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Mort: Reports Surface Of Irsay Taking Luck No Doubt (Merge)

Phil J

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Still dont have a GM and its not April yet so who cares who reports what ...

Well if it was just pure speclation I would agree with you it doesn't mean much but coming from the owner it does carry more weight than normal. He's the one guy who can trump the GM and who knows maybe part of the reason the hot names didn't want to come to the Colts (and I am not saying they didn't want to come the Colts as a fact maybe the Colts didn't have interest in them) was during the interview Irsay told them he wanted to keep Manning and draft Luck and the guy felt like that was a bad plan. Just throwing a theory out there I have NOTHING to back that up with.

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Yes, I see it that way as well and it could be the reason Polians were let go - they wanted to give Manning the benefit of the doubt and Irsay didnt want to take the risk another year. Either way until the selection is actually made its all speculation.

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It wont be musical chairs, Manning will start Luck will back him up and at some point Manning will retire or we will move him in the future and Luck will become the starter. I don't think anyone is calling for them to split time as starters if we take Luck and keep Manning.

Clearly the down side to having both on the roster is that if Manning struggles at some point it does open the door for a QB controversy.

this has been overly stated on a lot of places but since I enjoy debating with you im gonna re say it anyways lol :)...

do you finnanctially working out? im talking about cap, and the money spent on QB overall next year (arround 51 millions? obviously thats not entirely on the cap but it is still the big bucks), the media circus..and what are you doing? preparing for the future? or trying to win now? how do you field a competetive team trying to win 1 more for PM with over 23 million on the qb alone?

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Mario Williams had already signed to the Texans before he was even officially drafted. Bush was never in Hou agenda.

Mario may have been their pick all along, but the smokescreen was Bush. pretty sure McNair mentioned him several times, which led to the media speculation that the pick had already been made.

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Luck is the only decision. In todays NFL you don't pass up the chance at taking a QB, especially one of this kids caliber and our current situation with Peyton.

And those of you who disagree with it, that's the main reason why you're pounding your keyboards at home in anger rather than working in an NFL front office.

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Luck is the only decision. In todays NFL you don't pass up the chance at taking a QB, especially one of this kids caliber and our current situation with Peyton.

And those of you who disagree with it, that's the main reason why you're pounding your keyboards at home in anger rather than working in an NFL front office.

you must have an office at some team somehwere right?

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Dude, it's only the beginning. You're going to see tons of people come on here mad about us taking Luck and saying Irsay is a terrible owner and all this stuff. Brace yourself

It's not going to end till either the Colts release Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck is signed under contract to the Colts or we trade the pick. Those are the only three ways this is giong to end.

i know that, but atleast people can quit making a million treads about trading the first pick

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discuss. well, i added "no doubt", LOL, but that's the gist of the report. Schef/Mort report on ESPN Saturday countdown

If you draft them both....and Manning is OK...you can trade Luck in a year or 2...

..or you can extend his contract at big money to wait until Manning retires...

Its makes sense.

Basically,..,you delay the decision on Luck/Manning for 2 years

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The Colts would be dumb to say anything else. Even if they decide to trade the pick there is no reason to state that. All that would do is drive down the value of the pick. They should continue to say that the Colts want to draft Luck even if they decide not to.

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The Colts would be dumb to say anything else. Even if they decide to trade the pick there is no reason to state that. All that would do is drive down the value of the pick. They should continue to say that the Colts want to draft Luck even if they decide not to.

Just cause the Colts say they want Luck does not drive up the price for him. In fact, if they really wanted to trade the pick, they would get teams into a bidding war for it and probably get a higher price that way. Them saying they want Luck means, guess what? They actually want to draft Luck!

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Just cause the Colts say they want Luck does not drive up the price for him. In fact, if they really wanted to trade the pick, they would get teams into a bidding war for it and probably get a higher price that way. Them saying they want Luck means, guess what? They actually want to draft Luck!

I didn't say that. If other teams know that the Colts do not want to draft Luck they are less likely to offer as much as when they think that the Colts do want to draft him. If I know that you do not want something that I want, I will not offer as much as when I believe that you really want to hold onto to that item.

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Said it plenty of times this season ... LUCK = LEAF!

And what makes you say that? Leaf had a questionable work ethic, questionable leadership skills and questionable personality traits...and also rumors of drug/gambling problems which later (in his own book) turned out to be true.

Luck is a Stanford grad with out any of those same questions that Leaf had.

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Just cause the Colts say they want Luck does not drive up the price for him. In fact, if they really wanted to trade the pick, they would get teams into a bidding war for it and probably get a higher price that way. Them saying they want Luck means, guess what? They actually want to draft Luck!

Exactly Luck is widely thought to be the hands down first draft pick so the Colts are making no major news to drive the price up by saying they will draft him first overall. You drive the price up by saying you'll take someone higher than where they would be drafted hoping to make a team that really wants him to come up and get the pick not unlike what happened with the Jets and Sanchez he went flying up draft boards that the Jets were willing to pay a lot to go get him. Teams alreayd know if you don't hold the top pick you aren't getting Luck so the Colts saying they are going to take him doesn't help that value. I know this is hard for some people to believe but it could very well be that the Colts really are going to draft Luck.

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this has been overly stated on a lot of places but since I enjoy debating with you im gonna re say it anyways lol :)...

do you finnanctially working out? im talking about cap, and the money spent on QB overall next year (arround 51 millions? obviously thats not entirely on the cap but it is still the big bucks), the media circus..and what are you doing? preparing for the future? or trying to win now? how do you field a competetive team trying to win 1 more for PM with over 23 million on the qb alone?

I think Irsay's take on this after seeing what happened when they didn't get Elway, what happened when they got the wrong guy in George, and after they nailed the Manning pick is if you really think Luck is going to be an Elway or Manning you can't pass on him and hope you get a QB down the road. So I do expect them to take Luck.

As for Peyton Manning, I go back to something Dungy said today that he makes calls with his heart as much as his head and make no mistake the call to if we keep Manning or not is going to be Jim Irsay's call just like the call with releasing Marvin was his call (remember it was Irsay who had the last meeting with Harrison before they did it). I think Irsay is going to look at Manning and if he's healthy and understand that we aren't talking about just another player here we are talking about the guy who in a lot of ways saved his franchise and is going to want to keep him and will.

I think from there as far as money I think irsay views the QB as the most important poistion on the field and if he has the right guy there then you can get by with less talent at other poistions because you expect that QB to make the others around him better which is part of the reason he's getting paid so much money. I think Irsay will also feel like they would be protected incase Manning gets hurt with with Luck so I don't think the money will bother him.

I also think that if that is what they will do they will probably release some other guys to make more room (guys that could ALL end up falling in this catagory include Brackett, Bullitt, Addai, and maybe even Clark depending on what happens with the rest of free agency). I think he they will then rework Manning's deal once a new league year starts which is something Manning has always been willing to do. I don't think Manning will fight this because he's smart enough to figure out that they are going to take Luck either way so if he says no he wont rework his deal that isn't going to help that and that the money that is freed up from him reworking his deal will help keep other players who will help him win now. So the person he would really hurt by saying no is himself. I think they will then look at Freeney and extend him. I've already heard that talked about an the number I was seeing was lowering his cap hit down to about 13 million which is a lot but it would free up six million which should help some.

So it will be tight no question which is why I am not counting on us being able to go out and get free agents like others are. The Colts might also not be able to rebuild everything this year and it make take a year or two to be a real Super Bowl team again (note by real I mean a team like the Colts are used to being where they are one of the best teams in the NFL) but I also think it's realistic to think this team could be right back in the playoff hunt next year and as we've seen if you get in that's all it takes.

As for the media I think the Colts will always do what they do with the media and just tune them out. As for what are they trying to do? Win now but make sure the future is secured so the team doesn't fall apart after Peyton Manning retires. We aren't the first team to be a playoff contending team while having our QB on the future on the roster. No those other teams might not have used the top overall pick on the guy but the 49ers won a couple of Super Bowls with Steve Young on the roster and the Packers went to a NFC Title game with Rodgers on the roster. It can be done if managed right.

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ok, in my opinion, what needs to happen is the following:

1. ax caldwell, he has zero "fire"

2. ban curtis painter from being within 100 miles from any colts facility.

3. hire polian back (admit the mistake)or get parcells (excellent talent finder)

4. go after (fisher, gruden, or that ex pittsburgh coach...or just simply get dungy back

5. figure out finances with peyton to ensure we keep him and retire him no matter what

6. trade the pick and restock a few positions (or take griffin - more exciting)and will wait

7. sign david gerrard (he sat all year and was worth at least 8 wins)and orlovsky as backups

8. get pro active in the free agent market (plenty of talent out there)

9. re-sign reggie wayne and jeff saturday

10. do NOT resign joseph addai

last but not least...do NOT go after andrew luck....his body language suggests he is not happy with all the talk of the colts taking him....he is cocky and thinks he needs to be a starter right out of the gate...and he is not willing to wait and learn thanks to the media blowing him up....he will be a mediocre qb at best...people always buy into the hype....remember ryan leaf, anyone?

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last but not least...do NOT go after andrew luck....his body language suggests he is not happy with all the talk of the colts taking him....he is cocky and thinks he needs to be a starter right out of the gate...and he is not willing to wait and learn thanks to the media blowing him up....he will be a mediocre qb at best...people always buy into the hype....remember ryan leaf, anyone?

Have u seriously watched him play? U want rg3 cause he's more "exciting"???

Andrew luck isn't Ryan leaf he isn't pm elway big Ben or any other qb. He is Andrew luck. other qbs being great or being bust aren't important. He has all the tools to be a great qb. His body language says he wants to play right away just like every qb does. He actually isn't cocky at all. Watch a guy play before you hate on him.

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ok, in my opinion, what needs to happen is the following:

1. ax caldwell, he has zero "fire"

2. ban curtis painter from being within 100 miles from any colts facility.

3. hire polian back (admit the mistake)or get parcells (excellent talent finder)

4. go after (fisher, gruden, or that ex pittsburgh coach...or just simply get dungy back

5. figure out finances with peyton to ensure we keep him and retire him no matter what

6. trade the pick and restock a few positions (or take griffin - more exciting)and will wait

7. sign david gerrard (he sat all year and was worth at least 8 wins)and orlovsky as backups

8. get pro active in the free agent market (plenty of talent out there)

9. re-sign reggie wayne and jeff saturday

10. do NOT resign joseph addai

last but not least...do NOT go after andrew luck....his body language suggests he is not happy with all the talk of the colts taking him....he is cocky and thinks he needs to be a starter right out of the gate...and he is not willing to wait and learn thanks to the media blowing him up....he will be a mediocre qb at best...people always buy into the hype....remember ryan leaf, anyone?

1. Fire or no fire has no baring on how good of a coach you are. Examples BB in New England who might be more boaring than Jim Caldwell and Todd Hayley in KC who was as firy as any coach in the NFL and look how that worked out.

2. I am starting to feel bad for Painter at this point, everyone knows he's not good enough to be a NFL QB it's not his fault the team put him out there.

3. Neither of those is going to happen.

4. Fisher is going to St. Louis or Miami and the other three are all happy broadcasting and have all said they have no interest in returning to coach but money could change that if we fire Caldwell.

5. I am sure figure out the cap and what to do with Peyton are going to be on the new GM's to do list.

6. Doesn't sound like it's going to happen. Also just because someone is more "exciting" doesn't mean they are going to be a better player.

7. Again not going to happen, if we don't have money to keep all our other vets we aren't going to be able to go sign a big name back up QB who has already said he's going to want a shot at starting. Orlovsky could stay if money is right.

8. We probably aren't going to have money for that unless we release Manning in which case we are going to be rebuilding which probably means they might get a guy or two but most of it will probably happen threw the draft like most teams that are rebuilding.

9. We have to first talk Saturday out of retiring. We then have to see what the money looks like.

10. Addai is under contract so there is nothing to do with resigning him.

You are judging an awful lot based on one interview after a game in which his team lost because his kicker blew two kicks. You have no idea of knowing that Luck feels like he has to start day one. He has never said that and in fact just about anytime he is interviewed he is very humble. I find it interesting that you think you know more than NFL scouts who have spent years studying this stuff and get paid to study this stuff who keep saying this guy is the real deal. Could he be a bust? Sure you always have that risk however, with Luck that risk seems to be smaller than normal.

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1. Fire or no fire has no baring on how good of a coach you are. Examples BB in New England who might be more boaring than Jim Caldwell and Todd Hayley in KC who was as firy as any coach in the NFL and look how that worked out.

2. I am starting to feel bad for Painter at this point, everyone knows he's not good enough to be a NFL QB it's not his fault the team put him out there.

3. Neither of those is going to happen.

4. Fisher is going to St. Louis or Miami and the other three are all happy broadcasting and have all said they have no interest in returning to coach but money could change that if we fire Caldwell.

5. I am sure figure out the cap and what to do with Peyton are going to be on the new GM's to do list.

6. Doesn't sound like it's going to happen. Also just because someone is more "exciting" doesn't mean they are going to be a better player.

7. Again not going to happen, if we don't have money to keep all our other vets we aren't going to be able to go sign a big name back up QB who has already said he's going to want a shot at starting. Orlovsky could stay if money is right.

8. We probably aren't going to have money for that unless we release Manning in which case we are going to be rebuilding which probably means they might get a guy or two but most of it will probably happen threw the draft like most teams that are rebuilding.

9. We have to first talk Saturday out of retiring. We then have to see what the money looks like.

10. Addai is under contract so there is nothing to do with resigning him.

You are judging an awful lot based on one interview after a game in which his team lost because his kicker blew two kicks. You have no idea of knowing that Luck feels like he has to start day one. He has never said that and in fact just about anytime he is interviewed he is very humble. I find it interesting that you think you know more than NFL scouts who have spent years studying this stuff and get paid to study this stuff who keep saying this guy is the real deal. Could he be a bust? Sure you always have that risk however, with Luck that risk seems to be smaller than normal.


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now if manning does go elsewhere as a free agent , where do you think he would go? i have thought about this ever since i heard he might be gone and there really arent many options that fit him.

teams that desperatly need a quarterback...

buffalo, cleveland, jets, denver, washington, seattle, cincinnati, tennessee.....none of these work because they are outdoor/cold/wet teams...peyton is not that type of qb

good fits for him are: arizona, minnesota, miami, and depending on what crazy jerry jones does with romo...dallas. there really are no other options for him, so with this scenario hopefully he stays a colt forever, then becomes coach or gm after a couple of years behind the camera

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now if manning does go elsewhere as a free agent , where do you think he would go? i have thought about this ever since i heard he might be gone and there really arent many options that fit him.

teams that desperatly need a quarterback...

buffalo, cleveland, jets, denver, washington, seattle, cincinnati, tennessee.....none of these work because they are outdoor/cold/wet teams...peyton is not that type of qb

good fits for him are: arizona, minnesota, miami, and depending on what crazy jerry jones does with romo...dallas. there really are no other options for him, so with this scenario hopefully he stays a colt forever, then becomes coach or gm after a couple of years behind the camera

Most analysts say San Fran for Peyton

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uh mp, my niece goes to stanford, he isnt all that...dont believe the hype...jamarcus russell was the hottest thing since sliced bread....its all about selling tickets. plus rg3 will be a little bit cheaper. i have been through the mill with the colts probably long before you were born (1969 - current) and i have seen some doozies at qb, you have to realize we will not get another pm, he is the best thing that has ever happened to the colts......jeff george was supposed to be our savior, remember? big arm but innacurate and came with an attitude. besides the colts have the reputation as being a speed team and maybe a mobile qb might be exciting for the fans, but only after peyton has left the building. but if you want another ho-hum sam bradford on your squad then thats your choice, you must have been happy with painter

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uh mp, my niece goes to stanford, he isnt all that...dont believe the hype...jamarcus russell was the hottest thing since sliced bread....its all about selling tickets. plus rg3 will be a little bit cheaper. i have been through the mill with the colts probably long before you were born (1969 - current) and i have seen some doozies at qb, you have to realize we will not get another pm, he is the best thing that has ever happened to the colts......jeff george was supposed to be our savior, remember? big arm but innacurate and came with an attitude. besides the colts have the reputation as being a speed team and maybe a mobile qb might be exciting for the fans, but only after peyton has left the building. but if you want another ho-hum sam bradford on your squad then thats your choice, you must have been happy with painter

Well there we go we can scrap Andrew Luck because Coltsfaninvegas's niece says he isn't all that...

Why on earth does Irsay even need a GM he's got the forum to tell him what to do and it'll save him a lot of money!

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