situation. You are being a fan, not a owner of a multimillion dollar business. Irsay is and did what he felt he had to do. Could have been better but so could everything on second try. Get over that part of it and move on with your sports life. You seem pretty ration in your post so thats cool to vent and be upset, it is natural. I am bummed about it but to say I am ticked or livid about it, nope, I understand that sports, as sad as it is, has become a bitter sweet business. Peyton was a once in a lifetime kinda player and we were all fortunate to have had him on our side for 14 years. I wish him well and look to Luck as the next great chapter in Colts land.

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I woke up still very ticked off. Some of us are just not 'it just business' thinking people. Everything i do, i do based on analyzation, emotion, and loyalty. The way Irsay handled this was wrong. I lost respect for him and my loyalty went to the man who stayed honest through it all, and thats Peyton. Thats just me. Say what you want. After Peyton had the courage to stand up there and take that and thank the fans while being very upset, if you like Manning the way some of us do, how could you expect us not to be upset and support Manning instead of Irsay. oooh.. still mad, better quit.

I agree. My problem is more of the way it was handled than the fact that Manning is gone. I understand that it was a business decision but Irsay on numerous occassions stated that if Manning is healthy he will remain a Colt and it's not about money. I still think that Irsay was making those statements hoping that Peyton would just retire. The healthier Peyton got, the more it turned into a money issue. Every time a report came out that Peyton was getting healthy or cleared by a doctor, Irsay went on the defensive.

Am I upset Peyton is gone? Yes. Do I understand why he is gone? Yes. Could the situation have been handled better? Yes.

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I believe that Irsay sat down with Peyton and told him that we aren't going to be contenders for your last couple years here and I am going to be grooming your successor and building it around his strengths and not yours.

I am sure Peyton wanted to stay here because he loves Indy and the fans, but Irsay realized that Peyton wants to win a Super Bowl and the Colts won't be in that kind of position for a while and Irsay loves Peyton enough personally that Irsay told Peyton I would rather you go to another team and contend for a Super Bowl as a starter, than stay in Indy and get replaced by Luck and ride the bench for the last few years of his career.

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Irsay is very fortunate that his good friend Peyton is such a good guy. How many of us would stand up in front of the world and do a presser with the person who just fired you?

Sources close to the situation say that Peyton wanted to remain with the Colts but Irsay told him that he's rebuilding and that means the QB position too. Apparantly, there were no negotiations or even a desire to negotiate on Irsay's part. In essence, Peyton was force out. Peyton has pride and is not going to beg Irsay to keep him so he accepted it.

How many future HOF QBs have been released by their organization and then have so many other teams clamoring to sign them? It also sucks that Peyton couldn't get one more TD to make it 400 with the Colts.

I think something that has helped me both personally & professionally is trying to see things from the point of view of all parties involved. Look at it from this standpoint. The team is clearly re-building mode - why would they want to re-build and be playoff ready in a couple of years with an aging Manning when they can be in the same position with a young, talented QB just coming into his prime? And Manning as a QB who started from day 1, he realizes that is what Luck should do as well. So it is better for him to go now to a team that will want him for the next 3-4 years. Sitting Luck for that long made no sense.

And I think Brian Billick said it best. He has been a big proponent of Luck and spoke about how lucky the Colts are to be a position to potentially have 25-30 years of great QB play with Manning and transitioning to Luck. It sucks now - we all feel that way - but I am 100% convinced that Irsay made the right decision here.

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"Manning preferred to remain with the Colts, one source said, but a source close to Irsay said the owner concluded that the major restructuring of the organization would include a change at quarterback, likely either former Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck or former Baylor quarterback Robert Griffin III."

Source that carries no name. I could have been that source and it would mean exactly the same thing. Maybe Manning wanted to stay but he wanted the same terms of his contract that was signed and Jim said if you are willing to sign a contract with another team with incentives to cover a possible relapse or inability to achieve that top notch level again, sign a new one with us. Perhaps Manning said no or said I will but you must not sign Luck to hedge your bet. You just have no idea what the details are and neither do I. Anyways, both sides will be better for the split as Peyton gets to pick his prime destination and the COlts get long term solutions (or best chance) at the QB spot. We don't have to struggle for years (Miami) searching for a QB replacement in Manning now. Timing sucks and thats what caught Indy and Manning. Irsay I am certain, certain that he always wanted Manning to retire a Colt and not have to be in this mess but sometimes you just have to do whats best longterm for the team and this appears to be it. If Manning could have played another 6 years, this would not have went down like this I almost could guarantee it. sources say :)

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I think something that has helped me both personally & professionally is trying to see things from the point of view of all parties involved. Look at it from this standpoint. The team is clearly re-building mode - why would they want to re-build and be playoff ready in a couple of years with an aging Manning when they can be in the same position with a young, talented QB just coming into his prime? And Manning as a QB who started from day 1, he realizes that is what Luck should do as well. So it is better for him to go now to a team that will want him for the next 3-4 years. Sitting Luck for that long made no sense.

And I think Brian Billick said it best. He has been a big proponent of Luck and spoke about how lucky the Colts are to be a position to potentially have 25-30 years of great QB play with Manning and transitioning to Luck. It sucks now - we all feel that way - but I am 100% convinced that Irsay made the right decision here.

Right decision but handled the wrong way IMO.

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Source that carries no name. I could have been that source and it would mean exactly the same thing. Maybe Manning wanted to stay but he wanted the same terms of his contract that was signed and Jim said if you are willing to sign a contract with another team with incentives to cover a possible relapse or inability to achieve that top notch level again, sign a new one with us. Perhaps Manning said no or said I will but you must not sign Luck to hedge your bet. You just have no idea what the details are and neither do I. Anyways, both sides will be better for the split as Peyton gets to pick his prime destination and the COlts get long term solutions (or best chance) at the QB spot. We don't have to struggle for years (Miami) searching for a QB replacement in Manning now. Timing sucks and thats what caught Indy and Manning. Irsay I am certain, certain that he always wanted Manning to retire a Colt and not have to be in this mess but sometimes you just have to do whats best longterm for the team and this appears to be it. If Manning could have played another 6 years, this would not have went down like this I almost could guarantee it. sources say :)

Yes and these are the same sources that broke the news to Mort that Peyton was being released so I would tend to think this it true.

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I woke up still very ticked off. Some of us are just not 'it just business' thinking people. Everything i do, i do based on analyzation, emotion, and loyalty. The way Irsay handled this was wrong. I lost respect for him and my loyalty went to the man who stayed honest through it all, and thats Peyton. Thats just me. Say what you want. After Peyton had the courage to stand up there and take that and thank the fans while being very upset, if you like Manning the way some of us do, how could you expect us not to be upset and support Manning instead of Irsay. oooh.. still mad, better quit.

Because we can't overlook the "3rd guy in the room" that Peyton himself mentioned.


If Jim Irsay had displayed a lack of loyalty and support to his players, coaches and the city over his tenure as the Colts owner... and had been a combative jerk over the years, you'd have a better foundation for your disgust. I just think it's being unfairly leveled at Irsay.

The injury, the timing and the contract all converged to produce yesterday's outcome.

Not a lack of loyalty on Jim Irsay's part.... IMO

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Because we can't overlook the "3rd guy in the room" that Peyton himself mentioned.


If Jim Irsay had displayed a lack of loyalty and support to his players, coaches and the city over his tenure as the Colts owner... and had been a combative jerk over the years, you'd have a better foundation for your disgust. I just think it's being unfairly leveled at Irsay.

The injury, the timing and the contract all converged to produce yesterday's outcome.

Not a lack of loyalty on Jim Irsay's part.... IMO

Circumstances.. i wont make an argument out of any of it, however, the circumstances that put the colts in the position they were in was never having a semi quality back up. Had we, Manning would still be a colt, but with a different money contract. Colts win 5-6 games last year.. no qb, or would have traded nearly everything for him.

As stated above, its the lying by Irsay that really sealed it for me. I hate being lied to, its human nature, but i still dont like it. JMHO.

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We can be hurt or feel hurt for a number of reasons in our life. The question could be.......is their really someone to blame for that? It certainly helps some types of people to have a focus to direct their hurt at. Don't know if that is the case with those here who have issues with this, but it is plausible.

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the circumstances that put the colts in the position they were in was never having a semi quality back up. Had we, Manning would still be a colt, but with a different money contract. Colts win 5-6 games last year..

Heck, if the brain trust of the Colts, Polian/Caldwell, had just seen fit to put in Orlovsky at the start of the season instead of Painter the Colts would have won at least 4 games.

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I think it is okay to be upset.

It is still very fresh - you dn't just wipe out 14 years away. Yes this is sports and we get attached to people.

Indeed, and anyone who wants to berate or criticize those who are upset, needs to reexamine themself. The same goes for anyone that wishes to berate those who are upset claiming that they are Peyton fans, not Colts fans. That crap needs to stop.

And yeah, for anyone in any doubt, I *am* still very upset.

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That with a quality backup we should have won a least one more game and this whole situation wouldn't have happened. I agree with this absolutely.

To a lesser extent, in hindsight it would have been helpful if our backup had been given more reps in practice/camp and occasional real game time rather than having Peyton take every snap. I've always thought that could come back to bite us. Unfortunately, real game snaps were rarely available because PM had to be perfect to cover up for the other two phases of the game....

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Indeed, and anyone who wants to berate or criticize those who are upset, needs to reexamine themself. The same goes for anyone that wishes to berate those who are upset claiming that they are Peyton fans, not Colts fans. That crap needs to stop.

And yeah, for anyone in any doubt, I *am* still very upset.

I don't see that in this thread.

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Circumstances.. i wont make an argument out of any of it, however, the circumstances that put the colts in the position they were in was never having a semi quality back up. Had we, Manning would still be a colt, but with a different money contract. Colts win 5-6 games last year.. no qb, or would have traded nearly everything for him.

As stated above, its the lying by Irsay that really sealed it for me. I hate being lied to, its human nature, but i still dont like it. JMHO.

I can't argue with that part of your statement... and if we'd had a backup QB and not so many other glaring weakness that led to the 2-14 season, and had finished flatly out of position to draft Luck.... then yes, THOSE circumstances may have dictated a different outcome.

I just don't think Irsay went into this crappy situation with ill intentions... I think he faced up to and made a difficult decision that I'm convinced would have met the same level of backlash had he said absolutely nothing at all publicly and then released Peyton anyway.

But once he took the necessary, IMO, measure of firing the Polians.... who seem to be escaping their fair share of this whirlwind.... it was almost inevitable and unavoidable that a crushing level of media speculation and fan base demand over Peyton's status was going to ensue.

And once that PR element emerged and took on a life of its own.... it made a less than ideal, but inevitable situation even more difficult.

I didn't envy either of those guys for having to deal with it.

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I haven't posted since it all came down.....been 4-wheelin miles from home. Had some time to think about it and I still don't know what to think?

Happy, sad, excited, bummed........

I'm Happy that it's finally over.

I'm Sad that Peyton had to go.

I'm not Excited about the 2-3 years of rebuilding that's about to happen.

I'm Bummed that Irsay constantly said Peyton was gonna be a Colt and now he's gone.

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Indeed, and anyone who wants to berate or criticize those who are upset, needs to reexamine themself. The same goes for anyone that wishes to berate those who are upset claiming that they are Peyton fans, not Colts fans. That crap needs to stop.

And yeah, for anyone in any doubt, I *am* still very upset.

The only time I see that happen is when someone comes out and says they aren't supporting the team anymore and are going to support Manning instead.

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I'm not upset about losng Peyton. I am discouraged about the future prospects of the Colts winning. However, it's one and the same, because as long as Peyton was on the field the Colts had a chance of winning.

We have a "chance" next year, but not as good as we could have.

With Manning gone, now the Colts have to ask themselves if Freeney is worth the 19 mil he'll take out of the 2012 cap. If Luck plus Manning at 21 mil didn't get it, does an old, injury prone, 3rd down defensive player make it?

Mannings departure just about assures that Reggie won't want to be a training target for the last few years of his career, he'll want to go to a contender which everyone tells me we aren't now.

Just what is Saturday's contract status? Makes Garcon important to hold onto, but is he really #1 quality at #1 pay? It does appear that money in important to Pierre.

We get great draft picks, but aside from Luck, is what we need really even in this years draft? While our running game is better, it would work with a QB dominated offense but it's not good enough to become the focal point of the offense.

With Luck, we are back to only one good QB. If Polian's major faux paux was in not having an adequate backup, Grigson has got to find one. Maybe, someone like Schaub or Sanchez is going to be available.

Finally, I'm wondering when I will be able to root for the Colts in January again? 1 yr, 2yr, 3yr, or 4 yr's? When folks discuss Mannings remaining career this time frame was characterized as extremely short, but when I think about this being the time frame to root for the Colts to win in the playoffs, it seems like a very long time.

Yeah, I'm not upset. .....just disappointed.

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Indeed, and anyone who wants to berate or criticize those who are upset, needs to reexamine themself. The same goes for anyone that wishes to berate those who are upset claiming that they are Peyton fans, not Colts fans. That crap needs to stop.

And yeah, for anyone in any doubt, I *am* still very upset.

Well.... I hope that is not how my posts are coming across Zebra, I'm not telling anyone not to be upset... I am too.

All I'm saying is that every element be taken into account before leveling personal attacks against Jim Irsay in a crummy, uncertain and very fluid situation that neither he, Peyton or Colts fans asked for.

All the "style points" in the world wouldn't have helped Irsay in what some of us believe was the correct decision for the long-term welfare of the team.

But healthy amount of sadness is absolutely appropriate, and its different for everybody, and I won't fault anyone for that.... but I started mine in September when I had a gut feeling it wasn't gonna end the way we all wanted.

I guess the best thing that I can do is chill away from these particular thread topics and respect other Colts fan's timeline for getting past all this. :)

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Indeed, and anyone who wants to berate or criticize those who are upset, needs to reexamine themself. The same goes for anyone that wishes to berate those who are upset claiming that they are Peyton fans, not Colts fans. That crap needs to stop.

And yeah, for anyone in any doubt, I *am* still very upset.

I have no issues with being upset. I have issues with having to blame someone. My wife works in the post death industry. Many just have to lash out and direct that AT someone...there has to be someone or something to blame. Not saying that is you, just explaining what I see.

No offense, but you are not coming across very "modish".

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