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Add Cleveland to the "Cheaters" list

Bad Morty

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I have said before and will say again as long as I have breath, that no matter what team, if they are cheating, I want it found out and penalized severely (including God-forbid my own team).  Perhaps it is impossible to ever have a "cheat free" league, but there will be much less of it the more it is confronted and the more severe the penalties to those that attempt it.



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I guess when you are a successful cheater some will try it too. Having class and integrity don't much matter to cheaters.

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Interesting...  coming from a Colt fan... 



We all know who our owner is don't we....???   just saying..

Jim Haslam I'd bet is behind all this and put Farmer up to it, Cant say I'd trust Haslam at all, Something about that man just strikes me as off or manipulative

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Interesting...  coming from a Colt fan... 



We all know who our owner is don't we....???   just saying..

I have no idea what your even talking about here, I made an observation about Haslam, How does that translate to Jim Irsay?

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LOL - title is VERY misleading!


IF this is considering cheating yes that's a BIG if its on a level of -100 compared to what others have been doing!


If it is true and against the rules then they should be punished, but seriously this does not compare to anything the Pats have done!

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It's in violation of the NFL's electronic devices rule. So, it's against the rules = cheating

The Browns owner is not known to be too smart in the first place. Isn't he the one that owns the line of truck stops known as Pilot and Flying J?  He caught cheating the truck lines out of millions of dollars.

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Is wearing the wrong colored cleats cheating also?


No. But the reason you cannot text to the sidelines is because you could be sending information that could potentially involve cheating by giving your team an unfair upperhand. Now maybe the Browns did not cheat, but it still doesn't look good.

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Cleveland is a hot mess right now. Drama with Manziel, Gordon suspended for a year and this may cost them a draft pick. What a dumpster fire

You can say that again OCG. I feel so sorry for Joe Thomas. He doesn't deserve such blatant incompetence in Ohio. 


The Browns are a train wreck. Lucky to even win 7 games last year. 

It's official now this franchise is cursed. I feel so bad for Browns fans. It's a great sports city man. They deserve better than this miserable spectacle.  


Why do pats fans act like we only care about the pats cheating?

Any team that cheats needs severely punished.

Agreed LIA 100% Drop the discipline hammer equally on rule infractions no team exceptions whatsoever. Punishment enforcement must be based on what the remedy stipulates. Nothing beyond that. We are not burning any individual at the stake here. Pay the fine, surrender the draft picks, & the matter is now deemed closed. 

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If they had a competent QB they would have won 10.


Of their 7 wins, 4 of them (Tennessee, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and Atlanta) could have easily been losses since they were decided under 6 points.


Pretty hard to win games late in the season when your defense gives up over 150+ rushing yards per game.


I don't think quarterback is the entirety of their issues. They're a bad team all around that got lucky last year playing the NFC South. 

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For the record, I'm not really counting deflate gate as cheating at this time. I haven't heard anything damning come from the league's  investigation, and I don't think a slightly under inflated football will really matter. The main reason being New England came out and dominated in the 2nd half of the AFCG after the "cheating" was corrected. 

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Of their 7 wins, 4 of them (Tennessee, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and Atlanta) could have easily been losses since they were decided under 6 points.


Pretty hard to win games late in the season when your defense gives up over 150+ rushing yards per game.


I don't think quarterback is the entirety of their issues. They're a bad team all around that got lucky last year playing the NFC South. 

They would have beaten us with a decent QB.   

I don't get what you're trying to say. Adding a competent QB would have made those wins by 6 points or fewer losses? 

A competent QB makes them better and I stand by my statement.

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No. But the reason you cannot text to the sidelines is because you could be sending information that could potentially involve cheating by giving your team an unfair upperhand. Now maybe the Browns did not cheat, but it still doesn't look good.

You said "against the rules=cheating". 

That's not always the case. 

But I agree with you that this a more serious infraction that could be considered as possibly cheating.

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Funny what pats fans are clinging to your team changed the game ball!! haha and also if the browns cheated fine them and punish then as well. I don't care who it is the cheating needs to be taken seriously our SB champs were caught cheating on the way to the SB that's disgusting!! What's sad is the browns will prolly be hit harder for this then the team that just cheated in a championship game :facepalm:

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