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Peyton Feared Patriots Were Bugging Visitors Locker Room


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I'm almost certain that if Peyton does say anything, he'll say it was just to be safe, not that he thought something was actually going on. As much as I don't like the Patriots, this is all speculation/fear without any solid evidence.

Oh I agree.

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Interesting, that story seems to indicate that former Pats players that came over to the Colts reaffirmed any suspicion that Manning had.


It does not say that. Here is what it says, verbatim:


as Peyton talked to guys who played for the Patriots, some of the guys who came over — whether it’s true or not he treated it as true


This is nothing but Peyton being paranoid. Besides, all the talking outside the locker room didn't do him much good, did it?  :thmup:  Plus, there is a lot of sideline adjustments that go on beyond what is discussed at half time. 

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You can tell by the actions of their QB what type of standards are set in NE... This isn't news anymore this is just media hits.  Patriots cheat moreso than the rest of the league but its ok because they win and no one has proof (well.. aside from videotapes and former player testimony).  Same story different article. 


In all honesty the NFL is less and less interesting to watch because all of the teams don't play within the same rules. 

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You can tell by the actions of their QB what type of standards are set in NE... This isn't news anymore this is just media hits.  Patriots cheat moreso than the rest of the league but its ok because they win and no one has proof (well.. aside from videotapes and former player testimony).  Same story different article. 


In all honesty the NFL is less and less interesting to watch because all of the teams don't play within the same rules. 


oh stop.

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In all honesty the NFL is less and less interesting to watch because all of the teams don't play within the same rules. 



This is the thing though, do you tune into the NFL or any professional sport expecting that teams are all playing on the up and up and are not trying to push or skirt the rules every chance they get? I ask because I have never watched pro sports thinking everything was on the up and up. Just in my lifetime, I have lived through the MLB congressional hearings on steroids, the Olympics being an event of PED abusers, NBA refs rigging games and just this year the federal government investigation into FIFA and the FBI investigating the Cardinals for hacking into the Astros personnel computer.  And yet the national headlines are the Pats and unproven ball deflation that seems to have elicit responses like this. It is stunning to me. As I have said more than once here, I would just stop watching sports if gamesmanship and cheating bothered me that much as it would take me too long to put the mental asterix's next to every team and player that has cheated the game ...

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True or not....how many opposing players in the past have said..."it was like they (the pats) knew what play we were running.....a few.

Thats because they are one of the best coach'd teams in the NFL. While people break down tape they see things that few do. They spend hours pouring over it and then teach their players what to look for...and get this the players listen. Just like Malcolm Butler on that last play in the SB. They don't need to listen in on the locker room to know...they watched game tape.


As for any truth...I very much doubt it. I imagine some of that could go back to the fact that they were stealing signals etc with the spygate thing so it could very much tip them off to what play or defense was being run but I doubt they had listening devices in the locker rooms. I imagine Peyton was just felt snake bitten from his frustration of not being able to crack the code early on but since the early years Peyton has been moderately successful against Bill's defenses. This seems like an old statement....seems I remember them saying something about it many years ago when he was in Indy. How they went to hand gestures etc to tell the wr's etc if the play was still on or to alter their routes.

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This is the thing though, do you tune into the NFL or any professional sport expecting that teams are all playing on the up and up and are not trying to push or skirt the rules every chance they get? I ask because I have never watched pro sports thinking everything was on the up and up. Just in my lifetime, I have lived through the MLB congressional hearings on steroids, the Olympics being an event of PED abusers, NBA refs rigging games and just this year the federal government investigation into FIFA and the FBI investigating the Cardinals for hacking into the Astros personnel computer.  And yet the national headlines are the Pats and unproven ball deflation that seems to have elicit responses like this. It is stunning to me. As I have said more than once here, I would just stop watching sports if gamesmanship and cheating bothered me that much as it would take me too long to put the mental asterix's next to every team and player that has cheated the game ...

Cheating bothers everyone....to one degree or another. I agree there is no reason to get fanatical about it but I don't think that means you don't punish severely when someone gets caught. The issue is like you said many teams/players try to cheat....but if the penalty was reduced or we didn't go after it fiercely then there would be no deterance from others taking that route. Sportsmanship and gamesmanship is very much important to me. I love watching the little leaguers playing and shaking hands and doing little bows and clapping to the other team etc. There are times when it is very clear wrong doing occured but when an investigation gets stone walled or evidence gets destroyed its pretty clear that leaves pretty circumstancial evidence and even maybe shakey science left. I don't blame the NFL for still fighting vigerously and holding to their belief that wrong occured. In most peoples minds it did...even if they lack enough evidence to prove it.


In this situation I don't think there was anything to it...else I think the NFL would have just as vigerously went after them back in the day. I think when the NFL saw evidence...saw smoke they showed they would vigerously go after teams...obviously there is not even a smidgen on this front or they would have been investigated heavily...thus I'm confident the Patriots had no devices in the locker rooms. The NFL would have taken that seriously and hammered them. They had only a little evidence on this newest issue and we see how hard they came down. Thats enough for me to say Peyton was likely just had some conspiracy theories on this lol. Goes to show he is only human lol. There are very very few teams out there that are as well prepared as Peyton Manning...that can disiminate game tape and can see and take away things the way Peyton does and I would say Bill Belicheck and Tom Brady and that staff are one of the very few that can or even do it better. I would say Peyton has that advantage over almost every team in the league...but not against NE. To me thats a push...well actually its advantage NE because Tom gets the offense in place to take advantage etc like Peyton...but Peyton hasn't had a coach that could game plan the defense against Tom like Bill has for him.

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It does not say that. Here is what it says, verbatim:


as Peyton talked to guys who played for the Patriots, some of the guys who came over — whether it’s true or not he treated it as true


This is nothing but Peyton being paranoid. Besides, all the talking outside the locker room didn't do him much good, did it?  :thmup:  Plus, there is a lot of sideline adjustments that go on beyond what is discussed at half time. 

That's all well and good but for whatever reason Peyton talking to former Pats did not dissuade him from believing possibly his conversations were compromised. Maybe reaffirmed is to strong but the former Pats apparently did not say anything that would convince him otherwise.

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That's all well and good but for whatever reason Peyton talking to former Pats did not dissuade him from believing possibly his conversations were compromised. Maybe reaffirmed is to strong but the former Pats apparently did not say anything that would convince him otherwise.

Really until we hear more this is no more then an army going to enemy territory and the general(Peyton) having to create different ways to communicate to his soldiers(rest of the offense). Same thing but different fields and different results if you lose

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This is one reason I want the Deflategate verdict to come out and we can all move on. Otherwise, sports talk radio and every host will drag anyone and everyone high profile that has played against the Pats and look for any sound bite to extrapolate or exaggerate upon. Who is next, James Harrison?

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Really until we hear more this is no more then an army going to enemy territory and the general(Peyton) having to create different ways to communicate to his soldiers(rest of the offense). Same thing but different fields and different results if you lose

I would have to hear a lot more to start to believe it was true. I find it interesting to hear about the Colts actions while playing at New England. It would be interesting to find out why they they felt there was a possibility that this was going on.

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If there was no wrong doing, it wouldn't be an issue.

And I don't buy into the theory that everyone does it.

Cheating is cheating, lying is lying, and winning doesn't make it suddenly okay to do.

I'm thankful that I raised my kids to know right from wrong.

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This is the thing though, do you tune into the NFL or any professional sport expecting that teams are all playing on the up and up and are not trying to push or skirt the rules every chance they get? I ask because I have never watched pro sports thinking everything was on the up and up. Just in my lifetime, I have lived through the MLB congressional hearings on steroids, the Olympics being an event of PED abusers, NBA refs rigging games and just this year the federal government investigation into FIFA and the FBI investigating the Cardinals for hacking into the Astros personnel computer.  And yet the national headlines are the Pats and unproven ball deflation that seems to have elicit responses like this. It is stunning to me. As I have said more than once here, I would just stop watching sports if gamesmanship and cheating bothered me that much as it would take me too long to put the mental asterix's next to every team and player that has cheated the game ...


So in other words, "it's okay everyone's doing it."

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You can tell by the actions of their QB what type of standards are set in NE... This isn't news anymore this is just media hits. Patriots cheat moreso than the rest of the league but its ok because they win and no one has proof (well.. aside from videotapes and former player testimony). Same story different article.

In all honesty the NFL is less and less interesting to watch because all of the teams don't play within the same rules.

Show me one former player saying anything about this kind of stuff.

Lack of evidence never stops some of you, I see. Arguments ad ignorantiam.

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Interesting, that story seems to indicate that former Pats players that came over to the Colts reaffirmed any suspicion that Manning had.

If something like this was going on, there's no way the players would know. Not in this interchangeable day 'n' age. 


Probably just paranoia, a nod to how much a team loses respect when caught cheating. 

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If something like this was going on, there's no way the players would know. Not in this interchangeable day 'n' age. 


Probably just paranoia, a nod to how much a team loses respect when caught cheating.

Yeah, reaffirmed was probably too strong a word. It just struck me that he was basing his paranoia on something, why would it even come up in conversation with former Pats players or did they say something that made Peyton think this?

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Yeah, reaffirmed was probably too strong a word. It just struck me that he was basing his paranoia on something, why would it even come up in conversation with former Pats players or did they say something that made Peyton think this?

Rumor has it that Peyton can see through steel, so perhaps he sensed some suspicious wiring devices while he was in the Pats locker room? 

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I'm just ready for some real football, dammit. To hecky dern with all this drama. Patriots fans, they most likely have to sit and watch their team function for weeks at considerably less than max capacity, so there's that. It doesn't shock nor offend me that they defend their leader, not in the least, and I'm not going to judge them for doing so. 

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He should have used that power for the greater good of all mankind.

Well as serious as most of the people on these boards take football maybe he did! People act like they have their pay check riding on every game. I love LOVE football but at the end of the day I sleep very very soundly win or lose for the Colts. I wish I could say the same for some others but seeing the Deflate threads and posts on lots of other matters it makes me think they are going to lose their house or that the country is going in the pits if Brady isn't guilty etc. So maybe Peyton is using his power to help others! lol

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I'm just ready for some real football, dammit. To hecky dern with all this drama. Patriots fans, they most likely have to sit and watch their team function for weeks at considerably less than max capacity, so there's that. It doesn't shock nor offend me that they defend their leader, not in the least, and I'm not going to judge them for doing so. 

You know I always appreciate your level headed posts. It has been a long 8+ months of this but thank goodness we have Feb 1 to relish in as it would really blow if we lost that game. That being said, I am ready for some real football again too. I really dig these joint practices just to see the team compete against another opponent. How is Dorsett looking for you guys? Every bit as good as advertised?

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Well as serious as most of the people on these boards take football maybe he did! People act like they have their pay check riding on every game. I love LOVE football but at the end of the day I sleep very very soundly win or lose for the Colts. I wish I could say the same for some others but seeing the Deflate threads and posts on lots of other matters it makes me think they are going to lose their house or that the country is going in the pits if Brady isn't guilty etc. So maybe Peyton is using his power to help others! lol

haha I love football, too. I sleep like a baby W or L Colt games. The only way I lose my house is an allowed "Act of God!" The USA will be just fine if Brady isn't found guilty (stock market will spike). Seems as though Peyton does use his X-Ray vision from time-to-time. (Patriot wins) ;)

(in an Anthony Edwards "Top Gun" voice:) "Great Balls of Fire!"

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You know I always appreciate your level headed posts. It has been a long 8+ months of this but thank goodness we have Feb 1 to relish in as it would really blow if we lost that game. That being said, I am ready for some real football again too. I really dig these joint practices just to see the team compete against another opponent. How is Dorsett looking for you guys? Every bit as good as advertised?

I liked Durants post on joint practices lol. It is just as good as a pre-season game. Dorsett I thought looked really really good against Philly....albeit Philly has some weaker corners. He looked fast and got plenty of separation against them....honestly I know people will hate on me but he looked like a TY clone out there....how he ran his routes...the speed. The game look like it came easy to him. He did put the ball on the ground on a nice punch play by a defender when the guy was trailing him but he will learn from that. So far he is as advertised.

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It does not say that. Here is what it says, verbatim:


as Peyton talked to guys who played for the Patriots, some of the guys who came over — whether it’s true or not he treated it as true


This is nothing but Peyton being paranoid. Besides, all the talking outside the locker room didn't do him much good, did it?  :thmup:  Plus, there is a lot of sideline adjustments that go on beyond what is discussed at half time. 


Not trying to fuel the fire, but to the bolded above, consider this. Let's say Vinatieri is the guy that triggered this for the Colts and Manning (who else came over from the Pats?). He signed in 2006. Believe it or not, but Manning's Colts only played at Gillette two more times over the next five years. The Colts beat the Pats in Gillette in 2006, then lost to the Pats in Gillette in 2010. There were four games in Indy in between, including the AFCCG, and the Colts won 3 of those 4.


I know you were being facetious, but if this were true, we can see that the Colts took the upper hand in the rivalry over those 4-5 seasons, including at Gillette.

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