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Why was a player who was constantly late to team meeting and had 14 weight violations allowed to start?


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Merge this with the TRich thread if you want, but I feel like this is a more over-arching topic about the coaching staff and front offices decision making.

Hugh Thornton gets benched for a game for being late to meetings, but TRich, a guy much worse relative to his position was allowed to ammas over 300 carries.

Does this pretty much confirm the only reason he started and was a large part of the offense was in an attempt to save face?

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We heard similar rumors about him being a drama queen when he was in Cleveland. I guess we hoped he learned his lesson and buy in to being a team guy. Really sucks to find out all this crap after we cut him. He only has himself to blame. Good riddance!

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Merge this with the TRich thread if you want, but I feel like this is a more over-arching topic about the coaching staff and front offices decision making.

Hugh Thornton gets benched for a game for being late to meetings, but TRich, a guy much worse relative to his position was allowed to ammas over 300 carries.

Does this pretty much confirm the only reason he started and was a large part of the offense was in an attempt to save face?


youre comparing a guy we traded a first round pick for with a guy who was a third round pick. teams will do everything they can to prove they didnt make a mistake even when its obvious they did

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youre comparing a guy we traded a first round pick for with a guy who was a third round pick. teams will do everything they can to prove they didnt make a mistake even when its obvious they did


So you agree with my last sentence then. 

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Maybe not a great comparison, but I remember Hershel Walker would say similar things when he played.  He was supposed to become the greatest running back the NFL had ever seen, but it never really happened.  Whenever he was criticized, he would always reply much like TRich and say "I thought I had a good game"....or something similar.  They just never really understood why they were being criticized.  Maybe both had lower expectations of themselves.  Yes, Hershel was way better than TRich, but same attitude nonetheless.     

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We heard similar rumors about him being a drama queen when he was in Cleveland. I guess we hoped he learned his lesson and buy in to being a team guy. Really sucks to find out all this crap after we cut him. He only has himself to blame. Good riddanc

One  of the colts worst trades in there history I don't care how desperate they where at the time 

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Merge this with the TRich thread if you want, but I feel like this is a more over-arching topic about the coaching staff and front offices decision making.

Hugh Thornton gets benched for a game for being late to meetings, but TRich, a guy much worse relative to his position was allowed to ammas over 300 carries.

Does this pretty much confirm the only reason he started and was a large part of the offense was in an attempt to save face?

I don't think that is unlike most mgmt. decisions where stars get preferential treatment. I think it is a bad, bad precedent as it does not hold guys accountable to the same standards. When Revis was late in the middle of the season, Bill sent him home for the day. That is the Pats rule. If you are late, you go home. There was a big ruckus over it here in the media as you can probably imagine because it was Revis but it sent a message to the whole team that everyone is accountable. Needless to say, Revis was never late again. Part of me wonders if he wanted to go back to the Jets because they run a much more relaxed operation and let guys talk to the media too.


I can see why this type of leniency/lack of discipline would bother you. It would bother me too as a fan.

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Merge this with the TRich thread if you want, but I feel like this is a more over-arching topic about the coaching staff and front offices decision making.

Hugh Thornton gets benched for a game for being late to meetings, but TRich, a guy much worse relative to his position was allowed to ammas over 300 carries.

Does this pretty much confirm the only reason he started and was a large part of the offense was in an attempt to save face?

That combined with lack of depth at the position.

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So you agree with my last sentence then. 

What difference does it make? He was benched quite a while before being cut. Seems like the Colts were giving him enough rope to hang himself so maybe Grigson is not as dumb as you make him out to be? Grigson right along with most Colt fans thought it was a good deal when it went down. The Colts have cut ties and are moving on, why can't you?

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What difference does it make? He was benched quite a while before being cut. Seems like the Colts were giving him enough rope to hang himself so maybe Grigson is not as dumb as you make him out to be? Grigson right along with most Colt fans thought it was a good deal when it went down. The Colts have cut ties and are moving on, why can't you?



Because there is no horse dead enough that Dustin won't take a few more swings at!

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Some are taking the "off" season to extreme. :rollseyes:

I find the negativity towards the team disturbing. Fans can pull out the "calling it real" card all they want. But when you take over 1 million football players at the high school level, and narrow it down to 3-4% at the college level, and then severely narrow to the NFL level......and then you have one of 4 teams out of 32 that get to 1 game from the very top of the entire profession........and you still have to complain?


In my world, that's called being a whiney *. 

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Thornton was benched for being late to a walkthrough the day before the game, and rumor has it that he was drunk.

Richardson was reportedly fined for missing weight and being out of touch the Monday after a game. I don't remember hearing anything about him being late to or missing from meetings. When he missed the walkthrough before the AFCCG, he was suspended. And that's a week after he was inactive, and according to what Pagano told him, he would have been inactive again.

So the situations aren't the same.


Edit: I just read the ESPN article that states he was late to meetings. 

Edited by Superman
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Thornton was benched for being late to a walkthrough the day before the game, and rumor has it that he was drunk.

Richardson was reportedly fined for missing weight and being out of touch the Monday after a game. I don't remember hearing anything about him being late to or missing from meetings. When he missed the walkthrough before the AFCCG, he was suspended. And that's a week after he was inactive, and according to what Pagano told him, he would have been inactive again.

So the situations aren't the same.

2 years of starting and you can't give one good game? I know this doesn't have anything to do with the OPs point necessarily, but he should have been benched a long time ago. And so this ends the last words I will speak of TR again.

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2 years of starting and you can't give one good game? I know this doesn't have anything to do with the OPs point necessarily, but he should have been benched a long time ago. And so this ends the last words I will speak of TR again.


He didn't start for two years. He was benched at the end of 2013, and for virtually all of the 2013 playoffs. And he was part of a timeshare in 2014 that was actually pretty effective. Up until the Pats game, he wasn't terrible.


And of course, as you said, that has little to do with the topic of player discipline.

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Whats the fascination with organizations admitting mistakes??? Do people want to hear Grigson say "THE TRENT RICHARDSON TRADE WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA, MY BAD!!!"

it's just ridiculous...


does everyone here go to their boss/manager & tell them when they have an off day or make mistakes on the job...


If this off season has proved anything, it's that Grigson is not afraid to cut bait, at the appropriate time, and that he has done a pretty decent job of setting up contracts to move on with little regret...


Trent was a bad deal, positive that Grigs, Pags, & Irsay all know it,  but they had an investment in him and had to do everything possible to get a return on that "bad" investment...


Grigs didn't hesitate to cut trent, this off season, when they had exhausted the process...


The instant gratification culture of today has some fans expectations way too unrealistic, and surely has them set up for constant disappointment...



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Whats the fascination with organizations admitting mistakes??? Do people want to hear Grigson say "THE TRENT RICHARDSON TRADE WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA, MY BAD!!!"

it's just ridiculous...


does everyone here go to their boss/manager & tell them when they have an off day or make mistakes on the job...


If this off season has proved anything, it's that Grigson is not afraid to cut bait, at the appropriate time, and that he has done a pretty decent job of setting up contracts to move on with little regret...


Trent was a bad deal, positive that Grigs, Pags, & Irsay all know it,  but they had an investment in him and had to do everything possible to get a return on that "bad" investment...


Grigs didn't hesitate to cut trent, this off season, when they had exhausted the process...


The instant gratification culture of today has some fans expectations way too unrealistic, and surely has them set up for constant disappointment...



If you don't tell you're manager when you think they're screwing up, you are doing both them and yourself a disservice. Accountability goes both ways, which is the crux of this thread, when does Grigson take accountability for his role in this debacle so the franchise can ACTUALLY move on. 

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If you don't tell you're manager when you think they're screwing up, you are doing both them and yourself a disservice. Accountability goes both ways, which is the crux of this thread, when does Grigson take accountability for his role in this debacle so the franchise can ACTUALLY move on.

He's accountable to Irsay. I'm sure they've discussed it. If you want to hear Grigson talk about how the trade didn't work out, I bet you won't.

Like Buck said, it's done. They got rid of him, and that's the signal that they weren't satisfied with their decision.

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If you don't tell you're manager when you think they're screwing up, you are doing both them and yourself a disservice. Accountability goes both ways, which is the crux of this thread, when does Grigson take accountability for his role in this debacle so the franchise can ACTUALLY move on. 

If a GM has to apologize every time a move did not work out they would be apologizing almost everyday. It is part of the business. Some moves work, some don't.


I think what would help Grigson here is to give some positioning given how volatile this has become with Trent's comments. It does not serve him to say "I screwed up this deal." That is obvious. What he can do is speak about what the Colts did to try to provide an environment in which Trent could succeed without throwing him under the bus. This would include speaking about how the Colts do player development overall from a high level so fans understand the process and player accountability, how the org deals with guys who either are not performing or are violating team rules, as that is what is being challenged right now with threads like these. Of course he may just choose to say nothing and not fuel the fire but given the amount of negative attention this player has received the last two years and the way he has chose to leave, it would behoove Grigson to say something. If not him, then Irsay.

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If you don't tell you're manager when you think they're screwing up, you are doing both them and yourself a disservice. Accountability goes both ways, which is the crux of this thread, when does Grigson take accountability for his role in this debacle so the franchise can ACTUALLY move on. 

Take accountability???

He's not some kid who needs to tell his parents he broke the cookie jar, good Lord...


Grigson has millions of eyes scrutinizing every move he makes. His team just made the AFC championship and was one game out of the Superbowl. He owes no one an apology, especially for making a bold move on a RB at a time when the team was thin, dealing with injuries. For all practical purposes, a vast majority of the sporting world thought trent would be a very successful back in the league, well schucks, it didn't play out that way, but hind sight is 20/20, and 1.75 seasons later the bum is out looking for a job, so obviously Grigson took control of the situation, severed ties, cut his loss, and even brought in a proven veteran RB on what looks like a solid deal. So what do you expect, a personal apology letter???


Grigson has a little bit of gambler in him, you win some(the Vontae trade) you lose some (the trent trade). Grigson also has some very savvy business sense and from what I can see is making moves for the NOW, while also considering the long play, which is also often lost on the fanbase, or at least several posting members on this board...  


Does the fanbase really want or expect an emotional speaker like Mora giving a presser saying how the teamed really screwed the pooch on the deal, and what a horrid mistake it was??? While that can be some golden comic relief, I'd assume level headed composure, what you generally see from Grigson, would be the more appreciated air for the teams GM.



I'm a go listen to some Kenny Rogers, drink a yoo hoo, & eat a moon pie...

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If a GM has to apologize every time a move did not work out they would be apologizing almost everyday. It is part of the business. Some moves work, some don't.


I think what would help Grigson here is to give some positioning given how volatile this has become with Trent's comments. It does not serve him to say "I screwed up this deal." That is obvious. What he can do is speak about what the Colts did to try to provide an environment in which Trent could succeed without throwing him under the bus. This would include speaking about how the Colts do player development overall from a high level so fans understand the process and player accountability, how the org deals with guys who either are not performing or are violating team rules, as that is what is being challenged right now with threads like these. Of course he may just choose to say nothing and not fuel the fire but given the amount of negative attention this player has received the last two years and the way he has chose to leave, it would behoove Grigson to say something. If not him, then Irsay.

I think Grigson did Trent a solid by cutting him right smack in the heat of FA, making him available at a time where a needy tem might be tempted to take a flyer on him...


anyways, I lost my yoo hoo, gotta go find that...

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I think Grigson did Trent a solid by cutting him right smack in the heat of FA, making him available at a time where a needy tem might be tempted to take a flyer on him...


anyways, I lost my yoo hoo, gotta go find that...

Yes I agree but that only strikes the ire of fans more as they are really upset at Trent.

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The idea of "saving face" is ludicrous. Absolutely ridiculous.

TR was apparently punished for missing meetings by fines. But I guess that wasn't enough punishment...being able to not start should have been the punishment.

He started because there was nobody behind him...Bradshaw was too old, Ballard got hurt, and Boom was a rookie and not really the power back the Colts want ( you could debate if they should even want a power back or should go with slashers like like Boom/Brown to get most of the carrys)

The Colts tried TR for two years, and then cut him when they have the opportunity in a full offseason to replace him. They even deactivated him late in the season when they gained confidence in Boom and Tipton. That wasn't the case earlier in the season.

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One thing I found interesting was trent's comment about he and the GM not seeing eye to eye. I just found it curious that he said GM instead of coaching staff

Glad I'm not the only one. I'm guessing that meant Pagano was the one who kept wanting to play him while grigson probably wanted him benched a lot faster than Pagano did.

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Glad I'm not the only one. I'm guessing that meant Pagano was the one who kept wanting to play him while grigson probably wanted him benched a lot faster than Pagano did.

Just how does speculation come into play? You have no clue as to what Pagano wanted and didn't want. Most of the time coaches and staff are not going to talk about any player and keep him from pursuing another job. Thas is business, not facebook? lol

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Yes I agree but that only strikes the ire of fans more as they are really upset at Trent.


Not really. I was hoping he'd be claimed on waivers. Of course that didn't happen.


And I don't care what he does next. He needed to be gone. If he had walked out the door graciously, I would have wished him best on his next step and been happy to see whatever success he might have had in the future. I'm only upset that he badmouthed the organization -- one that never badmouthed him, even when he deserved it, a group of people who defended him and gave him chance after chance -- rather than saying thank you and goodbye, and continuing on his merry way.

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It was all about saving face. And it succeeded. Trent walked himself out the door basically. Grigson caught a break there.

But I think it's clear that they realized he was a bust. Once he was a healthy scratch for whatever reason, I think that was the beginning of the end. At that point I think Grigs knew he had made a mistake.

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