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Offensive Line


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Hope this isn't to long to read...

I know there has only been one preseason game and it is no time to panic! Also there has already been plenty of talk already about our Offensive Line but I figured I would make a whole thread about it so we can talk about it.

There are many different opinions on our offensive line.

My opinion obviously is that our O-Line needs a ton of work!!! I feel bad for Trent Richardson because he takes a lot of heat but our offensive line almost gets in the way more than anything..

Obviously I am happy that we have moved on from two of our worst offensive lineman last year and we did address some concerns but now there are even more concerns anout our offensive line because of injury.

The starting line of AC,Mewhort,Holmes,Thorton,Cherilus started to look like a pretty decent line and actually opened up holes for Trent and Trent did make the most of those carries. Our pass protection looked GREAT! Thennnn Holmes went down and it seemed to de-rail everything!!!! Absolutely No holes for Trent and pass protection was iffy.

As I watch these other preseason games I am seeing these very young backs that are just entering the league or backs that have not been very good in the past.. These teams offensive lines are making these guys look like Pro Bowlers and it is some of their first games.. It is crazy on how much these running backs can do with a hole. It's impressive! Most of these teams make our offensive line/running backs just look absolutely terrible! Even the other teams backups make our backup offensive lineman look like they should be in college.

Again, there has only been one game and the staters only played one series basically but the offensive line got a couple series in! But this is a huge concern again this year! There have already been more than enough injuries to our offensive line and if we suffer anymore I don't know if we can handle it! We MIGHT have to trade for a prone veteran o lineman. I would actually be for it!

Our offensive line this year has a higher ceiling than last years and I'm not saying there is not hope becuase I would be out if my mind. This years offensive line has the chance to be good. I wouldn't say great. We HAVE to have our offensive line show up and if they do we WILL have a top 5 offense in the NFL. If our offensive line troubles continue though I say there is absolutely NO way that we will even be a top 10 offense. I just hope once the season starts that all the starters will be healthy and stay healthy! They need to build some comradery together! That's is very important for an offensive line!

There are many different opinions on what we should do so let's hear them. I played Center my whole football career so I pay a lot of attention to the o-line and a lot of problems get covered up but I'm sure most of us can see them. I will still have to see how the line plays the next couple games with AC,Mewhort,Harrison,Thorton,Cherilus or AC,Louis,Mewhort,Thorton,Cherilus.

I have plenty of hope and if we do get our offensive line figured out we will be a great team all around because our defense has looked great all of camp and the first game of preseason!

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When it comes to O-line I'd rather have 5 solid guys than a super star LT with 4 weaker guys next to him. I do wish our O-line was stronger and deeper, but I think if we can somehow manage to stay healthy we're at least a level up from last year.

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I thought the starting O Line with Holmes looked pretty good what little we got to see of them. I think the bigger problem is that Holmes has a history of ankle problems, as Thomas had an injury history so does Louis and Costa did before retirement. I question why we continue to bring players with a history of being injured then act surprised when they get injured.


That being said everyone seems to believe in Harrison so we will see how things go with him in there. He was brought into a tough spot and was one snap away from of us potentially finishing off the drive. At this point though I think you have to dance with who you brought.


I can see getting a little help for depth after cuts but I don't see major changes. You would think if Grigs was going to bring someone else in he would have by now. Let's hope Holmes gets back on the field and this O Line can start to gel. Time together is what a young O Line needs.  I think this greatly improves Harrison's chance at making the final 53 and taking a spot from somewhere else on the team.

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It's too early to tell.  We have to see what Harrison looks like after he's had some time to learn the system and get the snap count down.


The others, although not stellar, were adequate but I do believe that the line was anchored well when Holmes was at Center.  Hopefully, the same will be true with Harrison.  


I really wish there were FA's still out there; maybe some will be available later but it would be nice to get the line settled before the season starts.  

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Luck and the starting line did very well in that first series against a top 5 defense.So I don't thinks it is a bad as some of you's say. As a matter of fact the jets could not stop us at all. TY looked like he was playing against some highschool team and had his way with them, and thats without reggie. colts will be in the superbowl this year.

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It was TEs whiffing and Mewhort missed pull that led to the bad runs for Trent after Holmes went down.


Exactly.  I recommend reading Ben Gundy's analysis of the blocking on Colts Authority.


Great stuff if you're a football nerd, like me.

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we need to upgrade everywhere we can. just being a little better than last year is not good enough. we need more talent and some roadgraders to open holes, our interior needs to have the talent to pull and make blocks. maybe grigs will upgrade our talent level. the line as it is now scares me for lucks safety, he takes too many hits.need talent level upgraded asap

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It was TEs whiffing and Mewhort missed pull that led to the bad runs for Trent after Holmes went down.


 Trent missed a Huge hole to his left. The guy showed he had a BIG Problem last season seeing the holes to his left. The guy is what Jim Brown said he was. Clearly Boom is a better runner than he is. He just sees the holes and bursts to them, something Trent will probably never do.

 Gotta laugh at so many posters here. Our backup RB`s ran wild even with our backup lineman. Our line will be just fine. Though the loss of X Nixon is big if Cherilus goes down.

 We do need Holmes back healthy at some point.

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Trent missed a Huge hole to his left. The guy showed he had a BIG Problem last season seeing the holes to his left. The guy is what Jim Brown said he was. Clearly Boom is a better runner than he is. He just sees the holes and bursts to them, something Trent will probably never do.

Gotta laugh at so many posters here. Our backup RB`s ran wild even with our backup lineman. Our line will be just fine. Though the loss of X Nixon is big if Cherilus goes down.

We do need Holmes back healthy at some point.

Ya know maybe Trent does have issues! Ove been one to always back him up. To be fair you can't judge Tent off of last season. You can judge him on his first year with the browns and this coming season with the Colts.. And I'm not sure how you can say Boom is better than Trent after one game from boom when he played vs the backup defense but that's a different point.

It's just hard to wrap my head around him being so dominant in college and then not translating it into the NFL. How does all that talent just disappear? It's not like his skills didn't translate becuase honesty he is exactly what most want in an NFL running back. He had a good offensive line in college but if you look at his film he actually made a lot of something from nothing a majority of the time. He is just having trouble doing it now.

It's hard to really grasp how that happens but I still have high hopes for him. Until he proves to me this year otherwise, I will still believe!

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Trent missed a Huge hole to his left. The guy showed he had a BIG Problem last season seeing the holes to his left. The guy is what Jim Brown said he was. Clearly Boom is a better runner than he is. He just sees the holes and bursts to them, something Trent will probably never do.

Gotta laugh at so many posters here. Our backup RB`s ran wild even with our backup lineman. Our line will be just fine. Though the loss of X Nixon is big if Cherilus goes down.

We do need Holmes back healthy at some point.

I don't know about ran wild, Herron had 7 carries for 26 yards, long on 11 yards.

Phillip Tanner 3 carries for 5 yards.

As a team, 26 carries for 59 yards, 2.26ypc

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Ya know maybe Trent does have issues! Ove been one to always back him up. To be fair you can't judge Tent off of last season. You can judge him on his first year with the browns and this coming season with the Colts.. And I'm not sure how you can say Boom is better than Trent after one game from boom when he played vs the backup defense but that's a different point.

It's just hard to wrap my head around him being so dominant in college and then not translating it into the NFL. How does all that talent just disappear? It's not like his skills didn't translate becuase honesty he is exactly what most want in an NFL running back. He had a good offensive line in college but if you look at his film he actually made a lot of something from nothing a majority of the time. He is just having trouble doing it now.

It's hard to really grasp how that happens but I still have high hopes for him. Until he proves to me this year otherwise, I will still believe!


 Trent looked pretty awesome in college, but i keep having visions of him Always having matchups in space with those college kids getting juked out and of course run through.

 Clearly those kind of D`s are not in his future, nor likely the thorough fares that Emmitt Smith enjoyed. Is there a Larry Allen Jr out there for us? ;-)


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I don't know about ran wild, Herron had 7 carries for 26 yards, long on 11 yards.

Phillip Tanner 3 carries for 5 yards.

As a team, 26 carries for 59 yards, 2.26ypc


 Just took a look at the game stats. I remembered each back had a nice slash/gain. Didn`t remember it being just one each. I did recall how fast they had hit the hole, something Trent doesn`t seem to do.

 Must have been all their catches that enhanced my impression.

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 Just took a look at the game stats. I remembered each back had a nice slash/gain. Didn`t remember it being just one each. I did recall how fast they had hit the hole, something Trent doesn`t seem to do.

 Must have been all their catches that enhanced my impression.


You won't find a bigger fan of Boom than me, but you can't judge these guys on the stats.  They played in different stages of the game, with differen O Linemen going against different D players.


Boom showed that he can catch the ball out of the backfield.  We already know that about TRich.


I think we can all agree that both backs took advantage of the blocking when they had it, and neither did much without it.

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It was TEs whiffing and Mewhort missed pull that led to the bad runs for Trent after Holmes went down.

They need to flip that play a bit and make Thornton the pulling guard, He is a bit more athletic (Though no Gazelle) then Mewhort

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They need to flip that play a bit and make Thornton the pulling guard, He is a bit more athletic (Though no Gazelle) then Mewhort

Most teams are a bit right-handed, so Mewhort will get more pulling opportunities than Thornton if we follow that trend - and as a power running team that would like to take advantage of play action, I'd expect us to.


Thornton blew open some nice holes from the left side last year, but he may get fewer opportunities from the right.

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