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Womens group want sponsors cut ties with Peyton


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6 hours ago, Nadine said:

It doesn't even matter.  This is over and closed and not indicative of him being a sexual harasser.  He's got 20 years of history outside of UT with zero issues.  He's a dad and a husband and a generous donor to the community.  He doesn't deserve to be made the poster boy for sexual harassment just because he's famous.


This group calling for his demise should be ashamed.  And they should be called out for not going after the real issues at UT, for example the two cases awaiting trial right now on rape charges.


I'll be watching for what they do there.  It's not ok to harass and trash someone just because you think it will advance your cause.  Despicable


Good heavens, what an amazing post.

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7 hours ago, Nadine said:

It doesn't even matter.  This is over and closed and not indicative of him being a sexual harasser.  He's got 20 years of history outside of UT with zero issues.  He's a dad and a husband and a generous donor to the community.  He doesn't deserve to be made the poster boy for sexual harassment just because he's famous.


This group calling for his demise should be ashamed.  And they should be called out for not going after the real issues at UT, for example the two cases awaiting trial right now on rape charges.


I'll be watching for what they do there.  It's not ok to harass and trash someone just because you think it will advance your cause.  Despicable

If I could give this 10 likes I would. You are on fire today!! Peyton should sue them for trying to trash his name and mess with his ability to keep his sponsors.

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Let's make this clear. Shaun King is a fraud that set up charities to collect money from Black Lives Matter's victims. He also collected money for Haitian family. However, he pocketed most of the money.


He was going to launch a website called justicetogether.com to stop police brutality and asking for money. Hyping it up but it was never launch.  


By the way, Shaun is a white man who lies about his identity.


When his identity and fraudulent were revealed, he deleted over 70,000 tweets from his Twitter account. It seems fishy to delete that many tweets.



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    Thanks Cal; 

That's Peyton's side of it.  It fits with his age at the time...it sounds credible to me


The only part that doesn't make sense is how Peyton and his bio writer could believe that signing a non disclosure agreement over a 1996 incident allowed them to comment on that incident seven years later.

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10 hours ago, southwest1 said:

You wanna know what the funny thing is? [Funny ironic not funny humorous]. I expect bad publicity stories to land on the SB losing QB's doorstep not the guy who hoists the trophy & sees the confetti fall. 


I also wonder why the media always initially takes the accuser's side never asking them to justify their credibility first? Like why the hades should I take a random person's word over someone who I have built up a long history with from a distance as a loyal fan? 


And then, when the false accuser loses, we drop the matter entirely. Why isn't the person who drew the short straw ever held accountable & raked over the coals for wasting everybody's time & tarnishing an icon's good name for no good reason other than pure selfishness? It royally ticks me off. 


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I meant to reply to SW's  quote: somehow it didn't show up.


Anyway, in response, this is what passes for journalism nowadays. The media hardly ever asks the accuser to justify  credentials. It seems that the more important thing is to get the breaking news out first because of ratings. No one is held accountable for false reporting or exaggerating the news. It's sad, but this is what out society has become.


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8 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

If I could give this 10 likes I would. You are on fire today!! Peyton should sue them for trying to trash his name and mess with his ability to keep his sponsors.


16 hours ago, Nadine said:

It doesn't even matter.  This is over and closed and not indicative of him being a sexual harasser.  He's got 20 years of history outside of UT with zero issues.  He's a dad and a husband and a generous donor to the community.  He doesn't deserve to be made the poster boy for sexual harassment just because he's famous.


This group calling for his demise should be ashamed.  And they should be called out for not going after the real issues at UT, for example the two cases awaiting trial right now on rape charges.


I'll be watching for what they do there.  It's not ok to harass and trash someone just because you think it will advance your cause.  Despicable


Finaly Manings side Affidavit of  Oct 23 2003


Full   7 pages - easy read, big spaced, looks like 14 pages as is repeated for some   reason





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A bit of crybullying going on here....


CryBully defintion:


A type of extremist that constantly pretends to be a victim while actually doing things such as harassing, bullying, or even using violence against others.



"How dare you wear a Indian chief costume at Halloween? This triggered us to the point that we all felt like we were offended. Now you must resign from your job because of the harm you caused. "


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On Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 10:45 AM, dynasty13 said:


Soooooo so salty.


I continue to be amazed that so many of you let Tom Brady effect you so deeply. 

It's cool for u to troll peyton on a colts forum, but u call us salty for trolling brady?

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3 hours ago, teganslaw said:

I meant to reply to SW's  quote: somehow it didn't show up.


Anyway, in response, this is what passes for journalism nowadays. The media hardly ever asks the accuser to justify  credentials. It seems that the more important thing is to get the breaking news out first because of ratings. No one is held accountable for false reporting or exaggerating the news. It's sad, but this is what out society has become.


I agree TS. It just bothers me that very few reporters ever seem to question why such outdated allegations against a HOF QB are being levied now. Like asking who benefits from these allegations gaining traction now & if the conduct was so heinous as the accuser claimed, why did no other legal figure [police or prosecutor] decide to pursue any form of punishment here or investigate the matter further back in 1996? 


I know what the generic line always is: Peyton's was a star QB at Tennessee & because of his value to the team any & all misconduct is brushed under the rug. Now, wait a minute here. If Peyton according to his testimony, tried to reach out to Jamie by phone & explain it was just a mooning joke gone wrong & her husband kept hanging up on Manning what's he supposed to do? Jamie got $300,000 in a settlement & now she wants a 2nd payday to me. 


And what about Shaun King? A no name, wanna journalist who desperately wants to be considered relevant & a competent journalist, both of which King is neither. He's gaining fame by trashing a celebrity with no proof just wild accusations. 


I look at the incident & the timing that this story broke & I say to myself that Jamie & Shaun's lives are so empty & bitter that the only way they can feel good about themselves is slamming Peyton Manning, a good man who has done remarkable things on & off the field who doesn't deserve to be crucified like this. The longer this story has legs; the more disgusted I get at the accusers & the media for being so darn lazy in their ethics & sense of objectivity/balance.

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55 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

It's cool for u to troll peyton on a colts forum, but u call us salty for trolling brady?

I'd say he is one of the most rational pats fans. Yes they gloat when they win and disappear when they lose but he's a die hard fan of his team and we are die hard fans of ours and realize the hypocrisies of how we view our teams and other teams when they do something good or stupid.

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On 2/18/2016 at 10:45 AM, dynasty13 said:


Soooooo so salty.


I continue to be amazed that so many of you let Tom Brady effect you so deeply. 


And yet his effect on you is why your here , That works both ways Patriot fans are always on any bandwagon that includes hate of 18 .


We see it for what it is & not for what a Patriot fan thinks because we already know ..


We have legit reasons for our dislike of anything Patriots the list is long & includes multiple felonies by a TE & the bald faced lies of a QB with a fanbase that can overlook such activities when there happening yet focus on a 20 year old case that by all accounts is a no brainer .


Once the lady in question made her statement " that there was no physical contact " everything after that & the settlement is just noise & has been used as a smear campaign with no actual possibility of ever reaching the complete truth .



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19 hours ago, Nadine said:

It doesn't even matter.  This is over and closed and not indicative of him being a sexual harasser.  He's got 20 years of history outside of UT with zero issues.  He's a dad and a husband and a generous donor to the community.  He doesn't deserve to be made the poster boy for sexual harassment just because he's famous.


This group calling for his demise should be ashamed.  And they should be called out for not going after the real issues at UT, for example the two cases awaiting trial right now on rape charges.


I'll be watching for what they do there.  It's not ok to harass and trash someone just because you think it will advance your cause.  Despicable


In this Sea of confusion you are the voice of reason I have enjoyed your posts on this thread I read them all .


                                   Thank You 

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The other thing that baffles me is this: Say Mr. King gets a high profile journalist job out of this fake controversy, what's he gonna write on his resume? I brought up a minor incident back in Manning's college playing days & I used a meaningless episode of goofing around to raise my profile, make a name for myself, & blur the lines between honesty & exaggeration. 


The intense scrutiny that Peyton is unfairly enduring in my estimation is like claiming that some form of sexual hazing went on here. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why is an incident that happened over 2 decades ago relevant now? Answer: It's not. Also, the case was long since settled so why is Mr. King trying to re-ligitigate a dead horse in the public arena in 2016? 


The more Mr. King speaks the less respect I have for the man. 


Honestly, my first impression of Mr. King's unfounded motives is this: He's trying to create the misguided impression that Peyton Manning thinks he's above the law & can do whatever he wants without any repercussions like a puppet Bill Cosby celebrity. A complete fabrication from start to finish Mr. King. Grow up please. 

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1 hour ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


And yet his effect on you is why your here , That works both ways Patriot fans are always on any bandwagon that includes hate of 18 .


We see it for what it is & not for what a Patriot fan thinks because we already know ..


We have legit reasons for our dislike of anything Patriots the list is long & includes multiple felonies by a TE & the bald faced lies of a QB with a fanbase that can overlook such activities when there happening yet focus on a 20 year old case that by all accounts is a no brainer .


Once the lady in question made her statement " that there was no physical contact " everything after that & the settlement is just noise & has been used as a smear campaign with no actual possibility of ever reaching the complete truth .



I don't understand...did I say anything disparaging Peyton? Have there been Patriots fans posting relentlessly about this case...'focusing' on it like you are claiming?


I may have missed it and if that's the case I apologize, but can we be honest here? I've pretty much been the only Patriots fan here since the AFCCG, so I'm not quite sure where you guys have seen all this 'trolling of Peyton'. I can only speak to what I see on this board...and that simply has not been the case.

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22 minutes ago, dynasty13 said:

I don't understand...did I say anything disparaging Peyton? Have there been Patriots fans posting relentlessly about this case...'focusing' on it like you are claiming?


I may have missed it and if that's the case I apologize, but can we be honest here? I've pretty much been the only Patriots fan here since the AFCCG, so I'm not quite sure where you guys have seen all this 'trolling of Peyton'. I can only speak to what I see on this board...and that simply has not been the case.

You have nothing to apologize for D13. To me, you are a stand up guy & I respect your insights on this forum on a wide variety of topics football related & beyond. Just like I told Yehoodi a while back, I admire when fans from other franchises don't disappear when their favorite team doesn't win it all in February. I enjoy your presence here too D13. I have no issues with you at all. We're cool my man. Trust me. :thmup:


Speaking just for myself here, SW1 doesn't hate all Patriots fans. Yehoodi & D13 are a okay to me.


They aren't the only 2 NE fans I like either BTW. I just meant that I respect fans from other clubs who don't fade into the off season wood work that's all. 

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3 minutes ago, Nadine said:

Is my only option to call men 'stud'?

Seems like a complement

I need ammo that works!


There's an old word that rhymes, and probably wouldn't get blocked, but inappropriate all the same. 


I guess the good news is that he wasn't looking at you when he said it.   :)

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19 hours ago, dynasty13 said:

I don't understand...did I say anything disparaging Peyton? Have there been Patriots fans posting relentlessly about this case...'focusing' on it like you are claiming?


I may have missed it and if that's the case I apologize, but can we be honest here? I've pretty much been the only Patriots fan here since the AFCCG, so I'm not quite sure where you guys have seen all this 'trolling of Peyton'. I can only speak to what I see on this board...and that simply has not been the case.

If you take notice of his first sentence,  he is speaking to the long history of Patriots fans jumping on anything negative towards manning.  He is talking about a historical reference and not necessarily this one specific instance in a vacuum. 


As far as the rest of it,  he is probably referencing stuff he has seen on other sites sites like espn, etc.  Comments from Patriots fans there.  


Now this does not mean that you are directly responsible, but guilty by association.  

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2 hours ago, Narcosys said:

If you take notice of his first sentence,  he is speaking to the long history of Patriots fans jumping on anything negative towards manning.  He is talking about a historical reference and not necessarily this one specific instance in a vacuum. 


As far as the rest of it,  he is probably referencing stuff he has seen on other sites sites like espn, etc.  Comments from Patriots fans there.  


Now this does not mean that you are directly responsible, but guilty by association.  

And we can pretty much substitute Tom Brady and Colts fans into that first sentence and it holds true as well. There's a long history of it on both sides, but it doesn't need to make it into a topic where there's no reason for it. If someone is going to other boards and seeing something there, then THAT is the place to complain about it. Don't bring it here and accuse me of being 'guilty by association' in a thread where I've been nothing even close to trolling. I can only speak to what I see here, and that's all I can respond to. 

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38 minutes ago, dynasty13 said:

And we can pretty much substitute Tom Brady and Colts fans into that first sentence and it holds true as well. There's a long history of it on both sides, but it doesn't need to make it into a topic where there's no reason for it. If someone is going to other boards and seeing something there, then THAT is the place to complain about it. Don't bring it here and accuse me of being 'guilty by association' in a thread where I've been nothing even close to trolling. I can only speak to what I see here, and that's all I can respond to. 

I'm not the one that did it, just explaining the possible thought process. 

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On February 18, 2016 at 9:27 AM, dynasty13 said:


It seems that Peyton was the one that broke that confidentiality agreement back when he wrote his book with his father and discussed it...

Not really D13 my friend. It's my understanding that he referred to Jamie generically as "an athletic trainer" at the University of Tennessee back in 1996. Tough to claim a violation of a non disclosure agreement when Mrs Naughtright isn't specified by their formal birth name. 


I see no infraction here making the agreement broken or null & void actually. 


Also, I highly doubt she was the only athletic trainer on the University of Tennessee's payroll back during Peyton's tenure as the starting college QB. Most major football programs have multiple athletic trainers on staff during the year. True, Jamie may have been the only female serving in that capacity at the time, but as long as Peyton didn't use her name specifically in the book, Jamie's lawyers have nothing to throw back at Manning's legal team. 

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19 hours ago, Nadine said:

Is my only option to call men 'stud'?

Seems like a complement

I need ammo that works!

You didn't do anything wrong Nadine. Besides, I like it when women can joke around a little bit. It's cool. 


If a woman called me a stud, I'd laugh & get a kick out of it. I'd probably tell the women in question that she needs to get her eyes checked. LOL! Sarcasm is my automatic reflex. But, I would say thanks for the complement though. Sometimes, I think society is too soft today & takes itself way too seriously. The world needs to loosen up. You're alright in my book Nadine. 

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1 hour ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

It's their right to sponsor who they want. If he's guilty in their eyes then that is unfortunate but they can be silly if they want. 

It's got nothing to do with guilt Gabriel. It's all about backlash, public outcry, & if their company starts losing money as a result of heat & organized protesters. 


Once Manning retires & football starts in September, I expect all this pitchfork & torches nonsense to fade away forever. Peyton will be just fine & an advertising cash machine in no time flat for corporations & their products. 


Remember, when NBA broadcaster Marv Albert took some flack for being kinky in the bedroom with a former girlfriend & an allegation was made he was a little rough with her behind closed doors? Everybody acted his career was over. It wasn't. He's still well liked & respected & doing just fine & so will Manning be too IMO. 


This whole situation is just people with too much time on their hands with nothing better to do than make waves. JMO. 

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The Peyton stuff will slowly go away IMO. Tennessee is getting sued but in no way will it affect Peyton in the long run. He cant get in trouble, his case has already been settled. He is part owner of Papa Johns so he wont lose that sponsor or ownership. Just a bunch of old news being brought up because he won the SB. If you notice his HGH situation hasn't even been talked about for over a week by hardly anyone. That is already going away. When a person has had a Great reputation for 20 years as a professional that tends to happen and it should.

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