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Interim Dc Doing A Bang Up Job. D Looked Good For 2 Weeks


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Good question. I haven't been able to watch the games, but I would like to know what he is doing. Is he being aggresive? Using man coverage? Blitzing? Moving the linebackers around?

It didn't seem like we did any of that against the Patriots, Mike Murphy's first game as defensive coordinator. Why the sudden improvement?

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Good question. I haven't been able to watch the games, but I would like to know what he is doing. Is he being aggresive? Using man coverage? Blitzing? Moving the linebackers around?

It didn't seem like we did any of that against the Patriots, Mike Murphy's first game as defensive coordinator. Why the sudden improvement?

They stopped playing Tampa 2 every down

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I think he really is just having the defense play more aggressive in certain situations and using a lot more man coverage like we did in the past in certain situations.

Really has'nt been tested yet, but does look better. Texans seemed not to care and Houston, well lets just say I have seen better offensive plans in flag football. Remember Foster was averaging about 10 yars a carry and they quit running him.
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Really has'nt been tested yet, but does look better. Texans seemed not to care and Houston, well lets just say I have seen better offensive plans in flag football. Remember Foster was averaging about 10 yars a carry and they quit running him.

Right. Plus, the next team he faces is a one dimensional running team too. I hope that's taken into consideration before they give him the job.

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i think we are still playing our cover 2. the one thing i did notice is he is mixing it up a little bit,. he would have his cb off the receivers like we usually would, then switch to a more of pressing the wr(still using cover 2). and last game he wwas really going man to man a lot of times, but i think thats cause he knew the texans were not passing at all.

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Really has'nt been tested yet, but does look better. Texans seemed not to care and Houston, well lets just say I have seen better offensive plans in flag football. Remember Foster was averaging about 10 yars a carry and they quit running him.

I'll withhold saying anything until he does a good job against a team like the Saints, Packers or Pats.

Right. Plus, the next team he faces is a one dimensional running team too. I hope that's taken into consideration before they give him the job.

We haven't faced an elite passing game under this time period, unless you count his first game vs. New England.

a completely agree.

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mmm it seemed as though the pass was still a bit iffy, but the players seem to be having good days, i mean some guys stopped the run well and Lacey has been playing better.

certainly seems like he got the right personnel in there at different times, even though hou was going to run the ball alot. Prob have been preparing them better, as they looked like they new what was coming and what to look for to make plays.

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Mike Murphy has done nothing what so ever... the colts are still playing zone the only difference is they havent faced a good QB in the last two games... the last good QB they faced look how they got beat against the Pats and ravens... they were getting gashed for good yards... i wouldnt be surprised if the colts lose the jags because of the defense at all.

Those last two games were fun to look at but lets not fool ourselves here.

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i think we are still playing our cover 2. the one thing i did notice is he is mixing it up a little bit,. he would have his cb off the receivers like we usually would, then switch to a more of pressing the wr(still using cover 2). and last game he wwas really going man to man a lot of times, but i think thats cause he knew the texans were not passing at all.

Also looked like he tried to eliminate the Colts dismall performance on that stupid 9 yard check down that EVERY team used on us for yards. Sooooo many teams burned us on that.

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I'll withhold saying anything until he does a good job against a team like the Saints, Packers or Pats.

While I agree that we need more time to evaluate what we have, saying they need to play those three teams before we know anything is pretty far-fetched.

Defenses are simply handicapped when playing elite passing teams right now, and that won't change. There are maybe one or twi ganesh a year where any defense looks good against those teams, and it has more to do with those offenses spurting a misfire.

There is no way this defense (or any) will be able to consistently stop those offenses as long as QB's are the focus of football.

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Bellichek has the worst rated defense in the league, even though they draft defense every year. You have to have talent and they have to fit your scheme. Same old same old. We need a Warren Sap guy, a Brooks guy and a Lynch guy like Dungy had. Nevis, Angerer and _______.

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I think murphy has done much better at mixing-up both man and zone equally well.I think we should keep him and see what he can do.Our 'D' looks much better under him.I see no reason to dramatically change everything,especially since peyton is coming back healthy.But we need a solid draft and get some much needed defensive talent in here.

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Bellichek has the worst rated defense in the league, even though they draft defense every year. You have to have talent and they have to fit your scheme. Same old same old. We need a Warren Sap guy, a Brooks guy and a Lynch guy like Dungy had. Nevis, Angerer and _______.

When healthy, Bob filled that role perfectly. People are saying Mark Barron from Alabama will be able to fit that role well.

As for Murphy, I think we need more time to evaluate him. We all liked what Coyer's defense did in his first season here, then it went downhill fast after.

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are you really comparing angerer to brooks and sap to nevis????

that is just crazy!!!!!

No it's not. He wasn't saying that they are or even are going to be as good as those guys, he was saying that they are going to play similar roles if our D is going to become successful. I don't think anyone isexpecting us to be as good as the Bucks were, not with all that money tied up in the other side of the ball.

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Bellichek has the worst rated defense in the league, even though they draft defense every year. You have to have talent and they have to fit your scheme. Same old same old. We need a Warren Sap guy, a Brooks guy and a Lynch guy like Dungy had. Nevis, Angerer and _______.

That's proof for the oh trade the top pick for more picks doesn't always work out. I think I saw a report where they said if you looked at all the picks they traded for the only who has truly lived up to the value was Mayo. Please don't let me derail the thread though, I just saw that and it made me think of that.

For your last blank we have a good safety in Bethea. While he isn't the same type of player Lynch was he's something the Bucs didn't have.

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No it's not. He wasn't saying that they are or even are going to be as good as those guys, he was saying that they are going to play similar roles if our D is going to become successful. I don't think anyone isexpecting us to be as good as the Bucks were, not with all that money tied up in the other side of the ball.

he said "you have to have talent" then listed those players. to me that is comparing them talent wise and just needing the lynch equivalent.

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what happened to the defense is, murphy just made the playcalling simple.there is a article on pft about in the sat morning oneliners, murphy says the dc is too stupid to remember what was being used so he simplified the plays. that way players can just play enstead of wondering if they are in the right position or were to go left when they went right, they players like it and their playing improved on the feild. murphy sounds like a down to earth guy, with a nice sense of humor.

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This run D looked pretty sorry to me. So, yeah, we are back to playing the way we used to, before Coyer. Coyer improved the run D at the cost of the pass D, it felt like that to me. Going back to what we were is improving our pass D in this pass happy league, maybe at the cost of run D, AGAIN???

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