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Shane Ray could fall to round 4

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But is it still at #8 overall?  C'mon Falcons... show them big cojones and take him at #8 anyway!!  I'd laugh if they pass and go with the likes of Gurley and someone like the Jags take him at the top of the second from them... :funny:

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But is it still at #8 overall?  C'mon Falcons... show them big cojones and take him at #8 anyway!!  I'd laugh if they pass and go with the likes of Gurley and someone like the Jags take him at the top of the second from them... :funny:



Who knows!  I think he's still going in the 1st round no matter who the team is.  His case is not the same as Randy Gregory.  Ray doesn't have multiple failed drug tests.  He had like maybe one that happened when he first got to Mizzou I think. 

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Did he test poorly because of his injury, or is he just a mediocre athlete?


I'm sure his injury had something to do with it, but in case people think I don't like him solely because of just poor measurable, I've disliked him since January: http://forums.colts.com/topic/35333-alvin-dupree-olb/#entry1022928(19th post down if it doesn't link automatically).


He feasted in the same wide-9 scheme that made Michael Sam a DPOY. His "explosion" and "first step" and the result of just fantastic timing on the snap count (it's why people think Werner had a good first step in college). He doesn't have much functional strength or pass rushing moves. Change of direction and lateral agility are bad on tape and bad in workout drills. On top of all that, he "loops" to the QB around OTs leaving huge running lanes. Now he needs surgery and is in the substance abuse program? Yeah pass I pas ten times out of ten. 

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The article says Ray talked to Chris Mortenson teams have been informed Ray just need to take it easy through rookie camp and to continue to focus on healing and rehab


The article also goes into detail that the marijuana(35 grams.....1.23 ounces it translates to) while there was unsmoked and he was not taken into custody

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If he falls to us I hope our get pulls a hamstring running to with his name on the card. Top 10 talent doesn't fall far down to 29 very often.


Now the OT from LSU, Collins? I don't know where he falls, but damn, could he go from a 1st round pick to a 6th or 7th??

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