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Really? They "talk" German...nice.

Jim H.

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I believe the word is "speak."

  1. Did you know Andrew Luck and Bjoern Werner talk German to each other before games? WATCH: http://indcolts.co/0JYutP  pic.twitter.com/NnmAP3gLzP


You only get 140 characters to use... so you have to shorten some stuff which can be amusing, and drive some people nuts. That is cool that Bjoern has someone that can help remind him a little bit of home.

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I believe the word is "speak."

  1. Did you know Andrew Luck and Bjoern Werner talk German to each other before games? WATCH: http://indcolts.co/0JYutP  pic.twitter.com/NnmAP3gLzP



Ridiculous thing to whine about and also incorrect.  Talk is a perfectly acceptable verb in that situation.  Look at example number 12 in the following link.



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its twitter. Not exactly the place to go for proper grammer. I have a hard time figuring out what most of them say

I'm glad I'm not the only 1 who has difficulty deciphering what all those abbreviations & shortened words mean.  haha  Thanks Jvan. You're alright man. 


No, I'm not on twitter but when people post tweets in threads I feel like a Kindergardener tying to translate egyptian hyroglifics with no rosetta stone manual. 


You spelled grammar wrong just to illustrate your point about twitter mistakes right? Intentional vs accidental for reinforcement purposes. Clever move there. 

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I'm glad I'm not the only 1 who has difficulty deciphering what all those abbreviations & shortened words mean. haha Thanks Jvan. You're alright man.

No, I'm not on twitter but when people post tweets in threads I feel like a Kindergardener tying to translate egyptian hyroglifics with no rosetta stone manual.

I have to get my 13 year old to decipher most of it for me. haha

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Both are great!    Completely different,  but great!     And to fully appreciate Das Boot,  you need to see it in the original German with subtitles (no pun intended!)     It's much better that way!      :thmup:

Good point NCF. Most American movie going audiences frown upon films in subtitles. I used to be reluctant to embrace foreign flicks myself, but I getting much more accustomed to embracing them since I started that movie thread on the forum. 


In all seriousness though, "Das Boot" & "The Hunt For Red October" are basically the only 2 films where naval submarines take center stage on the big screen. Well, actor Harrison Ford played a russian skipper in a good flick called "K-19: The Widowmaker" about a meltdown of his vessel's nuclear reactor in 2002. 

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I wanna hear Luck yell out either a formation or where to slide the protection to in German once at the line of scrimmage.


If you swear at a NFL zebra during a game in another language do you have a viable appeals option from a fine if the referee has no idea what was actually said? Hmmm...Just goofing around. LOL! 

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First time post, long time reader....that being said I felt that the one thing that really stood out in that video, was how well our team gets along.  An immeasurable thing that cant be underestimated in success going forward.

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First time post, long time reader....that being said I felt that the one thing that really stood out in that video, was how well our team gets along.  An immeasurable thing that cant be underestimated in success going forward.

you got that right/quote]

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I prefer this. Old school, throwback style. Slick stuff. 

That is some pretty sick rapping ruksak. Sick as in slick & sophisticated not depraved & ludicrous BTW. My only issue with that clip is this: What brief section of that song do you splice & place on a 10-20 second feedback loop on INDY's stadium stereo system? It's like naming a child; you have to think about what essential piece of the number is most important to play in a condensed time frame. Not as easy as it sounds especially if you don't read or speak the foreign language in question. 


Again, I like your song selection here. I just am not sure what section of the number to highlight because when you shorten a song's duration the speed & tempo need to be pitch perfect. That's why slow songs & power ballads never work as snippet NFL songs in football stadiums & why Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" is so popular & you'll never hear say "Goodbye To Romance" inside LOS at a game. Rap is a difficult genre to play songs at sporting events in because it's difficult to get your blood pumping as a fan over vinyl scratching sounds, electronic drum beats, & sustained talking vs actually singing to the musical beat. JMO. 


I will admit publicly that rap is not exactly my favorite genre, but I do enjoy certain rap songs on occasion. Nice selection BTW I just have a hard time deciding what section of that tune to repeat though when I do not speak the language. Rock & metal is easy because even if the number is in say Japanese you just highlight the bridge or main guitar solo, but with rap there typically is no guitar solo. 


Like this song for example. If you asked me to condense it, here's what I'd do: You flow with the beginning, jump to the chorus, & slide right into the guitar solo...There is no guitar riff in rap. 


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