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Polian Contradicts Lombardi's Analysis


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Amid reports that Manning is still unable to throw effectively, Polian offered a much different observation during an interview with ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" on Thursday, recounting that he last saw Manning throw in late December.

"It's marked (improvement) from where he was back in September," Polian said. "He threw it accurately, he threw it with a good, tight spiral, and he threw it with velocity.

"Generally, he looked like a pretty confident quarterback out there."

Polian also indicated that Manning was able to make a variety of throws and throw across his body.

Check out the full story here: http://www.nfl.com/n..._headline_stack

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I will wait and see here.

This is the same Lombardi who also said Sanders career was nearly over too and we all listened to Polian.....the master of telling you what you want to hear when it comes to injuries.

Peyton might be fine. But, as I have always said I have to see him chucking it around in preseason consistently to feel full faith again.

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A part of me thinks that he is on Manning's side and maybe is still getting over the firing and may have some anger or resentment towards Irsay. I know in the media eye they left off on good terms but from what Manning said after the firing, it sounded like Manning wasn't too happy with it.

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I take Polian's word as the truth here. It was said back in December by others that Peyton was throwing with good velocity.

Clearly the media is just making things up at the moment.


Why because you don't like what the media is reporting? Unless you have a lot more insider information on this than any of us do, and if you do please share, where you have seen him throw I don't think you can say clearly the media is making this up. Also you are doing this based on something Polian said. While I'll admit he's been a lot closer to this situation than anyone else in the media he has also been on the record this off-season of saying he doesn't know if the Colts will keep Peyton Manning or if he'll be healthy enough to play football again. Also this was the same guy up till a month ago fans hated because he never told truth. Now that he's saying what fans want to hear (myself included) he's being treated like his word is the gospel truth.

Look I hope Polian is right and Peyton does come back and plays at very high level and I hope he does it for us. However, I am not just going to dismiss the rest of the media on this because Polian is telling me what I want to hear.

Also saying Peyton is throwing better in December than he was in September isn't saying much. I'd hope he is throwing better after surgery or why on earth would he have had the surgery? I am glad we got some good news about Peyton but again just because it's what we want to hear doesn't mean it's a clear sign that everyone is lying.

We aren't really going to know how healthy Peyton is or isn't till we see him play or till he retires.

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Why because you don't like what the media is reporting? Unless you have a lot more insider information on this than any of us do, and if you do please share, where you have seen him throw I don't think you can say clearly the media is making this up. Also you are doing this based on something Polian said. While I'll admit he's been a lot closer to this situation than anyone else in the media he has also been on the record this off-season of saying he doesn't know if the Colts will keep Peyton Manning or if he'll be healthy enough to play football again. Also this was the same guy up till a month ago fans hated because he never told truth. Now that he's saying what fans want to hear (myself included) he's being treated like his word is the gospel truth.

Look I hope Polian is right and Peyton does come back and plays at very high level and I hope he does it for us. However, I am not just going to dismiss the rest of the media on this because Polian is telling me what I want to hear.

Also saying Peyton is throwing better in December than he was in September isn't saying much. I'd hope he is throwing better after surgery or why on earth would he have had the surgery? I am glad we got some good news about Peyton but again just because it's what we want to hear doesn't mean it's a clear sign that everyone is lying.

We aren't really going to know how healthy Peyton is or isn't till we see him play or till he retires.

Good post. Personally I don't trust Polian as far as I can throw him but like you said I'll just wait until I hear something definitive.

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I think it is rather funny how some of you get on the negative threads and wanna dismiss Peyton, without giving him a fair shake, and believe everything the media is feeding you. And then when you hear or read a positive thing it turns into a quick "well let's wait and see now" and pretty soon it'll be well I wanted Peyton back in the first place.....yea ok.....

What's that I hear? Is that a fish outa water?


Just a bunch of these guys startin to flip flop...

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both reports can be right, i tore my ACL last year and you have good days in rehab were you feel like your old self and able to do everything. Then you have bad days were you feel weak and terrible. i imagine PM has up and down days in his own rehab. so maybe one day he is a noodle arm qb and the next day he is a four time mvp. its a long process, hopefully he just has less and less bad days.

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I think it is rather funny how some of you get on the negative threads and wanna dismiss Peyton, without giving him a fair shake, and believe everything the media is feeding you. And then when you hear or read a positive thing it turns into a quick "well let's wait and see now" and pretty soon it'll be well I wanted Peyton back in the first place.....yea ok.....

What's that I hear? Is that a fish outa water?


Just a bunch of these guys startin to flip flop...

I am not flip floppin no how. I've said all along I think Manning will be forced to retire(although I hope not) and I'm sticking by that. I don't think his arm makes it back to 100%. Just the gut feeling I've had all along.

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I am not flip floppin no how. I've said all along I think Manning will be forced to retire(although I hope not) and I'm sticking by that. I don't think his arm makes it back to 100%. Just the gut feeling I've had all along.

My gut during the season was also retirement but Peyton (based on recent rumblings) might be determined to come back no matter what?

I just never felt good about this thing. Remember when Dungy said before week 1 that Peyton has to die basically not to play? Thats how I felt it was serious. Just missing ONE game to me was serious for him. (or Eli for that matter-both are tough dudes) And then an entire season missed and still question marks.

I just kinda wish if he is throwing that well we could see it too. Also throwing in games constantly as much as elite QBs throw these days (it's getting ridiculous) is a burdon in itself.

I have hoped for the best but I kinda think the Caldwell era had put me in a dampered mood to expect less after a while. ;)

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Mortensen contradicted Lombardi as well. In an interview with ESPN radio, he said Peyton Manning looked "pretty darned good". An interesting contrast to what he was saying just a few weeks ago.

I don't know what to accept or reject at this point, but we are definitely starting to hear more positive than negative with regards to Peyton returning. Now if only they'd stop pretending that Irsay wants to dump him...

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I think it is rather funny how some of you get on the negative threads and wanna dismiss Peyton, without giving him a fair shake, and believe everything the media is feeding you. And then when you hear or read a positive thing it turns into a quick "well let's wait and see now" and pretty soon it'll be well I wanted Peyton back in the first place.....yea ok.....

What's that I hear? Is that a fish outa water?


Just a bunch of these guys startin to flip flop...

Isn't this exactly what most of the "Peyton has to be here no matter what" crowd?. They say they won't believe anything that don't come from the horses mouth, but then when a positive report comes out, they can't wait to post it and say "I told you so"!

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Isn't this exactly what most of the "Peyton has to be here no matter what" crowd?. They say they won't believe anything that don't come from the horses mouth, but then when a positive report comes out, they can't wait to post it and say "I told you so"!

Hey scroll up, it's just a report like all others...but you see how not very many people had commented on it yet. Yet all the anti-Peyton threads gets blown up just as soon as it's posted...I think that speaks for itself....as far as who's playing the "I told you so game"
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Isn't this exactly what most of the "Peyton has to be here no matter what" crowd?. They say they won't believe anything that don't come from the horses mouth, but then when a positive report comes out, they can't wait to post it and say "I told you so"!

Only when its a obvious lie. Like when LoCanfora said Irsay made up his mind weeks ago to let Manning go. Even though Irsay said very clearly that if Manning is healthy he plays. Wasnt Manning supposed to be released by now? I guess he still has today and tomorrow to be right, but it does not look like Manning will be released this week. Just another false statement on his part, that makes him what? 0-36? Yikes.

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Hey scroll up, it's just a report like all others...but you see how not very many people had commented on it yet. Yet all the anti-Peyton threads gets blown up just as soon as it's posted...I think that speaks for itself....as far as who's playing the "I told you so game"

Only when its a obvious lie. Like when LoCanfora said Irsay made up his mind weeks ago to let Manning go. Even though Irsay said very clearly that if Manning is healthy he plays. Wasnt Manning supposed to be released by now? I guess he still has today and tomorrow to be right, but it does not look like Manning will be released this week. Just another false statement on his part, that makes him what? 0-36? Yikes.

Say what ya like, but like I've said before, I have seen an awful lot of "I won't believe anything the media reports unless, of course, it fits into my agenda" posts over the last couple of weeks. I really don't think its the other way around. Yes, people have brought a negative spin to the positive reports, but the positive reports are no more believable than the negative one's.

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I think it is rather funny how some of you get on the negative threads and wanna dismiss Peyton, without giving him a fair shake, and believe everything the media is feeding you. And then when you hear or read a positive thing it turns into a quick "well let's wait and see now" and pretty soon it'll be well I wanted Peyton back in the first place.....yea ok.....

What's that I hear? Is that a fish outa water?


Just a bunch of these guys startin to flip flop...


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In all honesty, I don't have an agenda but I would lean more towards believing Polian and Viniateri remarks because THEY WERE ACTUALLY WORKING FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND SAW PEYTON WORK IN PERSON. All these other reports are from " unnamed sources". Don't give me that crap that well the positive reports are just as accurate as the negative reports, because they aren't. Some people need to learn the difference between sources and crediable sources. Polian to me is a crediable source because he witnessed first-hand Peyton throwing. Lombardi and La Can Foruma ;) aren't.

Plus I agree with Adam V.'s comments because well I am his alter-ego :cool:

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I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that the media that either doesn't like Manning in the first place or that wants him somewhere other than Indy are going to "report" negatively about the situation. The media that likes Manning and/or wants him to play will "report" positively about the situation. It's pretty much that simple. Those who say they are waiting until it comes from Irsay and Manning are refusing to get caught up in the game of tug-of-war and it's by far the smartest position to take. As Colts fans we all have an investment in how this plays out because it's going to shape the next several years of this franchise. Whatever happens, whether he plays for the Colts again or not, is fine with me. No matter what I will be cheering every week for another Colts victory. GO COLTS!!!!

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Amid reports that Manning is still unable to throw effectively, Polian offered a much different observation during an interview with ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption" on Thursday, recounting that he last saw Manning throw in late December.

"It's marked (improvement) from where he was back in September," Polian said. "He threw it accurately, he threw it with a good, tight spiral, and he threw it with velocity.

"Generally, he looked like a pretty confident quarterback out there."

Polian also indicated that Manning was able to make a variety of throws and throw across his body.

Check out the full story here: http://www.nfl.com/n..._headline_stack

i think polian is tryin to save his own behind and make his self look better by saying this. think about it, if mannings option is not picked up and we draft luck or RG3 and the colts dont make the playoffs for 2 or 3 years it will sorta fall back on polian because he did not prepare the team for when manning will no longer be on the team. if i was polian id be spitting out all kinds of info saying he is great got his arm strength back an so on too lol.

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A part of me thinks that he is on Manning's side and maybe is still getting over the firing and may have some anger or resentment towards Irsay. I know in the media eye they left off on good terms but from what Manning said after the firing, it sounded like Manning wasn't too happy with it.

Then you didn't hear the interview. He was extremely respectful and backed the idea that if Manning is healthy, he will be a Colt. If he's not, he has no doubt they will come to a mutual agreement. From what I heard from him is there is no sides, they are unified as Colts and both care about the city, franchise, and to each other.

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Say what ya like, but like I've said before, I have seen an awful lot of "I won't believe anything the media reports unless, of course, it fits into my agenda" posts over the last couple of weeks. I really don't think its the other way around. Yes, people have brought a negative spin to the positive reports, but the positive reports are no more believable than the negative one's.

So then why do you only get all over the positive spinsters and not the negative ones?

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So then why do you only get all over the positive spinsters and not the negative ones?

See what you gotta realize bro is that people seem to think the postive ones aren't anymore crediable than the negative ones. But as I stated before people don't understand the difference between "Sources" and "Crediable Sources". Polian and Adam V. are crediable sources, Lombardi and Kravitz are not based on their own sources of the info.

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A part of me thinks that he is on Manning's side and maybe is still getting over the firing and may have some anger or resentment towards Irsay. I know in the media eye they left off on good terms but from what Manning said after the firing, it sounded like Manning wasn't too happy with it.

DING DING DING! We have a winner!

Polian: Oh that darn Irsay! How dare he fire me! I'll show him not to mess with the polians!

*Few weeks later*

Polian: Yeah i'd say Manning is rehabbing well, throwing the ball well. Im sure he will return as good as ever.

Polian: MUUAHAHAHAHA I bet Irsay never saw that one coming.

Seriously? THATS what you believe? Instead of the more likely of Polian watching Manning throw and stating his opinions?? Thanks for the laugh though.

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Like everything else in life, people can see the same thing and reach different conclusions. I don't doubt that the people "reporting" noodle arm or that he's fine don't actually assess it that way. And I don't know if that has to be a conspiracy, or a means to an end to support previously formed opinions. What is art to some is chicken scratch to others (based on the glorious work posted by Ruksak in this thread, I'm leaning art). The fact we're getting contradictory reports isn't a surprise to me at all. What is surpising to me is the further this goes, the more we see "reports" which are polar opposites, the further we seem to be getting away from facts and known statements from the participants. We'll all know soon enough what Irsay decides. We'll all know at some point how PM is doing, or we won't if he never gets on the field again. But in the interim, we should be remembering the facts, what Irsay has said, what PM has said, and what the doctors have said. Everything else is questionable. Everything else really doesn't matter. Because noodle arm or back to 100%, if Irsay keeps him we'll see, and if Irsay cuts him, we will see. The only way this debate ever ends is if PM never plays again. You don't think this topic will be brought up a million more times if PM plays again? Every bad throw will cause some article.... some discussion of arm strength, fatigue, nerves......

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Like everything else in life, people can see the same thing and reach different conclusions. I don't doubt that the people "reporting" noodle arm or that he's fine don't actually assess it that way. And I don't know if that has to be a conspiracy, or a means to an end to support previously formed opinions. What is art to some is chicken scratch to others (based on the glorious work posted by Ruksak in this thread, I'm leaning art). The fact we're getting contradictory reports isn't a surprise to me at all. What is surpising to me is the further this goes, the more we see "reports" which are polar opposites, the further we seem to be getting away from facts and known statements from the participants. We'll all know soon enough what Irsay decides. We'll all know at some point how PM is doing, or we won't if he never gets on the field again. But in the interim, we should be remembering the facts, what Irsay has said, what PM has said, and what the doctors have said. Everything else is questionable. Everything else really doesn't matter. Because noodle arm or back to 100%, if Irsay keeps him we'll see, and if Irsay cuts him, we will see. The only way this debate ever ends is if PM never plays again. You don't think this topic will be brought up a million more times if PM plays again? Every bad throw will cause some article.... some discussion of arm strength, fatigue, nerves......

100% Right on the money!

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