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Is Irsay in DENIAL or simply turning a BLIND eye?


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8 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


   Gee, Chuck IS who many here said he is. NO Drama there. Chud-Same. Monochino-Same,
   Minus LUCKY for my predicted at least 3 games, with half the roster new, a Totally unproven O-Line that, is not a big surprise, FAILING, ILB'ers that were predictably Terrible, a  Receiving group that was/is mediocre, MUST be the reason i predicted a 5-11 season.
  For those that were Listening, P T Irsay did kindly express quite publicly that there might be a couple down years

 ahead, that it was a preference to having a future of 8-8 as our expectations. HINT HINT
  Personally, i am really ______ we didn't lose to Cleveland and SF. 
 And like most here, I Love my Colts!   :colts:

 And i do feel bad for the players putting their hearts, minds, and bodies towards a bad season. But this happens to a few teams each yearI All those bad drafts and good drafts by our SOUTH competition and YOU All expected More. Get a Grip!
  Wake Up smell the Coffee. 


Lot going on with your post there, but I get the gist of some of it and agree with some of it. 


I am spending the rest of the season evaluating players and looking at who we can draft with the 3rd overall pick. Because without Luck, we are likely not winning another game.

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18 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

Maybe this ends the discussion.....NFL Website future headline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>COLTS MOVE TO LONDON ENGLAND WITH NEW OWNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think anyone should invest into buying any NFL team right now. 


It wouldn't be smart to pay a billion dollars (or more) for a business that is getting financially rocked. Who knows what the value of an NFL team will be after all this dust settles. It probably won't be worth more than before these massive hits. 



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2 hours ago, Xander said:

I have no * idea how you're comparing Ballard to Grigson. Again, the stupidity is overwhelming. 


Stupidity?! First off I was referring to him being a first time gm LIKE Grigson before him. Of course he hasn't been on the job for 5 years like Grigs who left this team in VERY bad shape so the jury is still out on what Ballard will bring to the table. I pointed out that Ballard has done some good things this year but don't act like he's set the world on fire in his first year on the job because the main issues left from Grigs still remain like the disaster of an o-line, the pitiful play at inside linebacker, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup qb, there's STILL no pass rush and this ENTIRE lackluster coaching staff is still in place which is more of Irsay's call on that. If I WERE to compare year one between the two then Grigson would win by a landslide but the situations are different so I'm NOT. I can only hope Ballard turns out to be the real deal but I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon simply because he replaced Grigson as ANOTHER first time guy.

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50 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:


Stupidity?! First off I was referring to him being a first time gm LIKE Grigson before him. Of course he hasn't been on the job for 5 years like Grigs who left this team in VERY bad shape so the jury is still out on what Ballard will bring to the table. I pointed out that Ballard has done some good things this year but don't act like he's set the world on fire in his first year on the job because the main issues left from Grigs still remain like the disaster of an o-line, the pitiful play at inside linebacker, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup qb, there's STILL no pass rush and this ENTIRE lackluster coaching staff is still in place which is more of Irsay's call on that. If I WERE to compare year one between the two then Grigson would win by a landslide but the situations are different so I'm NOT. I can only hope Ballard turns out to be the real deal but I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon simply because he replaced Grigson as ANOTHER first time guy.

So because he didn't fix every single problem on a terrible roster in year one, he gets compared to * Grigson? Dumb. 

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1 hour ago, Xander said:

So because he didn't fix every single problem on a terrible roster in year one, he gets compared to * Grigson? Dumb. 


Smh... I just told you I'm ONLY comparing the two as far as being FIRST time gms on the job NOT by how Ballard will end up as a gm. So it seems like the only slow one is you because you can't seem to comprehend english. I REALLY try to refrain from the * for tat but some people just take you there because your initial remark of stupidity was not needed nor the dumb comment if you didn't agree. We all know EVERYTHING will not be fixed in one year nor did I expect him to.

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30 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:


Smh... I just told you I'm ONLY comparing the two as far as being FIRST time gms on the job NOT by how Ballard will end up as a gm. So it seems like the only slow one is you because you can't seem to comprehend english. I REALLY try to refrain from the * for tat but some people just take you there because your initial remark of stupidity was not needed nor the dumb comment if you didn't agree. We all know EVERYTHING will not be fixed in one year nor did I expect him to.

You said you fear Ballard will turn out like Grigson. Lol so silly. 

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No he knew this was a lost season after all he said he rather have down years and win multiple SBs than to make the playoffs every year and only have one SB to show for it.


The Manning years weren't good enough for him this is what he wanted.


That being said I think he keeps Pagano if he can't get a big name to coach this team. The irony is I think a big name would come if Jimbo took a step back from the team and let his daughters take over.

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8 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:

As we all can see the Colts are a mess right now and have been trending that way for a WHILE now. When this season is over the Colts face the strong possibility of a dead last finish within the division once known as the "worst in football" just few years back. The Colts have entered the last week at 7-8 in the past TWO seasons and have had the luxury to finish at home in CONSECUTIVE seasons against a 3 win division foe only to pull out a nail bitter in the end. Now it appears like the "cycle" of the downward spiral will be complete from the 2nd place division finish in 2015 while falling to 3rd place last year and by sitting in the cellar of the south this year. The once all world young franchise qb is now an injury prone question mark after taking years of punishment behind a NON nfl quality offensive line.... BUT still how did the Colts get here since the dismal blowout AFCCG just 3 years ago? Even in that season the Colts looked so outmatched with huge losses against the top teams that eyebrows should've been raised as far as where the Colts stood against SB caliber teams. The Colts always seemed more like a 7-9 type of team talent and coach wise under the duo of Grigs and Pagano. 11-5 came more so from the fact that they feasted on the putrid afc south with Luck. As the division became better and the 6-0 records within the south came to a halt the Colts simply look like the reflection on how they've been built and how they are coached.  


It all started when Irsay decided to pair a first time gm with a first time non proven hc at ANY level to lead the franchise and oversee the growth of the next big thing in Andrew Luck. The problem with that is only TIME will tell if either the gm or hc can grow to become upper tier at their positions. Finding out down the line that they're in over their heads sets the franchise back at the EXPENSE of the young qb's health and future by wasting years if you hold on to them for too long!!! With that said Irsay didn't make the TOUGH decision to cut bait after year 4 in the best interest of the team but instead he chose to move forward in the WRONG direction to PROVE he made the right hires in the first place. Year one under Grigs in which fans raved about earned him EOY with the quick turn around season bringing in players like Redding, Vonte Davis, Stanton as backup qb, Butler and Jerrell Freeman to name a few while drafting Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, Brazill, and Chapman BUT as time went on with major whiffs in the draft, overspending of subpar FAs and the BLATANT neglect of that pitiful o-line lead to his eventual firing. The first season was also remembered as the run Bruce Arian took the team on at 9-3 earning him COY while Chuck was out battling cancer. After that season Bruce was the hot name for a hc job throughout the league (in which he won another COY with the Cards) and many wondered outside Indy what the Colts would do? Especially with Chuck being a question mark going forward health wise as well as appearing somewhat avg in coaching a few games that season. Also keep in mind that Big Ben had put up some of his best numbers with Bruce as his oc with the Steelers while winning SB under his play calling. Bruce also was Peyton's qb coach at one time. I thought Irsay should've retained Bruce as the hc and made a spot for Chuck in the FO to avoid a PR nightmare of getting rid of a coach overcoming cancer. 


Forcing the new GM Ballard to go into the season with Chuck at the helm was another mistake because no matter how much better the talent level could become you STILL would have the same subpar hc with the same bad OVERALL gameplan whose teams seem unprepared, undisciplined, unaccounted for and to me Chuck does not always field the best players for whatever reason. This team has had 3 ocs but the run right up the gut for little to no yards on 1st and 2nd downs leading to 3rd and long comes from the hc who BELIEVES in smash mouth football in his overall approach but doesn't have the personnel to do so. This team has also had 2 dcs but the defense is STILL bad with no pass rush yet are afraid to blitz more often to at least generate some pressure. Chuck has all his buddies in place yet the team is sinking in quicksand.... At the rate this team will be lucky to win 5 games. Which brings me to Ballard..... 


I know this is a long term rebuild but how much better did the Colts really get under ANOTHER first time GM? The o-line is STILL bad, pass rush is STILL non existent, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup and the middle linebacker spot is STILL a mess!!! Ballard has done some right things so far but all the talk I've heard before about aggressive play etc. My fear is that Ballard will turn out like Grigs who also came in with high praise only to flame out. Why did it take SO long for him to get a GM job? I hear Ballard likes stc Dave Toub to become a  hc but ONCE again you tie yourself to someone who has NEVER been a hc at any level and must learn on the job which sounds eerily like the last experiment... 


one of the best  face reality posts i have read, great post. i concur

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4 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


I don't think anyone should invest into buying any NFL team right now. 


It wouldn't be smart to pay a billion dollars (or more) for a business that is getting financially rocked. Who knows what the value of an NFL team will be after all this dust settles. It probably won't be worth more than before these massive hits. 



i concur

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't know why anyone here would think that Jim Irsay does not know what's going on? 


He he is neither in denial nor has he turned a blind eye.    We will hear from him when he makes a move on Pagano, either in-season or at the end if the year.


If he speaks sooner because of fans not buying tickets or some other reason -- great.


But the man is not oblivious to what is going on.   THIS is his family business.  THIS is source of income, the source of his wealth.    He knows his business is having a terrible year.


Moves are coming.   Maybe not as soon as some here would like but they ARE coming.   We are all going to have to be more patient than any of us thought necessary just a few months ago,  but that's what we're going to need.  


Sorry, but there it is...   



Hey NCF... :)  I'm not necessarily just talking about this season but more of the past few years. Luck's injuries are in large part due to the shots taken behind that subpar o-line which has been bad for years and has not been helped with the offensive scheme. You would think a more heightened awareness would have been placed on protecting the franchise qb. Like I said before the spiral has been brewing for a while now.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't know why anyone here would think that Jim Irsay does not know what's going on? 


He he is neither in denial nor has he turned a blind eye.    We will hear from him when he makes a move on Pagano, either in-season or at the end if the year.


If he speaks sooner because of fans not buying tickets or some other reason -- great.


But the man is not oblivious to what is going on.   THIS is his family business.  THIS is source of income, the source of his wealth.    He knows his business is having a terrible year.


Moves are coming.   Maybe not as soon as some here would like but they ARE coming.   We are all going to have to be more patient than any of us thought necessary just a few months ago,  but that's what we're going to need.  


Sorry, but there it is...   


If you wanted to accuse him of anything I think it'd be too much charitable assumption. He gave both Grigson and Pagano the benefit of the doubt one too many times. It's not because he's a bad owner. If anything it shows how caring and level headed owner he is. It just so happens that it bit him in the But this time.


I don't think he is in denial about the state of the team, but I do think around 2015 his vision was clouded about the direction the team was trending.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't know why anyone here would think that Jim Irsay does not know what's going on? 


He he is neither in denial nor has he turned a blind eye.    We will hear from him when he makes a move on Pagano, either in-season or at the end if the year.


If he speaks sooner because of fans not buying tickets or some other reason -- great.


But the man is not oblivious to what is going on.   THIS is his family business.  THIS is source of income, the source of his wealth.    He knows his business is having a terrible year.


Moves are coming.   Maybe not as soon as some here would like but they ARE coming.   We are all going to have to be more patient than any of us thought necessary just a few months ago,  but that's what we're going to need.  


Sorry, but there it is...   


i concur

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7 hours ago, Mr. Irrelevant said:

Look, he could fire Pagano today just like that. And that would please many fans, no question. But he have to think it through, because it just might happen to be better for the team and wait until the season is over.


We all want instant gratification, but that is not how you run a business.


I'm just throwing this out there to play Devil's Advocate.


What does it hurt to fire Pagano now?  The team cannot play any worse than it is playing now. 


He is 100% gone at the end of the year.  It's happening.  He is overwhelmed as a coach and his coordinator hires have been absolute, unmitigated disasters.


I study the game of football pretty closely (or at least I try), and I can hardly believe my eyes when I see guys like Yeldon (who has spent most of his season with the Jags watching their games in street clothes as a healthy scratch) explode on the Colts defense.


You have guys like Cole that are running wide open in the secondary.   I had never even heard of this guy before. 


Bortles wasn't fitting throws through tight windows this past weekend.  He was throwing to guys running wide open, high-school style.  That's intolerable for an NFL franchise.  It's simply intolerable.


1) The Colts game plans (e.g., slow-developing 5 and 7-step drop passing game against an elite Jaguars secondary/pass rush) are garbage.  Garbage is being kind.


2) The Colts are not fundamentally sound.  They can't tackle.  They can't block.  They commit stupid, undisciplined penalties week-in, week-out.


Sheard literally cannot hold the edge in the running game.  It's literally one of his only jobs and he constantly ignores that responsibility to crash inside.  This is not hard, Sheard.  It's not.


3) The "best" (and by best, I mean the least marginal) players don't play.  Morrison could not cover a whale in a phone booth.  He has no business being on the field, except for maybe goal line situations.


Quincy Wilson, our 2nd-round CB, does not play because apparently he's not good at Special Teams.  The Colts' legendary DC thinks it is better that we trot out guys at CB that walked off the street a few weeks ago.  Mind-boggling.


None of the aforementioned is drama.  It's just the cold, harsh reality of one of the worst teams in the NFL.



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 I don't know what's on Jim's mind but I do know he doesn't like to lose and changes are in order sooner than later I'm sure. WE NEED QUALITY OFFENSIVE LINEMAN  "Connor Williams" anyone? WE NEED A MONSTER PASS RUSHER any nominations? We should consider shutting ANDREW LUCK DOWN FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON the moment  playoffs are no longer possible. Also we should examine or at least listen to trade offers that will upgrade the team in multiple ways...... 

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2 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:


Hey NCF... :)  I'm not necessarily just talking about this season but more of the past few years. Luck's injuries are in large part due to the shots taken behind that subpar o-line which has been bad for years and has not been helped with the offensive scheme. You would think a more heightened awareness would have been placed on protecting the franchise qb. Like I said before the spiral has been brewing for a while now.


Hey,  BPh....


I understand your concerns....    and I hope I wasn't too hard on you in my first post.    Did not intend it to be hard on anyone.     My post was not intended for you only even though you were the one who started the thread.


It was intended for a combination of you...    anyone in the thread who agreed with you,   and also anyone who had not yet joined the thread by might also agree with you.     So, I was aiming for a wider audience.


I'd remind evereyone that because of his personal problems,  Irsay is an easy target.     But he's not an oil tycoon like Jerry Jones,  or a multi-media and business guy like Stan Kronke,   nor is he the owner of a business like Home Depot as the owner of the Falcons is,   or the owner of Gillette like Robert Kraft is.


So,  Irsay's whole world is the Colts.    It gives him the life he enjoys,   the access to the music world he enjoys,   and everything else that comes with it.    He's among the 5 most influential people in the state of Indiana.


The man surely knows his team is have a terrible year.     This is 2011 all over again.   


He's not saying much because at this point, the more he says,  odds are,  the worse things would get.     If he doesn't want to fire Pagano just yet,  he'll be pressed on that.     But if he does fire Pagano now,  he'll look like he's responding to an angry mob of fans.     No owner wants to do that.     But Irsay keeping quiet right now is not by accident.  


My hunch is that Pagano will likely be fired after the Pittsburgh game.    Next is the bye week and that would give the interim HC two weeks to game plan the rest of the way....    If it doesn't happen then,  then there's no reason to do it before the end of the year.  


Thanks for reaching out....


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On 10/24/2017 at 11:28 AM, bluephantom87 said:

As we all can see the Colts are a mess right now and have been trending that way for a WHILE now. When this season is over the Colts face the strong possibility of a dead last finish within the division once known as the "worst in football" just few years back. The Colts have entered the last week at 7-8 in the past TWO seasons and have had the luxury to finish at home in CONSECUTIVE seasons against a 3 win division foe only to pull out a nail bitter in the end. Now it appears like the "cycle" of the downward spiral will be complete from the 2nd place division finish in 2015 while falling to 3rd place last year and by sitting in the cellar of the south this year. The once all world young franchise qb is now an injury prone question mark after taking years of punishment behind a NON nfl quality offensive line.... BUT still how did the Colts get here since the dismal blowout AFCCG just 3 years ago? Even in that season the Colts looked so outmatched with huge losses against the top teams that eyebrows should've been raised as far as where the Colts stood against SB caliber teams. The Colts always seemed more like a 7-9 type of team talent and coach wise under the duo of Grigs and Pagano. 11-5 came more so from the fact that they feasted on the putrid afc south with Luck. As the division became better and the 6-0 records within the south came to a halt the Colts simply look like the reflection on how they've been built and how they are coached.  


It all started when Irsay decided to pair a first time gm with a first time non proven hc at ANY level to lead the franchise and oversee the growth of the next big thing in Andrew Luck. The problem with that is only TIME will tell if either the gm or hc can grow to become upper tier at their positions. Finding out down the line that they're in over their heads sets the franchise back at the EXPENSE of the young qb's health and future by wasting years if you hold on to them for too long!!! With that said Irsay didn't make the TOUGH decision to cut bait after year 4 in the best interest of the team but instead he chose to move forward in the WRONG direction to PROVE he made the right hires in the first place. Year one under Grigs in which fans raved about earned him EOY with the quick turn around season bringing in players like Redding, Vonte Davis, Stanton as backup qb, Butler and Jerrell Freeman to name a few while drafting Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, Brazill, and Chapman BUT as time went on with major whiffs in the draft, overspending of subpar FAs and the BLATANT neglect of that pitiful o-line lead to his eventual firing. The first season was also remembered as the run Bruce Arian took the team on at 9-3 earning him COY while Chuck was out battling cancer. After that season Bruce was the hot name for a hc job throughout the league (in which he won another COY with the Cards) and many wondered outside Indy what the Colts would do? Especially with Chuck being a question mark going forward health wise as well as appearing somewhat avg in coaching a few games that season. Also keep in mind that Big Ben had put up some of his best numbers with Bruce as his oc with the Steelers while winning SB under his play calling. Bruce also was Peyton's qb coach at one time. I thought Irsay should've retained Bruce as the hc and made a spot for Chuck in the FO to avoid a PR nightmare of getting rid of a coach overcoming cancer. 


Forcing the new GM Ballard to go into the season with Chuck at the helm was another mistake because no matter how much better the talent level could become you STILL would have the same subpar hc with the same bad OVERALL gameplan whose teams seem unprepared, undisciplined, unaccounted for and to me Chuck does not always field the best players for whatever reason. This team has had 3 ocs but the run right up the gut for little to no yards on 1st and 2nd downs leading to 3rd and long comes from the hc who BELIEVES in smash mouth football in his overall approach but doesn't have the personnel to do so. This team has also had 2 dcs but the defense is STILL bad with no pass rush yet are afraid to blitz more often to at least generate some pressure. Chuck has all his buddies in place yet the team is sinking in quicksand.... At the rate this team will be lucky to win 5 games. Which brings me to Ballard..... 


I know this is a long term rebuild but how much better did the Colts really get under ANOTHER first time GM? The o-line is STILL bad, pass rush is STILL non existent, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup and the middle linebacker spot is STILL a mess!!! Ballard has done some right things so far but all the talk I've heard before about aggressive play etc. My fear is that Ballard will turn out like Grigs who also came in with high praise only to flame out. Why did it take SO long for him to get a GM job? I hear Ballard likes stc Dave Toub to become a  hc but ONCE again you tie yourself to someone who has NEVER been a hc at any level and must learn on the job which sounds eerily like the last experiment... 



Dude we just gotta get a better coaching staff. Pagan Is a joke along with everyone else. He’s only still here out of sympathy/public image. Etc. we just gotta get a WHOLE NEW STAFF ANF SCOUTS !!! 

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1 hour ago, COLTS449 said:


Dude we just gotta get a better coaching staff. Pagan Is a joke along with everyone else. He’s only still here out of sympathy/public image. Etc. we just gotta get a WHOLE NEW STAFF ANF SCOUTS !!! 

Goodness gracious....   Ballard cleaned house of the previous scouts last May!  




And he brought in his own staff.    There are a couple of holdovers,  but the vast majority in the personnel department are new people that Ballard hand picked.


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

Goodness gracious....   Ballard cleaned house of the previous scouts last May!  




And he brought in his own staff.    There are a couple of holdovers,  but the vast majority in the personnel department are new people that Ballard hand picked.


People just need to have patience but most don't. Andrew will be 100% next season and our Defense will be better after another Draft. I just wonder who the next Coach will be?

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42 minutes ago, Dark Superman said:

Jim Irsay is just waiting out the storm like the rest of us..




Besides, the pool of available candidates is likely to be higher at the end of the season and given Irsay's past history, he is seeing this year through. He would have to buy out Pagano's contract anyways. 


I would like us to see if we can buy low during the trade deadline. As opposed to trading players, since we need play makers, we could use some defensive players on teams like the Dolphins, Broncos etc. if the right deal can be done. There are some LBs that can be had.

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3 hours ago, aaron11 said:

maybe he just doesnt want to eat chucks contract too


and remember he cant be eaten anyway lol

He's had some of the dumbest sound bites ever. Not 'PLAYOFFS??' level, but dumb ones like the one you stated, naming the wrong opponent or how he'd do it again when he's been flat out proven wrong on a game call.

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5 hours ago, aaron11 said:

maybe he just doesnt want to eat chucks contract too


and remember he cant be eaten anyway lol


This is why I'm not surprised he returned last year if Grigson got fired he wasn't going to fire Chuck the same season.


That being said I wish Jimbo would step down he said he would back in the day when Manning retired well that day happened two years ago now its your turn Jimbo.


A year later well yeah I think he will. 


And please no Sean Payton just because he won an SB against us doesn't mean I think he's a good coach. He's vastly overrated. I mean what have the Saints done since.

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2 minutes ago, CF4L said:


This is why I'm not surprised he returned last year if Grigson got fired he wasn't going to fire Chuck the same season.


That being said I wish Jimbo would step down he said he would back in the day when Manning retired well that day happened two years ago now its your turn Jimbo.


A year later well yeah I think he will. 


And please no Sean Payton just because he won an SB against us doesn't mean I think he's a good coach. He's vastly overrated. I mean what have the Saints done since.

Saints are going to win their Division so calm down, he isn't coming here.

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On 10/24/2017 at 4:03 PM, BlueShoe said:


I don't think anyone should invest into buying any NFL team right now. 


It wouldn't be smart to pay a billion dollars (or more) for a business that is getting financially rocked. Who knows what the value of an NFL team will be after all this dust settles. It probably won't be worth more than before these massive hits. 



nfl is losing fans fast

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On 10/24/2017 at 1:05 PM, Blueblood23 said:

Irsay is very concerned with the status of the team. Unlike in other markets, (NY, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and a few others) the fan base will not support a lousy team for long. This is a small market and he should know this team needs to win soon or the fan base will disappear.

Bull if anything this is why he can sit back and chill. The small market and weak media there make it easy for Irsay and Pagano to weasel out with weak questions post game and repeat the same “chopping wood” nonsense. Big Market team media and fans would chew up and spit Pagano/Irsay our 

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On 10/24/2017 at 4:03 PM, BlueShoe said:


I don't think anyone should invest into buying any NFL team right now. 


It wouldn't be smart to pay a billion dollars (or more) for a business that is getting financially rocked. Who knows what the value of an NFL team will be after all this dust settles. It probably won't be worth more than before these massive hits. 




I came across an interesting report that addressed investment in sports teams. Seems it's a popular investment among billionaires for more reasons than money https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/oct/26/worlds-witnessing-a-new-gilded-age-as-billionaires-wealth-swells-to-6tn




The report found that 140 of the world’s top sports teams are owned by just 109 billionaires, with two-thirds of NBA and NFL teams owned by billionaires. In the UK, nine of the 20 Premier League teams have billionaire owners, including Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, and Sheikh Mansour at Manchester City.

“There is an acceleration of these transactions as we speak, with major buyers coming from China,” Stadler said.

One of the billionaires told the UBS researchers he had bought sports teams because it opened doors to “stars, sheikhs, famous businessmen and regular guys from around the world, all in the same room, all talking only about the ball”.



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3 hours ago, Nadine said:


I came across an interesting report that addressed investment in sports teams. Seems it's a popular investment among billionaires for more reasons than money https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/oct/26/worlds-witnessing-a-new-gilded-age-as-billionaires-wealth-swells-to-6tn




Sports teams have been a popular investment for billionaires. However, I doubt we will see any NFL franchises changing hands again until all this dust settles. Protests, head trauma, compilation of off-the-field issues. I believe these issues are beginning to drive down the value of NFL teams. 


The Cowboys are worth 4.5 billion or so. It was a great investment for Jerry Jones when he purchased the team for 140 million. He has made a killing, but the NFL would need to continue growing for another owner to make a wise investment. I am not sure the NFL will be growing for a while. I see fans walking away right now; not joining.


The trend could change, but it looks to me like other sports might be a much wiser investment. 

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4 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Sports teams have been a popular investment for billionaires. However, I doubt we will see any NFL franchises changing hands again until all this dust settles. Protests, head trauma, compilation of off-the-field issues.

do you ever stop going on about this?


if you hate it that much then just leave, we wont miss you 


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10 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

do you ever stop going on about this?


if you hate it that much then just leave, we wont miss you 



I am not the face of these issues. It's easier for people to identify someone with the problem, but I didn't create these issues. I was answering a post directed towards me. I am sure no one on this board would actually be missed, 

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17 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Saints are going to win their Division so calm down, he isn't coming here.


I don't think he is coming here either but there are others around here that want a "name"  I'm just making my stance known.





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