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Favorite coaching change?

Lawrence Owen

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So far there are a few new hires in the coaching area that I am excited about.


#1: By far is Philbin.  Putting a guy who is a 'players coach" is always good.  He works with a players strengths rather than trying to change who they are to fit what he wants.  He understands the game as a whole  -being a head coach in Miami-, But his strength is o-line - GB-.  He should dramatically change  they way our o-line protects Luck, AND improve our run game by leaps and bounds.


#2: Ted Monachino.  Our strength on defense is the D-line now. (IMO)  And I believe we have talent at the LB position, but coaching has limited their progress.  Ted is a basics guy who will get these guys to play fast and hard rather than watching a play unfold.  (which is what our Lb's were doing early in the year in 2015.)  


These are my 2 favorite coaching hires so far.  A couple more is coming and my top 2 could change, But they would have to be pretty impressive to do so.  Disagree? Agree? Or have input that i missed? 


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#1 for me is Jim Herrmann (new LBs coach).


Dude has one of the most impressive resumes on our staff.  And quite frankly, one of the better football resumes I've seen.


Edit: I too like the Philbin and Monachino hires.


The Colts have added some good minds to the staff.  Hopefully everyone can get on the same page and quickly.

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My top two are Ted and Krein. I like that our DC has a background with LB's. It should allow him to get really creative, especially if we draft some young guys for him to mold. Imagine what he could do with guys like Floyd, Spence, Smith, Wright, etc...


Krein I like because of how he helped Hasselback's rehab and got an award for his work at one point. I think he should help some of our players get in better shape and help guys like Moncrief put on much needed muscle.



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5 hours ago, IndyD4U said:

I agree with all of the above, but let's not forget about the new Strength and Conditioning coach, Darren Krein. Keep these guys healthy and on the field, not to mention making them faster and stronger. 


Ditto, IndyD4U! The Colts have not enjoyed a very good to great defense in a long while. Monachino & Krein now have the luxury of trying to do that very thing. It is my most sincerest wish that this organization finally establishes that. 


The foundation of NFL Championships lies in it's defense.

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As banged up as we've allowed ourselves to be over the years this is my favorite.....

Darren Krein as their new strength and conditioning coach.  

In 2013, he was named the NFL's Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year by his peers, which is the highest honor that a person at the position can attain.

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14 hours ago, Lawrence Owen said:So far there are a few new hires in the coaching area that I am excited about.


#1: By far is Philbin.  Putting a guy who is a 'players coach" is always good.  He works with a players strengths rather than trying to change who they are to fit what he wants.  He understands the game as a whole  -being a head coach in Miami-, But his strength is o-line - GB-.  He should dramatically change  they way our o-line protects Luck, AND improve our run game by leaps and bounds.


#2: Ted Monachino.  Our strength on defense is the D-line now. (IMO)  And I believe we have talent at the LB position, but coaching has limited their progress.  Ted is a basics guy who will get these guys to play fast and hard rather than watching a play unfold.  (which is what our Lb's were doing early in the year in 2015.)  


These are my 2 favorite coaching hires so far.  A couple more is coming and my top 2 could change, But they would have to be pretty impressive to do so.  Disagree? Agree? Or have input that i missed?

They all seem pretty mediocre to me. Looks like they will fit in well with the rest of the coaching staff and front office. These defensive and o line problems never get solved for the Colts, man. Expect the same weakness to continue to kill us next season. Don't think any of these assistant coaches will be the difference.  Better talent is needed but good luck getting that with the same disappointing GM buying the groceries.  

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2 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

They all seem pretty mediocre to me. Looks like they will fit in well with the rest of the coaching staff and front office. These defensive and o line problems never get solved for the Colts, man. Expect the same weakness to continue to kill us next season. Don't think any of these assistant coaches will be the difference.  Better talent is needed but good luck getting that with the same disappointing GM buying the groceries.  

Love your positivity.

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4 hours ago, twfish said:

Love your positivity.

Positivity rings hollow when the team continues to have the same exact weaknesses season after season despite what they do.  Every offseason fans say these things will get better but it doesn't.  Colts haven't had a hard nosed defensive team since they left Baltimore. 1995, 2005, were probably the best defenses they've fielded in the Indy era.  In 32 years...You can count on one hand the number of good Indy defenses. I doubt the ex Ravens linebackers coach, first time defensive coordinator will buck the trend here.  

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On 1/23/2016 at 1:20 PM, ColtRider said:


Ditto, IndyD4U! The Colts have not enjoyed a very good to great defense in a long while. Monachino & Krein now have the luxury of trying to do that very thing. It is my most sincerest wish that this organization finally establishes that. 


The foundation of NFL Championships lies in it's defense.

Offensive line is a close second lol 

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On January 24, 2016 at 11:44 PM, Coltsman1788 said:

Positivity rings hollow when the team continues to have the same exact weaknesses season after season despite what they do.  Every offseason fans say these things will get better but it doesn't.  Colts haven't had a hard nosed defensive team since they left Baltimore. 1995, 2005, were probably the best defenses they've fielded in the Indy era.  In 32 years...You can count on one hand the number of good Indy defenses. I doubt the ex Ravens linebackers coach, first time defensive coordinator will buck the trend here.  


oh well then thats that.

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On 1/23/2016 at 1:53 AM, Lawrence Owen said:

So far there are a few new hires in the coaching area that I am excited about.


#1: By far is Philbin.  Putting a guy who is a 'players coach" is always good.  He works with a players strengths rather than trying to change who they are to fit what he wants.  He understands the game as a whole  -being a head coach in Miami-, But his strength is o-line - GB-.  He should dramatically change  they way our o-line protects Luck, AND improve our run game by leaps and bounds.


#2: Ted Monachino.  Our strength on defense is the D-line now. (IMO)  And I believe we have talent at the LB position, but coaching has limited their progress.  Ted is a basics guy who will get these guys to play fast and hard rather than watching a play unfold.  (which is what our Lb's were doing early in the year in 2015.)  


These are my 2 favorite coaching hires so far.  A couple more is coming and my top 2 could change, But they would have to be pretty impressive to do so.  Disagree? Agree? Or have input that i missed? 


Good rationale.  If only we had picked Malcolm Brown in the first who became a stalwart member of the NE D-Line his rookie year, we could have diminished them and enhanced our line with youth and depth.  Another massive blown pick by Grigson.  Now we need PR and OL and he's whiffed on those picks all but once (Mewhort, who is our best lineman in my opinion, far better than Costanzo).  We should have 4 young franchise players from those 4 first round picks and at best we can hope Dorsett pans out after a quiet and injury plagued year.   (Tiny receivers get hurt..duh...).   He doesn't appear to be Hilton 2.0 so let's just hope he can stay on the field and play the slot.  But I digress, your choices seem good, but I am not sure I agree with the premise our LB's have been limited by coaching, more like old age.  And Sio Moore obviously wasn't very valuable or wanted by Oakland and didn't do much for us either (he was a huge disappoint in my opinion this year).  So though he might be a great coach, when the players are all ancient and hurt it is hard to coach them up.  10 years ago we'd have a Super Bowl ready LB Corps.  But now we have an AARP convention at those spots.  

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2 hours ago, SilentHill said:


You don't know that, we will see how  these players operate under someone who seems to know what they are doing.

You are right we might have the next demarcus ware or Watt on the team just wasn't used right , maybe a 10 sack guy is somewhere on this team lol like Hughes soon as he left colts 

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On 1/25/2016 at 10:27 AM, JPFolks said:

Good rationale.  If only we had picked Malcolm Brown in the first who became a stalwart member of the NE D-Line his rookie year, we could have diminished them and enhanced our line with youth and depth.  Another massive blown pick by Grigson.  


You mean like they did with Henry Anderson and David Parry?

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On 1/24/2016 at 11:44 PM, Coltsman1788 said:

Colts haven't had a hard nosed defensive team since they left Baltimore. 1995, 2005, were probably the best defenses they've fielded in the Indy era.  In 32 years...You can count on one hand the number of good Indy defenses


you must have tuned out in the late eighties. GREAT defense, good special teams, and anemic offense

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On January 24, 2016 at 11:44 PM, Coltsman1788 said:

Positivity rings hollow when the team continues to have the same exact weaknesses season after season despite what they do.  Every offseason fans say these things will get better but it doesn't.  Colts haven't had a hard nosed defensive team since they left Baltimore. 1995, 2005, were probably the best defenses they've fielded in the Indy era.  In 32 years...You can count on one hand the number of good Indy defenses. I doubt the ex Ravens linebackers coach, first time defensive coordinator will buck the trend here.  


While I agree with the premise, it could be noted that "good" should be referred to as "great". To me, that's a Top 5 on a consistent basis of more than 1 year. As far as Monachino goes, ex-Raven or not, he has the credentials & wherewithal to make a defense great. 


Give the guy a chance. I think a lot of people are in for a shock. Maybe not the first year, but a very good to great LB Coach has the catalyst of starting a formidable DC. OLB & ILB game changers are the absolute battery of creating great defenses. History has shown that unequivocally.

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I'm a fan of all of the coaching changes.  Wish Grigson got the boot, but I am convinced they will be on the same page from here on out.  Chuck didn't have to fight for his job, and especially didn't have to backup Grigson, but that type of action speaks volume to a relationship, within the entire organization. 


All of the staffing changes I've seen and the experience (resumes) really gives me high hopes.  Coaching has been criticized for a long time, and I think Chuck shouldered the blame unfairly.  With better staff support, making these players better, and bringing in a few more pieces to the puzzle, while letting weak links or high salary/underperformers go, I believe this team is back at the top of the AFC next year.  If Peyton goes, I feel the Broncos drop a few notches.  They may lose some key players anyway, so if it's not this season, then next year.  Furthermore, Brady isn't too far behind Peyton from retiring.  I just don't see any other powerhouses waiting in line afterwards.  Steelers will be our only big competition.  Sure the Raven's Chiefs, Chargers, Bengals will still be relevant, but I see a sizable talent gap, if we can progress and hold on to our core.


As for the individual coaches what was the best pickup, I almost think it's to close to call.  Given the circumstances of all of our weaknesses (OL, pass rush, health of players), they're ALL important.  Philben with his experience is HUGE, Monachino's history with developing pro bowl caliber LB's is HUGE, Krein's award for strength and conditioning is HUGE.  Shoot even Williams and Schottenheimer are big hires.  I wouldn't put their name in with the other 3 but I'm sure they will be an upgrade to what we previously had.  I'm already excited for what next season has in store, and it's not even past the Super Bowl.  Bring on the 2016-2017 year already!! 

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On 1/23/2016 at 1:20 PM, ColtRider said:


Ditto, IndyD4U! The Colts have not enjoyed a very good to great defense in a long while. Monachino & Krein now have the luxury of trying to do that very thing. It is my most sincerest wish that this organization finally establishes that. 


The foundation of NFL Championships lies in it's defense.

The bolded part is 100% correct. Just look at the teams in the super bowl. Two great defenses.

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On 1/25/2016 at 10:27 AM, JPFolks said:

Good rationale.  If only we had picked Malcolm Brown in the first who became a stalwart member of the NE D-Line his rookie year, we could have diminished them and enhanced our line with youth and depth.  Another massive blown pick by Grigson.  Now we need PR and OL and he's whiffed on those picks all but once (Mewhort, who is our best lineman in my opinion, far better than Costanzo).  We should have 4 young franchise players from those 4 first round picks and at best we can hope Dorsett pans out after a quiet and injury plagued year.   (Tiny receivers get hurt..duh...).   He doesn't appear to be Hilton 2.0 so let's just hope he can stay on the field and play the slot.  But I digress, your choices seem good, but I am not sure I agree with the premise our LB's have been limited by coaching, more like old age.  And Sio Moore obviously wasn't very valuable or wanted by Oakland and didn't do much for us either (he was a huge disappoint in my opinion this year).  So though he might be a great coach, when the players are all ancient and hurt it is hard to coach them up.  10 years ago we'd have a Super Bowl ready LB Corps.  But now we have an AARP convention at those spots.  


Isn't the sample size just a touch too small to say that Dorsett was a wasted pick?


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On January 23, 2016 at 0:53 AM, Lawrence Owen said:

So far there are a few new hires in the coaching area that I am excited about.


#1: By far is Philbin.  Putting a guy who is a 'players coach" is always good.  He works with a players strengths rather than trying to change who they are to fit what he wants.  He understands the game as a whole  -being a head coach in Miami-, But his strength is o-line - GB-.  He should dramatically change  they way our o-line protects Luck, AND improve our run game by leaps and bounds.


#2: Ted Monachino.  Our strength on defense is the D-line now. (IMO)  And I believe we have talent at the LB position, but coaching has limited their progress.  Ted is a basics guy who will get these guys to play fast and hard rather than watching a play unfold.  (which is what our Lb's were doing early in the year in 2015.)  


These are my 2 favorite coaching hires so far.  A couple more is coming and my top 2 could change, But they would have to be pretty impressive to do so.  Disagree? Agree? Or have input that i missed? 



It's fine to like the Philbin hire but don't make up some garbage about he is a "players coach".  That's it completely false and couldn't be further from the truth based on what I saw on Hard Knocks.

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3 hours ago, shakedownstreet said:


you must have tuned out in the late eighties. GREAT defense, good special teams, and anemic offense

You are probably right  as I'm not any where close to the Indy tv market and didn't actually get to watch many Colts games during that stretch because the national market ignored the team because they were so bad.  I live in Virginia...fan from the Baltimore days a few seasons before the move to Indy.  That was way before Sunday ticket, etc, and I was probably slightly too young to walk into a sports bar back then.  But I was still a Colts fan.  Our offenses back then were so bad that they over shadowed anything positive about the team during those days.  Lol. So it's very possible that those defense didn't stick in my mind. Duane Bickett, Jon Hand and a few others come to mind but I didn't see too many Colts games on tv during that time. 

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On 1/25/2016 at 8:27 AM, JPFolks said:

Good rationale.  If only we had picked Malcolm Brown in the first who became a stalwart member of the NE D-Line his rookie year, we could have diminished them and enhanced our line with youth and depth.  Another massive blown pick by Grigson.  Now we need PR and OL and he's whiffed on those picks all but once (Mewhort, who is our best lineman in my opinion, far better than Costanzo).  We should have 4 young franchise players from those 4 first round picks and at best we can hope Dorsett pans out after a quiet and injury plagued year.   (Tiny receivers get hurt..duh...).   He doesn't appear to be Hilton 2.0 so let's just hope he can stay on the field and play the slot.  But I digress, your choices seem good, but I am not sure I agree with the premise our LB's have been limited by coaching, more like old age.  And Sio Moore obviously wasn't very valuable or wanted by Oakland and didn't do much for us either (he was a huge disappoint in my opinion this year).  So though he might be a great coach, when the players are all ancient and hurt it is hard to coach them up.  10 years ago we'd have a Super Bowl ready LB Corps.  But now we have an AARP convention at those spots.  

Dorsett and has not even really got the chance to prove himself yet. He has flashed potential though. Calling that a wasted pick already is frankly stupid. And Brown didn't play all that well for NE majority of the year. Parry who we got in 5th had a better year overall than he did. So us not getting Brown is not a miss at all. Plus we picked up Henery Anderson who was on Pace for a bigtime year. 

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12 hours ago, Jason_S said:


You mean like they did with Henry Anderson and David Parry?

exactly... imagine if we'd had Brown as well... he sure seemed to be valuable to New England.  He was sitting there... many here (perhaps you were always against Brown, I don't know) were stunned we left him sitting there.  WR's are being pumped out of Colleges in very high numbers.  I know Dorsett was supposed to have transcendent speed and I hope we see the benefit of it.   But imagine the combination of Anderson, Parry AND Brown, all learning and playing together into the future. Art Jones hasn't been on the field enough and it would have been nice to go into next season with Brown among out other standout D-Linemen.   

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10 hours ago, jskinnz said:


Isn't the sample size just a touch too small to say that Dorsett was a wasted pick?


I would still agree with this assuming he IS a standout.  He was a LUXURY pick, not a foundational one.  Of course no one knew back then how useless Johnson would turn out to be (though I was on record saying we'd have been better off keeping the money, resigning Wayne for a season and going forward, and I was told I was crazy and that Johnson was going to be our #1 receiver this year and going forward through his contract, blsah blah blah.   That certainly did NOT happen).  Wayne, I argue, even with all the QB problems, would have helped us win one more game and get into the playoffs, where, we'll never know if Luck could have come back and turned our team and season's fortunes around dramatically in the playoffs. 


I hope Dorsett turns out to be a solid player for us.  Brown proved by his play in NE that he is/was and will be a solid player for them.  

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5 hours ago, JPFolks said:

I would still agree with this assuming he IS a standout.  He was a LUXURY pick, not a foundational one.  Of course no one knew back then how useless Johnson would turn out to be (though I was on record saying we'd have been better off keeping the money, resigning Wayne for a season and going forward, and I was told I was crazy and that Johnson was going to be our #1 receiver this year and going forward through his contract, blsah blah blah.   That certainly did NOT happen).  Wayne, I argue, even with all the QB problems, would have helped us win one more game and get into the playoffs, where, we'll never know if Luck could have come back and turned our team and season's fortunes around dramatically in the playoffs. 


I hope Dorsett turns out to be a solid player for us.  Brown proved by his play in NE that he is/was and will be a solid player for them.  

Well what's the point in getting brown when we got someone who's pretty much equal to him in production like Parry and someone who was playing up to the standard of Watt (without the sacks) in Anderson? I mean yes it would be good depth but Anderson is the superior player and he isn't the first round pick and he also wasn't struggling during any games he was in like brown

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