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[Yates] Colts trade Phillip Dorsett for Jacoby Brissett


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2 minutes ago, JTrouble said:

Your original question was "what's the difference between the 2". Not who is better. The 2 things I listed are valid differences. Look Supe I like Morris, I feel Morris should start over ST but for some reason (or at least through the preseason) the coaching staff isn't giving him the chance to show what he can do vs the 1's or in a regular season game that Luck is out. Yes I would rather have JB over ST. If it takes the Colts trading a WR that isn't being used correctly (if he thrives in NE but some of this is on PD) and bumping a QB that the staff will not give a fair shake to have a backup QB that gives the Colts a chance to win a game during the regular season IF Luck is out then I'm all for it.


Yeah, that was my original question. I think it goes without saying that I meant 'as a football player.' There are lots of other differences between them that have nothing to do with their ability to play QB.


I think we can all agree that Brissett being a third round pick and having a 1-1 record doesn't automatically make him better than anyone, and it doesn't really say anything about his ability to play QB. I'd like to take that whole angle out of the equation and talk about his talent and skill as a QB, comparing it to Morris' talent and skill as a QB. No one else is interested. 


I'll move on, I just don't want my question or my argument misrepresented.


I think Luck is out until Week 3. I think Tolzien starts in his absence, unless he totally bombs, in which case I think he'll get yanked. As an outside possibility, I wonder if they move Tolzien by Tuesday. I doubt it, but I also have trouble believing they'll carry 4 QBs, so it seems like something has to give.

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9 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Morris spent most of the season on the practice squad.  Brissett did not, even when the other QBs were healthy because the Pats knew he would get snatched up in a heart beat.  Clearly there is something about him that is valued more than Morris by NFL teams.  What is that?  I don't know you'd have to get a NFL guy to tell you that.  Maybe rick vinturi will shed some light this week.


Brissett actually got placed on IR for 11 weeks last season after having thumb surgery. The whole QB situation for the Pats was abnormal, which probably influenced their decision to draft Brissett in the first place. 

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24 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


This is getting worse for you,  not better.


And the only person using flawed logic is you,  not me.


The person who is sensationalizing your viewpoint is......   YOU!!


I don't have to offer a single analysis of Brissett vs. Morris.      If I said,  I like Brissett doing this or that better,  you could say you'd prefer Morris in those areas.     And then what?     What does that accomplish?      Nothing.


Chris Ballard did the analysis and that's what you refuse to acknowledge.     He knows Morris and Tolzein and he prefers Brissett.    He could have used Dorsett as a trade chip for any other position we need help at,   and we need help everywhere!      And yet he used it at quarterback!


And you're now making arguments that Brissett could be brought in to utlimately be BEHIND Tolzein or Morris.


You really thnk Chris Ballard used a valuable trade chip to acquire a THIRD STRING QUARTERBACK?


Dear God,  please say no.........


All the logic,  the available information,  is that Ballard sees Brissett as the eventual back-up to Luck.     And you're fighting that with every fiber of your being.     Why?     I don't know.    But it sure smacks of an argument just to argue.      


NO I am not, and at this point it's obvious that you're not acknowledging anything I'm saying. 


When I say 'what does Brissett do better than Morris?' and your response is 'Ballard thinks he's better,' that's a logical fallacy. Just because Ballard thinks he's better doesn't mean he's better. And just because Ballard traded for him doesn't mean Ballard thinks he's better. 


When I ask what the difference is between them and you twist it into me being against Brissett in anyway, that's a logical fallacy. Just because I think Brissett and Morris are similar QBs with similar ability doesn't mean that I dislike Brissett or don't want him to be the eventual backup QB.


If it's not flawed logic, then it's just a disingenuous twisting of my words, and I'm trying to give you more credit than that. 


And no, you don't have to offer a single analysis of the two QBs. But what won't fly is either 'Brissett won an NFL game so he must be better than Morris,' or 'Ballard traded for Brissett, he must be better than Morris.' And I'm certainly not going to be told that I can't disagree with either of those two flawed arguments.

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:


NO I am not, and at this point it's obvious that you're not acknowledging anything I'm saying. 


When I say 'what does Brissett do better than Morris?' and your response is 'Ballard thinks he's better,' that's a logical fallacy. Just because Ballard thinks he's better doesn't mean he's better. And just because Ballard traded for him doesn't mean Ballard thinks he's better. 


When I ask what the difference is between them and you twist it into me being against Brissett in anyway, that's a logical fallacy. Just because I think Brissett and Morris are similar QBs with similar ability doesn't mean that I dislike Brissett or don't want him to be the eventual backup QB.


If it's not flawed logic, then it's just a disingenuous twisting of my words, and I'm trying to give you more credit than that. 


And no, you don't have to offer a single analysis of the two QBs. But what won't fly is either 'Brissett won an NFL game so he must be better than Morris,' or 'Ballard traded for Brissett, he must be better than Morris.' And I'm certainly not going to be told that I can't disagree with either of those two flawed arguments.


If you're going to argue that Ballard made a trade for Brissett to be the third string quarterback,  then there's no point in any discussion.


Maybe he ends up as the third string,  who knows.     But he was brought in to ultimately be the 2nd string as soon as he's ready.


Otherwise,  your argument is that Ballard used a trade piece for a 3rd string QB.     And I don't know how to explain this to you in any other way,   but that's as terrible an argument as you could possibly make.    It collapses under its own weight.      There's no reason for anyone to think this.     And yet,   that's the argument you continue to make.


I don't have to compare and contrast them.    We're all fans,  so our views are meaningless.    But Chris Ballard is the GM,  and his view is what matters.     And his view is Brissett is better.     Whether he is or not is almost irrelevent.   As of right now, Ballard thinks he is.     If he didn't think that,  why would he trade for him?


That should end the argument,  but I strongly suspect it won't.    You've been arguing losing hands for hours now without moving an inch.    What are you going to say when Brissett becomes the 2nd string QB?    What are you going to say when either Tolzein or Morris is eventually cut?


This remains the most bizarre thread I've been involved in.... 


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Maybe I am missing something here, I am not sure why all the butthurt over this trade?


For an entire preseason we learned firsthand the mistake of not having a prepared backup QB in case your starter misses any extended period of time.  A team offers us a player that our front office feels is a good prospect at a position that we have neglected, for a WR that at best would be #4 on our depth chart.  


Brissett will be on his rookie contract for 3 more years, providing us an economical backup to develop for the next few years.  Dorsett is in the final year of his rookie contract.  I fully believe that we were going to cut Dorsett.  Let's pretend its 3rd and 7, final game of the year, need to make the first down to make it into the playoffs, and we have a 4 WR formation with TY, Donte, Aiken, and Dorsett.  You snap the ball, do you feel comfortable throwing it to Dorsett given his past drops?  You move on from players you don't trust, no matter how fast they are.


I think Brissett has nothing to do with who is QB week 1 and 2 this season, but who is the backup we develop for the next three years.

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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


If you're going to argue that Ballard made a trade for Brissett to be the third string quarterback,  then there's no point in any discussion.


Maybe he ends up as the third string,  who knows.     But he was brought in to ultimately be the 2nd string as soon as he's ready.


Otherwise,  your argument is that Ballard used a trade piece for a 3rd string QB.     And I don't know how to explain this to you in any other way,   but that's as terrible an argument as you could possibly make.    It collapses under its own weight.      There's no reason for anyone to think this.     And yet,   that's the argument you continue to make.


I don't have to compare and contrast them.    We're all fans,  so our views are meaningless.    But Chris Ballard is the GM,  and his view is what matters.     And his view is Brissett is better.     Whether he is or not is almost irrelevent.   As of right now, Ballard thinks he is.     If he didn't think that,  why would he trade for him?


That should end the argument,  but I strongly suspect it won't.    You've been arguing losing hands for hours now without moving an inch.    What are you going to say when Brissett becomes the 2nd string QB?    What are you going to say when either Tolzein or Morris is eventually cut?


This remains the most bizarre thread I've been involved in.... 



When did this become about Ballard trading for a 3rd string QB??? And when did I say I think Brissett is going to be 3rd string? I simply said I don't know for sure what the plan is at QB; do you? Are they going to carry 4 QBs while Luck gets ready? You've assumed that Ballard trading Dorsett for Brissett necessarily means he thinks Brissett is better than Dorsett, and I think that's an unsupported leap.


They might have been ready to cut Dorsett. They brought in Locke to be the punter, paid him $1.25m guaranteed, then cut him two weeks before the season started, and he didn't even play bad. Dorsett's roster spot was anything but guaranteed.


And again with this appeal to authority. If I can't question a move because I'm not the GM and my view is meaningless, then there's no point in me even being here.


I asked what makes Brissett better than Morris. Because I don't follow your assumptions (I guess in your mind they aren't assumptions, but unless you know for a FACT what they are going to do at QB, you're making several assumptions), I'm arguing a losing hand... Again, because I asked a very direct question that no one wants to touch, for some weird reason.


What's really bizarre is the way you're twisting my argument. I don't get it. It's really simple: I personally think Morris and Brissett are similar QBs with similar ability, and I wonder what that means for the QB situation. You evidently find that sacrilegious, but it's not. It's an honest question, and again, one no one will address with any sincerity. 

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4 minutes ago, Bluesmith said:

You snap the ball, do you feel comfortable throwing it to Dorsett given his past drops?


Three whole drops.




Yes, give him the ball. He'd still be running.


But to your point, if the staff and even his teammates -- like Luck -- don't trust him in those situations, then he shouldn't be on the field in those situations. And you might as well go ahead and trade him.


Speaking for myself, I'm not butthurt over this trade. I know some are, but that's not uncommon. 

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A potentially very good QB for a cutable iffy WR. Seems like a decent transaction at this stage. What also puzzles me is that Dorsett was a whipping boy on here for so long, now people are acting like we have just cut Peyton. What a fickle bunch we are......


Also, enjoying the Mayweather McGregor fight......sorry, Superman, NCF.........

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Dorsett is someone who can help the Colts win now.

Brissett is going to be riding the bench behind Luck (As long as he's healthy moving forward)

I like Rogers and Aiken.. but why would Ballard want to make the Patriots even better than what they already are?


If Josh McDaniels can't get through to Dorsett, then he's a bust.

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24 minutes ago, Superman said:


When did this become about Ballard trading for a 3rd string QB??? And when did I say I think Brissett is going to be 3rd string? I simply said I don't know for sure what the plan is at QB; do you? Are they going to carry 4 QBs while Luck gets ready? You've assumed that Ballard trading Dorsett for Brissett necessarily means he thinks Brissett is better than Dorsett, and I think that's an unsupported leap.


They might have been ready to cut Dorsett. They brought in Locke to be the punter, paid him $1.25m guaranteed, then cut him two weeks before the season started, and he didn't even play bad. Dorsett's roster spot was anything but guaranteed.


And again with this appeal to authority. If I can't question a move because I'm not the GM and my view is meaningless, then there's no point in me even being here.


I asked what makes Brissett better than Morris. Because I don't follow your assumptions (I guess in your mind they aren't assumptions, but unless you know for a FACT what they are going to do at QB, you're making several assumptions), I'm arguing a losing hand... Again, because I asked a very direct question that no one wants to touch, for some weird reason.


What's really bizarre is the way you're twisting my argument. I don't get it. It's really simple: I personally think Morris and Brissett are similar QBs with similar ability, and I wonder what that means for the QB situation. You evidently find that sacrilegious, but it's not. It's an honest question, and again, one no one will address with any sincerity. 


I don't think you're even aware of what you've written the past few hours.     If you did,  then you wouldn't continue to ask some of the questions you have,  like the first sentence about 3rd string QB.


If Ballard traded for Brissett,  then he thinks Brissett is better than what he has on the roster.    If he was happy with Tolzein and/or Morris,  then this trade doesn't happen.      Why would you trade Dorsett for a QB if he wasn't the back-up?      You wouldn't.      Tolzein or Morris is likely to get cut at some point, and the other might start against the Rams.    But at some point,  Brissett was brought in to play this year.     I don't see us trading Dorsett with the PRIMARY purpose being 2018.


There's no reason for you to ask over and over and over what does Brissett do better than Morris because we're all fans and our opinions don't matter.     Ballard's does and while this could turn into a terrible trade,  we're talking about the here and now for right here,  and right now,  Chris Ballard favors Jacoby Brissett.    If he thought Morris or Tolzein was better than Brissett then he would not have made the trade.    Logic says so.


You can make all the arguments you want that oppose the view of a GM....   we've all done it.    Certainly I have.    I just don't think a single argument you've made has an ounce of logic to it.    I think early on you arrived stating Morris = Brissett and you have repeatedly defended that.     That's why I think you're so adament.    You don't want to back away from your original position.    That's why I think we're here.    


You have repeatedly downplayed Brissett.   A guy who in his three career NFL regular season games, has completely nearly 62 percent.    And this pre-season,  it's nearly 68 percent.    And I think you said he had accuracy issues.    His stats say not so much.     The facts are with Brissett and Ballard,  they're not with you.     History may judge you to be correct,  but we're not talking the future,  we're talking right now and right now,  you don't have an argument that resonates.


I don't find anything sacriligious....   seriously,  at least not when it comes to football.    I'm just looking for an argument that moves the needle and I haven't seen one in any of your posts.     And you have no greater admirer than me.    

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9 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

Lets take a stroll down memory lane shall we.. when was the last time a Patriots backup was good outside of the watchful eye of master hoodie? lol


Ummm.... 2010?   Matt had a 10-5 record, and the Chiefs got into the playoffs. Cassel hit 262 of 450 passes for 3,116 yards, with only seven interceptions to go with 27 TDs.  But I guess that's not good...  ??

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I think the only two things the two have in common is the obvious....       they're African-American QB's....    other than that,   I don't see the similarities.


Sure Morris did fine this pre-season....    mostly against the 2's,  3's and 4's....


Brissett started last year for NE when Brady was out and won 27-0.      He just started the 4th preseason game and completely roughly 70 percent of his passes for nearly 400 yards and 4 TD's.


I think you hugely over-state Brissett to the downside and hugely overstate Morris to the upside.


Look,  I don't think anyone banged the table harder for Dorsett than I did.


What I think this trade means is that Luck is likely to miss 3-5 games and Brissett hoefully starts week 1.    But if not week 1,  then he starts week 2, 3,  4 and if need be,  week 5.       Ballard thinks Brissett gives us a better chance to win those games than he does Tolzein and Morris.       And I'm good with that.



i concur

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21 minutes ago, Colt-King 24 said:

Dorsett is someone who can help the Colts win now.

Brissett is going to be riding the bench behind Luck (As long as he's healthy moving forward)

I like Rogers and Aiken.. but why would Ballard want to make the Patriots even better than what they already are?


If Josh McDaniels can't get through to Dorsett, then he's a bust.

Because his job is to make the Colts better, not worry about if the Pats get better or not.  He felt like Dorsett wasn't going to make this team better or he wouldn't have traded him.  He knows this team has a real need at the backup QB spot so he got a guy who might solve that problem.  If the Pats get better from that I doubt he cares as long as the Colts got better from it too.

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9 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I definitely feel you because I like Morris too but Brissett has played well this Pre-season. I just think Ballard was going to cut Dorsett and just said what the hell, I'll trade him instead for another QB for insurance.

Now we got four qbs on active roster.if you are the rams who do you prepare for lol

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1 hour ago, braveheartcolt said:

A potentially very good QB for a cutable iffy WR. Seems like a decent transaction at this stage. What also puzzles me is that Dorsett was a whipping boy on here for so long, now people are acting like we have just cut Peyton. What a fickle bunch we are......


Also, enjoying the Mayweather McGregor fight......sorry, Superman, NCF.........

Can't argue with your post. I really wanted Dorsett to pan out, but at the end of the day he didn't show CB enough to allow him to stick around..

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Funny thing about this trade is earlier in the week when edelman went down I was thinking maybe we trade dorsett to patriots for kony ealy. Then kony got released and we didnt pursue. We still traded dorsett to pats just for a different player than I thought lol

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Gotta get this rant off my chest - the Dwayne Allen trade, we bent the Patriots over a barrel behind the woodshed.


DA = great guy, but one of the worst TEs in the league, paid like one of the best; largely on potential from his rookie season. If we had gotten a compensatory 7th rounder in the year 2020 for him, I would have been pleased, much less a 4th.


This trade will largely be the same; we get a legitimate backup QB for the next 10 years, get rid of a #4 or #5 WR who was a sunk cost (former 1st rounder), ala Ryan Leaf.

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It was time to move on from Dorsett. He was a mistake to have been chosen in the first round in the first place. Being a Terp fan I was salty as hell when we didn't just wait til the later rounds of that same draft to get Stefon Diggs and look at what he has done. Officially turn the page on the Grigson era and his terrible draft picks.

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5 hours ago, Colt-King 24 said:

Dorsett is someone who can help the Colts win now.

Brissett is going to be riding the bench behind Luck (As long as he's healthy moving forward)

I like Rogers and Aiken.. but why would Ballard want to make the Patriots even better than what they already are?


If Josh McDaniels can't get through to Dorsett, then he's a bust.


I don't think for a second that Ballard made this trade to make the Pats better.  


4 hours ago, Colt-King 24 said:

I think people are reading too much into this trade in terms of 'benefiting us right now' I think the Colts value Jacoby as a long term solution. Something that Dorsett couldn't give them right now.


This is completely reasonable.  There will be football in 2018 and beyond.  They get a backup QB they like who comes with cost certainty for the next three years.  And they gave up someone who had no ties to Ballard, has proven to be inconsistent at best, has been injured in his time in Indy, and has been called out by the coaches this year for not being on the field.



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5 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


Ummm.... 2010?   Matt had a 10-5 record, and the Chiefs got into the playoffs. Cassel hit 262 of 450 passes for 3,116 yards, with only seven interceptions to go with 27 TDs.  But I guess that's not good...  ??

lol the good ole Matt Cassel.. you got me. Brissett is excellent

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NCF can you please shed light on why you think Brissett is going to know any of this offense well enough to start over Tolzien or Morris before Luck gets back? Once Luck is back I definitely doubt we will see Brisett or any of these guys unless Luck is injured again. So essentially we are talking about maybe a 5 game window of opportunity. In my opinion I can't see how the staff could possibly feel Brissett will know or have grasped enough to feel comfortable playing him over Tolzien and Morris. Hopefully I have not misread you.

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I watched that Texans video of all of Brissett's snaps and I could've been expecting too much but I wasn't very impressed.

That Giants game is a different story though. Was impressed with that. He made some good throws.

Obviously he was going up against different talent levels but still. He's a solid runner too, that's gotta be part of his appeal to Ballard.

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1 hour ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

lol the good ole Matt Cassel.. you got me. Brissett is excellent


I don't know enough about personally Brissett, or Morris.  Neither have enough playing history as The_Guy to give me a hint.  I also  do not know who shows up to meetings before or on time, who has mastered his playbook, degree of football IQ, is a natural team leader, hard worker on the field and in the film room, etc... But I expect teams and coaches do.  Also, Ballard was so involved in KC drafts, and #3 voice in the draft room, I'm sure he has scouting notes on both Brissett and Morris he can rely on.


I can only go on previous scouting reports, and other endorsements of those NFL who are proven.  Brissett has the raving endorsement of the 'Tuna', Bill Parcells, and Charlie Weiss, for just two.  He was taken in round 3, without wincing in agony. Morris was passed over by all 32 teams and ended up a UDFA. I wonder what was in teams scouting reports for this scenario?


So I am not on a fire Ballard train, nor against trading an under performing player for a potentially good backup QB for the long term.  What stresses me about this deal, is that 'WE' didn't ever draft a decent QB, develop and showcase him a little, then deal him off for a player of need like the Patriots did (do).




I do feel that soon JB will make an excellent backup, and for a few more years  And should Luck get nicked up and suffer another injury, maybe I wont lose as much hope for the next game as I have since Sorgi (OK, and Matt H.) departed.  I do not know how this plays out as part of a plan, but I will bet Ballard, Chudzinski, and Schottemheimer do.

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For those that complain the Pat win because of their O system, there have been, and continue to be, branches from that tree (like all O's and D's) that incorporate the (modified) Erhardt-Perkins offense-


List of E-P offenses since 2000:




I'd like to add the 2017 Dolphins (Adam Gase) and the 2017 Texans (Bill O'Brien) to that mix.  Adam Gase is highly regarded, and people have even mentioned 'any old schmoe' can succeed in the system.  This bodes very well for Jay Cutler and the Miami Dolphins, at least on the offensive side of the ball


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21 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

For those that complain the Pat win because of their O system, there have been, and continue to be, branches from that tree (like all O's and D's) that incorporate the (modified) Erhardt-Perkins offense-




I'd like to add the 2017 Dolphins (Adam Gase) and the 2017 Texans (Bill O'Brien) to the mix.  Adam Gase is highly regarded, and people have even mentioned 'any old schmoe' can succeed in the system.  This bodes very well for Jay Cutler and the Miami Dolphins, at least on the offensive side of the ball


Off topic but I wanted Adam Gase as our HC so bad. Just seemed like a perfect fit.

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18 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

Off topic but I wanted Adam Gase as our HC so bad. Just seemed like a perfect fit.


And if Chud's version of the Ernie Zampese-Don Coryell (Norv Turner influeneced) vertical offense this year doesn't include a few more intermediate short routes in the game plan, then I do wish we would switch to the Erhardt-Perkins system. I think Luck can excel in that system. Gase would have been a good pickup, IMHO.  We have what we have.  Let them get it together, sort things out, then see what product they bring to the field.  Including the role Jacoby Brissett will end up taking.

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8 minutes ago, IndyScribe said:

I think he's our backup for the foreseeable future.

I do too but I think the likelihood of him being prepared to play in this offense productively during that span of games Luck will be out is low. There's a lot of volume he has to know. Not to mention timing with the receivers, the protections and all the other stuff. Personally I dont see it. Especially for a guy who is basically still a rookie in terms of real experience.

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1 minute ago, krunk said:

I do to but I think the likelihood of him being prepared to play in this offense productively during that span of games Luck will be out is low. There's a lot of volume he has to know. Not to mention timing with the receivers, the protections and all the other stuff.

I don't expect him to play game 1, but he'll probably play other games. After Luck is healthy, my guess is one of Tolzien/Morris get cut.

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20 minutes ago, krunk said:

I do to but I think the likelihood of him being prepared to play in this offense productively during that span of games Luck will be out is low. There's a lot of volume he has to know. Not to mention timing with the receivers, the protections and all the other stuff.


I felt the same way with Matt Hasselbeck, who was getting plenty of coin at the time.  He ended up earning every cent of those multi-millions.  You never know what the future holds.


I'd love to be in the Colts coaches meetings.  I'll bet Monachino has tape and notes on him, what he excels at, and what he needs to work on from a Defensive (coach or coordinator) perspective that may have had to face the guy.  Brian Schottenheimer, Chudzinski have access to Colts scouting notes, pre and post draft.  Ballard brings a different scouting perspective on the guy from KC.  It appears this is a team decision, and driven by Ballard to have all levels of the most important position on the field accounted for.

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13 hours ago, Superman said:


But I dread seeing Dorsett in New England. The physical tools are there for him to be a very good player for them. 



In 2007, one of the reasons they were tough to stop is that teams had to account for Stallworth on the outside - at its most basic level it's just having two guys who can really burn. Stallworth didn't have a huge year but he contributed to Moss' success and helped open up the short

middle stuff for Welker. So this trade gives them two guys (Cooks is obviously the other) who can get downfield in a hurry. The way Atlanta had success early in in the SB was by jamming the middle of the field. If teams do that now, they'll be better equipped to try to make them pay for it. I like Chris Hogan but he's not a true deep threat. And Cooks is by no means Randy Moss, but a different kind of player all together. He won't catch as many contested balls but will still get behind the D in a hurry. Lastly, this'll help open up the seams for Gronk, that's one of their bread and butter plays. The safeties will have to draw over at times if Dorsett and Cooks are running go routes. 


So Indy never used him on punt returns really, did they? Was he too shaky back there or were they trying to keep him from taking too many hits? 



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