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These Are The Best Coaches They Can Find?


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I know the Colts do much in secret, so maybe there are some other candidates they are talking to that aren't being discussed. But I have to say it is a bit disappointing who has been interviewed so far or on the list. Jerry Gray? Carmichael? Brad Childress??? Mike Zimmer is at least a good candidate.

I know they know a lot more than we fans know. But finding coaches always surprises me. Teams always go after teams coordinators who have recent success, regardless of the talent they have to work for. For example, isn't it safe to say any offensive coordinator the Saints, Patriots, and Packers have that follow the HCs ideas will do pretty well? I remember back in the 80s how it seems every offensive coordinator that the 49ers had would become a HC. Same thing now with Patriots.

Just playing GM here, but Grigson is serious about finding the "best guy" regardless pro or college, then why not look at coaches who accomplish a lot with mediocre talent. That is what impresses me. That is what Belichick has done for long. Like college coaches like Kirk Ferentz (Iowa) and Chris Peterson (BSU) accomplish a lot with not elite talent. That is what I would be looking for. I think Mike Zimmer fits that mold because the Bengals don't have great talent but they play well on defense.

It reminds me of politics where you see the candidates and say "this is the best the country can come up with"? That is how I feel about these coaches. Surely, there is a great coach somewhere coaching up his players to play behond their ability and as a team. Find him. Not failed coaches or mediocre coordintors.

Where is a young Don Shula or Ted Marcibroda when you need them? lol Come on Grigs, lets really open this up! If you can spot talent all over the country, I am sure you can apply the same to coaches!

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we need to bring in a great young offensive mind how can build the play book with luck and a creative dc who plays d based on who he plays no the a system cover kind of like what the great def.. do ajust who this is i dont know.,, but i do know they can bring in there who staff from sratch

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I guess my question is, how do you know Carmichael is good? Todd Haley looked pretty good as a OC when Kurt Warner was throwing the ball. I am not saying he is bad, but is the offense good because of him or the other way around?

Zimmer, I respect him because everywhere he has been, he has done well. So I think he is a quality coach.

I guess my perspective is instead of just interviewing people that Grigson knows or got a good word on, open it up more. Bring in some OC from Sacramento State who is under the radar but gets the most out of mediocre players and give him an interview. Find another Belichick. There has to be a better system then every team interviewing the same candidates, and usually from teams who have done well. That is too deceiving. I personally would never hire a Patriot, Packer, or Saint coach because their systems make them look better than they are.

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I said this before, but this is my take on this...its like selling your house because you want to get a better one. Once you sell it, you have to move. The only problem is what you can get (good coaches) is subject to what is on the market at that time. What if you sell at the wrong time?

If there is a "vision" that I keep hearing about then what in the blank is it? I agree with unitaswestand...this is your vision? These guys? Child please.

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Why no interview Jay Gruden? Not great offensive talent, but he did a great job with a rookie QB and WR. Young inventive guy.

I believe he already turned down interviews with Miami and St. Louis. Said he owes the Bengals for giving him his first NFL shot.

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I am a little surprised that opinions like this are formed. I follow the NFL extremely closely and couldn't give a true opinion on these guys. I mean yeah, I know there teams record, stats, and talent. However, I don't know the majority of these guys resumes very well. heck, I just learned tonight that Brad Childress was the Colts QB coach in 1985. Are you saying these guys are bad simply because they aren't big names? Keep in mind, most of these big names area (Gruden, etc.) are available because they were fired. I am personally very hesitant to go with the college coach type. My first choice is Zimmer. I believe he rallies his players and is a leader of men.

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I am a little surprised that opinions like this are formed. I follow the NFL extremely closely and couldn't give a true opinion on these guys. I mean yeah, I know there teams record, stats, and talent. However, I don't know the majority of these guys resumes very well. heck, I just learned tonight that Brad Childress was the Colts QB coach in 1985. Are you saying these guys are bad simply because they aren't big names? Keep in mind, most of these big names area (Gruden, etc.) are available because they were fired. I am personally very hesitant to go with the college coach type. My first choice is Zimmer. I believe he rallies his players and is a leader of men.

On the contrary, I don't think they need big name guys. I guess the point I was going to try to make is that finding a coach doesn't seem to evolved like finding players. With players, you have area scouts, national scouts, and a whole system to find the best guys. It seems with coaches, a GM goes by who they have worked with or who is considered the top candidates. And that seems about it. I just would like to see the searching expanded a bit more. Interview 20 candidates and really weed them out. But if you bring in 4-5 guys that you might personally know or someone told you they were good, I liken that to your neighbor telling you how to be a millionaire. Very subjective.

I hate the Patriots with a passion, but I admire Belichick. He is probably the best game playing HC I have ever seen. He will have an offense one week and the next week it will be completely different. Or at half time he will change everything around. He gets the most out of mediocre players because his overall system is good. He is very much like Bill Walsh in that the system is bigger than the individual players running it. That is the kind of coach I would love to see with the Colts. Basically, a Ryan Grigson of coaches. A young, up and comer who has a keen eye for talent and a good vision. Not another guy who keep saying "Stay the course" no matter what the other team is doing. Someone who thinks outside the box. Maybe the next great coach is an assistant in Canada. Or at Slippery Rock. Of the Lions WR Coach. But flush them out. Don't just do the same bunch of guys everyone else interviews.

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He would never leave BSU, but Chris Peterson is the type of guy I would like to see. He is incredibly innovative. He molds the gameplan around the players he has and can change things up at any time. Clearly, BSU doesn't have the talent of most top 10 teams, but they are right up there every year. He overall system allows players to come in and out and still succeed.

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I don't think any of us know any better than the front office of the Colts (or what's left of it). They are probably looking at anybody and everybody, interviewing at least two-thirds of them, and drawing conclusions like a draft board.

We have seen countless of examples of coaches who can make the transition from NCAA to NFL, and those who can't; we've seen coordinators who are terrible coaches and vice versa; we've seen coordinators become great coaches too.

Just because a guy is well-known, and is on a good team, doesn't mean he'll give us something more than a Childress would. The Head Coach will be the first guy we select, and that person will work with Grigson to build a team that buys into a common philosophy, play-style, and eye for talent that fits the system they intend to implement.

Just putting a 'successful' DC and a 'successful' OC together doesn't guarantee anything. Staffing coaches isn't a plug-and-play thing.

It has literally been hours since most of these guys were fired from our team, while others from around the league became available for interviews, but we're panicking like opening day kickoff is tomorrow.

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I would rather have Schottenheimer than Childress and I don't want Schottenheimer either. If they want a young upstart look the the colleges. There are some great coaches there that could grow with the team. No NFL retreads please unless they were good the first time around.

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I don't think any of us know any better than the front office of the Colts (or what's left of it). They are probably looking at anybody and everybody, interviewing at least two-thirds of them, and drawing conclusions like a draft board.

We have seen countless of examples of coaches who can make the transition from NCAA to NFL, and those who can't; we've seen coordinators who are terrible coaches and vice versa; we've seen coordinators become great coaches too.

Just because a guy is well-known, and is on a good team, doesn't mean he'll give us something more than a Childress would. The Head Coach will be the first guy we select, and that person will work with Grigson to build a team that buys into a common philosophy, play-style, and eye for talent that fits the system they intend to implement.

Just putting a 'successful' DC and a 'successful' OC together doesn't guarantee anything. Staffing coaches isn't a plug-and-play thing.

It has literally been hours since most of these guys were fired from our team, while others from around the league became available for interviews, but we're panicking like opening day kickoff is tomorrow.

Good points. I don't think anyone is panicking. Just more throwing out thoughts and ideas on coaches. I coach I admire is Jim Harbaugh. He came in, put in a very balanced offense and defense, and played to the players strengths.. I do hope we run a similar type of system. That is something I loved about the 1995 Cots. If Marshall Faulk got hurt, plus in Lamont Warren, Zack Crockett, or Rosey Potts. Not the most talented team, but they played very well as a TEAM. I want a team builder in here. The Patriots have always had it over us because I will say IMHO they always had a better coach then us. I would like to come close to them.

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Mike Zimmer is a great candidate. I wish the Colts would go on and make him an offer. Pete Carmichael is a decent option as well.

Childress, Gray, and Chip Kelly, in my opinion, would not be good hires.

The available coaches with NFL experience don't really form an all-star lineup. Cowher might be good, but doesn't look interested in returning to coaching right now. Gruden seems content to stay on TV as well, and he is pretty overrated as far as I'm concerned, although I know he's probably the flashiest hire out there. And let's face it, Dungy didn't retire from the Colts to come back and take the job again in 3 years, and he won't be offered anyway. Most of the other former head coaches were fired from their last jobs anyway.

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Could it possibly be that the Colts have their eye on some of the coaching staff that is still in the playoffs? Childress and Gray, Kelly (if its true) could all just be interviews to break Grigson into it; or maybe both of them have liked things they saw or heard but after they came in it was just meh. . . .don't call us we will call you?

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I am a little surprised that opinions like this are formed. I follow the NFL extremely closely and couldn't give a true opinion on these guys. I mean yeah, I know there teams record, stats, and talent. However, I don't know the majority of these guys resumes very well. heck, I just learned tonight that Brad Childress was the Colts QB coach in 1985. Are you saying these guys are bad simply because they aren't big names? Keep in mind, most of these big names area (Gruden, etc.) are available because they were fired. I am personally very hesitant to go with the college coach type. My first choice is Zimmer. I believe he rallies his players and is a leader of men.


Everyone's an expert around here. Thank goodness they aren't really making the decisions.

So many variables go into making a coach successful. Player talent, other coaches on the staff, front office, etc.

What if NE would have said "Ahh, that belichek guy is a terrible coach, just look at what he did in Cleveland". (of course, maybe cameras had something to do with the improvement)

But anyway, you get my drift, NE would still have no Super Bowls, *** or not.

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Good points. I don't think anyone is panicking. Just more throwing out thoughts and ideas on coaches. I coach I admire is Jim Harbaugh. He came in, put in a very balanced offense and defense, and played to the players strengths.. I do hope we run a similar type of system. That is something I loved about the 1995 Cots. If Marshall Faulk got hurt, plus in Lamont Warren, Zack Crockett, or Rosey Potts. Not the most talented team, but they played very well as a TEAM. I want a team builder in here. The Patriots have always had it over us because I will say IMHO they always had a better coach then us. I would like to come close to them.

It's working for the 49ers right now, but the talent on that team never changed. After this year, all the other teams will have a full year's worth of film and gameplay to study Mr. Harbaugh's new '9ers, and he'll have a lot of trouble going forward against the teams who are ready for his safe style of play, along with aging vets like Gore and Davis, emerging players who will want new contracts, and oh yeah, Alex Smith.

The Patriots have Bellichick, who many consider to be, not only the best coach right now, but a top 5 all-time coach. How in the world do you expect to land that guy with what's available? You take risks on a bad coach from Cleveland. You go with a guy who has the intangibles you're looking for, regardless of his W-L record, or which side of the ball he's allegedly "minded". There's no one at the pro or college level with a track record like BB has built in New England, so it's ridiculous that people are upset with the list of coaches we've spoken to. Those are the guys available who our owner and GM seem to think fit the vision of the Colts going forward.

As to having it "over us," the Colts won 5 of their last 7 against New England, including the AFC Championship game, prior to Manning going down. They had nothing over us. We were beating their pants off despite them having it over us.

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They should have pulled the trigger on Polian earlier, hired a GM earlier, and then made a play for a coach like Fisher before the market heated up.

Fisher would have never been our coach. What he wants to be as a HC is different than what we are going to hire. Fisher wants to have control of the draft and who to bring in. Irsay just hired Grigs to do this. We have our GM do the draft, not the HC.

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At one point Bill Cowher was just a simple DC coming out of Kansas City.

At one point Tony Dungy was just a simple DC coming out of Minnesota.

At one point Jon Gruden was just a simple OC coming out of Philadelphia.

All of those big names people are wanting weren't big names at one time.

We might end up with a college coach, we might end up with a coach getting his 2nd chance as HC in the NFL. We might get one that gets his first shot at HC.

Each scenario is littered with examples of success & failure.

It's about finding the right guy at the right time. Hopefully we will.

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As pointed out earlier, at one time Bill Belichek was a total failure in Cleveland. I know of no college coach who has left college and immediately succeeded except for Jim Harbaugh, and a number of people attribute his immediate success to the ground work laid by Singletary. We need a coach familiar with the pro game and with demonstrated success in professional football responsiblities.

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Yes. Has nothing to do with his name. I like Mike Zimmer because he did the same thing with the defense. I admire coaches who get the most out of average talent, regardless of their name.

OK, fair enough.

That is a question you have to ask yourself though when you're dealing with a son or brother or relative of another successful player/coach.

It's way to easy to get caught up in name recognition.

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OK, fair enough.

That is a question you have to ask yourself though when you're dealing with a son or brother or relative of another successful player/coach.

It's way to easy to get caught up in name recognition.

Very good point. I and I completely agree with you. I would rather have some guy named Jim Franklin who is a hidden genius somewhere then recycle Jeff Fisher because people know his name.

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As pointed out earlier, at one time Bill Belichek was a total failure in Cleveland. I know of no college coach who has left college and immediately succeeded except for Jim Harbaugh, and a number of people attribute his immediate success to the ground work laid by Singletary. We need a coach familiar with the pro game and with demonstrated success in professional football responsiblities.

Barry Switzer would be the only other one with immediate success, but he went to an already built team. Like you said, Singletary laid a lot of ground work for San Fran, but Harbaugh has really influenced their offense.

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