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What to expect from Chud


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Don't read too much into that. It was different circumstances. They had a rookie QB. They also installed some read/zone for Cam. 


If we run this like the Cowboys did in the 90s then we are only a few offensive lineman from becoming the scariest offense in the NFL.


If this guy was wise enough to stay with the run and get production out of Trent Richardson in the backfield I'm very curious what he'll do with a Gore and Bradshaw combo.  I'm ready to get my first glimpse on Sunday!  Gore and Bradshaw beasting it with Luck striking off the play action pass.  At least that's what I'm hoping I'll see..............

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Don't expect the run game to take off. Deangelo Williams didn't have great things to say about Chud after he left. It was nothing really bad, but it was basically along the lines that things opened up for him after Chud left.

Expect a better passing game and for Fleener and Allen to finally be utilized. It'll be a more balanced passing attack overall.

A big reason for that is because Chud likes bigger running backs and more a pound and ground mentality.  IN 2007 with the Browns Jamaal lewis had nearly 300 carries and 1400 yards.  In 2011 with the Panthers, Williams wasn't happy because he had to split carries with a bigger, bruising type back... Jonathan Stewart.  Combined thought they had nearly 300 carries and almost 1600 yards.  Gore does not have the size of Lewis or Stewart but he is still the same type of RB.

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Take a look at New England (as much as it pains me). Not only does Brady get rid of the ball so darn quickly, the variation of mixed offensive schemes is ridiculous. That's why Belichick & Co. have been so successful over the years while incorporating the correct players to run them. It's really an ingenious strategy. I've been touting that line since I arrived here a year ago with Schematic/Systematic Football. There's a whole host of possibilities learning from the best. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

It would serve Indianapolis well to absorb some of these aspects.

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I expect immediate improvements, Seriously doubt the playbook changes, maybe add a few plays here and there, probably remove a bunch of plays. The play calling, game planning, and adjustments were always the biggest issues and those are immediate fixes with a new OC.

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What ever to expect from Chud, realize he will try to implement it this week....do you honestly think Indy can get a full grasp in less than a week? against the BEST defense in the NFL?...bad timing....................................


He isn't really implementing much of anything new.  He will just likely have a better idea of what to do with the personnel groupings and some of the play calling. He'll probably run the football with much more conviction and implement more play action.

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Speculation about Chud is premature.  Just cut him some slack and see what he does over the rest of the season.

And don't expect miracles immediately against the Broncos D who totally stifled Aaron Rogers.


I remember that game we played against Cincinatti last year during the regular season. We totally dominated them and everybody was talking about us.  Pittsburghs fans were clearly afraid of playing Indy and honestly Big Ben was kind of struggling and getting sacked a lot before that game.  We went on the road and everything flipped on us.  We got a nice beat down from that team.  That's how I'm viewing this Broncos game somewhat.  I believe something like that could happen on Sunday.  This team is backed into a corner right now.  I'm expecting a pretty good ball game buddy.

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Lol..you guys are giving the Broncos too much credit wade Phillips defenses can be beat and if you don't know already luck has beat his defense before..this time he has a little more weapons but the Broncos offense is the same as last time. Actually it's worse they struggle to run besides last game and vontae can exclude Thomas..toler and Jackson should be the only ones worried being that sanders and Davis are probably gonna eat them alive

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One overarching sentiment about Chudzinski was offered by Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam when Chudzinski was introduced as the team's coach in 2013: "He is tremendously innovative. We are very bottom-line people. You look at results. The last two years, Rob was coordinator at Carolina and they scored 88 touchdowns. We scored 48."


Another statistical observation of Newton under Chudzinski: The quarterback had per-attempt averages of 8 yards and 7.8 yards in 2011 and 2012, respectively. That underscores the fact that Chudzinski pushed the ball down the field (it helped that the Panthers had receiver Steve Smith back then). Compare those numbers to struggling Colts quarterback Andrew Luck's current average per attempt – 6.3 yards, 31st among the 32 quarterbacks with at least four starts – and there's a stark difference.



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One overarching sentiment about Chudzinski was offered by Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam when Chudzinski was introduced as the team's coach in 2013: "He is tremendously innovative. We are very bottom-line people. You look at results. The last two years, Rob was coordinator at Carolina and they scored 88 touchdowns. We scored 48."


Another statistical observation of Newton under Chudzinski: The quarterback had per-attempt averages of 8 yards and 7.8 yards in 2011 and 2012, respectively. That underscores the fact that Chudzinski pushed the ball down the field (it helped that the Panthers had receiver Steve Smith back then). Compare those numbers to struggling Colts quarterback Andrew Luck's current average per attempt – 6.3 yards, 31st among the 32 quarterbacks with at least four starts – and there's a stark difference.




I agree with all of this.


It is my belief that Pep was stuck between two different offensive philosophies and he was struggling to make a mixture of the two work.

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One overarching sentiment about Chudzinski was offered by Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam when Chudzinski was introduced as the team's coach in 2013: "He is tremendously innovative. We are very bottom-line people. You look at results. The last two years, Rob was coordinator at Carolina and they scored 88 touchdowns. We scored 48."


Another statistical observation of Newton under Chudzinski: The quarterback had per-attempt averages of 8 yards and 7.8 yards in 2011 and 2012, respectively. That underscores the fact that Chudzinski pushed the ball down the field (it helped that the Panthers had receiver Steve Smith back then). Compare those numbers to struggling Colts quarterback Andrew Luck's current average per attempt – 6.3 yards, 31st among the 32 quarterbacks with at least four starts – and there's a stark difference.




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I remember that game we played against Cincinatti last year during the regular season. We totally dominated them and everybody was talking about us.  Pittsburghs fans were clearly afraid of playing Indy and honestly Big Ben was kind of struggling and getting sacked a lot before that game.  We went on the road and everything flipped on us.  We got a nice beat down from that team.  That's how I'm viewing this Broncos game somewhat.  I believe something like that could happen on Sunday.  This team is backed into a corner right now.  I'm expecting a pretty good ball game buddy.


krunk keep posting stuff like this.  I completely agree with "backed into a corner" statement.  We know we're a dangerous team, time to just let loose.  Time to stop being a mechanical, forced offense and just play.

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I expect a more efficient offense, not as predictable, and more balanced. We'll utilize our two TE's and run the ball more.

After the bye is when I expect to see this. I don't know that I expect that dynamic of a change in 5 days

Yup. Pagano in his presser was asked about Chud and one thing pagano said is there will be an emphasis on "running the ball." About jumped out of my seat when I heard that.

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Sounds like it and based on what we observed on the offensive side of the ball so far, he may be right.


Here's another shot fired I think:


The tempo of the offense going forward was a popular topic from Pagano and Luck on Wednesday. The Colts have had plenty of fourth-quarter success in implementing a quicker pace. While that could be an option to be used a little more, Pagano also reiterated that Chud “believes in running the football” when describing the Colts new offensive coordinator.

Chuck Pagano on new Colts offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski:


“I feel Chud gives us fresh perspective.

“Chud is a really bright guy, a really innovative guy.”





So what you're saying here Pags is Pep was the opposite. Not Bright, Not Innovative, DIdn't believe in running the football

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ffe282510964cf2783abd660827b4f50_normal. 2m
Pagano on Chud: “I feel like Chud brings fresh perspective…He knows our strengths, weaknesses, understands the talent."
So what you're saying here Pags is Pep didn't know or understand any of these things.



I don't think he was taking a shot. Listening to the presser, he was just commenting on how he thinks Chud can help. Wasn't meant to be a side by side comparison of Pep and Chud.

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Unfortunately no he wasn't. Pep thought he could come here and play Stanford ball. Seen it from day one and knew that crap wasn't going to fly. You have the best of the best playing. Not a Stanford team with a bunch of NFL guys beating up on teams that will never sniff the NFL. Unless you have the Cowboys o-line you're not informing your will on anyone.

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I would hope that Chud incorporates the West Coast style offense. Fits Andrew exactly.

Those expecting Chud to incoporate the short passing game might be in for a disappointment.  He likes attacking down field.  While he was a Carolina, Cam Newton averaged over 8 yards per pass attempt.  This year Luck is currently around 6+ yrds/game and everyone was already complaining about Pep not making Luck throw more short passes.  If anything Chud will have him attacking downfield more.  Chud is not a West Coast  guy. 

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Those expecting Chud to incoporate the short passing game might be in for a disappointment.  He likes attacking down field.  While he was a Carolina, Cam Newton averaged over 8 yards per pass attempt.  This year Luck is currently around 6+ yrds/game and everyone was already complaining about Pep not making Luck throw more short passes.  If anything Chud will have him attacking downfield more.  Chud is not a West Coast  guy.

I didn't expect. I suggested. And if Chud thinks he can just continue on with PH's philosophy, he'll be looking for a job as well.

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One overarching sentiment about Chudzinski was offered by Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam when Chudzinski was introduced as the team's coach in 2013: "He is tremendously innovative. We are very bottom-line people. You look at results. The last two years, Rob was coordinator at Carolina and they scored 88 touchdowns. We scored 48."


Another statistical observation of Newton under Chudzinski: The quarterback had per-attempt averages of 8 yards and 7.8 yards in 2011 and 2012, respectively. That underscores the fact that Chudzinski pushed the ball down the field (it helped that the Panthers had receiver Steve Smith back then). Compare those numbers to struggling Colts quarterback Andrew Luck's current average per attempt – 6.3 yards, 31st among the 32 quarterbacks with at least four starts – and there's a stark difference.



What did Haslam say about Chud when he fired him several months later? Lol

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If this guy was wise enough to stay with the run and get production out of Trent Richardson in the backfield I'm very curious what he'll do with a Gore and Bradshaw combo.  I'm ready to get my first glimpse on Sunday!  Gore and Bradshaw beasting it with Luck striking off the play action pass.  At least that's what I'm hoping I'll see..............

I think Chud only coached TRich for a few games before the Rolling Whiffle Ball of Butter Knives was traded.

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I expect a shocking turn around.  Maybe not this coming game, but after that.  I know Luck is throwing the interceptions, but I think Chud will put him in a better situation to succeed.  And that will have a ripple effect on the defense, which plays well when they aren't asked to defend a ball after 3 and outs all the tie or turnovers.  I think the Colts will be a very dangerous team come playoffs.


I know people are saying the talent isn't there.  The offensive line is weak.  Luck regressed.  I think this will magically disappear with a good gameplan.  Mark my words.  Luck was getting killed because he most often had nowhere to go with the ball and no rhythm in the game plan.

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I expect him to realize that it isn't illegal to score in the first half.

Funniest line in this thread HCF. Thanks for making me laugh. I needed that brother!  :thmup:


You mean we can generate more than a field goal before halftime? Holy Moly Man. What a novel concept.  An offense that actually puts up points & rests our defense. Santa came early this year. God, I hope so. 

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Funniest line in this thread HCF. Thanks for making me laugh. I needed that brother!  :thmup:


You mean we can generate more than a field goal before halftime? Holy Moly Man. What a novel concept.  An offense that actually puts up points & rests our defense. Santa came early this year. God, I hope so. 


You are welcome bro! 

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You are welcome bro! 

It was a classic line that almost make roll on the floor my man & anybody that makes me chuckle that hard I've gotta shower with praise HCF. Beautiful job. 


When the only guys we can cheer about for 2 quarters are Adam V. & Pat McAfee that's not good man. Not slamming any Colts player at all BTW. I just wanna enter the end zone more frequently that's all.


I read all your posts BTW even though I may not comment on everyone of them. Not too many Guinness celebrations this year for INDY buddy. Major bummer. Hang in there.  

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haha Good grief is right. Now turn around and head back to New England. Need directions? Slow thinker, my ...

Well said CS. Andrew has proven in previous seasons that processing information correctly & distributing the ball to the right open guy is not his fatal flaw. 


Just because Luck's interceptions are too high this year, it doesn't mean he's washed up or overrated Throwing BBZ. Skip Bayless is that you? LOL! 

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It was a classic line that almost make roll on the floor my man & anybody that makes me chuckle that hard I've gotta shower with praise HCF. Beautiful job. 


When the only guys we can cheer about for 2 quarters are Adam V. & Pat McAfee that's not good man. Not slamming any Colts player at all BTW. I just wanna enter the end zone more frequently that's all.


I read all your posts BTW even though I may not comment on everyone of them. Not too many Guinness celebrations this year for INDY buddy. Major bummer. Hang in there.  


If we had scored just 1 FG in the first half, and we had topped Panthers Monday. No OT no FG-sling in OT. Besides sentences with IF have not much sense after...


Perhaps I can have more Guinness in the 2nd Half of the season...slow start you know. :-))) I hope our Colts are stepping on it now!

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Chud will utilize his assets and not ignore them. TE's .... and RB's out of the back field. Pep was just in way over his head vs NFL DC's.

Nice to see a post from you JD. Yeah, I hope Chud will be more innovative than Pep was. Perhaps Hamilton was better suited for the college game as you suggest. Time will tell. knock on wood. 

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If we had scored just 1 FG in the first half, and we had topped Panthers Monday. No OT no FG-sling in OT. Besides sentences with IF have not much sense after...


Perhaps I can have more Guinness in the 2nd Half of the season...slow start you know. :-))) I hope our Colts are stepping on it now!

Ah huh, false starts, defensive encroachment penalties, missing an open Dwayne Allen, & lethargic 3 qtr performances until Luck wakes up in the last 15 minutes is getting too familiar to us all I think in recent weeks.


I'll be patient, but it's not easy at the moment HCF. I hear ya completely.  

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