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Brady Wins, Deflategate Suspension Nullified

Jackie Daytona

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The NFL is a joke anymore. This is the part beginning of the end for the NFL.


It is not just the Tom Brady issue that makes me feel that way. Enough is enough though. I am done.


I have been a 30+ year Colts fan, never missed a game. I don't care anymore, and it feels good to actually say that. I am no longer emotionally attached to the NFL or the Colts. I will miss my first game this year (maybe several) and just read about the results. 


Wish I would have just played Golf for 30+ years. That is a sport with integrity. They don't play around with nonsense like this.



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I got three words folks: Ex Post Facto.  For me that sums all of this up for me.


Great news.  For those who understand justice, law, integrity, and fairness, it was the only way the judge could of come down on this matter.  This matter simply boils down to an action between the NFL and a player who plays for the NFL.  The NFL did not have any direct evidence and tried to impose a penalty for an action which has never been imposed before on a player.


Bottom line when you have no direct evidence of a wrongdoing, then on top of this try to impose a penalty that has never been imposed, you are driving the wrong way down a highway.  Don't complain if you get in accident.


All the NFL had to do in May was to issue a 50k, 100k or 150k fine for non cooperation and this all would of ended in May with Brady paying a fine for non cooperation.  But no the NFL tried to pull rank on something where they had nothing and got the appropriate ruling in a court of law. 


And moving forward with respect to other players and discipline in the league, this is about the third time the NFL tried to imposed penalties on players which have not been done before, or imposed retro penalties, and some point in time this has to stop.  This is another victory for the players and at some point the NFL needs to tell Goodell "could you please just impose fines that are on the books and we won't have all of this mess"  


All the NFL has to do in the future to avoid this type of mess is to keep penalties consistent with precedent and/or what is on the books and it will not find itself in hot water.    

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Except, as a Nuclear Engineering student, I did calculations with the ideal has law months ago, which showed that the temperature did not account for the lower pressures in multiple balls.

Because a nuclear engineering student deals with the same gas laws surrounding a football.

/sarcasm off

Plenty of others have demonstrated that the Patriots' footballs met the Ideal Gas Laws.

That, and it's been shown that Exponent actually doctored the data regarding the various footballs' PSI level.

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Brady is a joke, he deserved punishment for not cooperating....smashing his phone when he knew it was critical in this case....not the sign of a truthful man, but that of a spoiled child.  Court was wrong, hopefully NFL will appeal and they subpoena both Brady's info and those text from the club house folks involved.  CBA is effectively void, this will hurt the players long term and they can thank Brady!  The deflator....lol.... weight loss....what a joke


Why do so many people fail to accept this?


It was GOODELL, months after the fact, that decided to punish Brady for that.


You know, Goodell, that man that MOST of you ripped apart for fumbling the Ray Rice situation, but somehow he's a champion of virtue now.


And, by the way, the NFL was given the phones of all Patriot employees that were not players, since the players were part of the union.


So sorry, the NFL had those texts. 

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Just sayin...if you admit to not knowing the details, why should your opinion on it hold any value?


Why is it always that the ones who know the least about something are always the first to talk about it?

Ignorance is bliss, apparently.


It's easier to cry and complain when not knowing the actual facts than it is taking the time to do the actual research and understand the situation.

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It's pretty clear he did it, but in court you need definitive evidence rather than a lot of breadcrumbs leading to the obvious. The biggest loss here is that now Pats fans will say it's been proven he didn't do it, which is not what this verdict means at all.


It almost impossible to prove a negative, that you did not do something. The NFL had no evidence against Brady. They won't win if they appeal the verdict either. The NFL refused to negotiate a settlement after being fairly warned by the judge.

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For those who actually read all the court materials and actually paid attention to the details of this case...this comes as no surprise.

pretty much so. the last reasoning to uphold from NFL was Goodell has the Power, and you are not allowed to question it.

Now, how will this reflect in future rules, and the next CBA?

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You can do what you will and get away with it in the NFL. All suspensions and fines can be taken to court and thrown out. Silly.


No.  This will not happen unless the NFL goes off it rocker like it did with deflategate and a few prior actions.  Please read my last post (#48) for more on this point.


Bottom line, so long as the NFL imposes penalties which are consistent with prior penalties there is no basis for a player to go to court.  There are no grounds.  But if the NFL wants to come out of blue with a penalty then it will find itself in court again.


All the NFL has to do is follow it prior actions and it will not have a problem.


Here are the ones in which it has had problem and each time the constant theme is they went overboard.


Bountygate - never has a player been suspended for noncooperation, Goodell suspend for this, he was reversed


Ray Rice - for domestic violence 2 game suspension is both the precedent (some 30 cases before) and in the NFL rules, but Goodell imposed a harsher penalty, got reversed


Deflategate - no player has ever been suspended for noncooperation or equipment violation.  Without even having direct evidence of the latter, Goodell imposed a suspension.  And like the prior two cases, it got reversed.


If you ever have a concern on this just remember that Jay Feely was a kicker for the Jets in 2009 and when an equipment employee improperly tampered with balls and he was suspended but nothing happened to Feely or the team.  That is about as on point as with the instant case as anything came by on point  Any rational person can see that one can not thereafter imposed a sentence as what the NFL did to Brady.   


Again all the NFL had to do was treat Brady like Feely and Farve.  Just impose a 50-150K fine and this would of been over in May.


Just follow what you have done in the past and you will stay out of court.

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pretty much so. the last reasoning to uphold from NFL was Goodell has the Power, and you are not allowed to question it.

Now, how will this reflect in future rules, and the next CBA?

It's sad to say that Goodell still is not as bad as Gary Bettman, who just freely allows lockouts whenever a CBA expires.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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Why should it not?


Because when you aren't privy to the relevant information regarding a topic, it makes you unqualified to discuss it.


It would be like if I studied elementary education to become a teacher, but then I felt the need to give my opinion on how to perform open heart surgery. Nobody would listen to me because I don't know a thing about it.


Make sense?

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You could tell it was going to happen due to the complete lack of professionalism on the judges part. It doesn't matter though. Everyone who isn't a Patriots fan knows that the Pats cheated once again.


You do know that the team was fined $1 mil, lost a first and fourth draft pick, right?


And you also know that Farve was only find 50K for non cooperation, that no player ever has been suspended for non cooperation, that Goodell has been reversed before for suspending players for non cooperation, and that Jay Feely was non even touch when it was found a employee was improperly preparing his kicking balls.


So if in the end all we have is the teams above penalties and nothing going to Brady, not sure what any complaint would be by fans.  You can complain about the judge all you want, but you can non ignore the above precedent.

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