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What to expect from Chud


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Ah huh, false starts, defensive encroachment penalties, missing an open Dwayne Allen, & lethargic 3 qtr performances until Luck wakes up in the last 15 minutes is getting too familiar to us all I think in recent weeks.


I'll be patient, but it's not easy at the moment HCF. I hear ya completely.  


It isn't easy at all. But I hope we make the best out of this season...we can.

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I'd love to know to what extent Grigson controls the offense. Presumably, he controls the starting lineup and hirings, but does Grigson really do anything related to the actual play-calling or game plans? I somehow doubt he has that much control.

Same here. What leverage does he have over Pagano? Grigson comes up to him and says "this is who we are starting, and these are some of the plays that should be ran"...Pagano can't even say "no that's not what we are going to do. I'm the coach". I just don't understand it really...I mean I highly doubt he would get fired because Grigson crosses the line between GM and coach. But then again I don't know sick'em from sock'em

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I believe Chud is a Norv Turned disciple.....so dont expect a west coast type offense.

He indeed is (Turner guy), if you heard Rick Venturi on Dan Dakich yesterday, you get insight into what type of play calling we will likely see (too late to put in a whole new system like Pagano said).  He will be a balanced play caller, heavy protection schemes.  So, quite a bit of running but lots of extra protection for Luck on passing downs.

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I don't think he was taking a shot. Listening to the presser, he was just commenting on how he thinks Chud can help. Wasn't meant to be a side by side comparison of Pep and Chud.


You could be right certainly, but I think the word choices of "Innovative" and "Understanding the Talent" and some of the other things he chose to say come on the heels of him saying:


“I think when you keep seeing the same thing over and over again, through the course of time, we needed a change,” he said, adding that both owner Jim Irsay and general manager Ryan Grigson were on board. “We’ve got the talent, the grit and the character (to win), and this was something I just felt like we needed to do.”



I could be reading too much into it but when you make pointed comments about seeing the same thing over and over again it intrigued me that he chose to use "Innovative"  which is the exact opposite of "Same thing over and over again" which is monotony. Lack of creativity, Lack of ability to adjust to circumstances, Lack of understanding of how resources should properly be deployed. Which coincidentally was the absolute definition of our offensive problems.

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If this guy was wise enough to stay with the run and get production out of Trent Richardson in the backfield I'm very curious what he'll do with a Gore and Bradshaw combo. I'm ready to get my first glimpse on Sunday! Gore and Bradshaw beasting it with Luck striking off the play action pass. At least that's what I'm hoping I'll see..............

It almost feels like we're starting the season anew.

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You could be right certainly, but I think the word choices of "Innovative" and "Understanding the Talent" and some of the other things he chose to say come on the heels of him saying:


“I think when you keep seeing the same thing over and over again, through the course of time, we needed a change,” he said, adding that both owner Jim Irsay and general manager Ryan Grigson were on board. “We’ve got the talent, the grit and the character (to win), and this was something I just felt like we needed to do.”



I could be reading too much into it but when you make pointed comments about seeing the same thing over and over again it intrigued me that he chose to use "Innovative"  which is the exact opposite of "Same thing over and over again" which is monotony. Lack of creativity, Lack of ability to adjust to circumstances, Lack of understanding of how resources should properly be deployed. Which coincidentally was the absolute definition of our offensive problems.


If you listen to the presser, I think you might draw a different conclusion.

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If you listen to the presser, I think you might draw a different conclusion.

So, I'm interested in your assessment as to what you think Chudzinski will do. I've already read your post as to "tweaks" might help the offense. Small changes for the short term, if I understand you, and see what develops after that. However, kinda want to know your take on the "after that" scenario. I know things are not always privy to everyone. I really value your knowledge. You're usually right on with many things the Colts have done, are doing, will do.

And please everyone, save me the "lap dog" comments. Just because I align myself frequently with someone else's thinking doesn't justify the negativity in such matters.

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So, I'm interested in your assessment as to what you think Chudzinski will do. I've already read your post as to "tweaks" might help the offense. Small changes for the short term, if I understand you, and see what develops after that. However, kinda want to know your take on the "after that" scenario. I know things are not always privy to everyone. I really value your knowledge. You're usually right on with many things the Colts have done, are doing, will do.


I don't know. It depends on how long this staff lasts. If Pagano is out after this year, then I assume Chud goes with him and there is no "after that."


If things turn around, then I don't think there's a need for more significant changes to the offense. It's really too bad that Pep couldn't get it together, but I really think the minor tweaks are all that's necessary. I assume Chud will get rid of the stuff he doesn't like right now, and maybe some new install comes in the offseason, if he gets the chance. But nothing major.

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I don't know. It depends on how long this staff lasts. If Pagano is out after this year, then I assume Chud goes with him and there is no "after that."


If things turn around, then I don't think there's a need for more significant changes to the offense. It's really too bad that Pep couldn't get it together, but I really think the minor tweaks are all that's necessary. I assume Chud will get rid of the stuff he doesn't like right now, and maybe some new install comes in the offseason, if he gets the chance. But nothing major.

Just saw Chud's presser. He impressed me. If what he said, works out, then yeah, I'm with you on nothing major. But judging from his comments, those "consistency" factors and changing plays to support player's strengths just might be the key to fixing some of this.

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I think and hope this will change the dynamics of our offense Greatly. The play calling has been a major issue for quite some time. For those of you who don't know Chud, He was just fired from the Brown a few years age as thier head coach, and even though he was fired after one year he did a great good coach that team. He will get Luck back to his former self, and back into a heavy tight-end based system. We should see much improvement, but the real issue caused only be Grigson is our o-line. I wont get into much speculation, but I'm guessing the real rift between Pagano and Grigson is solely on the makup of the team. That is what's truly getting under Pagano's skin, but at the same time Pagano has a hard time motivating his team for games. Enough of that, this last game was lost on bad play calling period. I mean it was bad. I remember watching the game thinking to myself, why everytime we have success running the football don't we mix it up with a pass or just be diverse, make the defense think. Pep became so predictable in that game it was almost hard to watch, Most kid call better games on madden. Hopefully the firing will light a fire under these guys butt on offense from the top to bottom. Chud got a lot on his hands but something tells me he will be just fine. 

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I just watched Pagano & Chud press conferences. They are saying all the right things: "Start like we finish" & I loved that reporters question about getting our TEs more involved since Allen feels like he hardly been targeted this season. As far as influences go, Norv Turner & Marty Schottenheimer have had their moments in this league so in terms of coaching trees it's pretty solid. 


At this point, I'll be happy to see even marginal improvement with running lanes, TEs, & easy QB throws to establish a rhythm & comfort level for Andrew. I don't expect miracles just basic competence. I'm pulling for you Chud. 

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I get what he meant but when Chuck said that Pep is a great guy, smart coordinator, & he appreciated his contributions in INDY. I know he was just trying to cushion Hamilton's blow. 


It's like that classic dump line: It's not you; it's me. It's you. Or that line from Monty Python's "Meaning Of Life"..."God has blessed my children so much that I was fired today & your mother & I will have to sell you all off as scientific experiments now." [Dark sarcasm doesn't appeal to everyone in comedy I know.] 


It's just this little cruel mirage trick HCs always perform on command after they release a staff member. He's an awesome dude, bright guy, & we love him but we gotta go in a new direction. Sigh...


I've been let go before Pep. It sucks. Hang in there man & I wish you & your family good fortune in landing a new job Mr. Hamilton. I truly mean that too. 

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Those expecting Chud to incoporate the short passing game might be in for a disappointment.  He likes attacking down field.  While he was a Carolina, Cam Newton averaged over 8 yards per pass attempt.  This year Luck is currently around 6+ yrds/game and everyone was already complaining about Pep not making Luck throw more short passes.  If anything Chud will have him attacking downfield more.  Chud is not a West Coast  guy. 

Don't forget when he was with the Browns, He had Derek Anderson looking like a reincarnation of Dan Marino for a while.  Made receiving Targets look like pro bowlers, whom today are nearly forgotten.

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Don't forget when he was with the Browns, He had Derek Anderson looking like a reincarnation of Dan Marino for a while.  Made receiving Targets look like pro bowlers, whom today are nearly forgotten.

Yeah..I completely forgot about that.  I remember Derek Anderson flashing impressively for awhile before falling back into obscurity. So Chud was the man partly responsible for Anderson's impressive play during that period, huh? Interesting. 

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