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Nothing more satisfying than settling the Colts with a loss


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Because he thought that it would basically be quid pro quo. I accept these fines, you drop the allegations and suspension on my boy, kind of an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine type" situation. He said he had the league's and owners' best interests in mind, but in reality, he just wanted Brady's suspension overturned. Can't blame him for trying, you'd think $1,000,000 would be enough to buy something like that.


But Goodell's being bullish at this point, and having Brady sit out 4 games is laughable, to me anyways. I know most people here are enjoying this whole debacle in New England, but it's gotten to be ridiculous.

no, 4 games is a more than fair punishment.  the fact that he didnt cooperate with the investigation, and that they have been getting away with this for years, is more than enough to make brady sit a few.  a first round pick is also fair


any other team would get the same punishment!! all of this QQ from patriot fans is laughable, its time to pay up and move on

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I actually love this...

It would be more fun if they had actually taken malicious shots at the current Colts staff and roster, but this is as close as they care to get.

They were only rubbing those past wins in our faces a little, no big deal. It makes the game more fun for me to villify my rival. Kraft and BB probably feel the same, although they didn't really do that here.

I mean, sure, they cheat (extremely effectively) and it makes me mad, but I don't equate deflatebate (haha)and with the Black Sox scandal. I'm still waaaaaay more mad about the WM fake injury, TBH.

In a way, these comments were Kraft and Vader's way of thumbing their uppity noses at the Colts because, whether or not Brady serves 4 games, they basically won... for years.

It makes them so much more fun to beat.

Their obnoxious fan base is the best part for me, better than cleft chin Mr. Giselle, better than old man thinks-he-has-the-NFL-in-his-pocket Kraft, better than stoic (because he doesn't want to incriminate himself) Hoodie...

The Pats' loud and (seemingly) mostly *ic fan base has provided me with hours of laughter from reading comment sections and tweets full of literary diarrhea...

Now our team just has to do their jobs and stuff all of this annoying arrogance back to that dark place where it belongs.

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Common guys don't be baited so easily. Just planned propaganda from the NFL marketing machine. This is turning in to the WWF. On second thought ... it is like the WWF.


Somewhere, there are some very confused pandas :P



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Zibby, its all propaganda man. You know, good guy, bad guy, hero, villain, Darth Vader , Luke Skywalker. Keeps the media attention on the NFL when there is not much going on and works the fans up in to a frenzy vs the bad guys. The whole story makes about ten billion per year.


i honestly have a hard time saying anything about deflategate since they beat our butt so bad. Brady may as well have been chucking bowling balls and there is still no way we make up 40 points. So let's just move on and take our lumps like men. Whining about stuff like this just makes you look like a bunch of b****es!

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To go along with the theme, I remember when the Patriots cheated and got fined, lost draft picks, and had their HOF QB suspended.

I remember when the Patriots blew a 21-3 lead in the AFCCG in 2007.

I remember when the Patriots went for it on 4th and 2 in their own territory in 2009.

I remember when the Patriots hung a banner commemorating their perfect season, which ultimately ended with a Super Bowl loss.

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I don't get on the cheating bandwagon much, but I do believe Mcguinest faked his injury during that game. I was watching his commentary about it on NFL Network and he spoke on how they were aware Peyton liked to snap the ball reall fast during substitutions. He claims he just so happened to get injured during that point, but then directly after that he starts talking about "situational football" with a smirk on his face. What does that have to do with the fact he got injured?

To me he's basically saying yeah I faked the injury as a part of our "situational football" game planning. In other words they game planned for that type of situation in a tight game in the 4th quarter. Everybody knows Bellichick plans for every kind of imaginable situation in a football game. I don't doubt at all that Mcquinest was coached to fake the injury. It's really no way for somebody to get caught if they do fake it.

This is another change I would make in the nfl. If you stop play for a injury you are not allowed to come back in until the Next possession, not the next play

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Now, I agree with you more than any other poster on the forum (much to your dismay I'm sure) but I don't understand this line of thinking. I don't understand the thought that sweeping the whole situation under the rug is somehow beneficial for anyone other than the Pats.

I understand if you personally don't want to read anything more about it. But the Pats cheated, now matter how the league messed up the investigation the former is still true and sweeping it under the rug won't change that, plus it's fun to poke the Pats fans on here once in a while.

Except that the Patriots' footballs fall into the Ideal Gas Law. Tough, I know.
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This is the NFL. There is cheating going on every minute in every place. Anyone that thinks there is integrity, honesty and fair play also believes in fairy dust. Common, 50% of the draft picks are felons. They later become coaches. What do you expect? Stop the whining already. By showing interest, all you are doing is perpetuating the media's ability to make more money writing and reporting this nonsense. There are starving people in the world, dentists hunting endangered animals, pending nuclear disasters and this is what the NFL chooses to waste press time with?   

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This is the NFL. There is cheating going on every minute in every place. Anyone that thinks there is integrity, honesty and fair play also believes in fairy dust. Common, 50% of the draft picks are felons. They later become coaches. What do you expect? Stop the whining already. By showing interest, all you are doing is perpetuating the media's ability to make more money writing and reporting this nonsense. There are starving people in the world, dentists hunting endangered animals, pending nuclear disasters and this is what the NFL chooses to waste press time with?


Says the guy wasting time on an internet forum...

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This is the NFL. There is cheating going on every minute in every place. Anyone that thinks there is integrity, honesty and fair play also believes in fairy dust. Common, 50% of the draft picks are felons. They later become coaches. What do you expect? Stop the whining already. By showing interest, all you are doing is perpetuating the media's ability to make more money writing and reporting this nonsense. There are starving people in the world, dentists hunting endangered animals, pending nuclear disasters and this is what the NFL chooses to waste press time with?   

50% is extreme don't you think? And as much as I am a wild animal lover and pay attention to conservation that's not the NFL's business so they don't talk about that...Hey I believe its way way way more important then the NFL but that's not the NFL's line of work

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50% is extreme don't you think? And as much as I am a wild animal lover and pay attention to conservation that's not the NFL's business so they don't talk about that...Hey I believe its way way way more important then the NFL but that's not the NFL's line of work


50% is probably conservative .... 75% for the guys from OSU. All I can say is the NFL gives a 2 game suspension for knocking out your GF and 4 games for doctoring your own balls. What they pump out to the press after that becomes totally laughable. As a fan I don't want to hear such nonsense.

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50% is probably conservative .... 75% for the guys from OSU. All I can say is the NFL gives a 2 game suspension for knocking out your GF and 4 games for doctoring your own balls. What they pump out to the press after that becomes totally laughable. As a fan I don't want to hear such nonsense.

How many days off of work would you get for beating up your GF? How many if you falsified documentation? See the difference?

*For the record, I do not condone the beating of one's gf.

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This is the NFL. There is cheating going on every minute in every place. Anyone that thinks there is integrity, honesty and fair play also believes in fairy dust. Common, 50% of the draft picks are felons. They later become coaches. What do you expect? Stop the whining already. By showing interest, all you are doing is perpetuating the media's ability to make more money writing and reporting this nonsense. There are starving people in the world, dentists hunting endangered animals, pending nuclear disasters and this is what the NFL chooses to waste press time with?

There are also our servicemen being killed in our own country by cowards, yet you want to waste your posting time to cry about a lion that just so happened to have a name?

But guess, what? This is a football forum and we talk about football stuff.

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Exactly...lets not fool ourselves...several of those wins against Colt teams were like winning the SB. It was like when we beat NE in 06. The SB was almost a let down because we were favored to win so easily. It was a mere formality. Beating us in some of those big games was quite an accomplishment. You still have to play the game to win it all but playing us was THE game of the year. The SB was almost the undercard event. That is a compliment....and McGinnest was an all-time great....nothing to be ashamed of to lose to those teams. Like losing to the Bulls in the 90s...they were a GREAT football team....historical.

When we beat NE in the playoffs in 06, Brady ran off of the field after the game without

shaking Manning's hand. What a sore loser dirt bag.

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50% is extreme don't you think? And as much as I am a wild animal lover and pay attention to conservation that's not the NFL's business so they don't talk about that...Hey I believe its way way way more important then the NFL but that's not the NFL's line of work


50% is vast overstatement, another media lie. I refuse to dignify it by even using the word "myth" or "hype", as those words would be far too mild.


More likely than not, the percent of felons in the NFL is FAR LESS than the percent of felons in the general U.S. population.


"Cars kill more people than guns", if you know the saying.

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When we beat NE in the playoffs in 06, Brady ran off of the field after the game without

shaking Manning's hand. What a sore loser dirt bag.


" Brady runs onto the field and heads straight for Manning."


Some bad language , just as an FYI. But this guy blogged during the game .

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I am sure there were a lot of negatives thrown around the past few days. Junior Seau was in a Patriots Jersey on the banner for the HOF ceremony. SD fans were furious.


Regardless, I did like it when last night at the jacket ceremony, when Ron Wolff was given his jacket, he went up to Goodell and said "Way to go on Brady", congratulating him for the suspension and not backing down.

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" Brady runs onto the field and heads straight for Manning."


Some bad language , just as an FYI. But this guy blogged during the game .

I dunno about that. Brady ran off of the field pretty quick after that loss. If he did

shake hands with Manning the camera man didn't catch it. Could someone watch

the ending of that game and verify this, because I'm pretty sure Manning was looking

for Brady after the game.

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For those that don't want to waste your precious time to read the link here's a summary.


I went to the link to read the article, but had the article redacted in lieu of filling out a survey. I don't do surveys. 


Would love a more verbatim recap to be provided. 

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When we beat NE in the playoffs in 06, Brady ran off of the field after the game without

shaking Manning's hand. What a sore loser dirt bag.

That was a long time ago...honestly don't remember that. Every game I've watched I've seen them both shake hands. Not saying it didn't happen the way you said just that would be out of the norm because they did on almost every other occassion I've seen...of course Peyton has been on the losing end more often than not...but I know after Denver beat them in the last AFC championship game thats what happened. I remember one time in kindergarten when a kid kept stealing my toys at recess.....what a dirt bag right??? Well later on we ended up being best friends. Guess it was a good thing I didn't hold a grudge. My only suggestion is to maybe forgive and forget...else your going to hold onto a lot of negativity in your life.

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This is the NFL. There is cheating going on every minute in every place. Anyone that thinks there is integrity, honesty and fair play also believes in fairy dust. Common, 50% of the draft picks are felons. They later become coaches. What do you expect? Stop the whining already. By showing interest, all you are doing is perpetuating the media's ability to make more money writing and reporting this nonsense. There are starving people in the world, dentists hunting endangered animals, pending nuclear disasters and this is what the NFL chooses to waste press time with?

1. Lions aren't endangered

2. Zimbabwe didn't even care about the lion. Their information minister didn't even know what a reporter was talking about when asked

3. Can yout even point out Zimbabwe on a map without looking it up? Thought not. Then don't fake caring.

Don't drink the kool-aid of these stories that flood the news to cover up the important stories.

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Except that the Patriots didn't cheat. Keep drinking that ESPN Kool Aid.



according to Roger Goodell in an article last year said the Patriots have cheated since Belicheck took over the Patriots .


Mass drinking of Kool Aid by Patriot homers does'nt change facts  the video dept & the ball boys did it all on there own :thmup: Sure they did .

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To go along with the theme, I remember when the Patriots cheated and got fined, lost draft picks, and had their HOF QB suspended.

I remember when the Patriots blew a 21-3 lead in the AFCCG in 2007.

I remember when the Patriots went for it on 4th and 2 in their own territory in 2009.

I remember when the Patriots hung a banner commemorating their perfect season, which ultimately ended with a Super Bowl loss.


1 like just was not enough  it deserves 4 to go with Tommy boys 4 games off .. :D :D :D :D

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according to Roger Goodell in an article last year said the Patriots have cheated since Belicheck took over the Patriots .

Mass drinking of Kool Aid by Patriot homers does'nt change facts the video dept & the ball boys did it all on there own :thmup: Sure they did .

I guarantee that you can't provide that source.
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"Cars kill more people than guns", if you know the saying.

Idk but this made me think of a meme I saw, in combination with the guy taking abut the lion, but it said.

A dentist kills a lion in zimbabwe with a gun, the dentist is evil.

People kill people in America, guns are evil.

Lol. I think it's funny anyways.

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