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What off season moves do we need to make to compete with pats?


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I've said this in like 5 other threads, but I would do this....Sign Cedric Thornton, Dan Williams, Brian Orakpo, and Walter Thurmond. Then I would draft Cody Prewitt and Denzel Perryman. Thornton and Williams are absolute monsters against the run BTW,

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Most people think it's the defense. It's the offensive line. Look at New England. They're offensive line dominated. If we can get the offensive line upgraded. Run the ball with success. That makes Andrew and the pass game that much more dangerous. That and bring in a playmaking safety and a run stopper up front.

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Welll, it is really a matchup thing.  In order to beat the Patriots you need to be able to:


1) Power run the football on them.

2) Have two edge rushers who can put pressure on Brady.

3) Have inside backers who can cover.


Unfortunately, we really have none of them with Mathis out.  I will put my money on that Seattle destroys NE in the Super Bowl.  Why?  Because they have exactly what you need to be NE.  They will pressure Brady, run on their defense, and take away the short crossing patterns.  Until we can do that, we won't beat them.


And for all those who say this is a passing league and we have to lay it on Luck, we will never beat NE thinking that way.  You cannot be one dimensional against them.

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You really don't think we have talent?  We could use more and not all of Pagano's moves have worked out, but he's made some great acquisitions


Sans QB, i don't think many teams would trade rosters with us.


Both of our ILBs are bad, we have one meh saftey in Adams and one terrible one in Landry, Walden is meh, Newsome is an unkown, Mathis was a Polian guy so Grigson gets no credit for that from me. No difference makers in the Dline, just a bunch of high-priced JAGs. Toler is too inconsistent and has the tackling ability of Deion Sanders. 


On the offense we have two good TEs, 1 good WR, good LT (Polian pick) and LG, no quality RB, No RG, C, and question mark at RT. 


I dont think this roster is anywhere near where it should be. 

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This Pats team is on its last leg. I wouldn't worry about them much in the next year or two. Brady is only getting older and will get to a point where his arm is a noodle. As long as Belichick is with the Patriots, the guy can find him another Tom Brady. Brady is a good QB, but gets a little too much credit. He excutes the plays well, but it's the guy behind it all and his name is Bill Belichick. Belichick knows how to do what most coaches don't. Get the most out of their players.

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Where in god's name do you start?  You could build the most talented team imaginable, and I'm afraid Belichick would still make Chuck, Pep and Manusky look like clowns.  You could build the most talented team imaginable, but if you go down 14 early by fumbling the first punt, dropping a pass that would tie the score, then kicking a 51 yard FG in a monsoon, I'm not sure it would matter.  

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I guess we should have acquired 22 Pro Bowlers in 3 years.


Such a stupid strawman. How about when you have two years in a row with the most cap space in the league you put together a semi-quality defense? A semi-competent oline? WRs who can get seperation? 


Karlos Dansby got the same contract D'Qwell Jackson did. Toler got paid the same year Brent Grimes, Sean Smith, Aqib Talib, and DRC were free agents. 

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Such a stupid strawman. How about when you have two years in a row with the most cap space in the league you put together a semi-quality defense? A semi-competent oline? WRs who can get seperation? 


Karlos Dansby got the same contract D'Qwell Jackson did. Toler got paid the same year Brent Grimes, Sean Smith, Aqib Talib, and DRC were free agents. 


There's no words to describe exactly how much I agree with you man.

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We just need to add some pieces. We should be proud with where we got this year with what we had. We need an elite running back as Herron, Tipton, Bradshaw, Ballard, and def not Richardson are going to cut it. Reggie needs to retire and Hilton, Moncrief and Nicks need to be the three Wrs with fleener and Allen. We need to beef up the def line and off line and look at a safety to replace Landry. I think adams did a great job this year. I am not sold on Toler starting opposite of Davis. In the end it was a great year but they need to setup more talent around luck.

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The Colts need to take a long look at the front seven, namely the front three.  They just get blown off the ball against the Pats to the point they might as well not even be out there.  As for the linebackers they have two good pass rushers in Newsome and Mathis (assuming he comes back healthy) and two MLBers who are sometimes really good and other times are just flatout bad, normally they are bad though when the front seven is getting blown off the ball and they are getting blocked by linemen, that's going to be hard for any MLBer.  As for OLBer it says a lot that Werner was a healthy scratch tonight.  Add to that that Walden hasn't really been noticed since the first month of the season or so and they could use an upgrade there.


I think the corners are fine but they need to do something with the safety spot.  Adams played well enough to get another contract but the other safety spot is a problem.  We just keep seeing teams abuse Landry.  Frankly that free agent class other than Toler and maybe Gosder has been a complete bust. 


On offense it starts up front.  The Pats were just having their way with Reitz all night.  While they didn't sack Luck they were getting after him and putting heat on him.  I think they have the left side of the line figured out in Castonzo and Mewhort.  I am fine with Holmes at Center.  I think Gosder played well enough last year to chalk up this season to injury and give him another shot next year.  However, I think they need to spend some money at right guard. 


The other thing I noticed tonight and was probably the most disappointing thing was that guys just weren't getting open.  The Colts were going to have to do something at WR anyways as the only guys they have coming back are Moncrief, Hilton and maybe Whalen.  They another WR and they have to figure out away to get them open. 


At the runningback spot I am honestly fine with seeing if Boom and Tipton can be a good combo but they probably need to add a third back some place and frankly if that guys better I don't think Boom or Tipton played so well they couldn't be replaced. 

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I am sorry that Grigs/Pagano signed D'Quell Jackson to the contract that they did. He can't cover worth a hoot and he is slow to the ball and when he gets there he misses tackles he should make. Besides that, he's past his prime.


Isn't it amazing though that we could have gotten Dansby for about the same price as DQ, and I mean it was obvious Dansby was the superior ILB. We just signed DQ early without even talking to another ILB. Seems stupid to me.

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Hire a new D-coordinator, sign/draft a stud ilb, ball hawk safety, couple stout D-lineman, a run blockin right guard and a true #1 rb. I know its alot to expect in one off season but one can dream. Also could you imagine some Mcdaniels play calling on our sideline. That man can sure call some plays. We got out coached bad tonight!

Edited by 21isSuperman
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Sans QB, i don't think many teams would trade rosters with us.


Both of our ILBs are bad, we have one meh saftey in Adams and one terrible one in Landry, Walden is meh, Newsome is an unkown, Mathis was a Polian guy so Grigson gets no credit for that from me. No difference makers in the Dline, just a bunch of high-priced JAGs. Toler is too inconsistent and has the tackling ability of Deion Sanders. 


On the offense we have two good TEs, 1 good WR, good LT (Polian pick) and LG, no quality RB, No RG, C, and question mark at RT. 


I dont think this roster is anywhere near where it should be. 

Grigson's acquisitions include:



Luck (but 99.99999% of the world would have taken Luck, so I don't really give him that much credit for this one)



Newsome (unknown, but has showed a lot of potential)

Redding has been really solid during his time here

I remember people being really hyped when we signed RJF

Art Jones has been solid when healthy

Adams was really good considering we got him so late and people were writing him off




He has a lot of work to do and he hasn't made every perfect decision (see: Trent, Werner), but I think he's done a pretty solid job

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