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As for waivers, I have always had the same system and not one person has ever said anything negative about it, so we're going to keep it. 


The system is based on the standings during the season. The team in last place during the season has 1st priority and the guy in first place has final priority. I'm not into that random crap, because it could benefit some of the better teams. The point is to make everything even and fair.


SilentHill I appreciate your input, but not only is that system very complex, but it's a bit weird and I'm not sure Yahoo or any system can handle or have a system like that. So, I would have to respectfully decline having a system like that.


The amount of waiver acquisitions allowed during a week will be 4 for this year, and it will be at 60 for the season. However, if you have a legitimate reason (injury, byes) and you have reached the max, I will give you one extra move that week. I'm not a dictator, I just don't want everyone going wild, especially in the first few weeks, grabbing anything they can like it's an all you can eat buffet.


Oh, and I've seen some cases where a guy had about 12 waiver pickups in a season and had a very competitive team in a competitive league. Waiver pickups are important but worry about drafting well first.


I'm not closing the door on this completely, but I can tell you right now that complex systems will be declined because most likely, the Yahoo system (or any system lol) will not be able to use it. 


Hope this helps, I'm loving the interest in the league. My goal last year was to have an enjoyable league that people and first-timers can enjoy. Now, that everyone has experience in this league, I want to build up the strategic part of it (hence the reduction of waiver acquisitions per week for example). I'm telling you right now, this league will require careful and strategic planning as well as some dedication in order to be a good team. Both leagues will be harder this year. With that being said, it will be fun and there's no pressure to go crazy week after week.


Please fire away with any other questions. 


EDIT: Forgot to add that it's a weekly rolling list with one waiver claim moving you to the back of the line. Can't let the bottom guys snatch up 4 great players (which usually happens in the first 2 weeks).


Question on this... The 60 limit for the season only applies to when you actually win a wavier right?  


If I put in for a waiver on a player and don't win that player it doesn't count against my limit right?  Only the players I actually win?


If it's only the players I actually win I'm not too concerned as I felt like I used the waiver wire quite a bit last season but didn't hit 60 moves.  But if issuing a waiver claim but not winning the player counts against it then I would be more concerned.  


Also does free agents (which I know is slightly different from waivers) count?  I would presume so.

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Question on this... The 60 limit for the season only applies to when you actually win a wavier right?  


If I put in for a waiver on a player and don't win that player it doesn't count against my limit right?  Only the players I actually win?


If it's only the players I actually win I'm not too concerned as I felt like I used the waiver wire quite a bit last season but didn't hit 60 moves.  But if issuing a waiver claim but not winning the player counts against it then I would be more concerned.  


Also does free agents (which I know is slightly different from waivers) count?  I would presume so.


You're right, if you place a "bid" or whatever you call it for a player and you do not get him, then it does not count towards your season limit. It's only if that player gets on your roster.


Free agents and waivers are the same, with the only difference being that there is a waiting period for a waiver. Both count as one towards the season limit. 

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It's still a system that rewards poor performance, over a system that would reward owners that made strategic waiver claims. There is no strategy to picking up a #3 receiver after the #1 goes down with injury, it's just dumb luck. We all know that is not the purpose for bench players anyway, you need bench players to cover your bye weeks, or else everyone would have their respective players handcuff.


The way I see it bench players have 4 purposes.  1. One is to cover for bye weeks. 2. Is to cover for injury situations.  3. Is to rotate based on opposition.  4. Is to stash a player who you think might have a chance at performing well but are not willing to invest a starting spot to yet.  


That is what I used my bench for anyways.  Injury situations are always the hardest to plan for but you can still find the right guy.  


It's not impossible really, last year I was on a continual rolling list and I won on the back of waivers.  My #1 WR was Julio Jones, got injured had to be replaced. (Keenan Allen)  My #1 RB (Rice) kept disappointing and had to be replaced. (Rashad Jennings)  My #1 QB (Brady) disappointed and had to be replaced. (Nick Foles)  


In fact the only players that I drafted that really stayed in my starting lineup where Frank Gore and TY Hilton.


And really when you are talking about rewarding "poor performance" then you are talking about either poor drafting or bad luck.  And usually in my experience it's the 2nd more then the first.  

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You're right, if you place a "bid" or whatever you call it for a player and you do not get him, then it does not count towards your season limit. It's only if that player gets on your roster.


Free agents and waivers are the same, with the only difference being that there is a waiting period for a waiver. Both count as one towards the season limit. 


Question do free agent acquisitions count against that limit at the end of the week or immediately when you get them?  I'm not too worried about it because it just means I have to pay attention and be sure about something but I do remember one time going back and forth on a roster spot with free agents once.  

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It's still a system that rewards poor performance, over a system that would reward owners that made strategic waiver claims. There is no strategy to picking up a #3 receiver after the #1 goes down with injury, it's just dumb luck. We all know that is not the purpose for bench players anyway, you need bench players to cover your bye weeks, or else everyone would have their respective players handcuff.


From what i understand, the system you're proposing is a system that is based on who's in what position. I believe in perfect competition and I'll use a business reference, that it drives the market. Balanced, fair and perfect competition makes for a more fun and competitive league rather than having a few great teams at the top and the rest in the middle of the bottom. 


I've had the system we have now for all my leagues and it always works out the best for everyone. Remember, each team moves to the back of the line after they successfully claim a waiver. 

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It's still a system that rewards poor performance, over a system that would reward owners that made strategic waiver claims. There is no strategy to picking up a #3 receiver after the #1 goes down with injury, it's just dumb luck. We all know that is not the purpose for bench players anyway, you need bench players to cover your bye weeks, or else everyone would have their respective players handcuff.


If Andy had chosen #2 (purely based on standings) then you have a point. Option #2 would mean that the higher ranked team would have to wait till the lower ranked team has made all their waiver claims, which is not the case. The lower ranked team does move to the back of the line after making a successful claim. The issue that you are having is the tie-breakers when the higher and lower ranked teams have the same player at the same level of priority. That tie-breaker, you want it resolved based on the number of waiver claims while most of us want it resolved it based on a team's standing.


The NFL draft, FF draft and co-incidentally, our league's waiver wires operate on a socialist basis, allowing the weaker teams get a stab at the better rated player first. But the goal of it is that the lesser team will turn it around with good management that they won't be the lesser team soon. If the team is losing intentionally without adjusting the lineups, that is for the commish to monitor, and so far, so good in the leagues that Andy manages, IMO. This waiver system would reward losing only if the teams are intentionally losing, which I have not found to be the case.


One does not get to 1-3 and you get to 3-1 due to just luck, sometimes it is because you had a better team due to a better draft, very likely. So, I am all for helping out the 1-3 team to get a first stab at a coveted player. Soon, the 3-1 team could be 5-2 and the 1-3 team could be 4-3, closing the gap, much like the NFL works for teams with a bad record picking earlier.


NFL team waivers work that way too, if you happened to notice. The waiver system in our league has is just fine. If it is not fine, the NFL draft and waivers are not fine either in your eyes.

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If Andy had chosen #2 (purely based on standings) then you have a point. Option #2 would mean that the higher ranked team would have to wait till the lower ranked team has made all their waiver claims, which is not the case. The lower ranked team does move to the back of the line after making a successful claim. The issue that you are having is the tie-breakers when the higher and lower ranked teams have the same player at the same level of priority. That tie-breaker, you want it resolved based on the number of waiver claims while most of us want it resolved it based on a team's standing.


The NFL draft, FF draft and co-incidentally, our league's waiver wires operate on a socialist basis, allowing the weaker teams get a stab at the better rated player first. But the goal of it is that the lesser team will turn it around with good management that they won't be the lesser team soon. If the team is losing intentionally without adjusting the lineups, that is for the commish to monitor, and so far, so good in the leagues that Andy manages, IMO.


One does not get to 1-3 and you get to 3-1 due to just luck, sometimes it is because you had a better team due to a better draft, very likely. So, I am all for helping out the 1-3 team to get a first stab at a coveted player. Soon, the 3-1 team could be 5-2 and the 1-3 team could be 4-3, closing the gap, much like the NFL works for teams with a bad record picking earlier.


NFL team waivers work that way too, if you happened to notice. The waiver system in our league has is just fine. If it is not fine, the NFL draft and waivers are not fine either in your eyes.


Couldn't have said it better myself.



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If Andy had chosen #2 (purely based on standings) then you have a point. Option #2 would mean that the higher ranked team would have to wait till the lower ranked team has made all their waiver claims, which is not the case. The lower ranked team does move to the back of the line after making a successful claim. The issue that you are having is the tie-breakers when the higher and lower ranked teams have the same player at the same level of priority. That tie-breaker, you want it resolved based on the number of waiver claims while most of us want it resolved it based on a team's standing.


The NFL draft, FF draft and co-incidentally, our league's waiver wires operate on a socialist basis, allowing the weaker teams get a stab at the better rated player first. But the goal of it is that the lesser team will turn it around with good management that they won't be the lesser team soon. If the team is losing intentionally without adjusting the lineups, that is for the commish to monitor, and so far, so good in the leagues that Andy manages, IMO. This waiver system would reward losing only if the teams are intentionally losing, which I have not found to be the case.


One does not get to 1-3 and you get to 3-1 due to just luck, sometimes it is because you had a better team due to a better draft, very likely. So, I am all for helping out the 1-3 team to get a first stab at a coveted player. Soon, the 3-1 team could be 5-2 and the 1-3 team could be 4-3, closing the gap, much like the NFL works for teams with a bad record picking earlier.


NFL team waivers work that way too, if you happened to notice. The waiver system in our league has is just fine. If it is not fine, the NFL draft and waivers are not fine either in your eyes.


It doesn't make much sense to intentionally lose in fantasy football.  The only way it really happens is when players quit on their teams.


Waiver pickups tend to be too spur of the moment to plan for.  If you think a player will be good then why not pick him up now?  Losing intentionally doesn't benefit you here.


Also since the fantasy draft makes it so that if you pick #1 overall you pick last in the 2nd round you don't get that great of an advantage next year if you purposefully lose this season.  And since you are re-picking the majority of your team every year anyways it still doesn't make sense.  


Although I suppose if one had a full on Dynasty league it might make sense to purposefully lose..

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the waiver wire rule as is is "perfect" .. 


One just needs to know how to WORK it...  


I will PM.

I know we talked about this before, but can we talk about rolling waivers?


IE, waivers starts out static, last person to draft gets #1 waiver, and then so on up the line, but once you put in a waiver request you go to the back of the line, and it does not reset weekly, it rolls this way the entire season, the person.


IMHO it makes waivers much more strategic, instead of just rewarding the person in last place with the #1 pick the coming week.


What is everyone else's take? Andy would you be open to change this?

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From what i understand, the system you're proposing is a system that is based on who's in what position. I believe in perfect competition and I'll use a business reference, that it drives the market. Balanced, fair and perfect competition makes for a more fun and competitive league rather than having a few great teams at the top and the rest in the middle of the bottom. 


I've had the system we have now for all my leagues and it always works out the best for everyone. Remember, each team moves to the back of the line after they successfully claim a waiver. 


Last year, it reset on a weekly basis, IE, the 12th place team got the #1 waiver claim, and the next week, the 12th place team got the #1 waiver claim again and so on and so on, in my system once you make a successful waiver claim, you are then put to the back of the list, and the only way to make your way back up is for other players to place in a waiver claim, so my system works like this:


1st draft pick gets the lowest waiver priority, and last draft pick gets the top waiver priority. Then lets say, after week 1, the team with the last draft pick puts in a successful waiver claim, he or she then moves to the bottom of the list with with 12th waiver priority. the next week, if no waiver claims are made it stays the same, that team that picked last still has the worst waiver priority, and the team who drafted 11th has the top priority, This rolls week to week, so inherently, lets say I am in first place, and It is week 6 and I have yet to make a waiver claim, odds are I will be near the top in waiver priority. This adds a strategy to waivers, and it rewards team owners who do not just go nuts with waivers. I was in 1st place a lot last season, and every week I had the #12 waiver priority, even though I didn't make very many waiver claims, this is not a fair system since everyone has to make waiver claims at one point or another.


Edit: There is a reason why Yahoo uses this by default.

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If Andy had chosen #2 (purely based on standings) then you have a point. Option #2 would mean that the higher ranked team would have to wait till the lower ranked team has made all their waiver claims, which is not the case. The lower ranked team does move to the back of the line after making a successful claim. The issue that you are having is the tie-breakers when the higher and lower ranked teams have the same player at the same level of priority. That tie-breaker, you want it resolved based on the number of waiver claims while most of us want it resolved it based on a team's standing.


The NFL draft, FF draft and co-incidentally, our league's waiver wires operate on a socialist basis, allowing the weaker teams get a stab at the better rated player first. But the goal of it is that the lesser team will turn it around with good management that they won't be the lesser team soon. If the team is losing intentionally without adjusting the lineups, that is for the commish to monitor, and so far, so good in the leagues that Andy manages, IMO. This waiver system would reward losing only if the teams are intentionally losing, which I have not found to be the case.


One does not get to 1-3 and you get to 3-1 due to just luck, sometimes it is because you had a better team due to a better draft, very likely. So, I am all for helping out the 1-3 team to get a first stab at a coveted player. Soon, the 3-1 team could be 5-2 and the 1-3 team could be 4-3, closing the gap, much like the NFL works for teams with a bad record picking earlier.


NFL team waivers work that way too, if you happened to notice. The waiver system in our league has is just fine. If it is not fine, the NFL draft and waivers are not fine either in your eyes.


No, my problem in this waiver system is that it resets on a weekly basis, how many times have you had a 2nd priority waiver request? I think maybe once or twice in the entire time I've played FFL.


Edit: Also, NFL waivers have nothing to do with this, as you have to give something up to claim a player off waivers, this is basically prioritizing free agency on a weekly basis, and I have no problem with the NFL draft, which is the same style we are using.

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It's still a system that rewards poor performance, over a system that would reward owners that made strategic waiver claims. There is no strategy to picking up a #3 receiver after the #1 goes down with injury, it's just dumb luck. We all know that is not the purpose for bench players anyway, you need bench players to cover your bye weeks, or else everyone would have their respective players handcuff.

If you know your bye weeks then you draft accordingly. Watching the waiver wire is for all who want to improve their roster. Iirt would not be competitive to reward those who have better teams. That defeats the purpose the waiver system. Everyone has the same opportunity if they use their waiver wire position wisely. The system we use has worked over the past so no change is needed. The system is in place to help those who can't spend their every minute playing fantasy football. Not all members can spend near as much time involved as other are able to. 

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No, my problem in this waiver system is that it resets on a weekly basis, how many times have you had a 2nd priority waiver request? I think maybe once or twice in the entire time I've played FFL.



When I have been a front runner, I look at the yahoo articles and other articles which highlight waiver pickups. I make my own wish list and while I would have loved to have player A, if he is front and center of every waiver pickup article, I'd go with what I deem a safer priority #1 and get player B who may not been on everyone's target list for priority #1. That is how I have played it in the past with such waiver rules as our league's. I have even played in part of leagues where there are no waivers, which means first come first serve, with weekly limits. So, if you find out about C.J.Spiller's injury first, you can pick up Fred Jackson anytime during the week as long as you are the first one that knows about the news. But then, those with jobs that have them moving around that don't get phone alerts or can't respond to phone alerts, are at a disadvantage there.


Oh well, no 2 players are alike in every sense. It is hard to come up with rules to make everyone happy, that is just how it is.

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When I have been a front runner, I look at the yahoo articles and other articles which highlight waiver pickups. I make my own wish list and while I would have loved to have player A, if he is front and center of every waiver pickup article, I'd go with what I deem a safer priority #1 and get player B who may not been on everyone's target list for priority #1. That is how I have played it in the past with such waiver rules as our league's. I have even played in part of leagues where there are no waivers, which means first come first serve, with weekly limits. So, if you find out about C.J.Spiller's injury first, you can pick up Fred Jackson anytime during the week as long as you are the first one that knows about the news. But then, those with jobs that have them moving around that don't get phone alerts or can't respond to phone alerts, are at a disadvantage there.


Oh well, no 2 players are alike in every sense. It is hard to come up with rules to make everyone happy, that is just how it is.


I mean I can win either way, but my argument is that this is not a fair system in a competitive league, to chastise the person who has a good record during waivers, when waivers are essential to every team, not just those in last place, but it's hard to explain that.


If you know your bye weeks then you draft accordingly. Watching the waiver wire is for all who want to improve their roster. Iirt would not be competitive to reward those who have better teams. That defeats the purpose the waiver system. Everyone has the same opportunity if they use their waiver wire position wisely. The system we use has worked over the past so no change is needed. The system is in place to help those who can't spend their every minute playing fantasy football. Not all members can spend near as much time involved as other are able to. 


No that is exactly my point, not everyone has the same opportunity, because some teams will never be in last place. If you cant spend time playing FFL in a competitive format then you need to look elsewhere, this is called the elite league for a reason.

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I mean I can win either way, but my argument is that this is not a fair system in a competitive league, to chastise the person who has a good record during waivers, when waivers are essential to every team, not just those in last place, but it's hard to explain that.



I don't think one needs to be chastised for having a good record or the need for waivers for a higher ranked team be diminished. However, one does need to note that a grade A player is probably more necessary for a lesser ranked team than a higher ranked team owing to which tie-breakers are set the way they are. Waivers for a higher ranked team is most likely quality depth, waivers for a lower ranked team is most likely quality starters. That difference is probably understood by most here and serve as the basis for the waiver wire rules in our league wired that way right now. That is how I see it. Like you said, you can win either way.

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I mean I can win either way, but my argument is that this is not a fair system in a competitive league, to chastise the person who has a good record during waivers, when waivers are essential to every team, not just those in last place, but it's hard to explain that.



No that is exactly my point, not everyone has the same opportunity, because some teams will never be in last place. If you cant spend time playing FFL in a competitive format then you need to look elsewhere, this is called the elite league for a reason.

I don't understand why you are making such an issue over rules that apply to all. Just because a team owner may or may not have the time should make no difference. The rules are designed to accommodate all. It is your own individual choice how and when you use your addition of players set by rules that apply to all. The rules are standard across the board in most fantasy leagues. Why should this one be different?

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I don't understand why you are making such an issue over rules that apply to all. Just because a team owner may or may not have the time should make no difference. The rules are designed to accommodate all. It is your own individual choice how and when you use your addition of players set by rules that apply to all. The rules are standard across the board in most fantasy leagues. Why should this one be different?


Because the rules do not accommodate all.


I don't know about you, but I plan on being top 5 all season long, and it has nothing to do with my roster.

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Does anybody have room for one more?


Elite and Average Joes are full up right now.  However last year we had a 3rd league that wasn't connected to those two leagues and I was in it and helped get it organized.  (I managed to land a spot in Average Joes this year.)


If you can find enough interest in a 3rd league I'd be willing to help out with that and might play too if it where necessary in order to have enough teams.  Honestly based on the fact that last year we had 14 teams I would have thought we'd have enough interest in a 3rd league easily.  But I havn't seen that interest as of yet this year.  

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Elite and Average Joes are full up right now.  However last year we had a 3rd league that wasn't connected to those two leagues and I was in it and helped get it organized.  (I managed to land a spot in Average Joes this year.)


If you can find enough interest in a 3rd league I'd be willing to help out with that and might play too if it where necessary in order to have enough teams.  Honestly based on the fact that last year we had 14 teams I would have thought we'd have enough interest in a 3rd league easily.  But I havn't seen that interest as of yet this year.  


If there's interest, I'd be there also.

So, we'd have 3 so far.

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Elite and Average Joes are full up right now.  However last year we had a 3rd league that wasn't connected to those two leagues and I was in it and helped get it organized.  (I managed to land a spot in Average Joes this year.)


If you can find enough interest in a 3rd league I'd be willing to help out with that and might play too if it where necessary in order to have enough teams.  Honestly based on the fact that last year we had 14 teams I would have thought we'd have enough interest in a 3rd league easily.  But I havn't seen that interest as of yet this year.  

What the heck, I'd play in a league with you all if there was a third.

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What the heck, I'd play in a league with you all if there was a third.


That makes 4. . . I'll start a thread on it and see if we can't get some more players.  


I figure we need at least 8 players to justify having a 3rd league.  I don't think this league would connect with Andy's leagues though because Buccolts and I are both playing that I know of.  

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That makes 4. . . I'll start a thread on it and see if we can't get some more players.  


I figure we need at least 8 players to justify having a 3rd league.  I don't think this league would connect with Andy's leagues though because Buccolts and I are both playing that I know of.  

How do the leagues connect?

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How do the leagues connect?


Andy's 2 leagues Elite league and Average Joes connect as sort of a division 1 and division 2 in that the bottom 2 players from Elite league play in Average Joes the next year and the top 2 players from Average Joes play in the Elite league next year.


I had initially proposed that perhaps Colt Strong could play as a sort of division 3 sending our top 2 teams to Average Joes next year and having the bottom 2 teams from Average Joes playing in Colt Strong.  I had figured that there would likely be a similar interest in a 3rd league like there was last year (Colt Strong had 14 teams)


However that interest didn't seem to really materialize until later, only 2 people initially spoke up as wanting to play that wasn't in Elite or Average Joes already (myself and akcolt) and it worked out well that 2 people dropped out of Average Joes which gave us both spots in Average Joes.


Right now we only have 4 people who are interested in playing in Colt Strong and 2 of us (Myself and Buccolts) I know for sure are also playing in one of Andy's 2 leagues and the whole promotion and regulation system doesn't work out if several players are playing in 2 different leagues.  So if we got the interest it would likely be just a fun league and wouldn't be connected to the other 2.  If suddenly 12 people showed up and wanted to play we could re-evaluate that.

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Andy's 2 leagues Elite league and Average Joes connect as sort of a division 1 and division 2 in that the bottom 2 players from Elite league play in Average Joes the next year and the top 2 players from Average Joes play in the Elite league next year.


I had initially proposed that perhaps Colt Strong could play as a sort of division 3 sending our top 2 teams to Average Joes next year and having the bottom 2 teams from Average Joes playing in Colt Strong.  I had figured that there would likely be a similar interest in a 3rd league like there was last year (Colt Strong had 14 teams)


However that interest didn't seem to really materialize until later, only 2 people initially spoke up as wanting to play that wasn't in Elite or Average Joes already (myself and akcolt) and it worked out well that 2 people dropped out of Average Joes which gave us both spots in Average Joes.


Right now we only have 4 people who are interested in playing in Colt Strong and 2 of us (Myself and Buccolts) I know for sure are also playing in one of Andy's 2 leagues and the whole promotion and regulation system doesn't work out if several players are playing in 2 different leagues.  So if we got the interest it would likely be just a fun league and wouldn't be connected to the other 2.  If suddenly 12 people showed up and wanted to play we could re-evaluate that.

Oh gotcha.  If it's not a division 3 league, just a regular league is cool by me.  Either way works.  It's all just fun and bragging rights anyway. 

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So is the draft for the elite league really on August 23rd or is that tentative?


It is the date, but it is up for debate. I have no problem moving it.



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It is the date, but it is up for debate. I have no problem moving it.




The site settings say: Sun Aug 24 7:15pm EDT


August 24th is the last day of games for week 3 of pre-season, which is normally the most important week.


I remember GMs wanting the draft after/towards the end of that week. I would prefer August 24th more than August 23rd because for those with weekend plans or family plans, setting aside a Saturday evening is harder but since schools would have re-opened everywhere, most folks do not plan for things on Sunday evening getting ready for school or work.

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The site settings say: Sun Aug 24 7:15pm EDT


August 24th is the last day of games for week 3 of pre-season, which is normally the most important week.


I remember GMs wanting the draft after/towards the end of that week. I would prefer August 24th more than August 23rd because for those with weekend plans or family plans, setting aside a Saturday evening is harder but since schools would have re-opened everywhere, most folks do not plan for things on Sunday evening getting ready for school or work.


Ahh, I always plan the drafts for a sunday. People are off work, coming back from any trips, it's a chill day. 


We'll keep it on that date. 


I believe it's the same date but an hour later for the Joe's league.

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I'd prefer to have it on August 31st, as when we draft there will still be 3rd week preseason games going on, but i'm OK either way.


I agree with Silent...and I'm OK with it the way it is as well.


To be fair, there is only one game on that evening and it's between the Cards and Bengals. Everything else is done. Up to you guys.

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One day or another is not a problem for me, but if possible and if it's not a problem for most players, can I ask to set the draft a bit earlier?


I'm in Spain and 7.15 PM EDT is late here. Thank you for your consideration.

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One day or another is not a problem for me, but if possible and if it's not a problem for most players, can I ask to set the draft a bit earlier?


I'm in Spain and 7.15 PM EDT is late here. Thank you for your consideration.


I would be OK with 4:15 pm ET if others are on the 24th. That would basically mean 2 games in pre-season week 3 (Chargers vs 49ers, and Bengals vs Cardinals) would be the only ones we won't have info on before drafting.

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I would be OK with 4:15 pm ET if others are on the 24th. That would basically mean 2 games in pre-season week 3 (Chargers vs 49ers, and Bengals vs Cardinals) would be the only ones we won't have info on before drafting.


I'm not OK with afternoon I can only draft after 6:00pm ET

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I'm not OK with afternoon I can only draft after 6:00pm ET


Well, we can move it to 6:15 pm ET at best then. Spain is 6 hours ahead. Juanjo will probably have his 2 keepers and it is very likely the first 2 rounds move pretty fast. A 3 hour draft normally gets done in about a couple of hours, IMO. So, 12:15 to 2:15 am Spanish time,  is the best we can give Juanjo then. :) 


Juanjo, make your own ranking list, bro, because no matter which Sunday we draft, that is a typical time slot people will want to draft out here in the US.

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