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Brady = "doomsday" for Colts?


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It's early in the week but the experts are hyping Brady like he's unstoppable now!  Remember the same was said for Peyton BEFORE the Pat beat down a couple of weeks ago. This is the SAME Brady who played in the Miami AND the KC games this year in which people thought the END was near for him. The key to stopping Brady has always been TO GET TO HIM EARLY and OFTEN!!! Like Stephen A. Smith said if you get pressure on Tom he will tap dance like the great Gregory Hines!! Don't get me wrong NO qb likes to get hit but with Brady if he's not allowed to just stand back against a 3 man front with the secondary playing zone he looks very avg. BRING THE HEAT from the BEGINNING!!!! Brady likes to step up in the pocket (so delayed blitzes up the middle will be key) and if he gets rattled EARLY the Colts will shine. This is the game on the national stage that THESE Colts can make a huge statement! This is the game where "scared" ball should not come into play. The gameplan should be aggressive on BOTH sides of the ball! This game is huge especially for playoff seeding down the line. Let's Hunt!!!!!  :heh:     

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It's early in the week but the experts are hyping Brady like he's unstoppable now!  Remember the same was said for Peyton BEFORE the Pat beat down a couple of weeks ago. This is the SAME Brady who played in the Miami AND the KC games this year in which people thought the END was near for him. The key to stopping Brady has always been TO GET TO HIM EARLY and OFTEN!!! Like Stephen A. Smith said if you get pressure on Tom he will tap dance like the great Gregory Hines!! Don't get me wrong NO qb likes to get hit but with Brady if he's not allowed to just stand back against a 3 man front with the secondary playing zone he looks very avg. BRING THE HEAT from the BEGINNING!!!! Brady likes to step up in the pocket (so delayed blitzes up the middle will be key) and if he gets rattled EARLY the Colts will shine. This is the game on the national stage that THESE Colts can make a huge statement! This is the game where "scared" ball should not come into play. The gameplan should be aggressive on BOTH sides of the ball! This game is huge especially for playoff seeding down the line. Let's Hunt!!!!!  :heh:     

It has been the tale of two seasons IMO for the Pats and more so Brady. Brady looked about as bad and frustrated as I have ever seen him look the first four games of the season. There was much talk in Boston about decline or that he had lost faith in coaches. These last 5 games are one of the most stunning turn arounds I have ever seen. It began up front with the Oline gelling and playing better but really it all got jumped started with Brady and his attitude coming into the Bengals game. He was back to being the emotional leader and his play in concert skyrocketed. And it has carried now for 5 games with the Denver game being the best all around game of the year against the best team in football.


In terms of getting to Brady, the Colts HAVE to get to him to have a chance. But not only is his Oline playing much better but he has worked on his footwork this off-season and it has been really showing with his ability to get out of the pocket and extend plays, http://espn.go.com/blog/boston/new-england-patriots/post/_/id/4770658/tom-bradys-work-at-extending-plays. I have not seen him playing this well from the pocket in several years. I think he realizes that his line just isn't going to hold so he has to be able to move and buy time to make plays and avoid sacks.


I think a better strategy for the Colts will be to try to hold the ball on O and keep him off the field. Although, the Jets had the ball for just over 40 minutes when they played and Brady still put up 27 points in just 19 minutes. He is playing great right now and hard to stop this O in general.

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Brady is an elite QB no doubt but..apply pressure to him. The same type pressure Andrew Luck deals with on a weekly basis and Tom Terrific isn't so Terrific. When he stands back in the pocket with all day to throw and the ball at his hip he will pick apart any defense. Colts have to find a way to rattle him often and its a different ballgame

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Run. The. Ball. 


Run it, then play action them. Dink and dunk passes to RB's. 


Beat them at their own game. 


Also send TY and Moncreif deep, clear out the safeties and throw to Allen, Fleener or Bradshaw & Richardson underneath. When the safeties move up.....chuck it deep to TY and Moncreif. Nobody can cover TY the entire game. 


Revis island is going to feel the effects of Hurricane TY. 






Oh and Brady please throw towards Vontae. 

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It's early in the week but the experts are hyping Brady like he's unstoppable now!  Remember the same was said for Peyton BEFORE the Pat beat down a couple of weeks ago. This is the SAME Brady who played in the Miami AND the KC games this year in which people thought the END was near for him. The key to stopping Brady has always been TO GET TO HIM EARLY and OFTEN!!! Like Stephen A. Smith said if you get pressure on Tom he will tap dance like the great Gregory Hines!! Don't get me wrong NO qb likes to get hit but with Brady if he's not allowed to just stand back against a 3 man front with the secondary playing zone he looks very avg. BRING THE HEAT from the BEGINNING!!!! Brady likes to step up in the pocket (so delayed blitzes up the middle will be key) and if he gets rattled EARLY the Colts will shine. This is the game on the national stage that THESE Colts can make a huge statement! This is the game where "scared" ball should not come into play. The gameplan should be aggressive on BOTH sides of the ball! This game is huge especially for playoff seeding down the line. Let's Hunt!!!!!  :heh:     


That would only make sense if Brady didn't improve on his foot work, pocket presence and avoiding the pressure in the off season.


Brady now is more mobile and alert in the pocket at anytime since the early 2000's.  He can now move up into the pocket and scramble away from the pressure to make the throw.  He senses the pocket closing in knows how to handle it better than anytime I ever seen him do in his career.  Obviously he's not a running QB, he's not Cam Newton, but those extra few steps makes all the difference in the world to extend the drive and keep the drive going to move the chains.


I've never seen Brady throw so many times out of the pocket and on the move than I have in this current season.


Part of that is due to the Pats bringing in Jimmy G I bet.  He doesn't want some young guy taking his job yet.

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Run. The. Ball. 


Run it, then play action them. Dink and dunk passes to RB's. 


Beat them at their own game. 


Also send TY and Moncreif deep, clear out the safeties and throw to Allen, Fleener or Bradshaw & Richardson underneath. When the safeties move up.....chuck it deep to TY and Moncreif. Nobody can cover TY the entire game. 


Revis island is going to feel the effects of Hurricane TY. 






Oh and Brady please throw towards Vontae. 


That's what Belichick is hoping for.  A Colts' offense that keeps it on the ground where the WR's are neutralized.


And for all we know Revis will be on Wayne shutting Wayne down.  Logan Ryan and McCourty will be on TY to double team him through out the game.  Browner on Nicks.  Dennard on the other WR.  Arrington on Allen or Fleener.


You'll see the Pats sit back and let the Colts run it.  Pats won't load the box.  They'll use a 3-3 or 4-2 sometimes.  You won't see the Pats blitz often.  They'll keep their LB's and secondary back showing different schemes.  Collins and Ninkovich will be there as spies to watch Luck in case his runs.


You don't need to load the box to have success in stopping the run.  The Colts are not the Vikings with Peterson or the Cowboys.

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That's what Belichick is hoping for.  A Colts' offense that keeps it on the ground where the WR's are neutralized.


And for all we know Revis will be on Wayne shutting Wayne down.  Logan Ryan and McCourty will be on TY to double team him through out the game.  Browner on Nicks.  Dennard on the other WR.  Arrington on Allen or Fleener.


You'll see the Pats sit back and let the Colts run it.  Pats won't load the box.  They'll use a 3-3 or 4-2 sometimes.  You won't see the Pats blitz often.  They'll keep their LB's and secondary back showing different schemes.  Collins and Ninkovich will be there as spies to watch Luck in case his runs.


You don't need to load the box to have success in stopping the run.  The Colts are not the Vikings with Peterson or the Cowboys.


I had hopes that you would wake up today and have turned the corner with your input.  I was wrong.

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I find it quite funny that people act like BB wants the Colts to run the ball and that somehow the Colts running would negate the passing game.  Alex Smith tore up the New England Secondary with a strong running game.  Freakin' Geno Smith looked like a All-Pro candidate throwing the ball against New England behind a strong running game.  A QB like Luck would complete near 75% of his passes against the Patriots if the Colts commit to the running game.


Secondly, I hope the Pats put Revis on Wayne, that will really open things up for TY, Fleener and Allen when they do throw the ball.

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To win this game, we are going to need to score in the 30-40 point range.  I think we are capable of doing it, but I also think the Pats are capable of completely crushing us.  I see it as a toss up, but I'll be eagerly awaiting Sunday night and watch it all unfold.  Hopefully it will be a joyous experience.....


I do not think that running the ball will do much to help us win.  We need to keep with the formula that has seen us win all of our games since week two aside from the Pitt. game.  We must blow them out.  If the score is close, the Pats will probably win.

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I find it quite funny that people act like BB wants the Colts to run the ball and that somehow the Colts running would negate the passing game.  Alex Smith tore up the New England Secondary with a strong running game.  Freakin' Geno Smith looked like a All-Pro candidate throwing the ball against New England behind a strong running game.  A QB like Luck would complete near 75% of his passes against the Patriots if the Colts commit to the running game.


Secondly, I hope the Pats put Revis on Wayne, that will really open things up for TY, Fleener and Allen when they do throw the ball.


Too bad for the Colts that the Pats have a secondary with talent and can cover and shut down receivers.


If the Pats' D can handle the Broncos' O.  The Pats can handle the Colts.  Colts defense isn't that good either.  They can't cover TE's for the life of them and can't pressure the QB the way the Broncos can.


And that Colts' offense really lit up the Broncos and Eagles going 0-2 eh?  Or going up against a Giants' team with no weapons that gave up by half time?


lol @ the Colts having to rely on Fleener and Allen to try to beat the Pats.  That just means the Pats are doing what they should be doing = Taking Wayne, TY and Nicks out of the game.


Dear Colts fans....there will be NO one on one coverage on TY.  Duhhh!!!

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Too bad for the Colts that the Pats have a secondary with talent and can cover and shut down receivers.


If the Pats' D can handle the Broncos' O.  The Pats can handle the Colts.  Colts defense isn't that good either.  They can't cover TE's for the life of them and can't pressure the QB the way the Broncos can.


And that Colts' offense really lit up the Broncos and Eagles going 0-2 eh?  Or going up against a Giants' team with no weapons that gave up by half time?


lol @ the Colts having to rely on Fleener and Allen to try to beat the Pats.  That just means the Pats are doing what they should be doing = Taking Wayne, TY and Nicks out of the game.


Dear Colts fans....there will be NO one on one coverage on TY.  Duhhh!!!


Thanks Coach and eat a Snickers. You're trying way too hard and just wasting your own breath here. Why can't this be about watching a great game?

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To win this game, we are going to need to score in the 30-40 point range.  I think we are capable of doing it, but I also think the Pats are capable of completely crushing us.  I see it as a toss up, but I'll be eagerly awaiting Sunday night and watch it all unfold.  Hopefully it will be a joyous experience.....


I do not think that running the ball will do much to help us win.  We need to keep with the formula that has seen us win all of our games since week two aside from the Pitt. game.  We must blow them out.  If the score is close, the Pats will probably win.


Yeah, exactly.  The Colts strongest suit is their passing game especially indoors and especially at home.  They SHOULD be able to pass up and down the field on anyone.  But if they are having to rely on the run game and dink and dunk passes to their TE's that means the Pats' secondary is following the game plan of shutting down the WR's of the Colts.  It's preventing the Colts from scoring often.


The Colts are going to have to light it up big time.  They are capable of doing it.


The whole "play action pass" is for teams that are a run first team.  You see that in some NFC East rivalries and the Steelers/Ravens, Seahawks/49ers games where they play keep away with low scoring games.  But that's not the Colts' style.  The Colts are a high speed high energy passing attack team.


It will be a long night for the Colts if they can't get their WR's into the game is all I'm saying.

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Thanks Coach and eat a Snickers. You're trying way too hard and just wasting your own breath here. Why can't this be about watching a great game?


That can be said for most members here who are talking Colts vs Pats.  It's a passionate rivalry with a lot on the line.


But I agree, it's about enjoying the game at the end of the day.

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Yeah, exactly.  The Colts strongest suit is their passing game especially indoors and especially at home.  They SHOULD be able to pass up and down the field on anyone.  But if they are having to rely on the run game and dink and dunk passes to their TE's that means the Pats' secondary is following the game plan of shutting down the WR's of the Colts.  It's preventing the Colts from scoring often.


dink and dunk passes to their TEs?  yeah, you've sure watched a lot of the colts this  year haven't you?  :clap:  Gronk yards per catch is 13.5, fleener is 13.4 and allen is 14.4.  The colts don't dink and dunk to their TEs anymore than Brady does to Gronk.  And shutting down the Colt WRs prevents them from scoring often?  The Colt RBs and TEs have 17 receiving TDs.  Good call though.  :td:




The whole "play action pass" is for teams that are a run first team.  You see that in some NFC East rivalries and the Steelers/Ravens, Seahawks/49ers games where they play keep away with low scoring games.  But that's not the Colts' style.  The Colts are a high speed high energy passing attack team.



that is all absolute nonsense.  Any team, no matter the style of offense, will only be better if they can use play action.  




And for all we know Revis will be on Wayne shutting Wayne down.  Logan Ryan and McCourty will be on TY to double team him through out the game.  Browner on Nicks.  Dennard on the other WR.  Arrington on Allen or Fleener.


Here you go again.  If the Patriot secondary is so great, why are they not #1 in the league in passing defense instead of middle of the pack?  They've given up 16 passing TDs this year....btw, that's the same number of TDs the Colt secondary has given up.  The NE secondary is allowing 60.7% of passes to be completed on them....oh by the way, the Colt secondary is only allowing 59.3%.  I don't see how that can be though since the NE secondary is loaded with pro bowlers and the Colt secondary has nothing but trash other than Vontae Davis.  Things that make you go   :thinking:

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Too bad for the Colts that the Pats have a secondary with talent and can cover and shut down receivers.


If the Pats' D can handle the Broncos' O.  The Pats can handle the Colts.  Colts defense isn't that good either.  They can't cover TE's for the life of them and can't pressure the QB the way the Broncos can.


And that Colts' offense really lit up the Broncos and Eagles going 0-2 eh?  Or going up against a Giants' team with no weapons that gave up by half time?


lol @ the Colts having to rely on Fleener and Allen to try to beat the Pats.  That just means the Pats are doing what they should be doing = Taking Wayne, TY and Nicks out of the game.


Dear Colts fans....there will be NO one on one coverage on TY.  Duhhh!!!

You really should not use the moniker Atlas Shrugged.  That novel is centered around people that can think for themselves.


If Pats have a secondary how did Geno Smith do well?  (It's actually a trivia question now... Who is the only team in 2014 to NOT intercept Geno Smith?  Answer, the "talented" Patriots.  Alex smith went 20-26 against the talented pats secondary.


As far as relying on Fleener and Allen.  Yeah, no team likes to have a TE as the primary target for the QB (**cough, Gronk and the Pats, cough**)


You should really change your moniker to James Taggart.

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dink and dunk passes to their TEs?  yeah, you've sure watched a lot of the colts this  year haven't you?  :clap:  Gronk yards per catch is 13.5, fleener is 13.4 and allen is 14.4.  The colts don't dink and dunk to their TEs anymore than Brady does to Gronk.  And shutting down the Colt WRs prevents them from scoring often?  The Colt RBs and TEs have 17 receiving TDs.  Good call though.  :td:



that is all absolute nonsense.  Any team, no matter the style of offense, will only be better if they can use play action.  



Here you go again.  If the Patriot secondary is so great, why are they not #1 in the league in passing defense instead of middle of the pack?  They've given up 16 passing TDs this year....btw, that's the same number of TDs the Colt secondary has given up.  The NE secondary is allowing 60.7% of passes to be completed on them....oh by the way, the Colt secondary is only allowing 59.3%.  I don't see how that can be though since the NE secondary is loaded with pro bowlers and the Colt secondary has nothing but trash other than Vontae Davis.  Things that make you go   :thinking:


You seem to have forgotten the first 4 games of the year.  lol  Should we judge the Colts today when they started 0-2?  Duhhhh!  Where was the Colts' D ranked when they were 0-2 ?  I think the Colts' D took a hit in the rankings after the Pitt game too.


But here's the thing.  The Pats haven't been blown out since the Chiefs game in week 4.  They fixed much of the problems then...


In the first 4 games the Pats had an offensive line that was a disaster that couldn't stop Brady.  A new O-line coach.  The Pats didn't have Browner.


The Pats' offense was still relying on a Dobson and Thompkins WR tandem.  Thompkins has been traded to the Raiders.  Dobson doesn't see much playing time anymore.  Now the Pats rely on LaFell and Tyms as their outside WR's.  And Tyms missed the first 4 games of the season.  Wright was new to the system due to the Mankins trade.


The Colts got 51 put up on them 2 weeks ago?  And beat a Giants team with no WR's that gave up at half time.

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You seem to have forgotten the first 4 games of the year.  lol  


what in sam hell are you talking about?  what about my post gives you the impression I've forgotten about the first 4 games?  



Should we judge the Colts today when they started 0-2?  Duhhhh!  Where was the Colts' D ranked when they were 0-2 ?  I think the Colts' D took a hit in the rankings after the Pitt game too.



yes the colt D took a big hit after the pitt game.  Prior to that the D was ranked higher in the rankings.  the numbers I posted regarding passing TDs allowed and completion % allowed are current, so they include the Pitt game and the first 2 games of the season.  so uh, you kinda proved my point that the colt D (including the secondary) is far better than you've tried to give them credit for



But here's the thing.  The Pats haven't been blown out since the Chiefs game in week 4.  They fixed much of the problems then...



ok so now you're just saying random stupid stuff for no reason.  who said anything about the Pats being blown out?





In the first 4 games the Pats had an offensive line that was a disaster that couldn't stop Brady.  A new O-line coach.  The Pats didn't have Browner.



hmm, more random stupid crap.  I never said anything about the Patriots' first 4 games of the season.  I'm guessing the mention of Browner may have had to do with the Patriots' secondary rankings?  





The Pats' offense was still relying on a Dobson and Thompkins WR tandem.  Thompkins has been traded to the Raiders.  Dobson doesn't see much playing time anymore.  Now the Pats rely on LaFell and Tyms as their outside WR's.  And Tyms missed the first 4 games of the season.  Wright was new to the system due to the Mankins trade.


even more random stupid crap.  what does this have to do with what I posted?




The Colts got 51 put up on them 2 weeks ago?


Yes...but since you are pulling every excuse you can out of your rear to explain some of the Patriot deficiencies, it should then be noted that the Colts were without Vontae Davis for the majority of that game.  

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It has been the tale of two seasons IMO for the Pats and more so Brady. Brady looked about as bad and frustrated as I have ever seen him look the first four games of the season. There was much talk in Boston about decline or that he had lost faith in coaches. These last 5 games are one of the most stunning turn arounds I have ever seen. It began up front with the Oline gelling and playing better but really it all got jumped started with Brady and his attitude coming into the Bengals game. He was back to being the emotional leader and his play in concert skyrocketed. And it has carried now for 5 games with the Denver game being the best all around game of the year against the best team in football.


In terms of getting to Brady, the Colts HAVE to get to him to have a chance. But not only is his Oline playing much better but he has worked on his footwork this off-season and it has been really showing with his ability to get out of the pocket and extend plays, http://espn.go.com/blog/boston/new-england-patriots/post/_/id/4770658/tom-bradys-work-at-extending-plays. I have not seen him playing this well from the pocket in several years. I think he realizes that his line just isn't going to hold so he has to be able to move and buy time to make plays and avoid sacks.


I think a better strategy for the Colts will be to try to hold the ball on O and keep him off the field. Although, the Jets had the ball for just over 40 minutes when they played and Brady still put up 27 points in just 19 minutes. He is playing great right now and hard to stop this O in general.

This cannot be an either or for the Colts.  They have to get to Brady early and often so that he doesn't get comfortable. I'm just not sure ow the Colts are going to contain Gronk.  The word is that defenses allow him free releases at the LOS. The Colts have to figure out a way to contain him.  The Colts have been very good in press coverage and have punished WRs and RBs after the catch.  This is the only way to slow Brady down and allow the blitz to get to him.  If he's allowed to dink and dunk, then throw down the seams to Gronk, the Colts are in trouble.  I'm assuming the Colts can contain the Pats RBs who are average.


On offense, the Colts have to sustain drives and score touchdowns.  They are more than capable of this but Luck has to be efficient and figure out very quickly what the Pats are doing on defense.  The Pats have forced him into turnovers in the past.  Another interception filled game will spell a loss, possibly a blowout.  If Luck can diagnose the defenses and get his rhythm, he can exploit that defense.  The margin for error gets really slim if the Colts have to play from behind and Luck has to take chances.

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It's early in the week but the experts are hyping Brady like he's unstoppable now!  Remember the same was said for Peyton BEFORE the Pat beat down a couple of weeks ago. This is the SAME Brady who played in the Miami AND the KC games this year in which people thought the END was near for him. The key to stopping Brady has always been TO GET TO HIM EARLY and OFTEN!!! Like Stephen A. Smith said if you get pressure on Tom he will tap dance like the great Gregory Hines!! Don't get me wrong NO qb likes to get hit but with Brady if he's not allowed to just stand back against a 3 man front with the secondary playing zone he looks very avg. BRING THE HEAT from the BEGINNING!!!! Brady likes to step up in the pocket (so delayed blitzes up the middle will be key) and if he gets rattled EARLY the Colts will shine. This is the game on the national stage that THESE Colts can make a huge statement! This is the game where "scared" ball should not come into play. The gameplan should be aggressive on BOTH sides of the ball! This game is huge especially for playoff seeding down the line. Let's Hunt!!!!!  :heh:     

Great point about time in the pocket.  There are alot of teams that don't blitz him and pay for it because he has so much time.  I think the key is to definitely get to him early and often like you said, but have a good game plan for his screens and checkdowns because that's his favorite thing to do against the blitz, well it use to be anyway.

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I find it quite funny that people act like BB wants the Colts to run the ball and that somehow the Colts running would negate the passing game.  Alex Smith tore up the New England Secondary with a strong running game.  Freakin' Geno Smith looked like a All-Pro candidate throwing the ball against New England behind a strong running game.  A QB like Luck would complete near 75% of his passes against the Patriots if the Colts commit to the running game.


Secondly, I hope the Pats put Revis on Wayne, that will really open things up for TY, Fleener and Allen when they do throw the ball.

Yes, the Colts running the football will be exploiting their sub average run defense.  Not hurting the Colts by taking away their deep threats.  That will be set up from the run game.  I definitely think we will run the ball very effectively, especially if the Patriots are too focused on TY and Reggie. 

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To educate the Colts fans...


In the off season Pats got a new offensive line coach.  The first new offensive line coach in over 30 years.  They traded Mankins to the Bucs for TE Wright.


The Pats offensive line in the first 4 games was one of the worst in the NFL.  They couldn't protect Brady.


The receiving core was not setup and Dobson and Thompkins weren't getting the game plan.  Both are mediocre at best.


The Pats didn't have Wright ready.


The Pats didn't have Tyms as he was serving a 4 game suspension.


LaFell wasn't being used fully yet.


Browner was serving a 4 game suspension.


After the Chiefs game the Pats went through major changes behind the scenes.


Since the week 5 the Pats have been a totally new team.


Pats had a better excuse to start off slow than the Colts did.  How the heck could the Colts go 0-2 with a complete stable team?  And how could the Colts get blown out in Pitt just 2 weeks ago?

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To Jason above, I just skipped over your post without reading it.  You take this too seriously and have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the Patriots.  Your understanding of the team in it's first 4 games is so limited.  Good job wasting your time.   :thmup:


I haven't said anything meaningful about the patriots at all except for pointing out the completion % given up and passing TDs given up.  Everything else I've said is been my version of what you've been saying, just like you've been providing your own version of what colts fans have been saying.


I've made no attempt at trying to understand the patriots through the first 4 weeks of the season because I don't care.  I will simply say that you also have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the colts (oh except for the trouble defending TEs, that part is true) and your entire presence here is a waste of time.  but thanks for playin  :thmup:


One final thing...I mostly post on here when I'm trying to pass the slow times at work.  Hardly a waste of my time no matter how stupid the posts I'm responding to are. ;)

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I haven't said anything meaningful about the patriots at all except for pointing out the completion % given up and passing TDs given up.  Everything else I've said is been my version of what you've been saying, just like you've been providing your own version of what colts fans have been saying.


I've made no attempt at trying to understand the patriots through the first 4 weeks of the season because I don't care.  I will simply say that you also have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the colts (oh except for the trouble defending TEs, that part is true) and your entire presence here is a waste of time.  but thanks for playin  :thmup:


One final thing...I mostly post on here when I'm trying to pass the slow times at work.  Hardly a waste of my time no matter how stupid the posts I'm responding to are. ;)


If the Colts put Davis on Gronk who covers the other Pats offensive players?  If the Broncos (who have a better D than the Colts) couldn't stop the Pats' O than how can the Colts?

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To educate the Colts fans...


In the off season Pats got a new offensive line coach.  The first new offensive line coach in over 30 years.  They traded Mankins to the Bucs for TE Wright.


The Pats offensive line in the first 4 games was one of the worst in the NFL.  They couldn't protect Brady.


The receiving core was not setup and Dobson and Thompkins weren't getting the game plan.  Both are mediocre at best.


The Pats didn't have Wright ready.


The Pats didn't have Tyms as he was serving a 4 game suspension.


LaFell wasn't being used fully yet.


Browner was serving a 4 game suspension.


After the Chiefs game the Pats went through major changes behind the scenes.


Since the week 5 the Pats have been a totally new team.


Pats had a better excuse to start off slow than the Colts did.  How the heck could the Colts go 0-2 with a complete stable team?  And how could the Colts get blown out in Pitt just 2 weeks ago?



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To Jason above, I just skipped over your post without reading it. You take this too seriously and have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the Patriots. Your understanding of the team in it's first 4 games is so limited. Good job wasting your time. :thmup:

How many "donkeys" can we get on this board? There are way way WAY to many!
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It's early in the week but the experts are hyping Brady like he's unstoppable now!  Remember the same was said for Peyton BEFORE the Pat beat down a couple of weeks ago. This is the SAME Brady who played in the Miami AND the KC games this year in which people thought the END was near for him. The key to stopping Brady has always been TO GET TO HIM EARLY and OFTEN!!! Like Stephen A. Smith said if you get pressure on Tom he will tap dance like the great Gregory Hines!! Don't get me wrong NO qb likes to get hit but with Brady if he's not allowed to just stand back against a 3 man front with the secondary playing zone he looks very avg. BRING THE HEAT from the BEGINNING!!!! Brady likes to step up in the pocket (so delayed blitzes up the middle will be key) and if he gets rattled EARLY the Colts will shine. This is the game on the national stage that THESE Colts can make a huge statement! This is the game where "scared" ball should not come into play. The gameplan should be aggressive on BOTH sides of the ball! This game is huge especially for playoff seeding down the line. Let's Hunt!!!!!  :heh:     

Amen...I couldn't agree more.....unless we want to visit Foxboro in January....we gotta win this game.


And indeed, whatever else the coach's game plans are for this game....one element I'd really like to see executed to perfection is for us to pass rush and physically punish Tom Brady....and relentlessly (and legally) clobber him, his RBs, WRs and his TEs on each and every play, regardless of the play's outcome. Like Seattle clobbered Manning and the Broncos in the SB.


Limiting the run game....and certainly not allowing a "Legarrette Blount" scenario to happen...is crucial.


Rob Gronkowski, for all his freakish size, is frail and brittle....and especially injury-prone and unable to take a relentless pounding. So at the very least, after him makes his catches....drill the S%^$#T out of him. And for that matter, any legal shot that can be taken at Revis and their defensive players should be taken as well.


We know that Tom Brady and Peyton Manning have the same rare but exploitable weakness....they get frustrated, pout and crumble under relentless pass pressure and haven't got the mobility to continually adjust when that pressure IS relentless...turning them from Superman into Clark Kent, and sometimes even Lois Lane.


So you're 100% correct, physical superiority will have to be part of any winning scenario. We did it to Manning last season and we're capable of doing it to Brady.


Chances are very good our offense can AT LEAST keep it close in any event....but if we dictate the game physically like we're capable of doing....we can beat them on the scoreboard too.


They're good....but I'm not buying any air of invincibility.


Maim them. :yes:

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To educate the Colts fans...


In the off season Pats got a new offensive line coach.  The first new offensive line coach in over 30 years.  They traded Mankins to the Bucs for TE Wright.


The Pats offensive line in the first 4 games was one of the worst in the NFL.  They couldn't protect Brady.


The receiving core was not setup and Dobson and Thompkins weren't getting the game plan.  Both are mediocre at best.


The Pats didn't have Wright ready.


The Pats didn't have Tyms as he was serving a 4 game suspension.


LaFell wasn't being used fully yet.


Browner was serving a 4 game suspension.


After the Chiefs game the Pats went through major changes behind the scenes.


Since the week 5 the Pats have been a totally new team.


Pats had a better excuse to start off slow than the Colts did.  How the heck could the Colts go 0-2 with a complete stable team?  And how could the Colts get blown out in Pitt just 2 weeks ago?



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The most stunning turnaround I've ever seen was the 'unstoppable unbeaten runaway perfect Pats' getting throttled by the Giants. On the big stage.



Would have been a great AFC Championship game in 2007 if the Colts didn't go one-and-done. Instead we got the Chargers... ewww. 

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