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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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No you don't. You have one "source," with no link by the way. The only link you posted was to the ESPN story which says that the staff member reported the under inflated ball, not Jackson. So it's 3 to 1.


And what a great closing line, by the way. Don't trust anyone, right?

One source, two, three. What does it matter? We are not getting the whole story and we won't. This is what I was trying to say about truth. From what I am reading now it seems as if Pagano is trying to distance himself by saying he was not aware of any deflated ball yet his boss was making a call to the league at halftime. As the world turns ...

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My team is accused of something that was in possession of the accuser.  What part do you not understand.   Are you trolling me or just missing the boat. 


My only point was we know very few "facts" but the "facts" that we do know can be looked at in two different ways, that was only my point.  The NFL is going to have a problem on their hands if it is found out that all the balls in the pat's possession were properly inflated, and the only on that was deflated Sunday night is the one that was on the colts sidelines. 


I noticed you ducked my question on this manner. 


You think I ducked your question? How is it that you don't understand how I feel about your question?


There's no merit to it. Zero. Negative, even. It's hogwash. It's a classic deflection. The Pats are the ones accused of deflating balls, and they are the ones with the history of breaking the rules. So, yeah, no thank you to your conspiracy theory. 

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Well Adam Schefter says that Jackson and the colts said otherwise.   I guess we have a conflict among witnesses.


Since when is Adam Schefter a witness? Stop name dropping. If Adam Schefter can't report that D'Qwell Jackson told him that he felt the ball was under inflated, then Adam Schefter's statement is erroneous, at best.


And again, it's not really relevant.

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One source, two, three. What does it matter? We are not getting the whole story and we won't. This is what I was trying to say about truth. From what I am reading now it seems as if Pagano is trying to distance himself by saying he was not aware of any deflated ball yet his boss was making a call to the league at halftime. As the world turns ...


Goodness. It mattered when you thought you had two people saying Jackson reported the ball. Now it doesn't matter...


You're sliding off of facts like you're coated in oil.

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We did talk to Andrew Luck, and D'Qwell Jackson, who had that interception. They said they did not see a difference with the footballs.



Jackson had an interception but didn't note any difference in the ball.


Along with the ESPN story, that adds up to D'Qwell Jackson not having anything to do with the ball being reported. 


And really, even if he did, it doesn't matter. It still doesn't reflect on him or the Colts. 



Thanks for finding that . When I posted the Draper link , I stated that I thought I read that D Jackson said he did not notice anything with the ball. 

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My team is accused of something that was in possession of the accuser.  What part do you not understand.   Are you trolling me or just missing the boat. 


My only point was we know very few "facts" but the "facts" that we do know can be looked at in two different ways, that was only my point.  The NFL is going to have a problem on their hands if it is found out that all the balls in the pat's possession were properly inflated, and the only on that was deflated Sunday night is the one that was on the colts sidelines. 


I noticed you ducked my question on this manner. 




Tell me you're joking. LOL .. what it would probably mean is the Pats saw that the refs were looking at the balls and they stopped deflating them.

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You really think this thing is/was that simple? There are about 50 shades of gray here. The Colts handled one ball that they felt was deflated. And it was handled by a LB who rarely touches the game balls of other teams. The call was then made at halftime to the league. The refs then pulled multiple balls out of play after half but no one knows why. Balls are pulled all the time from games for being deflated, abnormal or wet. And no one knows how the balls got that way. The weather was a beast as well effecting the ball. At one point in the second half a ball was removed from play and a new ball was put in and again no one knows why. Was a kicking ball put in place by mistake? Was it deflated? Wet? Again, referees discretion.

Now the league is investigating. IF nothing is found on the Pats from an accusation stemming from a LB saying one ball is flat I am not sure how you think that does not reflect poorly on the Colts in a game in which they lost 45-7.

What exactly does it say badly about them??? They asked for an investigation, which they had the right to do. It doesn't make them look bad in any way. You might wanna believe and push that Idea because if you feel but that doesn't make ut the case.

And it's not the Colts fault that Oats have the history they do with violations is it? They brought it on themselves abd so teams might be suspicious.

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What's several? 3? 4? 10?

And how do you know what is the normal amount for balls to be removed especially in bad weather conditions? I have seen games in those weather conditions where many balls are removed.

You were close...

@mortreport: NFL has found that 11 of the Patriots footballs used in Sunday’s AFC title game were under-inflated by 2 lbs each, per league sources.

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Personally Im of the opinion that an NFL regulation sized football is to big anyway, if they deflated them some I have no problem with it, As far as I am concerned it had no impact on the game


Yeah, that's not how that works. Tampering with NFL equipment to gain a competitive advantage is deplorable and the league should come down on these cheaters hard. 

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Yeah, that's not how that works. Tampering with NFL equipment to gain a competitive advantage is deplorable and the league should come down on these cheaters hard. 

Deplorable? Come on now, They lessened the weight of some footballs and it had no impact on the game, The Colts organization is not even complaining about, ya all are just grasping for some straws because its the Patriots

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Deplorable? Come on now, They lessened the weight of dome footballs and it had no impact on the game, The Colts organization is not even complaining about


Yes, deplorable. If the game had been close, they would probably have the teams replay it. 

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I guess I can't blame them. If the NFL is only going to fine them & take away a draft pick who cares? They got what they wanted. They're going to the Super Bowl. The only way this can make an impact is if they do something before the Super Bowl. Something that will affect the game they CHEATED to get into.

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Since when is Adam Schefter a witness? Stop name dropping. If Adam Schefter can't report that D'Qwell Jackson told him that he felt the ball was under inflated, then Adam Schefter's statement is erroneous, at best.

And again, it's not really relevant.

Schefter isn't reliable. He was wrong a few times in the Gordon suspension this year. He just wants to be the guy who yells "first".
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