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Bring Manning back home to be GM.


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In 2011, after Manning's neck surgery,  I had suggested him as GM before we brought in Grigson (not well received among the fans). But there was still a chance for Manning to win more SBs with Denver, and that's what I think Irsay wanted for Manning - a chance - not just to say 'bye'. There are titles that people have, then there are the roles they play (often quite different). I think Peyton Manning understands football very well from a talent and tactical perspective (good for a GM), but I don't know if he understands people and strategies enough to be a HC - yet.


The Colts have serious systemic problems. They will either fix them or they won't. I can't say I'm very confident that the problems will be solved because, historically, they keep getting repeated - same problems with different individuals. We'll see.



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Peyton Manning has the capability to do just about anything he wants to in the NFL, as long as the situation presents itself. Besides that, he also holds the deck to go & do whatever hits his fancy. I can't imagine Peyton being away from the game he so dearly loves. So, I think he stays in the NFL after his playing days are over. But, to underestimate Manning in any venue where it concerns the NFL would be making a very grave and sincere mistake.

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I love how the rationale to hire Manning as an OC, a position that would pay him about 1/16 of what he makes now, really boils down to three reasons.

1) He knows how to read defenses.

2) He can run an offense.

3) He ran the team when he was here.


This baffles me. Do people really think that offensive coordinators in the highest, most competitive level of football, do not know how to run an offense or read defenses? Also, are people aware of the fact that you have roughly 40 seconds between plays? There's no way you can expect Manning to force feed coverage to the QB in the final 8 to 10 seconds before the snap. He ran the team when he was here? I think there is very little evidence of that. I'm sure he had some say, but I don't see a scenario where a man who was as much as a control freak as Polian was letting someone else do his job for him. Manning is beloved in Indianapolis and he is a great person, but I doubt he will ever be an offensive coordinator or head coach in the NFL. Executive, yeah maybe. I think it's time for people to move on from their "Manning Coaches The Colts!!" fantasy.

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On 12/31/2015 at 10:54 AM, MCurtis32 said:

Grigson was a player and talent scout. His first time out hasn't gone well. Let him go elsewhere. Manning has run his term in Denver. He needs to be the colts OC and GM. Let Pagano do what he does best, motivate and teach. Give the offense to Manning for Luck to move forward. It would take the bad vibe out of the locker room and this team could move forward.


 Scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a thread. Ridiculous stuff!

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On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2015 at 11:42 AM, Steamboat_Shaun said:

I don't know, seems unlikely. I could, however, see Irsay bringing in Jeff Saturday as an o-line coach, or potentially GM if he were to move on from Grigson at some point. He's smart, has an o-line pedigree, was a player's union guy, and he'd be a homerun with fans.


As far as Manning goes, if he decides to stay in football, I see him going back to Tennesse in some capacity, either at UT or in Nashville working with the Titans. Otherwise I think there's a long TV analyst career waiting for him.

You may have hit on a good thing with Jeff Saturday. He is smart, well liked and IMO does know talent.

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

You may have hit on a good thing with Jeff Saturday. He is smart, well liked and IMO does know talent.


CC, do you think Saturday would entertain the idea of being a GM for any team, or just Indy? Jeff is quite a remarkable NFL guy. Smart, experienced, well-spoken, and understands how to evaluate talent and win. I would assume he's quite knowledgable with business tactics as well. I know he earned a degree in business @ North Carolina White Chapel. May be too early yet for an executive position in the NFL, I don't know. Seems he'd welcome the opportunity if challenged & offered.

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5 hours ago, ColtRider said:


CC, do you think Saturday would entertain the idea of being a GM for any team, or just Indy? Jeff is quite a remarkable NFL guy. Smart, experienced, well-spoken, and understands how to evaluate talent and win. I would assume he's quite knowledgable with business tactics as well. I know he earned a degree in business @ North Carolina White Chapel. May be too early yet for an executive position in the NFL, I don't know. Seems he'd welcome the opportunity if challenged & offered.

I am not sure if Jeff would be interested? He was one of the first to enter my mind about who could give the GM a try. Most are wanting an experienced person but IMO Jeff is an exceptional guy. He has experience in negotiations so he might be a person of interest?

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6 hours ago, Restored said:

In a dream world, I could see a Manning OC/ Adam Gase HC tandem that helps Luck set 1.5 million records.


But then realty kicked in.

I think Adam Gase would love to coach Andrew Luck.and we would love the results.

Remember that Jim Irsay cut Peyton...  That fence might be tough to mend

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1 hour ago, Jules said:

Every week or two someone starts the "Find a way to use Peyton in Indy as coach, manager, trainer, bus boy, cook" thread.



I personally think he should team up with Bob Lamey on the radio. See I just found another one haha but as a broadcaster it would be cool to listen to him locally here on Sunday.

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2 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

and the surest way to get Indy fans to hate Peyton is to make him the coach


"Fire Peyton" threads every week........


Besides I doubt it ever happens. I don't know why people think it will. Did anyone ever ask Peyton himself if he wanted it? I think he has a lot of options for his future in general.

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On 12/31/2015 at 0:22 PM, General_Hux said:

I believe that Peyton is done with the Colts organization.  I would guess that he'd rather not retire a Colt, or come back to the team in any capacity.  I could see him going to the Titans...a good chance to put the screws to the Colts a couple of times a year which I'm guessing he'd enjoy.  He'll be in the Ring of Honor so he'll at least come back for the ceremony.  Beyond that, he's done here and I think it's very important that people move on from him. 


Thankfully his work with the children's hospital will probably never cease, that's a part of his legacy that I think he places a lot of importance on. 



May I ask where is everyone getting their information about Peyton being upset with Irsay and the organzation.

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Very rarely can a team bring back it's hero and it turn out well.  GMs and coaches ALWAYS get fired eventually.  Elway may be the rare exception, but someday his turn may come as well.  If Manning became coach, it would have to be a Bill B. kind of situation where he makes all decisions and he stays forever.  I don't see that happening. 


He'll do a funny cameo in a movie or 2.  He'll do the NFL studio thing.  He'll do commercials.  He'll eventually buy ownership into a team...I think.

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On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2015 at 6:33 PM, lennymoore24 said:

Curious, in the history of the NFL, when has their ever been a truly great player that became a great coach.  Maybe Dick LeBeau?  Peyton is a great QB but it doesn't mean he can easily relay that same information and strategy to someone else. I have noticed a pattern that most successful coaches played football at some point in their lives.  And people they knew them said they were like a coach on the field and coaching up other players. I have never heard that of Peyton.  He is lasered in on his job, taking all the reps, and what he needs to do.  I don't know that he has the personality to be a GM or OC or coach.  I think he would be better as an administrator.


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