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Is anyone buying Myles Jack is dropping to the teens?

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Just now, CheezyColt said:

Then he openly said he has no idea where to mock him, and said he chose Oakland for the sole reason that he would fit in there.

Yes mentioned he has heard concerns Jack may need second procedure. I love Jack's talent, but it is concerning.

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I'd pass. Too many good players to choose from at 18 without the health concerns of Jack. Granted it really comes down to what team doctors say but everything I have read about Jack would scare me from using a high pick on him.

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This is where a very good team doctor comes into play.  One that has experience enough to have more than just a hunch whether Jack will have articular cartilage issues in the near, or long term. {at some point, he will}. If educated signs point toward long term before problems, then might well be worth a gamble if he slides to #18.  If short term, them what type of remedy might be needed, and how will that impact the players abilities in the future, or recovery prospects? That sets the new bar level.


Sometimes, it goes beyond the scouts and the GM/Coaches.


Who is the Colts head team Physician? OH, here they are, all of them!





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4 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

This is where a very good team doctor comes into play.  One that has experience enough to have more than just a hunch whether Jack will have articular cartilage issues in the near, or long term. {at some point, he will}. If educated signs point toward long term before problems, then might well be worth a gamble if he slides to #18.  If short term, them what type of remedy might be needed, and how will that impact the players abilities in the future, or recovery prospects? That sets the new bar level.


Sometimes, it goes beyond the scouts and the GM/Coaches.


Who is the Colts head team Physician? OH, here they are, all of them!





All of the team doctors are very good

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I buy that.  OTOH, they do not all always agree, and some really are a cut above the others.


Some say short term problems for Jack, others say you could get 6-7 years, or maybe more if few injuries along the way.  Some will be proven right, and others proven wrong.  We just likely won't know who is who.

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19 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

All of the team doctors are very good


Quote from Rams physician, about game in 2013.  I thought it was Tavon Austin that killed us, not their medical team.  They feel otherwise... LOL!



Can Medical Staffs Win or Lose Games?

All told, there is no way to easily determine the degree of a medical staff's influence on the final score.

That said, at the suggestion that Matava and his crew's excellent care allowed the then-3-6 Rams to upset the 6-2 Indianapolis Colts in Week 10, he chuckled and played along.

"We like to say that we out-doctored them."



But studies since 2013 says about 78% of players don't trust their team medical staff.  Some of the money maker players have their own private physician and orthopedic surgeon.

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6 hours ago, danlhart87 said:

If Jack falls to 18 and Grigson doesn't draft him I'm gonna lose it


Do you think there's a chance -- any chance at all -- that Ryan Grigson might have information that you and me and everyone else here doesn't have??      You know,  like Jack's medicals?


If we pass on Jack,  then we don't like what we see in the Doctor's reports.


And one last thought....   if Jack is there,  the decision to take him or not....  will have the full approval of Irsay.     This won't be done by Grigson alone.

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3 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

All of the team doctors are very good


That may be....  but team doctors have a long track record of having the teams interest over the players interest.


Nowadays,  the players trust the team doctors less and less.    This will be an issue going forward.



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As bar as am I buying Jack may fall, I will go with what Mayock said on his mock draft. He believed after talking to teams and scouts about the injury and the nature of the top 10 picks, teams in this position are hesitant to take a chance. Top 10 is focused on getting a long term starter so he felt Jack would fall. Just did not know how far. We shall see. Tonight will be interesting. The only thing i do not like was separating the first and second round. Too long to wait, but more $$$ for the NFL.

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Teams in the top ten will expect to get almost a decade of superior play from their pick.  With Jack, the projected likelihood is potentially more in the 3 to 6 year range; before medical issue need addressed, then performance after not known.  This can cause pause in the selection process.


What do team docs say to their GM/coaches?  Will the GM/Coaches take their information into account? I feel there really is a chance he might fall into the teens.  I know whoever takes him is the 'gambler' type. But the meniscus is not the issue, that's fixed and behind him.  It's the particular articular cartilage issues down the road that will crop up at some point.


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