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Mort: Reports Surface Of Irsay Taking Luck No Doubt (Merge)

Phil J

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I would think this must be a smokescreen,because i can't imagine why he would declare this so early before combine/proday even arrives.He must be positioning himself to hype up the value.If i'm not mistaken,couldn't he draft luck now,if he wanted?We have the overall pick.I think the dolphins did something similiar with jake long.

Not surprising, He's just saying we will be taking Luck. If you want him go over the top & make a crazy offer.

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He will sit & Manning will never be traded!!

Never say never in the nfl. Same thing was said in green bay about Favre. That they would never release or trade him. I know it's not the same exact situation but crazier things have happened.

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It's not going to end till either the Colts release Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck is signed under contract to the Colts or we trade the pick. Those are the only three ways this is giong to end.

It won't end then.

If they release Manning and Luck struggles,

If they release Manning and Luck is okay, but Manning moves on and gets a Lombardi,

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning isn't typical Manning, you'll have people calling for his head.

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning is his typical self, you'll still have people calling for Luck to play.

This place is going to be radioactive for quite some time... Far longer than the 3 months that I mentioned earlier...

Maybe when they fire Caldwell they can demote him to being a mod, they are going to need all the help they can get.

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Perhaps the crudely laid plan is to trade Manning for picks down the road?

What I do know is this; Opposing fans/the media are going to be hating on the Colts something awful for this.

Who knows what will happen in the future if we keep Manning. Maybe in two to three years when we've paid most of his bonus we can look at trading him not unlike the 49ers did with Montana when they knew for sure what they had in Steve Young.

Also Manning has always said he wants to play 16 years in the NFL. Depending on how he counts this year he's played 13 or 14 years so if he plays 2 or 3 more years that will put him at 16. Maybe he just retires after that. If so Luck fits in here much better.

Maybe he plays all four years of his contract and the Colts have to make a hard call when they feel Luck is ready and it gets messy like it did with the Packers (although that seemed to work out in the end for the Packers).

Heck maybe Manning can't even come back and this whole arguement looks as foolish as the people freaking out because we beat the Texans a couple of weeks ago and "blew" the top pick.

All I know is two to three years is a life time in the NFL. Don't believe me look at where we were just two years ago. I also know it's two early to write off anything rather it be cutting Manning, keeping both, trading the pick whichever. Everything is on the table right now, especially since no GM is in place.

Personally, what I THINK is going to happen based on what is being said is that Jim Irsay wants to keep Manning and draft Luck and deal with the rest of the roster from there.

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It won't end then.

If they release Manning and Luck struggles,

If they release Manning and Luck is okay, but Manning moves on and gets a Lombardi,

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning isn't typical Manning, you'll have people calling for his head.

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning is his typical self, you'll still have people calling for Luck to play.

This place is going to be radioactive for quite some time... Far longer than the 3 months that I mentioned earlier...

Maybe when they fire Caldwell they can demote him to being a mod, they are going to need all the help they can get.

Well then it becomes a debate on did the Colts make the right move not what are they going to do.

I remember when we traded Faulk and drafted Edge the Star every Monday had a story on the back they had, the back they could have had, and the back they do have. I would expect something like that here if Manning and Luck aren't on the same roster next year.

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It won't end then.

If they release Manning and Luck struggles,

If they release Manning and Luck is okay, but Manning moves on and gets a Lombardi,

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning isn't typical Manning, you'll have people calling for his head.

If Manning is paid & Luck is drafted and Manning is his typical self, you'll still have people calling for Luck to play.

This place is going to be radioactive for quite some time... Far longer than the 3 months that I mentioned earlier...


Some people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about, and you can't please all of the people of of the time.

Football is great entertainment, watch and enjoy.

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Well then it becomes a debate on did the Colts make the right move not what are they going to do.

I remember when we traded Faulk and drafted Edge the Star every Monday had a story on the back they had, the back they could have had, and the back they do have. I would expect something like that here if Manning and Luck aren't on the same roster next year.


The less volatile situation will be if Manning retires, but you'll still have some that will say Irsay/Colts forced him to retire, and that will be said even if he's not given a full release by the Doctors. It's just the nature of people.

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Im ready for that backlash, but more important, im ready for Andrew to take control of this team. Gonna be a shaky couple of seasons (ala 1998's 3-13), but we are gonna be right back in the thick of things. next 10 years after a 1 or 2 rough ones is gonna be fantastic.

getting my #12 jersey printed the first week in May.

Well said!!! I for one would like to see Manning play for 2 more years and then Luck take over. And yes, as you said we might struggle for a season or 2 when that happens, but then we will be back in playoff/superbowl contentions. Remember people, that we did go 3-13 in Manning's rookie year, and look how his career turned out. Everything will be okay.

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I honestly don't see a problem. Peyton has shown he is a team guy. He puts the better of the team over himself. He knows if Andrew Luck comes onboard, it helps the overall team and ensures they will be good after he retires. So why would their be a problem? Andrew Luck knows this is a team committed to winning and, other than this year, does win. So sitting a couple of years behind Manning could be very beneficial to him.

I have no evidence, but it seems to me both guys are respectful to the game and their teams. I really don't see any problem.

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After all the countless post on this forum about Luck, (including my comments), watch him crap out and pull and Elway or Eli. Lol, hopefully he makes his own decision and isn't influenced by his father who might be saying, "son go somewhere where you can play from the get go.". :facepalm:

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Doesn't mean they won't trade him or he won't pull an Eli. Of course you pick Luck, then sort the whole situation out. Everything will fall into place.

Your right everything will fall as it may but the BC will continue until it's done one way or another. :omg: Then you can't please everyone and some will still say even if he's healthy Peyton should have been released or traded because he's old and Luck will be the answer to all the problems we have on the team. It's going to be an interesting year to say the least and I have faith that Irsay will do what's best for the team whether I agree with his decisions or not it's his team and I respect that. What a year we have had.

Now the wait until the draft will be a circus. :argue:

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After all the countless post on this forum about Luck, (including my comments), watch him crap out and pull and Elway or Eli. Lol, hopefully he makes his own decision and isn't influenced by his father who might be saying, "son go somewhere where you can play from the get go.". :facepalm:

Can you imagine what the board would look like then ? :nutz:

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Your right everything will fall as it may but the BC will continue until it's done one way or another. :omg: Then you can't please everyone and some will still say even if he's healthy Peyton should have been released or traded because he's old and Luck will be the answer to all the problems we have on the team. It's going to be an interesting year to say the least and I have faith that Irsay will do what's best for the team whether I agree with his decisions or not it's his team and I respect that. What a year we have had.

Now the wait until the draft will be a circus. :argue:

Indeed about that, fortunately my head has no hair to pull out of it. It's good that Indiana basketball is back in full force with the Pacers & IU, thus eliminating some of the anxiety I have over the current Colts situation. It also helps to focus on something else, but this Colts soap opera drama is just to hard to avoid lol!!!! :facepalm:

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I can't recall an owner saying who he'll pick months ahead of the draft (maybe Colts with Elway when he was in Yanks farm system) anybody know? Maybe Irsay knows more about Manning's medical progress then what is being told- Perhaps, Irsay may force Manning's hand to work out that 28 Mil deal or ask to be traded?

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If we take Lake and keep Manning I think what are you seeing is an owner that has decided the most important poistion on a team is the QB and that if you have a chance to have a franchise QB you do it. Think about it he's seen just about everything you can from franchise QBs. He saw the guy that got away in Elway when they traded him and how that turned out. He saw what happens when you miss on one in Jeff George and he's seen what happens if you nail the pick with Peyton Manning.

I'll admit I was young when George was drafted but I've always seen that when he was drafted he was viewed as the best QB in the draft and the Colts needed a QB, not unlike Tim Couch or David Carr were seen going into the draft vs. a guy like Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck who were viewed as the best player in the draft rather you needed a QB or not. I think that's not saying much but I think sometimes guy get bumped up to number one overall because they are a QB and the team holding the pick needs a franchise QB vs. the other view point of hey this is the best guy period.

I also think Irsay is banking on if you get the franchise QB in place he'll make others around him better like we have seen from Peyton for years where as it's harder for other good players to make the QB better. If they do that then yeah they probably are worh the $50 mil it will cost to have them both here. I also think the Colts are going to go to guys like Freeney and Manning and say hey we need to rework your deals to help keep talent around you. Manning has never had a problem doing that before and seems to be legit when he says he is a team guy. As for people saying Manning wont do that because it makes money for Luck that's not really the case. I think the Colts are going to tell him look we are taking Luck either way we would like you to rework your deal so we have money to keep other players to help you win now. If you say no we are going to have to let some of the player who can help you win right now go and go in more of a total rebuilding phase. In fact I doubt that converstation probably wont need to happen. If I can figure that out I am sure Peyton Manning and his agent are smart enough to figure that out on their own.

It sounds like, and again this is just what I am getting from listening to things, that Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck are both going to wear horse shoes next year. This is assuming Peyton is healthy and Luck doesn't try to force the Colts to trade him which are both still very real possiablitys.

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Bush to the Texans. but........ ;)

Did the owner ever really say that? I seem to remeber him always hinting that they might not take Bush and the media had decided that Bush was going to be the pick. With that said I'll admit I don't remember it that well so I could very well be wrong.

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I agree that he will be our pick but it appears the answer is no this wont end the talk of trading the pick. Sometimes I wonder if Luck is signed and dressing for the Colts next year, rather it be as a back up or starter, if that will end the talk about it.

This is a discussion forum; there is no need for the conversation to end. If Luck is drafted by the Colts, the question will no longer be "will the Colts draft Luck, but should they have traded the pick?"

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This is a discussion forum; there is no need for the conversation to end. If Luck is drafted by the Colts, the question will no longer be "will the Colts draft Luck, but should they have traded the pick?"

Good night it was joke...

When have I ever said you can't talk about it?

Also if you keep reading you'll notice I said something very close to what you said when I responded to Firejimcaldwell.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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