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3 of the #Colts 6 cornerbacks haven't practiced either yesterday or today (Greg Toler, Darius Butler, D'Joun Smith). That's not ideal.

— Josh Wilson (@JoshWilsonSB)

September 18, 2015

3 of the #Colts 6 cornerbacks haven't practiced either yesterday or today (Greg Toler, Darius Butler, D'Joun Smith). That's not ideal.

Yeah...... one of those LB's gotta go. We need to bring up Patterson from the PS not McNary

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If Taylor throwing for a 80% completion against us is any indication...its going to be a very long day with fitz throwing to Marshall and Decker. Davis and Brown on the outside and Price in the slot, then what happens if they go down?!? lol

You probably have to put one of the safeties in at CB... maybe Geathers or Guy / Anderson...

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Hopefully the CB issue is not as bad as we think. The only move I've seen use make on the PS today was release Robert Myers again and sign David Arkin.  No moves made in the secondary.


They can move guys up from the PS on game day. Not time to be concerned yet. They'll have practice tomorrow and a walk through Sunday, then game day prep Monday, and all day Monday for a guy like Smith to be cleared by a neurologist. 

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I disagree.  Fitz can win you games.  He can't carry your team, but if his play is good enough that he'll win a game or two for you


I don't want a Quarterback who has to play super good and still maybe win 2 games a year.  I mean if  Joe Flacco plays good he will win you 8 to 9,  Luck 10-12. 


Who wants a qb that will win three games a year? 

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Joe Flacco doesn't win games, the Ravens win games. 



Joe Flacco is the reason the Ravens won the Superbowl when they did. Look at his stat line in the playoffs. He beat Luck, Manning, Brady, and a really really good 49ers team.  He had an amazing passer rating and little to no turnovers. 

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Joe Flacco is the reason the Ravens won the Superbowl when they did. Look at his stat line in the playoffs. He beat Luck, Manning, Brady, and a really really good 49ers team.  He had an amazing passer rating and little to no turnovers. 


The Ravens beat the Colts, Broncos, Patriots and Niners. Flacco played well, absolutely. But they don't beat the Colts without that great pass rush. They don't beat the Broncos without Rahim Moore blowing the deep coverage. Etc. Let's stop acting like QBs win games, and let's definitely not act like Joe Flacco is the reason the Ravens are good. He's not.


Speaking of Fitzgerald, the other poster was saying that he can play well enough a couple times a season to be a difference maker, not that your team will win two or three games a year with him as the QB. The Texans were 9-7 last year.

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The Ravens beat the Colts, Broncos, Patriots and Niners. Flacco played well, absolutely. But they don't beat the Colts without that great pass rush. They don't beat the Broncos without Rahim Moore blowing the deep coverage. Etc. Let's stop acting like QBs win games, and let's definitely not act like Joe Flacco is the reason the Ravens are good. He's not.


Speaking of Fitzgerald, the other poster was saying that he can play well enough a couple times a season to be a difference maker, not that your team will win two or three games a year with him as the QB. The Texans were 9-7 last year.


Quarterbacks do win games, did you not see what happened when Peyton got injured his final year in Indy?


Take Ty Hilton off colts and colts may lose one, two games at a stretch in a season because of his absence. You take Luck off the colts this year, they go 5-11 at best. 


Take Joe Flacco off the Ravens the year they won superbowl, no way they get past Indy or Denver.    The quarterback is the most important position on the field, they can win, or lose you games.  There is a reason why they get paid that much money.   

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Quarterbacks do win games, did you not see what happened when Peyton got injured his final year in Indy?


Take Ty Hilton off colts and colts may lose one, two games at a stretch in a season because of his absence. You take Luck off the colts this year, they go 5-11 at best. 


Take Joe Flacco off the Ravens the year they won superbowl, no way they get past Indy or Denver.    The quarterback is the most important position on the field, they can win, or lose you games.  There is a reason why they get paid that much money.   


Sure thing.

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They can move guys up from the PS on game day. Not time to be concerned yet. They'll have practice tomorrow and a walk through Sunday, then game day prep Monday, and all day Monday for a guy like Smith to be cleared by a neurologist. 


Looks like the moves have been made.  Smith to IR designated to return and Eric Patterson brought up from the PS

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Man. I'm really freaked out about our CB situation. I swear I'd look at signing a vet off the streets by tomorrow.  Carlos Rogers would be better than Sheldon Price and Jahlil Brown IMO. I mean Price and Brown are nothing more than bottom of the roster corners. They are just number 4's and 5's on any given roster. Or what about Chris Cook? I don't think anybody's signed him either. Actually he;d be a pretty good option to keep as our number 4 until Smith's back honestly.

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Man. I'm really freaked out about our CB situation. I swear I'd look at signing a vet off the streets by tomorrow. Carlos Rogers would be better than Sheldon Price and Jahlil Brown IMO. I mean Price and Brown are nothing more than bottom of the roster corners. They are just number 4's and 5's on any given roster. Or what about Chris Cook? I don't think anybody's signed him either. Actually he;d be a pretty good option to keep as our number 4 until Smith's back honestly.

I legit live about 5 minutes from Chris Cook's parents, I'll drop by and have her tell Chris to have his agent give Grigson a call. I really liked Chris in High School and college.

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Lets be realistic here, Fitz isn't that good of a QB and the only reason the Jets won their game is because they played Johnny Football lol. They are a laughing stock. 


Actually,   they're not.    They're a good quarterback away from being a pretty good team.


And their defense is excellent.    And that's what we have to worry most about.

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Joe Flacco doesn't win games, the Ravens win games. 


Ummmm.......    for rebuttal,  please see the Raven's Super Bowl stretch and playoff drive.


Joe Flacco can absolutely win games,  and he has.


Perhaps not enough of them to suit you,  but he's won playoff games including a Super Bowl.    And those weren't games where he was just along for the ride.   

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Can Geathers play corner?  I think he should be out there.  I am sure Vontae will be on Marshall but Deckers a decent 2 with good size.  It'll be interesting if Butler and Toler are out.


I don't think Gaethers can play anything close to an NFL cornerback.  


He simply does not have the skill set.

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Ummmm.......    for rebuttal,  please see the Raven's Super Bowl stretch and playoff drive.


Joe Flacco can absolutely win games,  and he has.


Perhaps not enough of them to suit you,  but he's won playoff games including a Super Bowl.    And those weren't games where he was just along for the ride.   


I guess I was just being too snarky for everyone. I was responding to someone who thought that saying 'Fitzpatrick will win you a couple games' means that you'll literally only win 2 games if Fitzpatrick is your QB. 

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Actually,   they're not.    They're a good quarterback away from being a pretty good team.


And their defense is excellent.    And that's what we have to worry most about.


Okay, we will see on game day, the colts are elite.  The Jets at best are average, I'll comment on this post after the colts win by atleast 10 plus. 

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Man. I'm really freaked out about our CB situation. I swear I'd look at signing a vet off the streets by tomorrow. Carlos Rogers would be better than Sheldon Price and Jahlil Brown IMO. I mean Price and Brown are nothing more than bottom of the roster corners. They are just number 4's and 5's on any given roster. Or what about Chris Cook? I don't think anybody's signed him either. Actually he;d be a pretty good option to keep as our number 4 until Smith's back honestly.

Colts so thin at CB that Pagano just called my cell phone asking if I can suit up Monday Night.

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Joe Flacco is the reason the Ravens won the Superbowl when they did. Look at his stat line in the playoffs. He beat Luck, Manning, Brady, and a really really good 49ers team. He had an amazing passer rating and little to no turnovers.

Regular Season Flacco <<<< Playoff Joe Flacco

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Okay, we will see on game day, the colts are elite.  The Jets at best are average, I'll comment on this post after the colts win by atleast 10 plus. 

Huge Colts fan here and hate to disagree with you, but until the Colts show me something else this year I would say we are above average, but definitely not elite. Also you might not want to sleep on the Jets I would say they are at least average, and average/ below average teams have given us trouble in the past at times.

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I think Butler plays and the injury works to our advantage. They don't stick him on the outside he stays right where he belongs.

We get a look at Brown and Price on the outside. Hopefully someone emerges as the regular back up and we stop sticking Butler outside.

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Okay, we will see on game day, the colts are elite.  The Jets at best are average, I'll comment on this post after the colts win by atleast 10 plus. 


For the record,  I'd like nothing more than for you to be right and the Colts win by at least 10 points.


I'd be a very happy Colts fan if that were to happen.      But I don't see that prediction anywhere.


I see predictions of Colts by somewhere around 4-6 points.     I think that sounds about right.


Hoping you're right.........

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