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The NFL has to get rid of ties


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I like ties.  

They are, on average, very rare.   Less than one per year.  

I like the novelty of it.  

If it were consistently happening 3-4 times a year, I would agree that something needs done. 


I would much rather have a tie than instituting a gimmicky way to decide games.  

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I would love to see college football style overtime introduced into the NFL. Each team has a turn to start at the opposition's red zone and its sudden death based on points scored per turn.


Anyone know what the rule is for a tie at the end of overtime in a postseason game? I couldn't find anything on Google.

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3 hours ago, IrishColt said:

Anyone know what the rule is for a tie at the end of overtime in a postseason game? I couldn't find anything on Google.


They used to just play a second overtime period.  I don't know if that rule has changed in the past couple years, though.

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On 9/10/2018 at 4:35 AM, NannyMcafee said:

Well I think everyone who works for the NFL should have to wear a tie. 

I gotta give it up to ya NM your line was pretty clever & one I did not expect. Cute.


Look on a serious note, the longer guys play past regulation the higher the likelihood key injuries to starting players happen & I never wanna see that on any teams roster.


Ties in football are like participation ribbons in school sports. It cheapens the outcome because fans can't feel good that they won or express brief regret that they lost. You're in purgatory limbo. The worst feeling in the world. Okay sure, it's not a tragedy or life changing event like a tornado, flood, fire, hurricane, or passing of a loved one, but it's 3 hours as a viewer you'll never get back either unfulfilled enthusiasm or stocic trepidation.


Ties are fine as a youth, but they leave a bad taste in your mouth as an adult in professional sports. JMO.

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On 9/10/2018 at 11:28 AM, Yehoodi said:


As Jvan and Csmopar have already indicated, ties in the NFL are very rare.  Some season we have one or a few and other seasons, more often than not, we have no ties.


Ties do not over burden the players as they will only have to play an extra 10 mins.


Also, the ties bring in a nice tiebreaker situation as the tie can help or hurt teams in playoff seedings against other teams and invariably there can not have the same record and will be a 1/2 game ahead or behind the other teams in seeding.  So to this extend, i fine ties interesting as opposed to the straight up records being compared.  


And ties have been around since the inception of the NFL

Good post @Yehoodi as always.


Yeah, like Jvan & CsPR, astutely stated, ties are extremely rare so complaining about them makes me or anybody else who complains about them look foolish. I totally agree & yet every time I watch a game that ends in one [Browns vs Steelers or Packers Vs Vikings] I feel not upset but adrift because I like closure. Somebody won; Somebody lost. It's the same reason Westerns are probably my favorite genre in cinema too. Somebody ticked the wrong guy off & as a result, death will eventually follow.


Do you think Big Ben or Tyrod Taylor feel happy about the outcome? Not really. I know that Cousins & Rodgers played well too & yet that outcome feels empty to me. I'm still not happy about that Clay Matthews roughing the passing call either, but I digress.


Hey @NFLfan, Kirk Cousins played great BTW & his contract looks like money well spent right now.


Tiebreakers scenarioes [Sic] can have some appeal with playoff positioning as the season progresses I suppose Yehoodi. Ties are like a Christmas present you really didn't want but you have to pretend it's the best present ever just to not hurt your relative's feelings. I truly believe that.

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14 hours ago, Myles said:

I like ties.  

They are, on average, very rare.   Less than one per year.  

I like the novelty of it.  

If it were consistently happening 3-4 times a year, I would agree that something needs done. 


I would much rather have a tie than instituting a gimmicky way to decide games.  

This is probably the best argument in favor of them--Scarcity. If people like them & get a kick out of them, I don't wanna rain on anybody's parade. I would caution folks though because we've already had 2 ties this yr & since referees are cracking down harder on LB & DE hits on the QB more frequently now, that possibility of ties with high octane offenses will rise up slightly now.


Remember, several yrs ago when Tom Coughlin was still the HC of the NY Giants & I don't remember if it was Justin Tuck, JPP, or who it was, but they let up on the opposing field general in the 2nd half of a regular season game because they were so afraid of a 15 yrd penalty that they literally pulled up & stopped because they were so confused about what a legal sack was now? It's happening again. Look, I get the league doesn't want concussions or knees blown out with tackling, but you gotta let defensive guys earn a living too.


I do agree Myles. I can swallow ties against my will if it means guys leave the field with less injuries.  I'll learn to grit my teeth & accept ties eventually. My main thing is this: Please let the defense play ball & not dwindle away their paychecks with lame league fines. Thank you.



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On 9/16/2018 at 6:54 PM, bluebombers87 said:

Why do we have ties? This is pointless. 


“Daddy, who won the game?”

”No one son, it ended in a tie.”

”You mean they spent three hours and we still don’t know who was better today?”

”No son, we don’t.”


I realize your post was designed for sarcastic comic relief for effect BB87 & I did find it amusing.


However, the best humor has a grain of truth in it. Nobody wants to sit through any event over 2 hours long with no resolution in the end.


Maybe cell phones, Twitter, & FaceBook have killed the art of nuance & subtle small signs of gradual improvement I don't know.


Ties...Oh, the humanity! Just Kidding.


Ties feel like when your wife or girlfriend drags you to a chick flick & you just really wanted to see something cool get blown up on the giant multi plex screen in front of you.


Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for your patience. Carry on...





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When I say this - "I would much rather have a tie than instituting a gimmicky way to decide games."

I mean that I would prefer a tie to whatever they would come up with.   I'm afraid it would be something like kicking field goal starting at 50 yards an go back from there until someone misses.   Or something like getting 4 downs from the 25 yard line.   That would benefit the better passing team, but hurt the better running team. 


I guess I just don't want a gimmicky format to decide the game.  

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Does anyone watch a game just to enjoy the action? 


Obviously, if it’s the Colts (or your favorite team), or if the game affects your teams place in the standings, the result is #1 importance. 


I thoroughly enjoyed the Steelers/Browns and Vikings/Packers games. Not having a winner and loser in those games took nothing out of my enjoyment of those games, and the highs and lows that went with it.

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On 9/10/2018 at 12:33 PM, csmopar said:

Really? lets do some research...


Overtime rules were first introduced to the NFL in 1974. Since then, counting last night's game, there have been 23 games that have ended in a tie. 7 since 2012. out of a possible 1276. Since the first overtime rules were put into the game in 1974, there has been 11,360 games played, (not counting playoffs or preseason).  so .2, yes .2 percent of all the games played have resulted in a tie game.  and just .5 percent since 2012. You're not going to get much rarer than that. 

A Brown's win is almost as rare......but really, this whinging, particulary from the OP is really sad. He makes out that a tied game destroys his weekend, and makes him really miserable. Live with the .2 occurence fir goodness sake. And I say 'he/his' as a lady would never say anything so dumb as that. Cue 'likes' from Gramz and Jules and Nadine etc.......

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16 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I gotta give it up to ya NM your line was pretty clever & one I did not expect. Cute.


Look on a serious note, the longer guys play past regulation the higher the likelihood key injuries to starting players happen & I never wanna see that on any teams roster.


Ties in football are like participation ribbons in school sports. It cheapens the outcome because fans can't feel good that they won or express brief regret that they lost. You're in purgatory limbo. The worst feeling in the world. Okay sure, it's not a tragedy or life changing event like a tornado, flood, fire, hurricane, or passing of a loved one, but it's 3 hours as a viewer you'll never get back either unfulfilled enthusiasm or stocic trepidation.


Ties are fine as a youth, but they leave a bad taste in your mouth as an adult in professional sports. JMO.

Lol thanks, and I agree. They should bring back regular season OT rules. At least 2 more qtrs. I think it’s also the amount of time a game can become. It can go from 3 and a half hours to 5 really easy. 

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Every rule the NFL enacts these days will be for more player safety, or reducing time of the games (probably to make up time for flags on those increased penalties for safety of players), or both.  


My idea uses all three phases of the game, gives each team a shot, and reduces player wear and tear and keeps game time reasonable.


Each team gets to ‘free kick’ (like after a safety) once in OT.  The receiving team gets one drive (on a 5 minute clock) to score points.  After their attempt, no matter the result, then that team free kicks to the other, and that team also gets one drive (on a 5 minute clock) to score. 1 timeout allotted to each team.  Check scoreboard, game over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/19/2018 at 10:42 PM, southwest1 said:

Good post @Yehoodi as always.


Yeah, like Jvan & CsPR, astutely stated, ties are extremely rare so complaining about them makes me or anybody else who complains about them look foolish. I totally agree & yet every time I watch a game that ends in one [Browns vs Steelers or Packers Vs Vikings] I feel not upset but adrift because I like closure. Somebody won; Somebody lost. It's the same reason Westerns are probably my favorite genre in cinema too. Somebody ticked the wrong guy off & as a result, death will eventually follow.


Do you think Big Ben or Tyrod Taylor feel happy about the outcome? Not really. I know that Cousins & Rodgers played well too & yet that outcome feels empty to me. I'm still not happy about that Clay Matthews roughing the passing call either, but I digress.


Hey @NFLfan, Kirk Cousins played great BTW & his contract looks like money well spent right now.


Tiebreakers scenarioes [Sic] can have some appeal with playoff positioning as the season progresses I suppose Yehoodi. Ties are like a Christmas present you really didn't want but you have to pretend it's the best present ever just to not hurt your relative's feelings. I truly believe that.


Hey SW, nice to hear from you again.   


Yes I do agree it is nice to have closure even if some one has to loose.  I guess it is tough in football as if they keep playing it is more wear and tear on the players bodies.


In the end i do agree that players would also like to have ties if at all possible.


Interestingly, we almost had two ties this weekend. 

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Now over to Jerry at the SportsCenter: "dramatic events at the Olympic Stadium where drama unfolded in the Marathon. Abbiby Babikily of Ethiopia and Wilson Chipolte of Kenya dead-heated in the grueling heat. After a 5 minute break to shower and put on fresh kit, both athletes are to have a run-off from the half-way marker. Gosh, this is really exciting".


Muffled voice from the back of the studio, "can't we just give them both a gold medal?".


By the way, 10.5 wins beats 10 wins every time. The epitome of a tie not being a pointless result.

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1 hour ago, shakedownstreet said:

Best way to eliminate ties is if it's tied at the end of regulation, flip a coin to decide the winner. Anyone who thinks that's unfair, well your team should have scored more points in regulation. If they failed then too damn bad.



I would be OK with going back to the old way.   Flip a coin for first possession and first to score wins.

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On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 6:08 PM, oldunclemark said:

I like ties.....

.and it eliminates the need for some tiebreakers  at the end of the year..look at it that way

I agree with this opinion!^^^


Additionally, where the possibilities of a 2-pt conversion have been increased along with the rules changes which make it harder to stop a 2-pt conversion, it only sands to reason that teans facing an 8, 11, 15, or16 pt deficit have a better chance of tying the game these days.


It's all a result of the massive amount of rule changes we have seen in the past 10yrs.


There WILL be more ties.

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I think they should go to college rules. Spot the ball at the 20, and you get 4 shots to score. Your oppent then gets the ball at their 20. You keep going until someone fails to match the score. No first downs. You can move the ball forward but you only get 4 tries regardless.

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1 hour ago, Four2itus said:

If we just eliminated OT altogether, teams would adjust they way they play the ends of games. Ties are disliked because of how uncommon they are. 

I disagree.   Rare ties are OK.   Common ties are ridiculous. 


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On 10/4/2018 at 9:04 AM, Myles said:

I would be OK with going back to the old way.   Flip a coin for first possession and first to score wins.


I hated that system. I do like the current system better but would prefer something closer to what the ncaa does

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On 10/4/2018 at 11:51 AM, Defjamz26 said:

I think they should go to college rules. Spot the ball at the 20, and you get 4 shots to score. Your oppent then gets the ball at their 20. You keep going until someone fails to match the score. No first downs. You can move the ball forward but you only get 4 tries regardless.



College has the best OT system. No real additional risk of injury by comparison to what we have now, more exciting for the fans, and perseverance becoming a bigger factor.


Ties are frustrating because you need MIT degree in mathematics to figure out the advantage. Determining standings now is solved with a simple flow chart. 


In my opinion you should be penalized with a loss if you don’t win. “If you ain’t first, you’re last.”

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2018 at 8:29 PM, braveheartcolt said:

Oh, I have just remembered that if my wife and I are having an argument, there must always be a winner. Her. 

Priceless BHC. Just priceless. Your reply is hysterical primarily because of it's universal truth & pinpoint accuracy. Never lose your funny bone my Scottish brother from another mother. It's your greatest asset. :scoregood:

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19 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Priceless BHC. Just priceless. Your reply is hysterical primarily because of it's universal truth & pinpoint accuracy. Never lose your funny bone my Scottish brother from another mother. It's your greatest asset. :scoregood:

Thanks pal! Not seen you post for a while. Good to see you back!

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On 10/3/2018 at 7:16 PM, Yehoodi said:


Hey SW, nice to hear from you again.   


Yes I do agree it is nice to have closure even if some one has to loose.  I guess it is tough in football as if they keep playing it is more wear and tear on the players bodies.


In the end i do agree that players would also like to have ties if at all possible.


Interestingly, we almost had two ties this weekend. 

Hey there Yehoodi,


Sorry for my delay in getting back to you. I apologize. Yes, ties are a part of the NFL landscape I guess here to stay whether we like them or not. Life goes on.


Your Pats look solid BTW. I knew Brady would be fine once he got Julian Edalman back. Plus, you guys have a deep threat now with Josh Gordon in the mix. Congrats on your victory over INDY as well. I'm just glad Andrew Luck looks like he can still sling the football again like I remember before his shoulder injury.


You're a good dude Yehoodi. The Colts Vs Pats rivalry is far from the battle it once was under Peyton Manning, but slowly be surely, it will return: the competitiveness or gap will close sooner or later.

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