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Perception of Colts fans


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Maybe people want to actually watch the game and not be on their computers. You know, having people over, partying, at the bar, at the game, etc....... you'll have to excuse some people for not wanting to chat online during a game. I personally don't even text much during a game. Usually only after a TD.

I'm never online during a game, and my phone is off.  ...no distractions...lol

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I am glad to read a lot of these comments and I feel similarly. Much of the time I really do let comments made by the media slide. I really do. This past week I've felt a need to rally the troops. I just feel that Colt fans are getting brushed aside and misrepresented . I don't feel that this teem is going to get clobbered tomorrow night : I think we are too good. And, I like to see the pride in a lot of these comments

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Hi Lawrence I read your comments and I agree. I think our corners really, really need to play the best game of their season so that we can stay competitive. Again , what I would love to see is the utmost support and noise tomorrow nite at LOS. I would love to see these guys completely outplayed, pounded to the turf and embarrassed but I realize that is unlikely....

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I know that seems true.... it feels true.... but it's actually not.

For example.... football: Dallas get tons of coverage... so do the Bears when they're good. So does Green Bay and Denver and San Franc and Seattle.

Basketball: Look at Miami and Golden State and San Antonio and Oklahoma City and so on....

Baseball: The two Chicago teams.... St. Louis, the Dodgers and Angels the two teams in Texas... Atlanta when they're good and so on...

If you're good and you have fans that engage with the media, you'll get plenty of attention.

But as far as the media is concerned, our fans just don't interact with the media so they don't cater to us as much.

We don't "click" on their websites, and we don't "move the needle" when it comes to TV and Radio. Not enough ratings.

If only there were more of us..........................

But it is true. Thats where the viewers and the tv money is centered unfortunwtely. The teams u mentioned.. Dwllas, pitt, gb, bears, etc are all "successful" franchises with super boels. Peyton really helped the Colts grow nationally. Quite possibly as much for his commercials as his play on the firld , all jokes aside.

Especially teams like dallas, pitt, gb, etc that have long trrm success and tv time, those "kids" rooting for those tesms now have kids and grandkids they "forced" to root for "their" team. Long term team success will grow a fan base exponentially much quicker. When pickng a team, everyone wants to root for a winner.

(I'mm in Pa, fell in love with The Shoe going to Colt games as a child in Baltimore watching Bert Jones and Marty Domres)

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I think Colts fans on this website spend way, WAY too much time worrying and complaining about how they're perceived by the National Media.


Get over it.


Look at this website for example.    The site claims we have roughly 20,000 members.    Yet only about 250 ever seem to post much.    You mean we have 19, 750 members who just want to come and read what the rest of us have to say?



I actually did that for a couple of years. Then I said why not register lmao

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Just want to clarify something. I've been reading a lot of garbage (for lack of a better four letter word) about how Colts fans are soft...The team will get gashed by the mighty PATS and the fans are a bunch of softies...First off, there are two professional teams with pro level players at every position playing tomorrow night. If anyone thinks Bill B. is going to run up the score "At will", they better gain a better understanding of the NFL. This isn't college or pop warner...The Colts will be ready tomorrow. There is a large Cali fan base and a worldwide Colts fan base that understands the Colts will play as professionals and for pride against a hated rival tomorrow night. We may not win, but this will be a dog fight and any Pats fans that want to come here and defend that they are welcome...


We hope so, that's what we want to see.  It hasn't been that way thus far, but they have to get over that hump eventually.  A good game is what I want to see.

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Maybe people want to actually watch the game and not be on their computers. You know, having people over, partying, at the bar, at the game, etc....... you'll have to excuse some people for not wanting to chat online during a game. I personally don't even text much during a game. Usually only after a TD.

I might peek in on the chat room during the game but very rarely. It seems that when anything negative happens in the game there are too many who start that fire everyone crap. Then they start talking about stuff that has zero to with the game. I would like the comments to be about the game, not their opinions about who should be fired. It's like a none stop whine fest.

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I think Colts fans on this website spend way, WAY too much time worrying and complaining about how they're perceived by the National Media.


Get over it.


Look at this website for example.    The site claims we have roughly 20,000 members.    Yet only about 250 ever seem to post much.    You mean we have 19, 750 members who just want to come and read what the rest of us have to say?


When we have a chat room,  it seems rare that we ever get even 100 members in there.    Whenever I look, it seems to be about 50-75 members.    Out of a possible 20,000.   What's that about.


And few read ESPN and are premium members.      And few read NFL.com.     So there are very, very few "clicks" on stories about the Colts.


The reason the main stream sports media spends so little time covering us is............   so few of us seem to care.    


I'm glad we typically sell out our games,  but we appear to have to work hard to do so.     Sure feels like we're a very small market.   


Our fans are nice people.....    but there are just not enough of us......

Good post. In regards to the level of Chat room participation...some of us just prefer to post over in the game thread.   But not a whole lot of fans there either really.  I think posting/chatting during the game just isn't everyone's cup of tea.  Most probably prefer to just focus completely on watching the game with family & friends and read what other fans think after the game. :2c:

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I think Colts fans on this website spend way, WAY too much time worrying and complaining about how they're perceived by the National Media.


Get over it.


Look at this website for example.    The site claims we have roughly 20,000 members.    Yet only about 250 ever seem to post much.    You mean we have 19, 750 members who just want to come and read what the rest of us have to say?


When we have a chat room,  it seems rare that we ever get even 100 members in there.    Whenever I look, it seems to be about 50-75 members.    Out of a possible 20,000.   What's that about.


And few read ESPN and are premium members.      And few read NFL.com.     So there are very, very few "clicks" on stories about the Colts.


The reason the main stream sports media spends so little time covering us is............   so few of us seem to care.    


I'm glad we typically sell out our games,  but we appear to have to work hard to do so.     Sure feels like we're a very small market.   


Our fans are nice people.....    but there are just not enough of us......



This isn't exactly right. I mean it is technically right, NYC, Chicago ect. are bigger markets, have more fans. I think the thing is that the actual fans that attend the games by in large aren't the type of fans that I'd compare with more "fanatical" fan bases. Colts games sure looks like a very middle aged, fairly well to do, mild type crowds. You're not going to hear from most them in this medium. 


Then there's 18# leaving. He was a big chunk of the national base. (this was the main point)

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I know that seems true....   it feels true....    but it's actually not.


For example....    football:   Dallas get tons of coverage...   so do the Bears when they're good.   So does Green Bay and Denver and San Franc and Seattle.


Basketball:    Look at Miami and Golden State and San Antonio and Oklahoma City and so on....


Baseball:       The two Chicago teams....     St. Louis,  the Dodgers and Angels the two teams in Texas...   Atlanta when they're good and so on...


If you're good and you have fans that engage with the media,  you'll get plenty of attention.


But as far as the media is concerned,  our fans just don't interact with the media so they don't cater to us as much.


We don't "click" on their websites,  and we don't "move the needle" when it comes to TV and Radio.     Not enough ratings.


If only there were more of us..........................

ESPN talking heads will tell you straight up there is an east coast bias. But it's common sense.....look where ESPN is based. Throw in the size of the cities it would be stupid for them not to give certain teams lots of coverage. If they were based in Chicago I'm sure they would have a Midwest bias.

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I think Colts fans on this website spend way, WAY too much time worrying and complaining about how they're perceived by the National Media.


Get over it.


Look at this website for example.    The site claims we have roughly 20,000 members.    Yet only about 250 ever seem to post much.    You mean we have 19, 750 members who just want to come and read what the rest of us have to say?


When we have a chat room,  it seems rare that we ever get even 100 members in there.    Whenever I look, it seems to be about 50-75 members.    Out of a possible 20,000.   What's that about.


And few read ESPN and are premium members.      And few read NFL.com.     So there are very, very few "clicks" on stories about the Colts.


The reason the main stream sports media spends so little time covering us is............   so few of us seem to care.    


I'm glad we typically sell out our games,  but we appear to have to work hard to do so.     Sure feels like we're a very small market.   


Our fans are nice people.....    but there are just not enough of us......

Solid post.  I grew up in Indy and have since left due to work and lived all over the US.  I can tell you that the town itself embodies "midwestern sensibilities" and people are a little more reserved and certainly a very respectful culture.  It's an extremely different attitude then say Philly, Boston and New York which are mostly miserable, and as a result, they have a ton of passion and football serves as an outlet plus college football has little impact on the pro game so it's all NFL.


Then you have people in the deep South who have a ton of crazy passion for College football but are much more tame about their pro teams e.g. Tennessee, Jacksonville, Atlanta  and Tampa.  They just don't care that much about their pro team unless they are winning.  Then they jump in.


You can throw out the small market argument as there are many small markets cities that thrive with their football team, the common thread is it's the main event in town.  You can find absolutely awesome fanatical fans in Buffalo, Green Bay, Pittsburgh and KC.  


I watch almost every Colts game in sports bars throughout the US and I never miss a game.  It's rare...I mean RARE I ever find another Colts fan watching the game, we simply don't travel or show up outside Indy and if the team starts to lose, watch out...people bail in a hurry.  Many transient fans in big cities have fans clubs.  There are two huge Buffalo Bills fan clubs in Atlanta....Buffalo!  I've never seen a Colts fan club because that's not how we roll.  If you see a Colts fan in a bar he's sitting solo, watching the game quietly win or lose, pay the bill and out as soon as it's over, this isn't soft, it's just Indy fans. 


In comparison, I was at the final four in Atlanta when IU last made the dance and if you want to see Indy's passion, we rolled!  We were 3 to 1 fans over Kansas, Oklahoma and Maryland fans.  IU basketball travels and travels well.  You would think for all the years of Colts success we would have that sort of passion and we just don't.  


I can't speak to fans out west, I haven't lived out there only visited, they strike me as a little more laid back about everything although 49er and Raider fans are intense.....Broncos as well.  By the way, anyone notice they play really good football in the state of Utah? Is that odd, no one ever mentions how good the football is in that state.  Salt Lake may need an NFL team, I digress.


Indy has come a long, long way in terms of fandom, I remember the wave on offense, people were so excited to have a football team and be in the dome but had no clue.  We're good fans but not fanatical and somewhat fickle....we'll fill the seats as long as we win.


So to the original post, to call our fans soft is way off, if anyone feels that way they simply don't understand what Indy is all about. The media doesn't even report on the "headline stories" that happen with players, coaches and owners if they cast a negative light.  And you guys know what I'm talking about.....

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Colts fans are kinda soft....if there even is such a thing. Many of you didn't want Suh because he plays too nasty. Many of you don't want Jim Harbaugh because he is too intense, etc... It seems many fans treat the Colts like another ameatur team. But that makes sense considering the popularity of ameatur sports in the state and the lack of pro teams through the yrs.

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Colts fans are kinda soft....if there even is such a thing. Many of you didn't want Suh because he plays too nasty. Many of you don't want Jim Harbaugh because he is too intense, etc... It seems many fans treat the Colts like another ameatur team. But that makes sense considering the popularity of ameatur sports in the state and the lack of pro teams through the yrs.

Bobby Knight.

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Colts fans soft? Wwe eat nails and poop barbwire. Matter of fact I just got don't framing up a shed with no hammer. Just these bare fists and some nails. NE fans aren't hard...most are just DBags...especially the ones in Indiana. Nut riding shmucks

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Colts fans soft? Wwe eat nails and poop barbwire. Matter of fact I just got don't framing up a shed with no hammer. Just these bare fists and some nails. NE fans aren't hard...most are just DBags...especially the ones in Indiana. Nut riding shmucks

My doctor requested I stop pooping barbed wire, I am getting older he said its hard on the colon.....everything out of the basement is now deflated for my long term success....

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Colts fans soft? Wwe eat nails and poop barbwire. Matter of fact I just got don't framing up a shed with no hammer. Just these bare fists and some nails. NE fans aren't hard...most are just DBags...especially the ones in Indiana. Nut riding shmucks

Hate to say it, but all the NE fans I have met have been pretty cool.

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Yeah, I have brough him up when people bring up the reasons for not wanting Harbaugh. Somehow they loved that bullying *, but Jimbo is just too much lol. Gene Keady wasn't exactly mild either.

You can be tough in Indy but you have to be perceived to be doing the "right thing"  Suh is not an Indy type of guy.  I think Harbaugh is, heck we hung him in the ring for three average seasons, we like us some Jim.  Timing wasn't right this time.  I can see him coaching this team someday just not now.  

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Yeah, I have brough him up when people bring up the reasons for not wanting Harbaugh. Somehow they loved that bullying *, but Jimbo is just too much lol. Gene Keady wasn't exactly mild either.

I would love to have Harbaugh if we end up coming short again in the Playoffs but as of now I'll just have faith in Chuck to get this rolling. I doubt Harbaugh would leave Michigan anyway after 1 season. He's turned Michigan around bigtime like he did the 49ers. Michigan should've won yesterday, that was a fluky loss but Jim is a favorite of mine. After 1995 how could not be for everyone + the Coaching jobs he has done.

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I would love to have Harbaugh if we end up coming short again in the Playoffs but as of now I'll just have faith in Chuck to get this rolling. I doubt Harbaugh would leave Michigan anyway after 1 season. He's turned Michigan around bigtime like he did the 49ers. Michigan should've won yesterday, that was a fluky loss but Jim is a favorite of mine. After 1995 how could not be for everyone + the Coaching jobs he has done.

I know he's not leaving Michigan after this season, but just alluding to the response he gets from some fans when the subject is brought up. I don't get the dislike either, but it's there.

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Don't pay any attention to the talking heads. They are the ones who are soft. From what I've seen, you guys are passionate and knowledgeable about your team. Be proud and good luck tonight.

Respect to you for this post.

I know a few respectful Pats fans.  But some fans give the rest bad names. -I guess that goes for all teams though-

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I know he's not leaving Michigan after this season, but just alluding to the response he gets from some fans when the subject is brought up. I don't get the dislike either, but it's there.

I would go up and move him to Indy personally. I love Harbaugh! Loved with him with the Colts and I think he's a awesome coach.

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Hate to say it, but all the NE fans I have met have been pretty cool.

Was referring to the ones I know personally. We go back and forth. Can't say much when they have our number. For the most part the ones here on the forum have always been cool.

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Just want to clarify something. I've been reading a lot of garbage (for lack of a better four letter word) about how Colts fans are soft...The team will get gashed by the mighty PATS and the fans are a bunch of softies...First off, there are two professional teams with pro level players at every position playing tomorrow night. If anyone thinks Bill B. is going to run up the score "At will", they better gain a better understanding of the NFL. This isn't college or pop warner...The Colts will be ready tomorrow. There is a large Cali fan base and a worldwide Colts fan base that understands the Colts will play as professionals and for pride against a hated rival tomorrow night. We may not win, but this will be a dog fight and any Pats fans that want to come here and defend that they are welcome...


I have good news for you Cali, the fans never take a snap, break a tackle, or throw a block.  It doesn't matter if they are soft or tough as nails.  More good news, a coach cannot run up the score.  So, you are correct that two pro football teams will take the field tonight and play the game.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as 'pro level'.  Professional simply means the players get paid.  Even in the era of the Salary Cap, there are very good teams and very poor teams.  The Pats are a very good team.  We don't know how good the Colts are at this point in time.  We also do not know the outcome of the game yet.  My advice to you is turn your computer off until game time.  Get some rest.  Relax.  Have a beer.  If the game is entertaining for you, watch it.  If watching it stress you out, turn off the television.  In the end, this is just a game.  It's supposed to entertain...make people happy.  If it doesn't, find a better way to pass the time.

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Was referring to the ones I know personally. We go back and forth. Can't say much when they have our number. For the most part the ones here on the forum have always been cool.

When I chatted at ESPN I got along with most of them too. Really Dolphins fans, RG3 fans, and for some reason Eagles fans are really the only fans I didn't get along with. When we played the Eagles in 2010 that Board was atrocious, Dolphins Board was the worst in 2012, and RG3 fans were just Trolls on Colts Game Threads in 2012.

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Just want to clarify something. I've been reading a lot of garbage (for lack of a better four letter word) about how Colts fans are soft...


I've been to games at LOS and watch them all on TV, it just doesn't have that ferocious NFL atmosphere that most other stadiums do have. I often watch with a few buddies who are fans of other teams, and they ask every single time of Colts fans, "Why is everyone sitting down?", to which I really have no response.


It's up to the fans at the games to make it loud and make sure that opposing teams don't like playing there, and until that happens, "soft" will be the word of the day.

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I've been to games at LOS and watch them all on TV, it just doesn't have that ferocious NFL atmosphere that most other stadiums do have. I often watch with a few buddies who are fans of other teams, and they ask every single time of Colts fans, "Why is everyone sitting down?", to which I really have no response.


It's up to the fans at the games to make it loud and make sure that opposing teams don't like playing there, and until that happens, "soft" will be the word of the day.

I just think because we have won 80% of the time at home with Peyton, now Luck our fans just expect victory and are laid back. We don't act like immature fans and have watched great Football for so long that we just go with the flow.

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Hate to say it, but all the NE fans I have met have been pretty cool.


Living in a transient place like CO, and dating back to when I lived in Cali, I have A LOT more friends that are New England fans than I have friends that are Colts fans. Generally speaking, just about everyone I know here in CO is a fan of another team, so if I want to talk Colts football, I HAVE to come to the Forum. And honestly, the only time I don't get along with New England folk is when I'm online and come across a troll. Outside of that, I'm really good friends with most of them that I've met.

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I'm a huge colts fan! I love them dearly! I've been watching ESPN NFL network etc... No one is giving us a chance to win against Brady and company. I've read sports gambling forums patriots forum etc... If I had the money I would gamble on MY COLTS to win tonight! I guarantee we win tonight! Close game but Colts will win!!! I don't see how we lose. I don't care who patriots have. Luck will come out swinging proving why he is the franchise for the COLTS! Every media outlet keeps saying its Brady's revenge game cause of deflate gate. But Luck has and the COLTS have something to prove too!!

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I've been to games at LOS and watch them all on TV, it just doesn't have that ferocious NFL atmosphere that most other stadiums do have. I often watch with a few buddies who are fans of other teams, and they ask every single time of Colts fans, "Why is everyone sitting down?", to which I really have no response.


It's up to the fans at the games to make it loud and make sure that opposing teams don't like playing there, and until that happens, "soft" will be the word of the day.

Did you ever attend a game at the RCA dome?  It was very loud, enough to get accused of piping in sound. I can recall flags being thrown back when the NFL had this notion that crowd noise was a penalty. The size and lay out of Lucas does not bide well for crowd noise. The RCA dome was 1 million sq. ft. seating 57,965 fans with 4 levels. Lucas is 1.8 million sq. ft. seating 63,000 fans with 7 levels. You could almost sit the RCA dome inside Lucas.

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