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One Missing "Motivator" For The Colts

King Colt

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It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.

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6 minutes ago, King Colt said:

It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.

Actually the coach is the leader of the team.


Luck can express his displeasure but I do not think it will do him much good.  His leverage is gone since he signed the extension.  So even if he runs Pags out of town (he probably wouldn't b/c him and most of the players love the guy) it's not like he'll have major input on the new HC and would replacing Pags really fix things.  I think Grigson would need to disappear as well.

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Actually I think it's good he congradulates defensive players after they hit him.  Shows them that they can't get in his head and frustrates them.


The OL did fine in the last game, Luck only took 1 sack and the amount of pressure he saw was way down.  They did change the way things are done up front by drafting a bunch of linemen, having Good beat out Thornton etc.  And they've been talking about changing the way things where done up front ever since last year when Luck got hurt, Hasselbeck got hurt, Whithurst got hurt and we where forced to dig into the scrap heap and pull out Josh Freeman and Ryan Lindley.   


The loss yesterday is entirely pinned on our lack of defense.  And while we can talk about the causes of our terrible defense I can tell you that Luck getting upset about it isn't going to fix it.  

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2 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

Actually I think it's good he congradulates defensive players after they hit him.  Shows them that they can't get in his head and frustrates them.


The OL did fine in the last game, Luck only took 1 sack and the amount of pressure he saw was way down.  They did change the way things are done up front by drafting a bunch of linemen, having Good beat out Thornton etc.  And they've been talking about changing the way things where done up front ever since last year when Luck got hurt, Hasselbeck got hurt, Whithurst got hurt and we where forced to dig into the scrap heap and pull out Josh Freeman and Ryan Lindley.   


The loss yesterday is entirely pinned on our lack of defense.  And while we can talk about the causes of our terrible defense I can tell you that Luck getting upset about it isn't going to fix it.  

I agree with all three paragraphs haha.

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14 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

Actually I think it's good he congradulates defensive players after they hit him.  Shows them that they can't get in his head and frustrates them.


The OL did fine in the last game, Luck only took 1 sack and the amount of pressure he saw was way down.  They did change the way things are done up front by drafting a bunch of linemen, having Good beat out Thornton etc.  And they've been talking about changing the way things where done up front ever since last year when Luck got hurt, Hasselbeck got hurt, Whithurst got hurt and we where forced to dig into the scrap heap and pull out Josh Freeman and Ryan Lindley.   


The loss yesterday is entirely pinned on our lack of defense.  And while we can talk about the causes of our terrible defense I can tell you that Luck getting upset about it isn't going to fix it.  

Exactly, I can't think of anything tougher as a QB and are more demoralizing to a defensive player than hitting a guy with all you have just for Luck to get up, smile and give him a thumbs up.  Anyone who says it's "pathetic" is just wrong.

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Honestly, you never know what is said behind closed doors. At the end of the day, any player voicing displeasure publicly typically never has a positive impact in a locker room.  A good example would be that you have an office job, and your co workers don't think you're doing a very good job, so instead of just telling you face to face in private your co worker "speaks out" as you put it, and tells people from other companies. What is that going to cause with your relationships at work? 


Anyway, I don't think that Luck patting a player on the back after a hit is a reason we are losing games.  If we are talking about the Lack of defense, lack of running game, and poor protection at times, you know the team is trying to fix it.  They've brought in lineman, they've spent money on defense in the past, and they made a gamble on Trent Richardson. Most of the moves haven't panned out. But there is effort there, you can't argue that.


A good statement to say about our signings and some draft picks would be that "We need to do a better job of evaluating the talent, and making sure we are putting our players in the best spot they can to succeed." 


(Of course when I say the words are, and we, I mean they, being the coaching staff and who ever may be involved.)

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2 hours ago, King Colt said:

It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.


Dear God...

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1 hour ago, GoColts8818 said:

Real leaders know you don't address concerns through the media you do it behind closed doors or else you tend to lose respect.

There are times when it is necessary to go to the media and raise some issues. Such as when an obvious problem is going on behind closed doors and has been for a while and either is having a negative impact on a player or entire team on the field while the coach does nothing about it or the GM. It is tricky but sometimes necessary. Particularly when fans see the issue play out on field yet coaches or GM persist on letting things be as is


So said player goes public with the issue because he knows there is a strong chance it will draw more attention and potentially put said GM or coach under scrutiny and pressure to deal with the issue diffierently

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4 hours ago, King Colt said:

It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.


There is absolutely nothing missing Andrew Luck is killing the defense with kindness , He's talking smack with a smile on his face leaving the defense scratching there head . 


its a very intelligent way to disarm the defense , He is a very smart guy maybe if you check out this link you might get a better idea of what he is actually accomplished he is very effective .



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6 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


There is absolutely nothing missing Andrew Luck is killing the defense with kindness , He's talking smack with a smile on his face leaving the defense scratching there head . 


its a very intelligent way to disarm the defense , He is a very smart guy maybe if you check out this link you might get a better idea of what he is actually accomplished he is very effective .




I read the story & provided that link but was unable to access it again if any have issues with that link here is another with the same info .



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4 hours ago, King Colt said:

It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.


































a good leader praises in public, criticizes in private, and you NEVER EVER dress down another leader(IE a coach) in front of their followers (IE players)













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23 minutes ago, Gavin said:

There are times when it is necessary to go to the media and raise some issues. Such as when an obvious problem is going on behind closed doors and has been for a while and either is having a negative impact on a player or entire team on the field while the coach does nothing about it or the GM. It is tricky but sometimes necessary. Particularly when fans see the issue play out on field yet coaches or GM persist on letting things be as is


So said player goes public with the issue because he knows there is a strong chance it will draw more attention and potentially put said GM or coach under scrutiny and pressure to deal with the issue diffierently

There is never a good time to air dirty laundry to the media.   When has that EVER had a positive outcome?

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41 minutes ago, Gavin said:

There are times when it is necessary to go to the media and raise some issues. Such as when an obvious problem is going on behind closed doors and has been for a while and either is having a negative impact on a player or entire team on the field while the coach does nothing about it or the GM. It is tricky but sometimes necessary. Particularly when fans see the issue play out on field yet coaches or GM persist on letting things be as is


So said player goes public with the issue because he knows there is a strong chance it will draw more attention and potentially put said GM or coach under scrutiny and pressure to deal with the issue diffierently

and that "scrutiny" from last season helped?  Because it didn't, it made things worse. 



Some people on this forum need to get a clue

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17 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

There is never a good time to air dirty laundry to the media.   When has that EVER had a positive outcome?

When said leader has been wrong in the way he/she goes about certain things. Particularly repeatedly only to get the same result repeatedly. Or when said leader has neglected to put a good player in a position that accentuates his strengths for the benefit of the team and exposes his weaknesses and compromises the team on the field. Its a common occurrence in the NFL for coaches to do that

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39 minutes ago, Gavin said:

When said leader has been wrong in the way he/she goes about certain things. Particularly repeatedly only to get the same result repeatedly. Or when said leader has neglected to put a good player in a position that accentuates his strengths for the benefit of the team and exposes his weaknesses and compromises the team on the field. Its a common occurrence in the NFL for coaches to do that

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39 minutes ago, Gavin said:

When said leader has been wrong in the way he/she goes about certain things. Particularly repeatedly only to get the same result repeatedly. Or when said leader has neglected to put a good player in a position that accentuates his strengths for the benefit of the team and exposes his weaknesses and compromises the team on the field. Its a common occurrence in the NFL for coaches to do that

So,   When has that ever had a positive outcome when a player goes to the media with his aggregations?

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5 hours ago, King Colt said:

It was said after the Lions beat the Colts that Luck was vey upset.at the end. Maybe it's time that Luck spoke out like other athletes have done in the past. If he gets hammered in the Broncos game and raises the roof about it maybe it would get people talking about changing the way things are done up front. Luck's "Mr. Nice Guy" portrayal on the field is a little sickening anyway and his congratulating defense players after they tackle him is pathetic. I hope he has learned to cease with that crap. He's the leader of the team and since they can't seem to get over the hump maybe a change in attitude sincere or not, could trigger a change wherever it needs to occur. Just a thought but the Colts are out of ideas and the majority of the ideas they have so far aren't worth the time of day.


1 hour ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


There is absolutely nothing missing Andrew Luck is killing the defense with kindness , He's talking smack with a smile on his face leaving the defense scratching there head . 


its a very intelligent way to disarm the defense , He is a very smart guy maybe if you check out this link you might get a better idea of what he is actually accomplished he is very effective .




I was going to respond this part of KingColt's original post, but ADonis1, I think you nailed it right on the head....


defenders get ticked off when Luck looks them in the eye and smiles after a play, he shows he's not afraid of them and they're not effecting him.


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54 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

So,   When has that ever had a positive outcome when a player goes to the media with his aggregations?

It in part helped Mario Williams get released by the Bills because Rex had him dropping back in coverage. He went to the media about it back in December and was released in the offseason

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6 minutes ago, Gavin said:

It in part helped Mario Williams get released by the Bills because Rex had him dropping back in coverage. He went to the media about it back in December and was released in the offseason

How did that help the team he was on at the time?   That is the only example you can come up with,  and you're advocating it?


Also,  the bills weren't going to pay him 16 million this year no matter what he said or didn't say to the media

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1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

How did that help the team he was on at the time?   That is the only example you can come up with,  and you're advocating it?


Also,  the bills weren't going to pay him 16 million this year no matter what he said or didn't say to the media

I'm advocating using players strengths to benefit the entire defense as a whole and if a coach isn't doing that and said player is made to look bad because of it when in fact he is a pretty good player when used properly and the defense as a whole is suffering because of it then yes I am certainly alright with a player going to the media about it. There are coaches in the NFL especially that are going to run there defense (or offense) and be damned if players on the team fit into that defense or offense or not


I also tend to agree they weren't going to pay him 16 mill. However had he put up 14.5 sacks again last year like he did in 2014 I think that makes for a strong argument that they would have don't that but he didn't and voiced his displeasure of being misused so they cut him loose.


The positive outcome is Rex can now go out and find that OLB/DE comfortable dropping back in coverage. He had 0 snaps in coverage game 1 for the Dolphins


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32 minutes ago, Gavin said:

I'm advocating using players strengths to benefit the entire defense as a whole and if a coach isn't doing that and said player is made to look bad because of it when in fact he is a pretty good player when used properly and the defense as a whole is suffering because of it then yes I am certainly alright with a player going to the media about it. There are coaches in the NFL especially that are going to run there defense (or offense) and be damned if players on the team fit into that defense or offense or not


I also tend to agree they weren't going to pay him 16 mill. However had he put up 14.5 sacks again last year like he did in 2014 I think that makes for a strong argument that they would have don't that but he didn't and voiced his displeasure of being misused so they cut him loose.


The positive outcome is Rex can now go out and find that OLB/DE comfortable dropping back in coverage. He had 0 snaps in coverage game 1 for the Dolphins


I'm sure some screaming and hollaring goes on behind closed doors between a guy like mathis and possibly the staff.   But not in the media

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

I'm sure some screaming and hollaring goes on behind closed doors between a guy like mathis and possibly the staff.   But not in the media

Very possible. All I'm saying is when a player is used wrong (and he isn't the only player. Jerry Hughes had 29 snaps in coverage and it did not go well but that's because he is not used it, he physically can easily do it) and it hurts the team yet the coach continues push his scheme and not what the players do well  then said player has every right to take it to the media if his coach does not use him the way he had been producing for years


The best coach is a flexible coach when it comes to his scheme and the players he has. Fit what the player does well into the scheme

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17 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Very possible. All I'm saying is when a player is used wrong (and he isn't the only player. Jerry Hughes had 29 snaps in coverage and it did not go well but that's because he is not used it, he physically can easily do it) and it hurts the team yet the coach continues push his scheme and not what the players do well  then said player has every right to take it to the media if his coach does not use him the way he had been producing for years


The best coach is a flexible coach when it comes to his scheme and the players he has. Fit what the player does well into the scheme


I wonder if some fans (let alone coaches) will ever understand that concept? Apparently, some never will.

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1 minute ago, CoachLite said:


I wonder if some fans (let alone coaches) will ever understand that concept? Apparently, some never will.

All most fans want is production. They don't take into consideration if said player fits into the scheme he was brought into or that maybe he was promised to be used right but turned out to be used right much less than he should have been. All most fans know is what said player did before (meaning produced) so regardless they demand it now...RIGHT NOW. They also do not take into consideration snap count and that many players have to get into the feel of the game and get comfortable before results start showing

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6 minutes ago, CoachLite said:


I wonder if some fans (let alone coaches) will ever understand that concept? Apparently, some never will.


25 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Very possible. All I'm saying is when a player is used wrong (and he isn't the only player. Jerry Hughes had 29 snaps in coverage and it did not go well but that's because he is not used it, he physically can easily do it) and it hurts the team yet the coach continues push his scheme and not what the players do well  then said player has every right to take it to the media if his coach does not use him the way he had been producing for years


The best coach is a flexible coach when it comes to his scheme and the players he has. Fit what the player does well into the scheme

That is not today's NFL.  Today's NFL hires coaches that have a system and the GM's job is to find players for that system.

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6 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:


That is not today's NFL.  Today's NFL hires coaches that have a system and the GM's job is to find players for that system.

If and when that's the case, NFL stands for "Not for long". Any "system" has strengths and weaknesses. It doesn't take too long to exploit the weaknesses in a system. I won't give the most "obvious" example - we know who you are all too well.

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7 hours ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:



I was going to respond this part of KingColt's original post, but ADonis1, I think you nailed it right on the head....


defenders get ticked off when Luck looks them in the eye and smiles after a play, he shows he's not afraid of them and they're not effecting him.


How'd that work against the Lions?

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1 hour ago, Coltfreak said:

How'd that work against the Lions?

What does that mean?  Luck had arguably the best game of his career against the Lions.... lead what should have been an 18 point comeback if some coaching and poor defense didn't screw us after he had a perfect TD drive with under a minute left to put us on top and in great position to win.

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15 hours ago, tikyle said:

Actually the coach is the leader of the team.


Luck can express his displeasure but I do not think it will do him much good.  His leverage is gone since he signed the extension.  So even if he runs Pags out of town (he probably wouldn't b/c him and most of the players love the guy) it's not like he'll have major input on the new HC and would replacing Pags really fix things.  I think Grigson would need to disappear as well.

It certainly would do some good. Pags and grigs are well aware that Luck is the franchise, not them.  I'm not sure grigs thought that way b4, but i would hope Irsay spelled things out clearlybwhen they had their 3-way pow-wow and decided to keep the "band" together. Seems like grigs got some "orders" cuz he suddenlybdrafted like 20 OLmen.

  I dont want to see luck voice it in media, but rather to his position coach and pags.  Pags should then handle it. I too would like to see less of the nice guy Andrew on the field. 

  I'm pretty sure the whole organization is frustrated, as are we.

however, the only thing that really concerns me is lack of pass rush.  Our DBs will be back(hopefully) ,  young DL and LBs will improve.  And our offense looks good (aside from slow starts) and should improve as the OL will, imo.  By seasons end, its quite possible this will be a team NOBODY wants to see in playoffs.  Provided we win enuff early on to make the playoffs. haha

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