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Reggie Wayne to have off season surgery


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Much love to Reggie. He will be a personal hero forever, but it's time for him to explore other ways to contribute in the sport of football. I wouldn't mind hearing his analysis on young recievers. I feel that he would be great at that, given so much of his success was built on flawless routes and technique.

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Return for 1 more year on a very cheap contract.  His mentorship is very valuable considering how many young WRs we have, and that we're likely to draft another.  With that said, I don't know if he'd be willing to accept a cheap deal

Nice respect you have for Reggie. Yeah, we want you back for your leadership but we don't want to pay you any money.

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I want to see how he plays after the surgery. He started the season off very well with his 9 catch 99 yard performance against Denver and consistently got open and made great catches like the back shoulder one against the Titans. Ever since that injury in the Bengals game (I think), he has been invisible.

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Nice respect you have for Reggie. Yeah, we want you back for your leadership but we don't want to pay you any money.

Does he deserve a 1 year, $7 mil contract?  It's a business.  You can't handcuff your team in terms of salary cap just because you want to respect a player who can't contribute on the field anymore.  If he's willing to take a cheap deal, then I'm all for bringing him back.  If he isn't, then it's time for the Colts to move on.  You have to do what's best for the team, not what your heart tells you to do.

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I think we all knew the surgery was coming.  Credit to Reggie for finding away to play through it this season and embracing a reduced role in the offense along the way.  He could have easily made it a bigger scene if he wanted too.  Instead he just did whatever the team asked of him and during the playoffs that was pretty much to just block and that's what he did and did very well. 


Step one for the future is to have the surgery and make sure it is successful.  Assuming it will be Reggie will have decide if he still wants to play.  If he does then the Colts will have to make a choice.  Do they want to bring Reggie back.  I will say this you could do a lot worse for a third WR than Reggie Wayne.  What Grigson will have decide is how much of Reggie's problems at the end of the year were a result of Reggie getting older and how much were injury and can Reggie make another run at it.  If Grigson decides he can will Reggie be willing to embrace a reduced roll in the offense and will he take less money to play.  If he's not willing to do those things then Reggie will have to see if he truly wants to go some place else.  From listening to his radio show this year I don't think Reggie will do that.  I pretty much get the idea it's Indy or no place next year if he plays. 


Right now it's wait and see mood.  If he's done IMO he goes on the Mount Rushmore of great Indianapolis Colts and is probably second only to Peyton Manning in terms of how much he meant to this franchise. 

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I don't think he's done and I think he still has the ability to play at a high level. He played really good at the beginning of the year before he got hurt(even states it in the article.)

He has another year left in the tank and I know he doesn't want to end his career on the note that he did.

If you don't think torn triceps has anything to do with his lack of production than think again. It would make it really tough to get off press coverage and to gain separation which was his biggest problem after his injury.

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I hate to say it, but a big reason why the Pats and Boston sports in general are so dominant is because they don't care what a player did for you then. They care what you can do now. If you can't produce now (even with a hypothetical favorable contract) then why should you still be here?

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Much love to Reggie. He will be a personal hero forever, but it's time for him to explore other ways to contribute in the sport of football. I wouldn't mind hearing his analysis on young recievers. I feel that he would be great at that, given so much of his success was built on flawless routes and technique.

Would love Reggie back even as just a mentor.

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 guy getting too old for the nfl  .  first his body is telling it time too retire all recent injuries.,  since his body is not at 100 % he making way hard on ty too play a great game.  second reggie  wasting a spot for a better and more healthy receiver take the heat of ty.  as long teams see reggie not a threat then ty,   loses . prove in the last game were double team ty  and revis stay on reggie are moncret  .  cause are wr's too play   bad are worthless.

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I hate to say it, but a big reason why the Pats and Boston sports in general are so dominant is because they don't care what a player did for you then. They care what you can do now. If you can't produce now (even with a hypothetical favorable contract) then why should you still be here?


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I hate to say it, but a big reason why the Pats and Boston sports in general are so dominant is because they don't care what a player did for you then. They care what you can do now. If you can't produce now (even with a hypothetical favorable contract) then why should you still be here?



reggie too old cause are wr's too suck .  love reggie time too retired.  same with other colts players.  nfl is a business .  you the player are the employee if you suck at your job time too be replace.   that real life for anyone.  

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Yes...I think he will retire.

He's had a fantastic career and I'm sure he's mentored TY and others by example as well as you could ask of a veteran.

Whatever he decides....I respect him as much as anyone who has worn a Colts uniform.

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I honestly thought that he should have been put on IR and Griff Whalen should have been active.  Reggie simply took up space and made a few blocks downfield.



here thing a good too great coach  know reggie was not at nfl level of wr this year.  why coach like belichick  was lol at the colts for keeping reggie as a starter.  because  it make his defense job way easier too stop the colts wr's and te.   basic if you look at it reggie fault why andrew sucked.     reggie had 2 good games all year .   last 3 game he play max of 12 yards.  only 2 td.s all year.  if been a dif wr  they been kick of the team . nicks has 4 td,s he has not really play very good this year.  even moncrief  plays 4 spot wr has 3 td.s 

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I see him being back for one more year. I think a solid off-season and some time defining his role within the team could see him be productive as the move-the-chains guy. Triceps injuries will most certainly limit production, but as long as he can still get out in and out of his cuts, he has a way to contribute. We lacked a possession receiver this year, I can't watch another dump off to Jack Doyle for -2 yards.

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I think he does  IMO, Reggie is a trooper all the wear and tear he took on his body this season and still managed to play, speaks volumes...unfortunately i think he hangs it up. 

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